KOMAL SAINI 26770 Hrs 10 Min 30 Sec #21070 ##komal saini B.Sc B.Ed PCM 1st Sem Hey"I am a student of Jayoti vidhyapeeth womens university. This university is a temple of education in which all curriculum are held to improve cultural and social factor of development of a student. This is a safe place to secure the life of a student. This is a wonderful university. Here teachers are behave like a person of God. This university provides environment like home .
VANDANA SHARMA 26929 Hrs 20 Min 16 Sec #21209 ##Vandana sharma B.Sc B.Ed PCM 1ST SEM Namaste I am Vandana sharma. This university provides me a wonderful environment to develop my whole characteristics here all curriculum activities are held to improve the level of knowledge and cultural ethics. This university provides me a safe environment in which I can do my study very carefully. This university provides me an environment as like home
MS. VAISHALI KANAWAT 26936 Hrs 04 Min 01 Sec #vaishali kanawat #bsc bed pcm #jv-i/19/3396 Dont smoke, or quit smoking Try to reduce your exposure to pollutants in the environment, at work, and in your home. Exercise regularly Eat a nutritious diet. Get regular checkups with your doctor. Be sure to get a flu shot every year, and after you turn 65, get a pneumonia shot. You probably already know that smoking increases your risk of lung cancer. But that’s not the only disease it can cause. In fact, smoking is linked to most lung diseases, including COPD, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and asthma. It also makes those diseases more severe. Smokers are 12 to 13 times more likely to die from COPD than nonsmokers, for example. Every time you smoke a cigarette, you inhale thousands of chemicals into your lungs, including nicotine, carbon monoxide, and tar. These toxins damage your lungs. They increase mucus, make it more difficult for your lungs to clean themselves, and irritate and inflame tissues. Gradually, your airways narrow, making it more difficult to breathe.Besides avoiding cigarettes, getting regular exercise is probably the most important thing you can do for the health of your lungs. Just as exercise keeps your body in shape, it keeps your lungs in shape too. When you exercise, your heart beats faster and your lungs work harder. Your body needs more oxygen to fuel your muscles. Your lungs step up their activity to deliver that oxygen while expelling additional carbon dioxide. According to a recent article, during exercise, your breathing increases from about 15 times a minute to about 40 to 60 times a minute. That’s why it’s important to regularly do aerobic exercise that gets you breathing hard.
SUMAN CHOUDHARY 26936 Hrs 10 Min 54 Sec #suman choudhary #bsc bed pcm # jv-i/19/3298# 1 STOP SMOKING. Smoking damages your lungs and increases your risk for a number of diseases including lung cancer and COPD 2 TEACH KIDS SMOKING STINKS 3 AVOID SECOND- AND THIRD-HAND SMOKE. 4 WASH YOUR HANDS. 5 COVER YOUR COUGHS. 6 CONVERT YOUR FIREPLACE 7 CLEAN HOUSE. 8 CHECK YOUR HOME FOR RADON. Most people want to get healthier. Rarely, though, do they think about protecting and maintaining the health of their lungs. It’s time to change that. According to the National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute, chronic lower respiratory diseases — including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma — were the third leading cause of death in 2010. Lung diseases, excluding lung cancer, caused an estimated 235,000 deaths that year.Include lung cancer, and the numbers go up. The American Lung Association (ALA) states that lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women. An estimated 158,080 Americans were expected to die from it in 2016. The truth is that your lungs, just like your heart, joints, and other parts of your body, age with time. They can become less flexible and lose their strength, which can make it more difficult to breathe. But by adopting certain healthy habits, you can better maintain the health of your lungs, and keep them working optimally even into your senior years.
KANIKA KUMARI 26959 Hrs 48 Min 14 Sec #kanika Communicable diseases are illnesses caused by viruses or bacteria that people spread to one another through contact with contaminated surfaces, bodily fluids, blood products, insect bites, or through the air bencreasing access to safe water and adequate sanitation and promoting hand washing would further reduce diarrhoeal diseases. Tobacco smoke-free legislation reduces exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke, and thereby also reduces cardiovascular diseases and respiratory infections.Mar 15, 2016 Preventing disease through healthy environments: A global assessment ...https://reliefweb.int › report › world › prevend 5th sem.#jv-i/19/3548#The environment plays a powerful role in the transmission of infectious diseases, including vector-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue, and human African trypanosomiasis. It is therefore of huge significance to public health strategies around the world.
SHRADDHA NIMBARK 26978 Hrs 57 Min 29 Sec Shraddha Nimbark jv-u/17/1230 BNYS 4th year jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you
MALVIKA CHAUDHARY 26981 Hrs 10 Min 31 Sec jv-i/17/1457 B.com llb Malvika chaudhary It is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less.Im so thankful to this college because I got rid of my biggest fear that is stage phobia and now I perform so boldly and I always get appreciation. This will definitely help me in every part of life. This trained me very well and made me very strong , healthy habits. Wish I would get a lot more changes like this in my future.I am looking for more opportunity like this in my life . So this regions Jyoti vidyapeet women university is very best . Thank you
PADHIYAR FENIBEN KANTI LAL 26981 Hrs 17 Min 10 Sec #FENALI PADHIYAR # JV-U/17/1209 # BAMS 5TH PROFF. # JVWU # Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements. .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
AASHU GUPTA 26981 Hrs 39 Min 08 Sec #aashugupta#jv-i/18/2513 #ba.llb#jvwu .Life in lockdown can be a struggle. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health.But I am glad that during the quarantine we continue to work by online classes . Attending online classes everyday has become the ‘new normal’ for students during the lockdown . As schools and colleges were shut because of the lockdown to contain the spread of coronavirus, online class have taken centre stage in students’ life now.These online classes have helped students during lockdown more than ever before.In online classes, there is less physical activity and more mental activity which makes students more academic oriented.It also ensures that if students need further explanations, they can easily view these records and resolve doubts instantly.
MS. VAISHALI KANAWAT 26984 Hrs 58 Min 41 Sec #vaishali kanawat#bsc bed pcm #jv-i/19/3396#Is it safe for people with congenital heart disease (CHD) to exercise? Access our Q&As, webinars and downloadable resources to learn more. Download Health Resources. Access Relevant Webinars. Highlights: Annual Reports Available, Volunteering Option Available.The Basics: Overview Eat healthy. Get active. Stay at a healthy weight. Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke. Control your cholesterol and blood pressure. Drink alcohol only in moderation. Manage stress.According to hard data, five harmful habits herald the coming of heart disease. These five are smoking, being inactive, carrying too many pounds, eating poorly, and drinking too much alcohol. Alone and together, they set the stage for artery-damaging atherosclerosis and spur it onward.Choose healthy meals and snacks to help prevent heart disease and its complications. Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and fewer processed foods. Eating lots of foods high in saturated fat and trans fat may contribute to heart disease.Apr 21, 2020 Be a non-smoker and avoid second hand smoke. If you smoke, get help to quit. ... Be physically active everyday. ... Eat healthy foods. ... Achieve a healthy weight. ... Control your blood pressure. ... Limit your intake of alcohol. ... Reduce your stress. ... Be screened or tested regularly.Tips for circulatory health Maintain a healthy weight. Dont smoke. Exercise a minimum of 30 minutes a day, most days of the week. Maintain a healthy, low-fat, low-cholesterol diet with more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid trans fats and saturated fats, which are often found in processed foods and fast food.The best diet for preventing heart disease is one that is full of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fish, poultry, and vegetable oils; includes alcohol in moderation, if at all; and goes easy on red and processed meats, refined carbohydrates, foods and beverages with added sugar, sodium, and foods with trans ..
SUMAN CHOUDHARY 26985 Hrs 00 Min 43 Sec #suman choudhary#bsc bed pcm #jv-i/19/3298#Is it safe for people with congenital heart disease (CHD) to exercise? Access our Q&As, webinars and downloadable resources to learn more. Download Health Resources. Access Relevant Webinars. Highlights: Annual Reports Available, Volunteering Option Available.The Basics: Overview Eat healthy. Get active. Stay at a healthy weight. Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke. Control your cholesterol and blood pressure. Drink alcohol only in moderation. Manage stress.According to hard data, five harmful habits herald the coming of heart disease. These five are smoking, being inactive, carrying too many pounds, eating poorly, and drinking too much alcohol. Alone and together, they set the stage for artery-damaging atherosclerosis and spur it onward.Choose healthy meals and snacks to help prevent heart disease and its complications. Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and fewer processed foods. Eating lots of foods high in saturated fat and trans fat may contribute to heart disease.Apr 21, 2020 Be a non-smoker and avoid second hand smoke. If you smoke, get help to quit. ... Be physically active everyday. ... Eat healthy foods. ... Achieve a healthy weight. ... Control your blood pressure. ... Limit your intake of alcohol. ... Reduce your stress. ... Be screened or tested regularly.Tips for circulatory health Maintain a healthy weight. Dont smoke. Exercise a minimum of 30 minutes a day, most days of the week. Maintain a healthy, low-fat, low-cholesterol diet with more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid trans fats and saturated fats, which are often found in processed foods and fast food.The best diet for preventing heart disease is one that is full of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fish, poultry, and vegetable oils; includes alcohol in moderation, if at all; and goes easy on red and processed meats, refined carbohydrates, foods and beverages with added sugar, sodium, and foods with trans ..
RANU PATIDAR 26985 Hrs 22 Min 47 Sec #Ranu patidar#b.sc.BED[3ed]#jv-i/19/3358#jvwu topic .Is it safe for people with congenital heart disease (CHD) to exercise? Access our Q&As, webinars and downloadable resources to learn more. Download Health Resources. Access Relevant Webinars. Highlights: Annual Reports Available, Volunteering Option Available.The Basics: Overview Eat healthy. Get active. Stay at a healthy weight. Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke. Control your cholesterol and blood pressure. Drink alcohol only in moderation. Manage stress.According to hard data, five harmful habits herald the coming of heart disease. These five are smoking, being inactive, carrying too many pounds, eating poorly, and drinking too much alcohol. Alone and together, they set the stage for artery-damaging atherosclerosis and spur it onward.Choose healthy meals and snacks to help prevent heart disease and its complications. Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and fewer processed foods. Eating lots of foods high in saturated fat and trans fat may contribute to heart disease.Apr 21, 2020 Be a non-smoker and avoid second hand smoke. If you smoke, get help to quit. ... Be physically active everyday. ... Eat healthy foods. ... Achieve a healthy weight. ... Control your blood pressure. ... Limit your intake of alcohol. ... Reduce your stress. ... Be screened or tested regularly.Tips for circulatory health Maintain a healthy weight. Dont smoke. Exercise a minimum of 30 minutes a day, most days of the week. Maintain a healthy, low-fat, low-cholesterol diet with more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid trans fats and saturated fats, which are often found in processed foods and fast food.The best diet for preventing heart disease is one that is full of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fish, poultry, and vegetable oils; includes alcohol in moderation, if at all; and goes easy on red and processed meats, refined carbohydrates, foods and beverages with added sugar, sodium, and foods with trans ..
KUSUMLATA PANWAR 26985 Hrs 31 Min 02 Sec #kusumlata panwar#b.sc.BED [3ed] #jv-i/19/3504#JVWU topic Heart disease is the leading cause of the death in the United States. It is also a major cause of disability. There are many things that can raise your risk for heart disease. They are called risk factors. Some of them you cannot control, but there are many that you can control. Learning about them can lower your risk of heart disease. Healthy heart tips to keep your heart strong Make exercise a regular part of your life. ... Keep your diet in balance. ... Keep your blood pressure in check. ... Work on losing weight if you need to. ... Get enough regular sleep each night. How do you prevent infarction? Conclusions: Myocardial infarction and strokes can be prevented by refraining from smoking and maintaining appropriate blood pressure levels and a favourable balance of lipids.Choose healthy meals and snacks to help prevent heart disease and its complications. Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and fewer processed foods. Eating lots of foods high in saturated fat and trans fat may contribute to heart disease.Apr 21, 2020
ANCHAL GUPTA 26998 Hrs 37 Min 29 Sec #Anchal Gupta #MCA(LE)2nd yr #Jv-PL/20/4411 #JVWUTopic: The Opportunities & Challenges for Digitial Learning during the Third Wave of Corona. Online learning has expanded exponentially in the last year due to Covid-19. Without this push, a complete shift might have been a far-off possibility in the future. With the number of internet users increasing rapidly in India, online learning can emerge as a potential alternative to traditional education but only through proper planning and execution by the government. With the numerous opportunities available with online education, many educationists have found it to become the preferred mode of learning in the future. Some of the opportunities brought forward by online learning in the present pandemic situation include: 1. Students can avail learning resources from anywhere in the world. 2. Virtual classrooms can impart quality education while avoiding the risk of the spread of Covid-19, which is of utmost importance in the present. 3. Students from rural areas do not need to travel long distances within the country or abroad in order to study in a good institution if they can avail online learning opportunities, thus cutting down costs. But, to do the same, they would require a good network connection as well as access to proper educational technology. Nevertheless, it would be imperceptive to believe that online education poses no challenges. Poor internet connectivity, absence of human connection, lack of opportunities for collaborating learning, supervision of teachers, a decline of hands-on learning, and poor assessment of examinations are some of the trials and tribulations online education platforms face. This does not take away the fact that the quick succession of online learning has been a savior. While online learning opens up a range of new opportunities for imparting education, it comes with its own share of challenges as well. India still needs to go a long way in order to make online learning available to all the students in the country through proper developments in this regard.
SAPNA KUMARI DHAKER 27002 Hrs 35 Min 47 Sec #sapna kumari dhaker #jv-i/18/2582 #bsc-bed(zbc)7th sem #Topic-healthy habits which prevent from infection disease Wash your hands well. You probably wash your hands after using the bathroom, before preparing or eating food, and after gardening or other dirty tasks. You should also wash up after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; feeding or stroking your pet; or visiting or caring for a sick person. Wet your hands thoroughly. Lather up with soap or cleanser, and rub it into the palms and backs of your hands and your wrists. Be sure to clean your fingertips, under your nails and between your fingers. Rinse under running water. Dry your hands and wrists thoroughly. Cover a cough. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze or cough, then dispose of it. If no tissue is handy, cough or sneeze into your elbow rather than into your hands. Wash and bandage all cuts. Any serious cut or animal or human bite should be examined by a doctor. Do not pick at healing wounds or blemishes, or squeeze pimples.
ANANYA SHARMA 27002 Hrs 49 Min 10 Sec NAME ANANYA SHARMA SCHOLAR 202045 COLLEGE JAYOTI VIDHYAPEETH WOMENS UNIVERSITY JAIPUR CLASS 2 YEAR The single best way to reduce the risk of seasonal flu and its potentially serious complications is to get vaccinated each year, but good health habits like avoiding people who are sick, covering your cough and washing your hands often can help stop the spread of germs and prevent respiratory illnesses like flu. There also are flu antiviral drugs that can be used to treat and prevent flu The tips and resources below will help you learn about actions you can take to protect yourself and others from flu and help stop the spread of germs. “Healthy lifestyle habits can slow or even reverse the damage from high cholesterol or high blood sugar,” says lifestyle medicine specialist Mladen Golubic, MD, PhD. Avoid close contact. Stay home when you are sick. Cover your mouth and nose. Clean your hands Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Practice other good health habits. Take good sleep Take healthy diet Do regular exercise stress relief Meditation
NISHIKA KALAL 27003 Hrs 03 Min 46 Sec NAME NISHIKA KALAL SCHOLAR 202252 COLLEGE JAYOTI VIDHYAPEETH WOMENS UNIVERSITY CLASS 2 YEAR One of the best ways to maintain your health is by taking care of yourself. If you want to live a healthy lifestyle and enjoy your old age without being injected with several different kinds of shots, then change your daily lifestyle because even the simplest little healthy modification can cause great benefits. Though it is difficult to put health and fitness as a top priority in this rat race day and age, it’s best to start with baby steps will surely peak your health tremendously. Today, Dr.K.M. Sunesara – General Physician, Mumbai will help us to lead a disease free life, by providing a list of top 20 healthy habits. Follow these simple steps to stay away from the constant acchoos and germ attack. 1: Wash your hands often 2: Stop nose picking 3: Stretching is important 5:Eat a healthy breakfast 4: Bathing is good 5: Cut your nails regularly 6: Avoid sharing personal items 7: Good sleep 8: Drink lots of water 9: Say no to junk food 10 Start loving vegetables
AKANSHA KAPRI 27003 Hrs 09 Min 55 Sec NAME AKANSHA KAPRI SCHOLAR 202079 COLLEGE JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMENS UNIVERSITY JAIPUR CLASS 2 YEAR Making personal hygiene and cleanliness a priority are among the 13 healthy behaviors and habits one Ball State University professor says can help lower your risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19 – and help you stay healthy in the future. Jagdish Khubchandani, a health sciences professor, based his research on mechanisms of transmission and characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 – the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. His recommendations: Shower regularly, because COVID-19 can live on surfaces for days. Keep your clothes clean. Don’t wear the same clothes for several days, and do laundry frequently. Don’t bite your fingernails or rub your eyes. If you’ve got young kids, discourage them from thumb-sucking. Try not to scratch your face, head or body. Wash all fresh fruits and vegetables before eating them. Don’t litter – either inside or outside your home. You don’t want to raise the risk of illness for family members, waste management workers or trash pickers. Remove all leftovers, trash, masks and gloves from your car and dispose of them. Maintain good hygiene while growing out hair, beards or nails, or using hair and face accessories. Cover your face when coughing or sneezing to avoid spreading germs. Wash your hands after using restrooms, being in public places such as gas stations and grocery stores, or using elevators. Clean your cellphone and computer devices, along with desk spaces. Don’t rely on carryout or restaurant deliveries as your only source of meals. Try to add more healthy foods to your diet. Don’t reuse masks, gloves or personal care devices without cleaning them.
MS. NIKITA KUMAWAT 27005 Hrs 54 Min 23 Sec #Nikita kumawat #jv-i/18/2571 #BSc. agri. hons. 7th semester #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University is my life this is my second house and my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you. #JVWU..
MS. HEMLATA KUMAWAT 27005 Hrs 56 Min 16 Sec #Hemlata kumawat #jv-u/18/2775 #BSc.Hons.agri. 7th semester #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University is my life this is my second house and my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you. #JVWU..
KUMARI PREETI YADAV 27006 Hrs 06 Min 30 Sec #Kumari Preeti Yadav #Bsc (Hons) Agriculture 3rd Year #jv-u/19/3109 #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Jaipur #JvMission . #jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls. my teacher are my inspiration. no doubt jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university is the best university. they provide a safe and friendly environment. this university provide me a very healthy environment so that. I can fully focus on my studies. it helps me to raise my voice and increase my confind encephalitis. the hostel in this collage is very good. Now-a-days students think that students life is very easy and full of fun today especially collage life of the students.But the future of the students depend upon their achievements. I think it gives every single opportunity to proved yourself. it found yoga instructors over here who taught me about yoga so that I can take care of my health. today the most important thing is security of girls. here is get the self defence class es too this trend me very well and madeenjoying very strong. # PUSH YOURSELF BECAUSE no one else is going to do if you. Thanku
KUMARI PREETI YADAV 27006 Hrs 08 Min 33 Sec #Kumari Preeti Yadav #Bsc (hons)Agriculture 3rd year #jv-u/19/3109 #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Jaipur #JvMission . #jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls. my teacher are my inspiration. no doubt jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university is the best university. they provide a safe and friendly environment. this university provide me a very healthy environment so that. I can fully focus on my studies. it helps me to raise my voice and increase my confind encephalitis. the hostel in this collage is very good. Now-a-days students think that students life is very easy and full of fun today especially collage life of the students.But the future of the students depend upon their achievements. I think it gives every single opportunity to proved yourself. it found yoga instructors over here who taught me about yoga so that I can take care of my health. today the most important thing is security of girls. here is get the self defence class es too this trend me very well and madeenjoying very strong. # PUSH YOURSELF BECAUSE no one else is going to do if you. Thanku
POOJA SHARMA 1 35429 Hrs 25 Min 04 Sec Pooja Sharma Bsc agriculture hons 4th Year 7th semester . I am a 4th year student and in these year I learnt many things from my college that will help me whole life. No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls they provide a safe and friendly environment. Now a days students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the student .But the future of students depend upon their achievement. In this pendemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for at least one hour every day which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my University organised and yoga online class from 6-7 am . everyday which make me a way to learn this good and healthy habit. It raise my voice and confidence. So I think this is an important success stories of my which will help me a lot for my whole life. THANK YOU... My respected Advisor sir and respected faculty and also my friends.
KIRTI CHOUDHARY 35528 Hrs 08 Min 17 Sec Kirti choudhary B.scAgriculture(Hons)+MBA 7th semester 4th year . I am a 4th year student and in these year I learnt many things from my college that will help me whole life. No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls they provide a safe and friendly environment. Now a days students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the student .But the future of students depend upon their achievement. In this pendemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for at least one hour every day which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my University organised and yoga online class from 6-7 am . everyday which make me a way to learn this good and healthy habit. It raise my voice and confidence. So I think this is an important success stories of my which will help me a lot for my whole life. THANK YOU... My respected Advisor sir and respected faculty and also my friends.
TANISHA CHAUDHARY 35794 Hrs 25 Min 24 Sec # Tanisha Choudhary b.sc b.ed ZBC, 1st semester jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university #Jv misson #jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls. my teacher are my inspiration. no doubt jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university is the best university. they provide a safe and friendly environment. this university provide me a very healthy environment so that. I can fully focus on my studies. it helps me to raise my voice and increase my confind encephalitis. the hostel in this collage is very good. Now-a-days students think that students life is very easy and full of fun today especially collage life of the students.But the future of the students depend upon their achievements. I think it gives every single opportunity to proved yourself. it found yoga instructors over here who taught me about yoga so that I can take care of my health. today the most important thing is security of girls. here is get the self defence class es too this trend me very well and madeenjoying very strong. # PUSH YOURSELF BECAUSE no one else is going to do if you. Thanku
MS.KHUSHI CHOUDHARY 35832 Hrs 26 Min 40 Sec #khushi Choudhary # Jv-U/18/2625#b.pharm(3rd year)#jvwu#jvmission.my success and contribute is that due to the pendemic most of the local worker loat their job and become less due which they do not have food so Ii decided to give food to their as can I do .and I give them mask and senition product and aware them .
PRIYANKA 35864 Hrs 20 Min 43 Sec Namaste maam Jvn Priyanka BPT 5th sem,3rd year Jv-u/18/2740 #jvw #JVWU #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University is my life this is my second house and my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you. #JVWU..
PATEL FENIBEN RAKESHBHAI 35878 Hrs 05 Min 33 Sec #patel feniben #BAMS 4th year2016 batch # Jv-u/16/9269# Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university. It is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less.Im so thankful to this college because I got rid of my biggest fear that is stage phobia and now I perform so boldly and I always get appreciation. This will definitely help me in every part of life. This trained me very well and made me very strong , healthy habits. Wish I would get a lot more changes like this in my future.I am looking for more opportunity like this in my life . So this regions Jyoti vidyapeet women university is very best . Thank you
RADHIKA 35882 Hrs 21 Min 58 Sec #Radhika sharma#jv-u/19/3811#Jayoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and become home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. jayoti vidyapeeth is just awesome ......thank uu
MANISHA1 35901 Hrs 48 Min 20 Sec #Manisha # jv-u/18/2107# Bsc.rt# Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements. .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
MANSI MUDGAL 35907 Hrs 47 Min 49 Sec #Mansi mudgal #BAMS 2 year # Jv-u/19/3452# Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university. It is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less.Im so thankful to this college because I got rid of my biggest fear that is stage phobia and now I perform so boldly and I always get appreciation. This will definitely help me in every part of life. This trained me very well and made me very strong , healthy habits. Wish I would get a lot more changes like this in my future.I am looking for more opportunity like this in my life . So this regions Jyoti vidyapeet women university is very best . Thank you
LATA MAHESHWARI 35910 Hrs 20 Min 43 Sec #Lata maheshwari #b.pharm- 7th sem #jv-u/17/1073 #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university #jvwu.My success story with contribution of jvwu JVWU payed a vital role in enhancing my personality. I ma 4th yr student and in these years I learnt many things from my college that will help me whole life. Before coming to this college I had stage phobia but my college provides open stage for every students to showcase their talent and they also teaches us when we are wrong in a very friendly manner that no one will hesitate while performing. Im so thankful to this college because I got rid of my biggest fear that is stage phobia and now I perform so boldly and I always get appreciation. This will definitely help me in every part of life. This trained me very well and made me very strong , healthy habits. Wish I would get a lot more changes like this in my future.I am looking for more opportunity like this in my life . So this regions Jyoti vidyapeet women university is very best . Thank you .
RIYA AGRHARI 35910 Hrs 31 Min 56 Sec #Riya agrahari #b.pharm 7th semester #jv-u/17/1661 #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university #jvwu . My success story with contribution of jvwu JVWU payed a vital role in enhancing my personality. I ma 4th yr student and in these years I learnt many things from my college that will help me whole life. Before coming to this college I had stage phobia but my college provides open stage for every students to showcase their talent and they also teaches us when we are wrong in a very friendly manner that no one will hesitate while performing. Im so thankful to this college because I got rid of my biggest fear that is stage phobia and now I perform so boldly and I always get appreciation. This will definitely help me in every part of life. This trained me very well and made me very strong , healthy habits. Wish I would get a lot more changes like this in my future.I am looking for more opportunity like this in my life . So this regions Jyoti vidyapeet women university is very best . Thank you .
MS.NEHA SHARMA 36002 Hrs 37 Min 32 Sec #Neha Sharma #BPT-5Semester#JV-U/18/2686#Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university. jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
MS.NEHA SHARMA 36002 Hrs 39 Min 25 Sec #Neha Sharma #BPT-5Semester#JV-U/18/2686#Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university. jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
SANJU YADAV 36244 Hrs 12 Min 47 Sec SANJU YADAV SANJU YADAV#sanju yadav# B.sc agriculture (hons.) #4th year 7th semester # jv-u/17/1306# jvwu#Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University # Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploaded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for at least 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. jayoti vidyapeeth is just awesome ......THANK YOU .
SUMERA ALI 36258 Hrs 43 Min 08 Sec #sumeraali#BPT #5thsem. #jv-u/18/2167 #jvwu #Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university. jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
SHALINI SHARMA 36284 Hrs 54 Min 13 Sec Shalini Sharma #B.Ed 1st year #Sem-1#My scholar number is 202222 sharing how my university helped me out in getting successful. Earning a college degree is all about opening up opportunities in life. It prepares you, both intellectually and socially, for your career and your adult life. The benefits of a college education include career opportunities like better paying and higher skilled jobs, but it also leads to overall happiness and stability.students struggle in college not because of natural intellect or smarts, but because of time management, organization, and lack of quality study time and jayoti vidyapeeth university has shaped my skills built my overall personality. The most important thing I learned there is that how to live in an adverse situation how to come out from your comfort zone and give your best. One I would step out from University but the University will always remain in me. Thank you
SHALINI SHARMA 36285 Hrs 01 Min 02 Sec ShaliniSharma#B.Ed 1st year#Sem-1# Scholar number 202222 Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University#Jaipur, Rajasthan #jvwu. My grandmother usually tells me about our Indian and Rajasthani culture, as I belong from Indian subcontinent, Rajasthan. #History.Rajasthans Culture dates back to the years of Kings where it was previously called Rajputana. Over the years it has been ruled by various kings including the Rajput, Marathas and even Muslim rulers, which have resulted in the diverse culture of Rajasthan, bearing numerous beautiful forts with a wide variety in its architecture, language and customs of its people. Rajasthan, in spite of being a desert, has been endowed with such beautiful sites that include various palaces, forts and pilgrim centres that define what Rajasthan is. #Respect and Manners. Attithi Devo bhavo means to treat your guests like as you would treat God. This principle is a part of the Rajasthani Culture. They treat their guests well and make them want to visit again. Most of the people in Rajasthan are involved in tourism related jobs and hence take this principle very seriously as they earn their revenue due to the tourists and have pledged to serve them. A popular folk song Padharo Mhare Desh literary means Welcome to my country. #Traditional Food. Rajasthani food is known for its various spices and also its sweetness. Rajasthan is most famous for dalbati . A dish comprising of dal and wheat flour kneaded with yoghurt and dressed in ghee. It is also famous for kachori the kachori in Rajasthan are of two types sweet and spicy. The spicy kachori is called the pyaaz or onion kachori, and the sweet kachori called the mawa kachori. Both these kachoris are easily available in any food stalls in Rajasthan. Ghewar and gheriya are some delectable sweet dishes originating from Mewar, available in most restaurants at Rajasthan. Most of the Rajasthani dishes are made in ghee. #Skills.You will find beautiful carpets, garments, jewellery and more, that are all made by the local people. Any leather item is usually camel leather They use it making journals, shoes and bags. The carpets are made from the hand knitting techniques and much like Persian carpets, they have a geometric design and borders. There are also many miniature items made out of red sand or clay as toys for kids or decoration pieces with bells attached to it. You may also find safah or pagri in most of the shops that you may bring back as a memory from the place.#Cultural Tradition.Rajasthan has cultural traditions that reflect the ancient Indian way of life. Rajasthani society is a blend of predominantly Hindus with sizable minorities of Muslims and Jains. Jats are mostly Hindus and Sikhs. Meenas of Rajasthan to date strongly follow Vedic culture which usually includes worship of Shiva and Krishna as well as the Durga.#Traditional ornaments.Rajasthan is also famous for its amazing ornaments. From ancient times, Rajasthani people have been wearing jewelry of various metals and materials. Traditionally, women wore Gems studded gold and silver ornaments. #Traditional and local Home Medicines. One natural treatment for acidity is chewing a few Basil leaves after a meal. This not just works as an antacid as it helps the body absorb food but also prevents reflux and the formation of ulcers. Sucking a piece of Clove after a meal helps in reducing acidity problem. A flake of garlic swallowed with water taken empty stomach daily in the morning can be helpful in solving many stomach & gastric problems. A headache caused by summer heat is cured by consuming watermelon juice. Just one glass a day works wonders. Eating an apple on an empty stomach in the morning relieves one of migraine pain. This must be done for a few mornings. Open 6 dates and boil in half liter of milk for 25 minutes over low heat. Drink three cups a day. This is the ultimate dry cough remedy. Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with equal quantity of ginger juice. The concoction helps to expectorate mucus, providing relief for the common cold, coughs and sore throat. Eat, before breakfast, half a cup of cooked beets if you suffer from chronic constipation or indigestion. Ayurveda cough syrup at home. Peel and chop six medium onions. Put the pieces in a container and add four tablespoons of honey. Cover and leave them in a water bath over low heat for two hours. Strain and take one tablespoon every three hours. Grated cucumber applied over the face, eyes, and neck for fifteen minutes is very beneficial for acne and blackheads. #Thank You
MS. KRISHNA CHAHAR 36288 Hrs 49 Min 14 Sec KRISHNA CHAHAR KRISHNA CHAHAR# Krishna chahar# Bsc Agriculture(hons.) 4th year 7th semester #jv-u/17/1120# Jayoti vidyapeet women university# My success story with contribution of jvwu JVWU payed a vital role in enhancing my personality. I ma 4th yr student and in these years I learnt many things from my college that will help me whole life. Before coming to this college I had stage phobia but my college provides open stage for every students to showcase their talent and they also teaches us when we are wrong in a very friendly manner that no one will hesitate while performing. Im so thankful to this college because I got rid of my biggest fear that is stage phobia and now I perform so boldly and I always get appreciation. This will definitely help me in every part of life. This trained me very well and made me very strong , healthy habits. Wish I would get a lot more changes like this in my future.I am looking for more opportunity like this in my life . So this regions Jyoti vidyapeet women university is very best . Thank you .
MS. KOMAL PAREEK 36288 Hrs 59 Min 58 Sec Komal Pareek #komalpareek #B.sc agriculture #7th semester #jv-u/17/117 #jvwu #jvMission my success story with contribution of jvwu. JVWU payed a vital role in enhancing my personality. I am a 4th year student and in these year I learnt many things from my college that will help me whole life. No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls they provide a safe and friendly environment. Now a days students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the student .But the future of students depend upon their achievement. In this pendemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for at least one hour every day which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my University organised and yoga online class from 6-7 am . everyday which make me a way to learn this good and healthy habit. It raise my voice and confidence. So I think this is an important success stories of my which will help me a lot for my whole life. THANK YOU... My respected Advisor sir and respected faculty and also my friends...
MANISHA KANWAR 36297 Hrs 57 Min 23 Sec manisha kanwar #b.ed 1st year # s.no.202464sharing how my university helped me out in getting successful. Earning a college degree is all about opening up opportunities in life. It prepares you, both intellectually and socially, for your career and your adult life. The benefits of a college education include career opportunities like better paying and higher skilled jobs, but s it also leads to overall happiness and stability.students struggle in college not because of natural intellect or smarts, but because of time management, organization, and lack of quality study time and jayoti vidyapeeth university has shaped my skills built my overall personality. The most important thing I learned there is that how to live in an adverse situation how to come out from your comfort zone and give your best. One I would step out from University but the University will always remain in me. Thank you
SUMAN JANGID 36314 Hrs 37 Min 13 Sec suman jangid b.sc(fst)final year jv-u/18/2241 sharing how my university helped me out in getting successful. Earning a college degree is all about opening up opportunities in life. It prepares you, both intellectually and socially, for your career and your adult life. The benefits of a college education include career opportunities like better paying and higher skilled jobs, but s it also leads to overall happiness and stability.students struggle in college not because of natural intellect or smarts, but because of time management, organization, and lack of quality study time and jayoti vidyapeeth womens university has shaped my skills built my overall personality.Daily online classess and some days webminar orgainize by university. The most important thing I learned there is that how to live in an adverse situation how to come out from your comfort zone and give your best. One I would step out from University but the University will always remain in me.
KIRTI KHANDAL 36321 Hrs 23 Min 50 Sec Namaste mam,l jvn Kirti khandal#bscbed(zbc)#1semester#202447#jayoti vidyapeet women university#jvwu#jvmission ,Jyoti vidyapeet women university first public private university in India.The state legislature of Rajasthan established the university through the Jyoti vidyapeet women university Act 2008 under section 2 & of the UGC Act ,it is the best university in Jaipur Rajasthan,In this lock down, the university provide us online classes through Google meet,e_notes and e_videos.Here we get 3portfolios_ government,corporate, and entrepreneurs students have to choose one of the portfolio.students can increase their ability according to their interest. The university provides us sports and physical facilities which are very beneficial to us.this university provids me a very healthy environment so that I can fully focus on my studies.it has me to rise my voice and increase my confidence.It provides a very good platform to all the students and motivates them as well.#jyoti vidyapeet women university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1hour every day which is very helpful for me . Today the most important thing is security to girls Here I get the self defense classes too. This trained me very well and made me very strong , healthy habits.Iwish I would get a lot more changes like this in my future.I am looking for more opportunity like this in my life . So this regions Jyoti vidyapeet women university is very best . Thank you .
HIMANSHI KUMAWAT 36322 Hrs 32 Min 17 Sec # Himanshi kumawat #bsc bed [zbc] # 1 semester # 202196 # jayoti vidyapeet women university # jvwu #jvmission. Jyoti vidyapeeth womens University first public private university in India. The state legislature of Rajasthan established the university through the Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Act 2008 under section 2 & of the UGC Act, lt is the best University in Jaipur. In this lockdown ,the university provided us online classes through Google meet, e-notes and e-videos.Here we get 3 portfolios -government, corporate, and entrepreneurs. Students have to choose one of the portfolio. Students can increase their ability according to their interest . The university provides us sports and physical facilities which are very e beneficial to us.this university provides me a very healthy environment so that I can fully focus on my studies. It has me to rise my voice and increase my confidence. It provides a very good platform to all the students and motivates them as well. #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me.Today the most important thing is security to girls . Here I get the self defence classes too. This trained me very well and made me very strong,healthy habit.Thank you.
HIMANI KATARA 36322 Hrs 59 Min 32 Sec Namaste mam,I Jvn Himani katara bsc(fst) final yea enroll - jv-u/18/210. ,MY achievements: i have lots of prized possession in my by gods grace first of all i have got a wonderful parents who always look after me i am really blessed to have them in my life when i was in 1st standard i have received first position in sac race . when i was in 3rd standard i have received 6 position in school in science Olympiad examination and 11th position in Math Olympiad when i was in tenth class i was elected as cultural secretary of my school . when i was in 11th standard i was elected as vice captain of my school after that i represented my school in inter school sports competition and after leaving my school life i entered into my college where i got a alot of exposer in my first year on ozone day i participated in quiz competition an power point presentation i got 2nd and 1st position in my college respectively sometimes i feel lucky that i have participated in that competition otherwise i have loosed that position than my story of acheivements is not over yet in my 2nd year i have done a SURVEY work on DENTAL FLUOROSIS DISEASE AND SECURED A GRADE ON MY WORK AFTER THAT I HAVE DONE SCIENCE ROAD SHOW WHICH WAS HELD BY OHIO STATES UNIVERSITY , COLUMBUS IN MY STATE BIHAR i got a opportunity to meet with best professor of that university . i wish i would get a lot more chance like this in my future ..i am looking for more opportunity like this in my life.
KOMAL TOMAR 36342 Hrs 05 Min 28 Sec Namaste I jvn #KOMALTOMAR #jayotividyapeethuniversity jv-u/17/1770 pursuing Bsc.RT 7th semester sharing how my university helped me out in getting successful. Earning a college degree is all about opening up opportunities in life. It prepares you, both intellectually and socially, for your career and your adult life. The benefits of a college education include career opportunities like better paying and higher skilled jobs, but s it also leads to overall happiness and stability.students struggle in college not because of natural intellect or smarts, but because of time management, organization, and lack of quality study time and jayoti vidyapeeth university has shaped my skills built my overall personality. The most important thing I learned there is that how to live in an adverse situation how to come out from your comfort zone and give your best. One I would step out from University but the University will always remain in me. Thank you
MASUM KUMARI 36342 Hrs 14 Min 48 Sec #Masum kumari#jv-i/17/1555#B.sc agri (hons)+MBA# 7thsemester #MY UNIVERSITY# #JVWU# Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and become home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. jayoti vidyapeeth is just awesome ......thank uu
ANKITA SINGH 36342 Hrs 54 Min 19 Sec #jayoti vidyapeeth# #jv mission## ##ANKITA SINGH## #Success story with Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University. JVWU is the best university for girls.It provides a safe and secure environment to girls.I came here to pursue #BA LLB# so that I can give best to the society with my skills and knowledge. This university provides me a very healthy environment so that I can fully focus on my studies.It helps me to raise my voice and increases my confidence. It provides a very good platform to all the students and motivates them as well. When I came here I hesitate to express my words but the faculty supports me. I found yoga instructors over here who taught me about yoga so that I can take care of my health. Today the most important thing is security to girls . Here I get the self defence classes too. This trained me very well and made me very strong and confident....
MINAL SHARMA 36345 Hrs 20 Min 28 Sec #MINAL SHARMA # Enroll:- JV-U/19/3197# CLASS:- BPT - 3rd SEMESTER # JAYOTIVIDYAPEETH WOMENSUNIVERSITYJAIPUR # JVMISSIONS#MYSUCCESSSTORIESWITHCONTRIBUTIONOFJAYOTIVIDYAPEETHWOMENSUNIVERSITY. My university is the state’s first private university. It is known for its best education system and secure environment for girls. My university is no doubt the best university that provides safe environment for girls. The university provides a clean and healthy environment to the students so that they can focus on their studies. . Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students, but the future of students depend upon their achievements .JVWU during this pandemic provides regular yoga and meditation classes for atleast 1 hour everyday online on YouTube which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an online yoga class from 6-7 am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit .My university also provide me with emence practical knowledge along with theory. My University also teaches us to protect our environment and save tress as my University is full of trees and plants. I have also planted various plants in my garden. Our faculty member are very helpful and supportive.
MORI URVI ABHAY SINGH 36345 Hrs 56 Min 43 Sec MORI URVI # DPT # 03rd sem # JV-D/19/3232 # jvwu # Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university. jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy. THANK YOU
MORI URVI ABHAY SINGH 36346 Hrs 03 Min 56 Sec # URVI MORI # JV-D/19/3232 # DPT- 03 SEM ( 2 YEAR ) # JVWU, JAIPUR # JV MISSION CDA # I am from GUJARAT. # Gujarat is also called as “Jewel of Western India” is known for its unique and rich culture. It bordered by Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and the Arabian Sea and is home to Gujars, who ruled the area during the 700’s.# It was the main center of the Indus Valley Civilization and Harappan civilization. The Gujarati culture is a blend of there beliefs, customs, inventions, values, and technology.# Gujarat dates back to the Indus Valley Civilization time, it contains ancient cities from Indus valley Lothal, Dholavira, and Gola Dhoro. The history provides evidence of trade ties with Egypt, Bahrain, and Sumer in the Persian Gulf. # Chandragupta Maurya conquered a number of places now what form Gujarat. Emperor Ashoka, the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya order engraving of his edicts in Junagadh rock. After the Maurya Empire, the Sakas controlled the region. # There was The Kshatrapa dynasty from the start of the 1st century AD which was replaced by the Gupta empire. In the 900s the Solanki Dynasty came into power which made Gujarat reached its much greater extent. # Then came the Muslim Ruler Mahmud of Ghazni who invaded Gujarat, later Mughal emperor Akbar conquered it which was later acquired by Chhatrapati Shivaji. # During the Independence movement, Gujarat became a place of revolts as many freedom fighters like Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi hailed from Gujarat.#
NIDHI VASHISHTH 36357 Hrs 51 Min 55 Sec #nidhivashishth #BPT #5thsem. #jv-u/18/2268 #jvwu #Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university. jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
HARSHITA SHARMA 36361 Hrs 55 Min 54 Sec #Harshita Sharma #BPT 5th semester 3rd year #JV-U/18/2177 #Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university. jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
HARSHITA SHARMA 36361 Hrs 56 Min 25 Sec #Harshita Sharma #BPT 5th semester 3rd year #JV-U/18/2177 #Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university. jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
RASHMI KUMARI 36364 Hrs 27 Min 08 Sec #rashmikumari BPT 5th Semester Enrollment no: 202123 #jyotividyapeethwomenuniversity Our Success Story Of Jyoti Vidyapeeth #jvm teachers are helpful and cooperative in study as well as extra co –currricular activities. #jvm is one of the university which promotes or trained girl/women’s in other field activities like sports,cultures,social etc.Faculities are kind hearted.They always helps us to increase our grasping power and mental capabilities.They always encourages us to do physical workouts such as yoga.I think this is the only university in india which is used to follow Indian culture instead of saying good morning they used to habbitulize #NAMASTE to the students. #newadmission
Palak Jain 36365 Hrs 54 Min 30 Sec #palakjain #jv-i/17/1537 #agriculture #b.sc 7th #sem #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university,jaipur My #descision of joining the jayoti vidyapeeth womens university has good as it made me prepared for the tough #life. It helped me in #everyway #emotionally, #mentally by giving assignment and projects, #physically as there are many #curricular activities like sports. #University also provide us gym inside the campus.#Horse riding self defence and many other activities take place.Universitys #first #moto is to empower women and made them educate. University send their students to their work places from where then can gain practical knowledge .#Good companies comes for #placement.Students go for compitition in different colleges. University has provided us so many things at one place, a #student can select any stream of her interest.The teachers are very #cooperative and help us in every way. the students who are studying about #agriculture, #university has provided plants and some farm to them. University also takes #cultural #activities seriously #fashion show and other #programs are conducted with discipline. Im happy with #University. #jayotividhyapeeth#women#empowermet#private#university#sports#selfdefence#horseriding#fashionshow#placement#practical #knowledge#internship#proud My #hostel Life is the best time of my life. Ive got #best #roomies.We #wake up every morning get ready and go for breakfast and from #breakfast we go to our classes after our #classes get over. We come back to our #room have some rest and go for snacks and after snacks I go for my #curricular #activity that is sports. There are also #mandir at our #campus after playing I proceed towards my room and do my #homework and stuff and after completing we go to have our dinner. After dinner we bring #milk to our room #study for some more time at 10pm our #warden calls for attendence and daily asks for complain regarding room washroom or anything. Every #floor has a floor incharge who takes meeting on regular basis about #hygiene or any problem related to academic or hostel.After going from hostel to our homes in #vaccination I #miss alot #my #hostle. #jayotividhyapeeth#women#empowermet#private#university#sports#selfdefence#horseriding#fashionshow#placement#practical #knowledge#internship#proud#jvn
AKSHIKA CHOUHAN 36366 Hrs 00 Min 47 Sec #akshika chouhan#202506#jvwn Once two friends called Harry and Garry came to a city to earn money. They went to a rich merchant for a job. The merchant gave each of them a cane basket and pointing towards a well in his garden said, "Take these baskets and draw water from the well till dusk." Harry thought it foolish to draw water in a cane basket. So, he slept. On the other hand, Garry kept working. After few hours, when he drew the basket up, he saw some gold coins in the basket. He took them to the merchant who rewarded him and gave him a job too. Harry went away ashamed.
RISHITA TRIPATHI 36366 Hrs 02 Min 56 Sec #rishita tripathi# 202307jvwuAnswer 4.1/5 38 ashish433 Ambitious 51 answers 7K people helped HARD WORK ALWAYS PAYS Once two friends called Harry and Garry came to a city to earn money. They went to a rich merchant for a job. The merchant gave each of them a cane basket and pointing towards a well in his garden said, "Take these baskets and draw water from the well till dusk." Harry thought it foolish to draw water in a cane basket. So, he slept. On the other hand, Garry kept working. After few hours, when he drew the basket up, he saw some gold coins in the basket. He took them to the merchant who rewarded him and gave him a job too. Harry went away ashamed. thankyou
ANJALI CHAUHAN 36366 Hrs 12 Min 10 Sec Namaste maam, I jvnAnjali chauhan, BscRT 7th sem, jv-u/17/1151#jayoti vidyapeeth womens university university provides me a very healthy environment so that I can fully focus on my studies.Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University *Women’s colleges are rooted in historic traditions for promoting empowerment, sisterhood, and development of the female mind, but the relevance of women’s colleges in today’s society is often questioned due to tremendous strides for gender equality.* 1)Women empowerment is an important agenda for our nation and the JVWU University has been in the centre and front of driving this priority with ambitiously. 2)In a recent study conducted by the NSSE, researchers discovered that women at single-sex institutions were more engaged in campus life and reported the highest levels of support in their development. 3)Students at women’s colleges also tend to have significantly greater satisfaction with their academic, developmental, and personal experiences in comparison to co-end counterparts. 4)The students at women’s colleges are able to more fully engage in a strong campus community to make long-lasting connections with brilliant students, Deans, professors, and administrators. 5)Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens Universities provide women with an environment that is conducive to building the voice, confidence, and high self-esteem that is necessary for thriving in today’s still male-dominated marketplace. At present I have no success story. but I want to share a success story that always inspire me I hope this also help in acheving in your goals also. and I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self contribution of #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. Thats why i am very happy. This trained me very well and made me very strong. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health. also when I came I was very interovert and I did not talk to anyone , but as the time went everyone is very nice the seniors all the very poliet and supporting . # THANK YOU
SAUMYA PRABHAT 36366 Hrs 13 Min 45 Sec I Jvn saumeya parabhat bscrt 3rdsem 2nd year enrollment no..202274jvwuLife in lockdown can be a struggle. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health.But I am glad that during the quarantine we continue to work by online classes . Attending online classes everyday has become the ‘new normal’ for students during the lockdown . As schools and colleges were shut because of the lockdown to contain the spread of coronavirus, online class have taken centre stage in students’ life now.These online classes have helped students during lockdown more than ever before.In online classes, there is less physical activity and more mental activity which makes students more academic oriented.It also ensures that if students need further explanations, they can easily view these records and resolve doubts instantly.THANK You
SAUMYA PRABHAT 36366 Hrs 16 Min 15 Sec I Jvn saumeya parabhat bscrt 3rdsem 2nd year enrollment no..202274jvwuLife in lockdown can be a struggle. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health.But I am glad that during the quarantine we continue to work by online classes . Attending online classes everyday has become the ‘new normal’ for students during the lockdown . As schools and colleges were shut because of the lockdown to contain the spread of coronavirus, online class have taken centre stage in students’ life now.These online classes have helped students during lockdown more than ever before.In online classes, there is less physical activity and more mental activity which makes students more academic oriented.It also ensures that if students need further explanations, they can easily view these records and resolve doubts instantly.THANK You
MANISHA1 36366 Hrs 19 Min 39 Sec #MANISHA# jv-u/18/2107 # Bsc rt 5 the seem. My achievement: when I am 15 years old I am in 10 the class. My school organized a speech competition inter house at december.so m heartily interested in that competition. My teacher say you will do it and you have to achieve ur position ..This position is very necessary for me .. after putting my all efforts in right way I won the competition and get 1st position. Its rlly cheerful moments for me. My school principal and high dignitaries cheers up ND say come on the stage and get your award..its really unforgettable moment for me.. because I fulfill all hopes of my teacher whose have better expectations ... At last my teacher give me award and fabulous party.. finally I achieve my goal.. thank you.
ANJU 36366 Hrs 37 Min 34 Sec #ANJU 202385 #JVWU #BA.BED (1st sem.) My achievement : When i am 16 years old in class 10th . My school held a drawing competition in near about september.I am interested in this competition also . And my drawing is good than my other classmates.This competition was very higher standard competition . In this there was included 9to12 classes .My seniors had also best in art . But i had a confidence to win this . The competition is held after the lunch time and my friends also support me for this .I made a drawing in topic of save environment .And i got first position in it .My principals Sir come on the stage and gave me 1st prize for it .My incharge teacher really very happy with me .He told every teacher that her student won this competition .Really , this is very big achievement for me because my seniors had also best drawing .At last ,my teacher gave chocolate to me and i gave party to my lovely friends . I won Drawing competition . Thankyou .
RITIKA JAIN 36367 Hrs 15 Min 37 Sec #RITIKA JAIN # Enroll:- Jv-u/19/3195 # CLASS:- BPT - 3 SEMESTER # JAYOTIVIDYAPEETH WOMEN;sUNIVERSITYJAIPUR # JVMISSIONS#MYSUCCESSSTORIESWITHCONTRIBUTIONOFJYOTIVIDYAPEETHWOMENSUNIVERSITY. My university is the state’s first private university.It is known for its best education system and secure environment for girls.My university is no doubt the best university that provides safe environment for girls. The university provides a clean and healthy environment to the students so that they can focus on their studies. . Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .JVWU during this pandemic provides regular yoga and meditation classes for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.My university also provide me with emence practical knowlwdge along with theory. The teachers are very supportive and always motivates us.
FATIMA ANJUM KHAN 36369 Hrs 16 Min 18 Sec #FATIMAANJUMKHAN#202004#BABEd#JVWU#MY SUCCESS STORY IN JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMENS UNIVERSITY JAIPUR#. Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university Jaipur is my life this is my second house and my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment. The hostel in this college is very good. my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them. I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. Thats why i am very happy. This trained me very well and made me very strong. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health. THANK YOU....for my respected Advisor sir and my respected faculty and also thanks to my friends...THANKYOU SO MUCH
FATIMA ANJUM KHAN 36369 Hrs 40 Min 59 Sec #FATIMAANJUMKHAN#202004#BABEd#JVWU# STORY ON MY ACHIVEMENT. I have so many achivements some of them are in the story . When im 18 months ago my parents went to MAKKA MADINA IN SAUDI ARAB FOR HAJJ it is the holy place of muslims . In that time goverment did not allow or give passport to small childrens . But in my case goverment allow me to go with my parents . it is very big thing all relatives , family members and society people think that how goverment give him permission to them . All are very happy it is all about 2 months trip . All drop us to station and decorate the train. There was 2 floor aeroplane no one allow to go to the pilot cabin . But im moving here and there in aeroplane so i went to the 2nd floor in aeroplane then the airhostrees were playing with me then pilot said to airhostress that give a child to me in my cabin that child is me pilot also playes with me. Then my parents find me where im then airhostress said that im in pilots cabin then my father find me . when we reach there all HAJJ PILGRIMS plays with me it was a very big thing that all peoples around me or focus me. when me and my parents come back to india our train was decorated with flowers . All were welcome us on station there was several of peoples there station is almost full with peoples who welcomes us such as family members,relatives,staff and many others . All are welcome us with flowering . IT IS MY VERY BIG ACHIVEMENT TO ME. After that when im in 6th class then we also went to MAKKA MADINA FOR UMRAH . IT IS MY BIG ACHIVEMENTS THAT I HAVE MY VERY HELPFULL PARENTS WHO GIVE ME OPPORTUNITY TO DO ANY THING WHATEVER YOU WANT BUT DO ONLY WHICH IS GOOD FOR YOU. IT IS SOME OF MY ACHIVEMENTS. THANKYOU
KM PROMISA CHAND 36371 Hrs 39 Min 56 Sec Promisa chand #Promisa chand #enroll =jv-i/17/1787 #Course = B tech civil (4th year) #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university university provides me a very healthy environment so that I can fully focus on my studies.Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University *Women’s colleges are rooted in historic traditions for promoting empowerment, sisterhood, and development of the female mind, but the relevance of women’s colleges in today’s society is often questioned due to tremendous strides for gender equality.* 1)Women empowerment is an important agenda for our nation and the JVWU University has been in the centre and front of driving this priority with ambitiously. 2)In a recent study conducted by the NSSE, researchers discovered that women at single-sex institutions were more engaged in campus life and reported the highest levels of support in their development. 3)Students at women’s colleges also tend to have significantly greater satisfaction with their academic, developmental, and personal experiences in comparison to co-end counterparts. 4)The students at women’s colleges are able to more fully engage in a strong campus community to make long-lasting connections with brilliant students, Deans, professors, and administrators. 5)Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens Universities provide women with an environment that is conducive to building the voice, confidence, and high self-esteem that is necessary for thriving in today’s still male-dominated marketplace. At present I have no success story. but I want to share a success story that always inspire me I hope this also help in acheving in your goals also. and I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self contribution of #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. Thats why i am very happy. This trained me very well and made me very strong. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health. also when I came I was very interoword and I did not talk to anyone , but as the time went everyone is very nice the seniors all the very poliet and supporting . # THANK YOU
NANDINI DEEPCHAND ASWAL 36462 Hrs 13 Min 00 Sec #Nandini aswal #JyotiVidhyapeethWomensUniversity CourseBNYS 1ST year enroll no. 202411 so as coming to my sucess story there have many proud moment in my life where i think i have achieved sucess but sucess is not always money or famous sucess is something you dreamed to do and had turned it in reality so for me there are many but for me the most dear one is when i was in 11 and i had top in the class and they ask us to come on 15 AUGUST for felistation all the toppers where present and mam came all the cheif guest were also there and then our principle mam came on the dias and ask all the toppers to come near the ground where the flag hoisting was about to done and she ask us to hoist the flag the moment right there that feeling the proud the patroitism was diferent all of us had tears in our eyes we were total 8 students standing there for flag hoisting that what a sucess for me toi hoist our national flag on 15AUGUST in front of the whole class that respect is above everything in my life that is the true sucess for me
GARIMA RAJPOOT 36462 Hrs 29 Min 02 Sec #JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMENS UNIVERSITY# #JV MISSION ### #GARIMA RAJPOOT# jyoti vidhyapith womens university is one of the best university for girls. My teachers are my inspiration. No doubt Jyoti vidhyapith womens university is the best university. They provide a safe and friendly environment. This university provides me a very healthy environment so that I can fully focus on my studies. It helps me to raise my voice and increase my confidence. The hostel in this collage is very good. Now - a- days students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of the students depend upon their achievements. I think it gives every single opportunity to proved yourself. It found yoga instructors over here who taught me About yoga so that i can take care of my health. Today the most important thing is security of girls. Here i get the self defence classes too this trend me very well and made me very strong.# push yourself because no one else is going to do if for you. Thanku!
ANKITA SINGH 36462 Hrs 38 Min 05 Sec #ANKITA SINGH # #MY UNIVERSITY# #JVWU# Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. jayoti vidyapeeth is just awesome ......thank uu
TEENA VISHNOI 36462 Hrs 44 Min 11 Sec #TEENA VISHNOI #JVWU #BA-LLB # #jayotividyapeeth #jvmission #dadi nani ke nushke in our india we have different kind of culture and tradition according to their respective palce or city in punjab hafyana we have dit kind of tradition in food and clothing in food people eat sarso ka sag and makhi ke roti or other thing in dress male wear turban and female wear punjabi suits and in up we have different cultures like in food and clothing in food ahar ki dal with rice is common or in dress male wear kurta pajama and female wear shalwar kameez different cultures in different palce but in home made remedy all the culture and tradition are the same tusli laung garlic cloves Ginger are the most popular and common remdy in nomoral symptoms. Kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons. That’s the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough. A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon, a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much-needed relief. #2nd all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored. Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever then my grandma tell me you can reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring the temperature of the body down, it also helps reduce any body aches that you have. #3 Almond oil is the best go-to fix for dark circles. Just put a few drops of almond oil under your eyes. Rub it for around 10 minutes in a circular motion, wash your face thereafter, and voila! Repeat for a couple of days for effective results. THANK YOU............
BHAGYASHRI PUROHIT 36485 Hrs 45 Min 32 Sec # Bhagyshri purohit # Jvu-202362 # Ba.llb-1 SEM # Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university # jvmisson# #iIt is my pleasure that i have to explain my experience in jvwu .So, i am very excited to visit the campus first time . When I took admission in college, I got to know a lot of good thing about it. When I first went to university,liked what I had heard more than that.when I visited university the class rooms there were very nice and well organized.i am a law student.our court room was built . She is also very nice and well organized and there remains a very large library which has all kinds of books which can be very helpful in our studies . Really felt very good after going to university. The university provides us with all kinds of facilities in this Corona epidemic, he is providing us with online classes and other activities. He gives me like new lifestyle and new dreams for career. We feel that we will achieve much success going forward. Thank you.
MS.SALONI CHOUDHARY 36493 Hrs 59 Min 14 Sec #saloni choudhary#b.sc bed (zbc)1st semester#jyoti vidhyapith womens university#jv mission#jyoti vidhyapith womens university is one of the best university for girls. My teachers are my inspiration. No doubt Jyoti vidhyapith womens university is the best university. They provide a safe and friendly environment. This university provides me a very healthy environment so that I can fully focus on my studies. It helps me to raise my voice and increase my confidence. The hostel in this collage is very good. Now - a- days students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of the students depend upon their achievements. I think it gives every single opportunity to proved yourself. It found yoga instructors over here who taught me About yoga so that i can take care of my health. Today the most important thing is security of girls. Here i get the self defence classes too this trend me very well and made me very strong.# push yourself because no one else is going to do if for you. Thanku!
EKTA JAIN 36503 Hrs 28 Min 46 Sec #EKTA JAIN#bpt 2nd year #JV-U/19/3200#jayoti vidyapeeth womens university university provides me a very healthy environment so that I can fully focus on my studies.Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University *Women’s colleges are rooted in historic traditions for promoting empowerment, sisterhood, and development of the female mind, but the relevance of women’s colleges in today’s society is often questioned due to tremendous strides for gender equality.* 1)Women empowerment is an important agenda for our nation and the JVWU University has been in the centre and front of driving this priority with ambitiously. 2)In a recent study conducted by the NSSE, researchers discovered that women at single-sex institutions were more engaged in campus life and reported the highest levels of support in their development. 3)Students at women’s colleges also tend to have significantly greater satisfaction with their academic, developmental, and personal experiences in comparison to co-end counterparts. 4)The students at women’s colleges are able to more fully engage in a strong campus community to make long-lasting connections with brilliant students, Deans, professors, and administrators. 5)Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens Universities provide women with an environment that is conducive to building the voice, confidence, and high self-esteem that is necessary for thriving in today’s still male-dominated marketplace. At present I have no success story. but I want to share a success story that always inspire me I hope this also help in acheving in your goals also. and I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self contribution of #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. Thats why i am very happy. This trained me very well and made me very strong. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health. also when I came I was very interoword and I did not talk to anyone , but as the time went everyone is very nice the seniors all the very poliet and supporting . # THANK YOU
VARSHA PRAJAPAT 36504 Hrs 45 Min 51 Sec Varsha prajapat jv-u/17/1083 b.pharm 7th sem #jvwuLife in lockdown can be a struggle. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health.But I am glad that during the quarantine we continue to work by online classes . Attending online classes everyday has become the ‘new normal’ for students during the lockdown . As schools and colleges were shut because of the lockdown to contain the spread of coronavirus, online class have taken centre stage in students’ life now.These online classes have helped students during lockdown more than ever before.In online classes, there is less physical activity and more mental activity which makes students more academic oriented.It also ensures that if students need further explanations, they can easily view these records and resolve doubts instantly.THANK YOU
AISHWARIYA 36510 Hrs 59 Min 52 Sec I jvn Aishwariya # jv-u/17/1089 #b.sc Agriculture 7th semester 4th year #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university jaipur When it was decided that I would attend jayoti Vidyapeeth womens University I was very rebellious towards the idea because I had always been a free girl and the college had immense restrictions but when I started attending everyday I was forced to adapted to the new routine life I became more disciplined everything had fixed time and I had to learn to manage my time effectively after confronting many trivial problems I gained self confidence and eventually became self dependent for the first time in my life and The teachers always looked out for us the founder and advisor sir treated all of us as his Daughters and Chairperson maam is like a mother to us.
RAVINA YADAV 36529 Hrs 56 Min 38 Sec #RAVINA YADAV #B.PHARM 7TH SEM #JV-U/17/1303 #JAYOTI VIDHYAPEETH WOEMS UNIVERSITY . Talking about the success I get from the jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that I really got a lot of support from my teachers and obviously from the other faculty staff. I learned how to deal with the ups and down you came across while in your studies. MY skills , my cofidence is just built up due to the efforts of my teachers . The kind of support and love I got over here in every step in each condition helps me to built up my career in a positive way. #THANK YOU #JAYOTIVIDHYPEETHWOMESUNIVERSITY #MYSUCCESS
TANISHA BOHRA 36533 Hrs 48 Min 43 Sec #Tanisha jain #jayotividhyapeeth womens university #2020 #202005#grandparents #National Grandparents Day 2020 will be celebrated on sunday, september 13.The Grandparents day is celebrated on the first Sunday after labour day .It is celebrated in honour of our elderly who gave their sweat and blood to build to build a family that we are today.While grandparents are the guiding light for all thefamily members,their bond with grandchildren is always special Of all the ways in which grandparents show their love,the amazing tips they give us come handy throughout our lives.From their words of wisdom to the traditional advice to deal with almost everything ,grandparents never fail to impress us .THANK YOU
TANISHA BOHRA 36533 Hrs 49 Min 17 Sec #Tanisha jain#Jayoti vidhyapeeth womens university #202005#ba-llb#iIt is my pleasure that i have to explain my experience in jvwu .So, i am a freshie now and taking online classes yet and excited to visit the campus first time .Thats why we have very less experience yet .I got soo many good feedbacks about this college before taking admission.And i come on a conclusion that that teachers are very polite and frank in studies thay always support us.This is having a lot activities so we grew in each one .And staff and seniors are still strangers to us dont have interaction with them due to covid time.I heard a lot of good things about here but now taking experince of all .we cant say anthing from now about our future .But if we work hard and teachers support the same so definately got success in lives.THANK YOU
TANISHA BOHRA 36533 Hrs 50 Min 20 Sec #Tanisha jain#Jayoti vidhyapeeth womens university #202005#ba-llb#iIt is my pleasure that i have to explain my experience in jvwu .So, i am a freshie now and taking online classes yet and excited to visit the campus first time .Thats why we have very less experience yet .I got soo many good feedbacks about this college before taking admission.And i come on a conclusion that that teachers are very polite and frank in studies thay always support us.This is having a lot activities so we grew in each one .And staff and seniors are still strangers to us dont have interaction with them due to covid time.I heard a lot of good things about here but now taking experince of all .we cant say anthing from now about our future .But if we work hard and teachers support the same so definately got success in lives.THANK YOU
VIJAY LAXMI MEENA 36534 Hrs 16 Min 13 Sec #vijay laxmi meena# BAMS 2nd year#enroll. jv-u/19/3776#I am belong from a middle class family thats why I cant go to Jyoti Vidyapeeth womens University before I go to the college always I think about this college when will I will go this college.always think about that this dreams I want to teach in Jyoti Vidyapeeth University #after marriage this dream is completely success finally I got admission in Jyoti Vidya peeth womens University I think too much very happy finally I got my dreams.Jyoti Vidyapeeth womens University contribute to my chin change my lifestyle and career. He gives me like new lifestyle and new dreams for career.University teachers are very helpful for every student and inspirational.I want to also become a like a strong teacher in speaking. I heard about there placement this university gives good placement for student now I want to this opportunity for this University placement. Finally he play most important role in my success story. I go to the college I learn lot of things. Thank you so very much
MANSI JOSHI 36534 Hrs 16 Min 49 Sec #Mansi Joshi#bpt 2nd year #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university university provides me a very healthy environment so that I can fully focus on my studies.Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University *Women’s colleges are rooted in historic traditions for promoting empowerment, sisterhood, and development of the female mind, but the relevance of women’s colleges in today’s society is often questioned due to tremendous strides for gender equality.* 1)Women empowerment is an important agenda for our nation and the JVWU University has been in the centre and front of driving this priority with ambitiously. 2)In a recent study conducted by the NSSE, researchers discovered that women at single-sex institutions were more engaged in campus life and reported the highest levels of support in their development. 3)Students at women’s colleges also tend to have significantly greater satisfaction with their academic, developmental, and personal experiences in comparison to co-end counterparts. 4)The students at women’s colleges are able to more fully engage in a strong campus community to make long-lasting connections with brilliant students, Deans, professors, and administrators. 5)Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens Universities provide women with an environment that is conducive to building the voice, confidence, and high self-esteem that is necessary for thriving in today’s still male-dominated marketplace. At present I have no success story. but I want to share a success story that always inspire me I hope this also help in acheving in your goals also. and I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self contribution of #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. Thats why i am very happy. This trained me very well and made me very strong. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health. also when I came I was very interoword and I did not talk to anyone , but as the time went everyone is very nice the seniors all the very poliet and supporting . # THANK YOU
ANKITA SINGH 36534 Hrs 17 Min 17 Sec #ANKITA SINGH #JVWU #BA-LLB .Life in lockdown can be a struggle. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health.But I am glad that during the quarantine we continue to work by online classes . Attending online classes everyday has become the ‘new normal’ for students during the lockdown . As schools and colleges were shut because of the lockdown to contain the spread of coronavirus, online class have taken centre stage in students’ life now.These online classes have helped students during lockdown more than ever before.In online classes, there is less physical activity and more mental activity which makes students more academic oriented.It also ensures that if students need further explanations, they can easily view these records and resolve doubts instantly.THANK YOU
SUFIYA PARWEEN 36534 Hrs 19 Min 29 Sec #sufiya#bsc mlt#jayoti vidyapeeth womens university #semester 1 #inspirational story of my grandmother I heard a story from my grandparents, a story about a crow and a pot. In that story a clever crow was flying in the sky and he was quite thirsty so he saw across a pot with water. When the clever crow tries to drink the water from that pot, he was not able to reach there. He tried once, twice, thrice but failed to drink water from that pot as the level of water in that pot was quite low. He was very thirsty, was not in a mood to give up. He wanted that water by hook or by crook. Then suddenly he saw some stone lying on the ground. As soon as he saw the stones, something strikes in his mind and he started picking those stones by his beak and started throwing it into that pot. And slowly slowly the water level started increasing. After throwing some stones, the water level was enough for the crow to drink water. So he drank that water, and flew away. After this story, my grandparents told me the moral behind this story and the moral was WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY!!!! thank you
SUFIYA PARWEEN 36534 Hrs 19 Min 47 Sec #sufiya#bscmlt#jayotii vidyapeeth womens university #Women’s colleges are rooted in historic traditions for promoting empowerment, sisterhood, and development of the female mind, but the relevance of women’s colleges in today’s society is often questioned due to tremendous strides for gender equality.* 1)Women empowerment is an important agenda for our nation and the JVWU University has been in the centre and front of driving this priority with ambitiously. 2)In a recent study conducted by the NSSE, researchers discovered that women at single-sex institutions were more engaged in campus life and reported the highest levels of support in their development. 3)Students at women’s colleges also tend to have significantly greater satisfaction with their academic, developmental, and personal experiences in comparison to co-end counterparts. 4)The students at women’s colleges are able to more fully engage in a strong campus community to make long-lasting connections with brilliant students, Deans, professors, and administrators. 5)Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens Universities provide women with an environment that is conducive to building the voice, confidence, and high self-esteem that is necessary for thriving in today’s still male-dominated marketplace. At present I have no success story. but I want to share a success story that always inspire me I hope this also help in acheving in your goals also. Abraham Lincoln: This great personality who has also been the ex-president of the USA has suffered regularly from massive failures year after the year. Lincoln failed in his business in the year 1831 and after which in the year 1836, he got a major nervous breakdown. Struggling consistently for years, he again failed in 1856 during US presidential elections. Fighting and struggling consistently, he elected as the sixteenth President of the USA in 1861 and went on leading towards his way of life. #Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you. Thanku!
GARIMA RAJPOOT 36534 Hrs 20 Min 30 Sec #GARIMA RAJPOOT #JVWU #B.COM-LLB university provides me a very healthy environment so that I can fully focus on my studies.Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University *Women’s colleges are rooted in historic traditions for promoting empowerment, sisterhood, and development of the female mind, but the relevance of women’s colleges in today’s society is often questioned due to tremendous strides for gender equality.* 1)Women empowerment is an important agenda for our nation and the JVWU University has been in the centre and front of driving this priority with ambitiously. 2)In a recent study conducted by the NSSE, researchers discovered that women at single-sex institutions were more engaged in campus life and reported the highest levels of support in their development. 3)Students at women’s colleges also tend to have significantly greater satisfaction with their academic, developmental, and personal experiences in comparison to co-end counterparts. 4)The students at women’s colleges are able to more fully engage in a strong campus community to make long-lasting connections with brilliant students, Deans, professors, and administrators. 5)Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens Universities provide women with an environment that is conducive to building the voice, confidence, and high self-esteem that is necessary for thriving in today’s still male-dominated marketplace. At present I have no success story. but I want to share a success story that always inspire me I hope this also help in acheving in your goals also. and I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self contribution of #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. Thats why i am very happy. This trained me very well and made me very strong. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health. also when I came I was very interoword and I did not talk to anyone , but as the time went everyone is very nice the seniors all the very poliet and supporting . # THANK YOU
TEENA VISHNOI 36534 Hrs 24 Min 43 Sec #TEENA VISHNOI #JVWU #BA.LLB #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jayoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy.Thats why i am happy Thank you.
RISHITA OJHA 36534 Hrs 25 Min 12 Sec #rishita ojha #BMLT 5 TH SEM# jv-u/18/2047Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university Jaipur is my life this is my second house and my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment. The hostel in this college is very good. my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. Thats why i am very happy. This trained me very well and made me very strong. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health. THANK YOU....for my respected Advisor sir and my respected faculty and also thanks to my friends..
ANCHAL RAHA 36534 Hrs 29 Min 09 Sec #anchalraha#2019077#BMLT5semester#jayotividyapeethwomensuniversity One day a man was travelling down a path. He saw an egg, it was an eagles egg. He took it and kept it in a hens nest. Soon, the egg hatched and a baby eagle came out of it, it grew up with the chicks. For his whole life, the eagle did what the chickens did. It would poke around in the dirt, searching for worms and insects to eat. It would fly up to a certain feet like the chickens do. It would cluck around with the chickens. The eagle grew very old. And one day, he saw something above him, that thing glided gracefully and majestically through the clouds. The eagle says “Whats that?”, “Oh that, thats an eagle” one chicken responsed “He, is the king of all birds, the master of the skies!, But we, belong to the grounds because we are just chickens, Dont worry about him, you would never be that”. The eagle then lived and died as a chicken. Moral : The person who have never tested his true potiential can never fully experience life. thanku
SHRUTI PRAVIN YEOLE 36534 Hrs 32 Min 02 Sec #SHRUTIYEOLE#BNYS 1st year#202475#jvwu......One day a man was travelling down a path. He saw an egg, it was an eagles egg. He took it and kept it in a hens nest. Soon, the egg hatched and a baby eagle came out of it, it grew up with the chicks. For his whole life, the eagle did what the chickens did. It would poke around in the dirt, searching for worms and insects to eat. It would fly up to a certain feet like the chickens do. It would cluck around with the chickens. The eagle grew very old. And one day, he saw something above him, that thing glided gracefully and majestically through the clouds. The eagle says “Whats that?”, “Oh that, thats an eagle” one chicken responsed “He, is the king of all birds, the master of the skies!, But we, belong to the grounds because we are just chickens, Dont worry about him, you would never be that”. The eagle then lived and died as a chicken. Moral : The person who have never tested his true potiential can never fully experience life. thanku
SHIKHA 36534 Hrs 32 Min 48 Sec #Shikha #jv-ul/19/3133 #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university #2019076 #jvwu... .Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university Jaipur is my life this is my second house and my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment. The hostel in this college is very good. my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. Thats why i am very happy. This trained me very well and made me very strong. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health. also when I came I was very introworld and I didnt talk to anyone , but as the time went everyone is very nice the juniors and seniors all the very poliet nad supporting . THANK YOU
MANSI SAXENA 36534 Hrs 34 Min 22 Sec #mansi saxena #jv-ul/19/3137 #bsc.MLT(5thsem) Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university Jaipur is my life this is my second house and my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment. The hostel in this college is very good. my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. Thats why i am very happy. This trained me very well and made me very strong. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health. also when I came I was very introworld and I didnt talk to anyone , but as the time went everyone is very nice the juniors and seniors all the very poliet nad supporting . THANK YOU
POOJA KIRAN 36534 Hrs 34 Min 37 Sec #Poojakiran jv-i/17/1538#B.scagri+MBA 7th semester 4th year #Jayotividyapeethwomensuniversityjaipur When it was decided that I would attend jayoti Vidyapeeth womens University I was very rebellious towards the idea because I had always been a free girl and the college had immense restrictions but when I started attending everyday I was forced to adapted to the new routine life I became more disciplined everything had fixed time and I had to learn to manage my time effectively after confronting many trivial problems I gained self confidence and eventually became self dependent for the first time in my life and The teachers always looked out for us the founder and advisor sir treated all of us as his Daughters and Chairperson maam is like a mother to us.
AASTHA BHASIN 36536 Hrs 50 Min 12 Sec # aastha bhasin #18010 #JV-U/18/2048 # BPT-5th sem #jvwu... .Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university Jaipur is my life this is my second house and my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment. The hostel in this college is very good. my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. Thats why i am very happy. This trained me very well and made me very strong. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health. also when I came I was very introworld and I didnt talk to anyone , but as the time went everyone is very nice the juniors and seniors all the very poliet nad supporting . THANK YOU
NIDHI VASHISHTH 36537 Hrs 40 Min 33 Sec #nidhivashishth #18523 #jv-u/18/2268 #BPT #5thsem. #jvwu...Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university Jaipur is my life this is my second house and my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment. The hostel in this college is very good. my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. Thats why i am very happy. This trained me very well and made me very strong. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health. THANK YOU....for my respected Advisor sir and my respected faculty and also thanks to my friends...
PRIYANKA 36539 Hrs 06 Min 14 Sec Namaste maam Jvn Priyanka BPT 5th sem,3rd year Jv-u/18/2740 #jvw #JVWU #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University is my life this is my second house and my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you. #JVWU..
PRERNA SHREE 36550 Hrs 13 Min 00 Sec PRERNA SHREE #Prerna shree #Bsc Agriculture+ MBA #7th semester #jv-i/17/1418 #jvwu My success story with contribution of jvwu JVWU payed a vital role in enhancing my personality. Im a 4th yr student and in these years I learnt many things from my college that will help me whole life. Before coming to this college I had stage phobia but my college provides open stage for every students to showcase their talent and they also teaches us when we are wrong in a very friendly manner that no one will hesitate while performing. Im so thankful to this college because I got rid of my biggest fear that is stage phobia and now I perform so boldly and I always get appreciation. This will definitely help me in every part of life.
DEVKI GOURH 36552 Hrs 09 Min 51 Sec #DevkiDevki Gour# scholar Number 202105 B.Ed 1 year #jyoti vidyapeeth university #jaipur Rajasthan# mission success story# यह विश्व विद्यालय बालिकाओं के लिए बहुत ही अच्छा है यहां बालिकाओं को बहुत सारी सुविधाएं उपलब्ध करवाई जाती है बालिकाओं के रहने के लिए यहां सुरक्षित होस्टल है यहां बालिकाओं को बहुत सारी एक्टिविटी करवाई जाती है जिनसे उन्हें बहुत कुछ सीखने को मिलता है यह कॉलेज बालिकाओं के लिए बहुत ही अच्छा है ये कॉलेज राजस्थान का अच्छा कॉलेज है
MAMTA KUMAWAT 36554 Hrs 44 Min 18 Sec #NAME MAMTA KUMAWAT #ENROLLMENT NUMBER-JV-P/19/3014 #CLASS-MBA HR SECOND YEAR #UNIVERSITY NAME-JYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMENS UNIVERSITY JAIPUR #I WOULD TO LIKE MY SUCCESS STORIES SHARE WITH JYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMENS UNIVERSITY #I am belong from a middle class family thats why I cant go to Jyoti Vidyapeeth womens University before I go to the college always I think about this college when will I will go this college.always think about that this dreams I want to teach in Jyoti Vidyapeeth University #after marriage this dream is completely success finally I got admission in Jyoti Vidya peeth womens University I think too much very happy finally I got my dreams.Jyoti Vidyapeeth womens University contribute to my chin change my lifestyle and career. He gives me like new lifestyle and new dreams for career.University teachers are very helpful for every student and inspirational.I want to also become a like a strong teacher in speaking. I heard about there placement this university gives good placement for student now I want to this opportunity for this University placement. Finally he play most important role in my success story. I go to the college I learn lot of things. Thank you so very much
KUMARI ANNU PRIYA 36558 Hrs 13 Min 48 Sec Kri. Annu priya .. Det_cse 7th tri enrollment no. Jv-d/18/2563 #JVWU #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University is my life this is my second house and my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you. #JVWU..
BHAGYASHRI PUROHIT 36558 Hrs 28 Min 54 Sec # Bhagyshri purohit # jvu-202362 #B.a llb-1 SEM yr#jayoti vidyapeeth womens university# JV mission #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls. This university provides me a very healthy environment so that I can fully focus on my studies.it provides a very good platform to all the students and motivated them as well.online class is on now . All the teachers are teaching very well.help a lot in studies. Along with studies , he is also providing us all activities. Jvwu studies are very good.jvwu campus and facilities is good.thank you.
PARUL 36579 Hrs 49 Min 47 Sec #parul #jv-i/18/2374 #jvwu #b.sc-b.ed #my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
SWARNIMA MITRA 36582 Hrs 05 Min 12 Sec #SwarnimaMitra from BCA 3rd sem (jv-u/19/3182) Faculty of Engineering and Technology #Jayaotividyapeeethwomensuniversity I have taken admission in jvwu one year ago and this is my 2nd year and i am persuing BCA program in this university. I have experienced a lot here either it is in terms of study, living or participation in any other activities. This university is best in teaching Discipline and ofcourse in teaching subjects too. After coming here the main thing which I learned is how to medidate means the right way of meditation and the proper way of doing yoga. AS there is a daly routine of Yoga and meditation class that is in the early every morning we used to do yogaand mditatio alternate days. So I think this is an important success stories of mine which will help me a lot for my whle life. THANKYOU
ANCHAL GUPTA 36582 Hrs 19 Min 20 Sec #Jvn Anchal Gupta,MCA(LE)1st sem,scholar no-202246#jayotividyapeeth Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university Jaipur is my life this is my second house and my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment. The hostel in this college is very good. my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. Thats why i am very happy. This trained me very well and made me very strong. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health. THANK YOU....for my respected Advisor sir and my respected faculty and also thanks to my friends...
CHHAYA 36582 Hrs 19 Min 54 Sec jvwu chhaya #BC3rd sem #JV-u/19/3181 Jyoti vidhyapeeth university jv university is my life this is my second house and my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploaded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth women university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for at least 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for me and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
PARUL KANWAR 36603 Hrs 59 Min 16 Sec Parul kanwar # Parul kanwar# student of MBA 2nd year # jyoti vidhya peeth womens University Jaipur Rajasthan# Enrollment is JV-p 19 /. 3005 My grandmother tells me me a story about Sita. A woman who pic top the shield Dhanush buy one hand when she was a kid.sita was not only physically strong. But also displayed emotional and mental strength she never shed away from taking challenges and would always face life head on It is is very e and encouraging for me. .
ARPNA CHOUDHARY 36606 Hrs 51 Min 27 Sec Arpna choudhary#Scholar no -202180#BA.LLB 1st year sem-1jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Jaipur Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University is a very good college. This college has very good hostel facilities for girls. The teacher here are very inspiring. This campus makes girls do yoga every morning and this campus has every facilities for girls. The environment of Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Jaipur is very healthy.
RADHIKA SHARMA 36608 Hrs 41 Min 43 Sec #Radhika sharma# jayotividhtapeeth # jv-i/17/1528 #jvmission B.sc B.ed(pcm)7th sem Success story with Jyoti Vidyapeeth. Jvwu is the best university for girls it provides a safe and secure environment to girls. I come here to pursue BSc bed so that I can give best to the nation with my skill and knowledge.this university provides me a very healthy environment so that I can fully focus on my studies. It has me to rise my voice and increase my confidence. It provides a very good platform to all the students and motivates them as well. When I come here I hesitate to express my words but the faculty supported me.thank you
MS.ARTI GARG 36626 Hrs 02 Min 50 Sec Arti garg#Jyoti vidhyapeeth university jv university is my life this is my second house and my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
MS.ARTI GARG 36626 Hrs 07 Min 18 Sec Arti garg#jv-u/18/2808#bpt 3rd year #jvwu #jayotividyapeeth #jvmission #dadi nani ke nushke in our india we have different kind of culture and tradition according to their respective palce or city in punjab hafyana we have dit kind of tradition in food and clothing in food people eat sarso ka sag and makhi ke roti or other thing in dress male wear turban and female wear punjabi suits and in up we have different cultures like in food and clothing in food ahar ki dal with rice is common or in dress male wear kurta pajama and female wear shalwar kameez different cultures in different palce but in home made remedy all the culture and tradition are the same tusli laung garlic cloves Ginger are the most popular and common remdy in nomoral symptoms. Kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons. That’s the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough. A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon, a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much-needed relief. #2nd all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored. Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever then my grandma tell me you can reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring the temperature of the body down, it also helps reduce any body aches that you have. #3 Almond oil is the best go-to fix for dark circles. Just put a few drops of almond oil under your eyes. Rub it for around 10 minutes in a circular motion, wash your face thereafter, and voila! Repeat for a
MS.ARTI GARG 36626 Hrs 09 Min 28 Sec university provides me a very healthy environment so that I can fully focus on my studies.Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University *Women’s colleges are rooted in historic traditions for promoting empowerment, sisterhood, and development of the female mind, but the relevance of women’s colleges in today’s society is often questioned due to tremendous strides for gender equality.* 1)Women empowerment is an important agenda for our nation and the JVWU University has been in the centre and front of driving this priority with ambitiously. 2)In a recent study conducted by the NSSE, researchers discovered that women at single-sex institutions were more engaged in campus life and reported the highest levels of support in their development. 3)Students at women’s colleges also tend to have significantly greater satisfaction with their academic, developmental, and personal experiences in comparison to co-end counterparts. 4)The students at women’s colleges are able to more fully engage in a strong campus community to make long-lasting connections with brilliant students, Deans, professors, and administrators. 5)Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens Universities provide women with an environment that is conducive to building the voice, confidence, and high self-esteem that is necessary for thriving in today’s still male-dominated marketplace. At present I have no success story. but I want to share a success story that always inspire me I hope this also help in acheving in your goals also. Abraham Lincoln: This great personality who has also been the ex-president of the USA has suffered regularly from massive failures year after the year. Lincoln failed in his business in the year 1831 and after which in the year 1836, he got a major nervous breakdown. Struggling consistently for years, he again failed in 1856 during US presidential elections. Fighting and struggling consistently, he elected as the sixteenth President of the USA in 1861 and went on leading towards his way of life. #Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you. Thanku!
DOLLY 1 36628 Hrs 04 Min 41 Sec #Dolly #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university #JV MISSION B.com(hons.)5th sem. Jv-u/18/2217 #Success story with contibution of jvwu. Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.This university provides me a very healthy environment so that I can fully focus on my studies.Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University *Women’s colleges are rooted in historic traditions for promoting empowerment, sisterhood, and development of the female mind, but the relevance of women’s colleges in today’s society is often questioned due to tremendous strides for gender equality.* 1)Women empowerment is an important agenda for our nation and the JVWU University has been in the centre and front of driving this priority with ambitiously. 2)In a recent study conducted by the NSSE, researchers discovered that women at single-sex institutions were more engaged in campus life and reported the highest levels of support in their development. 3)Students at women’s colleges also tend to have significantly greater satisfaction with their academic, developmental, and personal experiences in comparison to co-end counterparts. 4)The students at women’s colleges are able to more fully engage in a strong campus community to make long-lasting connections with brilliant students, Deans, professors, and administrators. 5)Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens Universities provide women with an environment that is conducive to building the voice, confidence, and high self-esteem that is necessary for thriving in today’s still male-dominated marketplace. At present I have no success story. but I want to share a success story that always inspire me I hope this also help in acheving in your goals also. Abraham Lincoln: This great personality who has also been the ex-president of the USA has suffered regularly from massive failures year after the year. Lincoln failed in his business in the year 1831 and after which in the year 1836, he got a major nervous breakdown. Struggling consistently for years, he again failed in 1856 during US presidential elections. Fighting and struggling consistently, he elected as the sixteenth President of the USA in 1861 and went on leading towards his way of life. #Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you. Thanku!
RICHA GUPTA 36628 Hrs 32 Min 46 Sec #richa gupta # BSc BEd (ZBC) 3rd Sem, Jv-i/19/3370 # JVWU# JVMISSION. #Success story with Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University. JVWU is the best university for girls.It provides a safe and secure environment to girls.I came here to pursue BSc BEd so that I can give best to the nation with my skills and knowledge. This university provides me a very healthy environment so that I can fully focus on my studies.It helps me to raise my voice and increases my confidence. It provides a very good platform to all the students and motivates them as well. When I came here I hesitate to express my words but the faculty supports me. I found yoga instructors over here who taught me about yoga so that I can take care of my health. Today the most important thing is security to girls . Here I get the self defence classes too. This trained me very well and made me very strong.
ARPITA NAIR 36629 Hrs 41 Min 17 Sec #jvn Arpita nair b. Com(hons)sem5th jv-u/18/2162. Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jayoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
TRIPTI SHRIVASTAV 36629 Hrs 48 Min 24 Sec #Jvn tripti shrivastav #jv-u/17/1118 # b.phrma (7thsem.) #jvwu my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
PUJA DEVI 36629 Hrs 51 Min 19 Sec # PUJA DEVI ( BCS.MLT Vth sem) jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
KUSUM 36629 Hrs 52 Min 14 Sec #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university ofthe best university for girls my teachers are good they are good environment the hostel are very good the room are very clean and mess and classroom and also campus are very clean my success most of tha local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat wso idecied to feed of the most of the people and give mask and sanitation product withmy help them and wake the video how to hand wash with soapwithand upoledon you tube portal which may people guide tha ruleandevery day yoga and healthy food eat 1 hour yoga everyday which make me awareto laern this good
MUSKAN AGARWAL 1 36629 Hrs 56 Min 25 Sec #JvnMuskanAgarwal #2019002 #B.COM(HONS.)3rdSEMESTER #JAYOTIVIDYAPEETHWOMENSUNIVERSITY #JVMISSION I dont have any success story for now but few days before, I read a motivational story in an article which for sure I want to share it with everyone. Once upon a time, a merchant owed a huge sum of money from a money lender. After sometime, that time came when the merchant ran out of the last chance given to him to give the money back. The merchant had a very beautiful daughter who was very affectionate with her father. When the moneylender saw his daughter, he asked the merchant to give all the money back else he will marry his beautiful daughter. The money lender was not at all good looking and ill minded and so the merchant was in dilemma. After seeing his reaction, the money lender proposed a new condition. There was a mix of black and white pebbles on the ground where they were standing. He said that he will take two pebbles on both hands, one will be white and the other will be black. If the daughter correctly chooses the white pebble, then the money lender will write off all the debt and leave the marriage proposal too. But if she chooses the black pebble, he will write off the debt but will marry the daughter. Money lender bent down to pick the pebbles from the ground and the daughter noticed that he took black pebbles on both hands. The girl had three choices, first to notify the same to her father which may provoke the money lender, second take the black pebble and sacrifice her life and third simply refuse to take the pebble which might land her father into trouble. But what she did totally surprise that sick minded money lender. She took the pebble from his hand and ACCIDENTALLY the pebble fell off from her hand to ground. She then asked the money lender to see which color pebble was left in his hand to identify the color she picked. The money lender had no other choice but to show the black color pebble in his hand and set both of them free. So from this whole story I learned one thing for sure that SOMETIMES, LIFE OFFERS YOU SITUATIONS WHICH NOT ONLY DEMANDS HARD WORK AND PERSEVERANCE BUT SOMETIMES IT DEMANDS CREATIVE THINKING OR CREATIVITY TO HANDLE THINGS WHICH CAN SAVES THE SITUATION. Thankyouu!!!
RISHITA OJHA 36630 Hrs 09 Min 35 Sec jv-u/18/2047 #. jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you
JAIN AKSHITA ASHOK 36630 Hrs 10 Min 56 Sec #JvnAkshitaJain #JVWU #M.B.A. Finance #1styear #jvwu/202158/20-21 Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University *Women’s colleges are rooted in historic traditions for promoting empowerment, sisterhood, and development of the female mind, but the relevance of women’s colleges in today’s society is often questioned due to tremendous strides for gender equality.* 1)Women empowerment is an important agenda for our nation and the JVWU University has been in the centre and front of driving this priority with ambitiously. 2)In a recent study conducted by the NSSE, researchers discovered that women at single-sex institutions were more engaged in campus life and reported the highest levels of support in their development. 3)Students at women’s colleges also tend to have significantly greater satisfaction with their academic, developmental, and personal experiences in comparison to co-end counterparts. 4)The students at women’s colleges are able to more fully engage in a strong campus community to make long-lasting connections with brilliant students, Deans, professors, and administrators. 5)Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens Universities provide women with an environment that is conducive to building the voice, confidence, and high self-esteem that is necessary for thriving in today’s still male-dominated marketplace.
ANCHAL RAHA 36630 Hrs 21 Min 24 Sec #Anchal raha #enrollmentno- jv-ul/19/3134 course- bsc.mlt 5 semester #jayotividyapeethwomens university jaipur rajasthan my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
PRIYANKA 36633 Hrs 00 Min 24 Sec #Namaste @#jvn Priyanka Bpt 3rd year 5th sem jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
NIKITA KUMARI 36645 Hrs 19 Min 30 Sec Vinita Sharma B.Ed 1st Year Success story In My Opinion is the success story of each and Every women is that we are studying in JYOTI VIDHYAPEETH WOMEN UNVERSITY and will be good teachers who will serve society in terms of education and will teach to students and each and every person of society As we all know there is no age boundaries are there of age to learn we hope we all will get bright future with guidance of teachers Teachers play important role in society to make bright future of students and in my family my anty’s ( Mother’s sister ) my sister and my brother all are teachers and with all them I inspired to be a Good teacher and I found Jyoti Vidhyapeeth to learn how to be a good teacher. It is my Inspiration and respect for teachers, Teachers are the base of our life who teaches us to fight against the hurdles of success and how to be you as you are in any difficult situation of life. SO this is my Inspiration to be a good teacher for society.
YADAV KOMAL 36645 Hrs 26 Min 37 Sec #Name- Komal Yadav #Scholar No- 202301 #B.Ed Sem-1 #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University #My Success Story When I was in the final year of graduation one of my professor informed us about the Summer Internship programme in Mathematics going to be held at some of the prestigious colleges in Tamil Nadu and Odisha. I applied for both the programmes but was not selected in any of those. I informed about the same to my Professor and he told me not to loose hope and keep working. He told me that I am capable enough and will get much more chances in future. A week later I came to know about the Summer Internship programme going to be held for the first time in our State, Gujarat. Immediately I requested the head of our department to recommend my name for the same. Luckily I was selected there. This internship was a great platform to learn from many of the honorable scientist and mathematicians. It was a 15 day programme but it keep inspiring me till today..
DIVYA SINGHAL 36646 Hrs 24 Min 59 Sec #Divya singhal# My scholar no 202289 B.ED 1st year #jyoti vidyapeeth womens university#jv mission success story. ज्योति विधा पीठ महिला विश्व विद्यालय बहुत ही अच्छा कॉलेज है| जहाँ बालिकाओ के लिए बहुत ही अच्छा होस्टल सुविधा है |यहाँ के शिक्षक बहुत ही प्रेरणा दायक है |यहाँ बालिकाओ को हर नई बात के बारे मे जानकारी दी जाती है| यहाँ बहुत सारे एक्टिविटी करवाई जाती हैं बालिकाओ के लिए हर तरह का पाठकम उपलब्ध है| यहाँ बालिकाओ के लिए सुरक्षित विद्यालय है| यहाँ शिक्षक रोज सुबह योग करवाते है जिससे सबका शुद्ध वातावरण मिले और सब ठीक हो | यहाँ केमपस मे बालिकाओ के लिये वाहन सुविधा भी है किसी भी बालिका को आने जाने मे कोई समस्या नहीं हो|
CHETNA 36647 Hrs 15 Min 24 Sec #CHETNA # BSc BEd (PCM) 3rd Sem, Jv-u/19/3146 # JVWU# JVMISSION. #Success story with Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University. JVWU is the best university for girls.It provides a safe and secure environment to girls.I came here to pursue BSc BEd so that I can give best to the nation with my skills and knowledge. This university provides me a very healthy environment so that I can fully focus on my studies.It helps me to raise my voice and increases my confidence. It provides a very good platform to all the students and motivates them as well. When I came here I hesitate to express my words but the faculty supports me. I found yoga instructors over here who taught me about yoga so that I can take care of my health. Today the most important thing is security to girls . Here I get the self defence classes too. This trained me very well and made me very strong.
CHETNA 36647 Hrs 15 Min 27 Sec #CHETNA # BSc BEd (PCM) 3rd Sem, Jv-u/19/3146 # JVWU# JVMISSION. #Success story with Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University. JVWU is the best university for girls.It provides a safe and secure environment to girls.I came here to pursue BSc BEd so that I can give best to the nation with my skills and knowledge. This university provides me a very healthy environment so that I can fully focus on my studies.It helps me to raise my voice and increases my confidence. It provides a very good platform to all the students and motivates them as well. When I came here I hesitate to express my words but the faculty supports me. I found yoga instructors over here who taught me about yoga so that I can take care of my health. Today the most important thing is security to girls . Here I get the self defence classes too. This trained me very well and made me very strong.
UMANG RATHI 36648 Hrs 52 Min 55 Sec # Umang Rathi # BSc BEd pcm 3rd sem ,jv-i/19/3467 # jvmission Success story with JV Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls .The mission of University is to provide "Education for Community Development Leading to Women Empowerment".Last year i got enrolled here in BSc BEd. I met many persons here. Some of them influenced me in a very good manner.The main of them are my two seniors.One is my senior and other one is super senior. There are many good qualities in them such as they are disciplined,responsible,sensitive,hard-working,sincere, and many more.One of the good habit is that they go to library and study about 7-8 hrs daily which influenced me very much.Also they are class toppers.After that I go to library daily . Both are like an ideal for me.There are some teachers also who motivate me to do more and more hard work.This is my success story in JV which will helps me to reach the apex point in my life.
NISHA SINGH 5 36651 Hrs 54 Min 05 Sec #Nisha Singh #Jv-P/19/3031 #MBA(BFM)2yr #Jvwu Teachers is helping not only in studying but theyre trying to improve their personalities with the activities. These activities may helpful for students feel more confident and ready for the future challenges. They try to eliminate students weaknesses into strengths so that they can be ready for their future goals. Thankyou
HONEY GILUNDIYA 36652 Hrs 40 Min 52 Sec my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
SUJATA INDORA 36652 Hrs 51 Min 33 Sec #sujata indora # jv-i/19/3305 # BSc BEd [ZBC] 3rd sem. jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
PUJA SINGH 36653 Hrs 18 Min 21 Sec #PUJA SINGH#JV-P/19/3020#MBA(HRM)2nd Year#JVWU#JV Mission#my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploaded on University youtube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash.my one more success story with contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.
DEEPIKA RATHI 36653 Hrs 28 Min 35 Sec #Deepika Rathi # jv-u/19/3083 # BPharma jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
DEEPIKA RATHI 36653 Hrs 28 Min 53 Sec #Deepika Rathi # jv-u/19/3083 # BPharma jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is one of the best university for girls.my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
RITU KUMAWAT 36653 Hrs 35 Min 59 Sec Ritu kumawat#bscbed#jvmission#jvwu# my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploaded on University youtube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash.
KUSUM 36653 Hrs 37 Min 30 Sec #kusum Enrollment no-Jv-p/19/3648 course - Llb3 sem #jvwu here in Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University i like the way the girls are motivated to achieve their goals of life irrespective to any stream of education.
PRIYA ROY 36653 Hrs 38 Min 58 Sec #priya Roy # Jv-U/18/2116#b.pharm(3rd year)#jvwu#jvmission.my success and contribute is that due to the pendemic most of the local worker loat their job and become less due which they do not have food so Ii decided to give food to their as can I do .and I give them mask and senition product and aware them .
PRABHA GUPTA 36653 Hrs 39 Min 08 Sec #Namaste #Prabha gupta #jv-u/16/9686 #jvwu .Life in lockdown can be a struggle. It’s important to balance your studies with other activities to keep yourself motivated and look after your mental health.But I am glad that during the quarantine we continue to work by online classes . Attending online classes everyday has become the ‘new normal’ for students during the lockdown . As schools and colleges were shut because of the lockdown to contain the spread of coronavirus, online class have taken centre stage in students’ life now.These online classes have helped students during lockdown more than ever before.In online classes, there is less physical activity and more mental activity which makes students more academic oriented.It also ensures that if students need further explanations, they can easily view these records and resolve doubts instantly.THANK YOU
DARSHIKA KUMARI BAIRWA 36653 Hrs 41 Min 15 Sec #DarshikaVerma #JVWU, Jayoti Vidyapeeth is first women private university in India. The University provides a safe learning environment and hostel facility to the students who are willing to stay in the campus.
GARIMA RAJPOOT 36653 Hrs 49 Min 18 Sec #GARIMA RAJPOOT #Jyoti vidhyapeeth university jv university is my life this is my second house and my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
GARIMA RAJPOOT 36653 Hrs 49 Min 18 Sec #GARIMA RAJPOOT #Jyoti vidhyapeeth university jv university is my life this is my second house and my teachers are my inspiration.No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.Thats why i am so happy Thank you.
ANKITA SINGH 36653 Hrs 57 Min 01 Sec #Ankitasingh #jvwu Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.they provide us a very environment i love my university and my all faculties #Thank you.
TEENA VISHNOI 36653 Hrs 58 Min 25 Sec #TEENA VISHNOI #JVWU #jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university During this pandemic condition it was difficult for everyone to survive with this condition Even poor people was suffering more and stray animals too As with help of my university I helped few people n animals in this covid situation I use to aware uneducated people about use of mask n handwash how to take care how to prevent how and what to do if you are positive even I have feeded to stray animals because they are the one who Cannot speak for foods or ask for anythings by Their own even I had made small clip of these things this was my contribution to my university due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploaded on University YouTube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash
TEENA VISHNOI 36653 Hrs 58 Min 25 Sec #TEENA VISHNOI #JVWU #jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university During this pandemic condition it was difficult for everyone to survive with this condition Even poor people was suffering more and stray animals too As with help of my university I helped few people n animals in this covid situation I use to aware uneducated people about use of mask n handwash how to take care how to prevent how and what to do if you are positive even I have feeded to stray animals because they are the one who Cannot speak for foods or ask for anythings by Their own even I had made small clip of these things this was my contribution to my university due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploaded on University YouTube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash
GARIMA RAJPOOT 36654 Hrs 01 Min 33 Sec #TEENA VISHNOI #JVWU #jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university During this pandemic condition it was difficult for everyone to survive with this condition Even poor people was suffering more and stray animals too As with help of my university I helped few people n animals in this covid situation I use to aware uneducated people about use of mask n handwash how to take care how to prevent how and what to do if you are positive even I have feeded to stray animals because they are the one who Cannot speak for foods or ask for anythings by Their own even I had made small clip of these things this was my contribution to my university due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploaded on University YouTube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash
GARIMA RAJPOOT 36654 Hrs 04 Min 12 Sec #Ankitasingh #jvwu Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit.they provide us a very environment i love my university and my all faculties #Thank you.
KAJAL KUMARI 36654 Hrs 42 Min 14 Sec #kajal kumari#jv-i/17/1380#B.Sc-B.Ed #4yr. #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university #jvwu #jv mission. No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. Thank you.
ALKA SWAMI 36654 Hrs 43 Min 01 Sec #Alka swami #jv-i/17/1397 #bsc bed #4th yr #2017batch #jvwu #jayoti Vidyapeeth womens university During this pandemic condition it was difficult for everyone to survive with this condition Even poor people was suffering more and stray animals too As with help of my university I helped few people n animals in this covid situation I use to aware uneducated people about use of mask n handwash how to take care how to prevent how and what to do if you are positive even I have feeded to stray animals because they are the one who Cannot speak for foods or ask for anythings by Their own even I had made small clip of these things this was my contribution to my university due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploaded on University YouTube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash
YASHASWANI LUWARIA 36654 Hrs 47 Min 45 Sec #yashashwani luwaria#jv-i/17/1364#bba llb #4yr. #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university #jvwu #jv mission. No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. Thank you.
NISHA NAI 36656 Hrs 08 Min 36 Sec Nisha nai # एक काॅलेज किसी छात्र जीवन मे एक नई शुरूआत है स्कुल के बहुत अनुशासित जीवन के बाद काॅलेज आता है यह हमे स्वतंत्रता के साथ साथ जिम्मेदारी की भावना पदान करता है मैरी jyoti vidyapeeth womens university jaipur का वातावरण बहुत स्वच्छ और आकषॅक है मैरा विश्वविधालय ज्ञान का मंदिर है और यहा हम सामाजिक और व्यवसायिक जीवन के लिए तैयार होते है मै उस दिन का सबसे उत्सुकता से इंतजार कर रही हुँ जब मै अपना jvwu university मे जीवन शुरू करूगी !!
NISHA NAI 36656 Hrs 09 Min 04 Sec Nisha nai # एक काॅलेज किसी छात्र जीवन मे एक नई शुरूआत है स्कुल के बहुत अनुशासित जीवन के बाद काॅलेज आता है यह हमे स्वतंत्रता के साथ साथ जिम्मेदारी की भावना पदान करता है मैरी jyoti vidyapeeth womens university jaipur का वातावरण बहुत स्वच्छ और आकषॅक है मैरा विश्वविधालय ज्ञान का मंदिर है और यहा हम सामाजिक और व्यवसायिक जीवन के लिए तैयार होते है मै उस दिन का सबसे उत्सुकता से इंतजार कर रही हुँ जब मै अपना jvwu university मे जीवन शुरू करूगी !!
FALGUNI GUPTA 36658 Hrs 20 Min 45 Sec #FALGUNI GUPTA #JV-U/16/9624 #Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery #BHMS # 4th yr. #2016 batch #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University #jvwu #JVMission No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University you tube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self. #Thank you
MANISHA BIHANI 36659 Hrs 15 Min 14 Sec #Manisha Bihani #JV-u/16/9230 # BHMS 4 yr batch 2016 #Jayotividypaeeth #jvwu #jvmission .My success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploaded on University youtube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash.#THANK YOU.
TANYA VAISH 36659 Hrs 16 Min 46 Sec Name #tanyavaish #jv-u/16/9254 #bhms4thyear #jayotividhyapeethwomensuniversity During this pandemic condition it was difficult for everyone to survive with this condition Even poor people was suffering more and stray animals too As with help of my university I helped few people n animals in this covid situation I use to aware uneducated people about use of mask n handwash how to take care how to prevent how and what to do if you are positive even I have feeded to stray animals because they are the one who Cannot speak for foods or ask for anythings by Their own even I had made small clip of these things this was my contribution to my university #jvwu thank you so much
VAGHELA PRIYANKABEN JAYANTI BHAI 36659 Hrs 51 Min 58 Sec #vaghelapriyanka#jv-u/18/2816#bpt 3rd year #jvwu #jayotividyapeeth #jvmission #dadi nani ke nushke in our india we have different kind of culture and tradition according to their respective palce or city in punjab hafyana we have dit kind of tradition in food and clothing in food people eat sarso ka sag and makhi ke roti or other thing in dress male wear turban and female wear punjabi suits and in up we have different cultures like in food and clothing in food ahar ki dal with rice is common or in dress male wear kurta pajama and female wear shalwar kameez different cultures in different palce but in home made remedy all the culture and tradition are the same tusli laung garlic cloves Ginger are the most popular and common remdy in nomoral symptoms. Kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons. That’s the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough. A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon, a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much-needed relief. #2nd all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored. Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever then my grandma tell me you can reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring the temperature of the body down, it also helps reduce any body aches that you have. #3 Almond oil is the best go-to fix for dark circles. Just put a few drops of almond oil under your eyes. Rub it for around 10 minutes in a circular motion, wash your face thereafter, and voila! Repeat for a couple of days for effective results. Thank yOU
SWETHA IYER 36668 Hrs 33 Min 38 Sec #Swetha Iyer#202089, B Ed 1st yr#jvwu here in Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women’s University i like the way the girls are motivated to achieve their goals of life irrespective to any stream of education. This ensures the success of girls in Rajasthan.
VAIDEHI SHARMA 36670 Hrs 23 Min 40 Sec #vaidehisharma,#jv-u/16/9740, #bhms 4th yr 2016 batch,#jvwu,#jvmission, college adopted 5 villages where it organize camps and programmes form eduction and her treatment. It also given knowledge about this pandemic and provide knowledge about how to maintain hygiene condition around us.
MALVIKA CHAUDHARY 36671 Hrs 37 Min 52 Sec Malvika Chaudhary, JV-I/17/1457, B.com LLB (7thsem.), #JVWU. my success story with contribution of #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university is that during this pandemic learn to wake up early in the morning and do yoga and meditation for atleast 1 hour everyday which is very helpful for mei and this happens only because my university organize an yoga online yoga class from 6-7am everyday which make me aware to learn this good and healthy habit. Thank you.
NIHARIKA PALIWAL 36672 Hrs 09 Min 13 Sec Name Niharika Paliwal # enrollment no jv-u/16/9247 # jayoti vidhyapeeth womens university # bhms4th yr # student #medical #visit i jvn srishti katiyar student of the bhms 4th yr my collage adopted 5 village for the higher treatment and education and provided new technique for the farmers so thats why i visited to the villages in my activities of the medical department and where i learn different language different food culture . and villagers also cooperate with us they comes to us and take the treatment if they have any diseases other wise they comes to us for the consultants or for the share their problems . i am happy because i provide medicine to them and take the case time to time and the best part after the treatment when they comes to us and told they are fit and fine now . in the duration of the pendemic i post a video on the plateform of the jayoti vidhyapeeth womens university in which i suggest the preventive methods for the corona virus is like how to wash their hand , taking warm water properly , maintain 2 feet distance from others , maintain hygiene , and most imp is about homoeopathic medicine which is used as preventive medicine etc .so i am glad because jvwu provide me a platform from where i complete all these type of activities . thankyou
SRISHTI KATIYAR 36672 Hrs 23 Min 38 Sec Name Srishti Katiyar # enrollment no jv-u/16/9751 # jayoti vidhyapeeth womens university # bhms4th yr # student #medical #visit i jvn srishti katiyar student of the bhms 4th yr my collage adopted 5 village for the higher treatment and education and provided new technique for the farmers so thats why i visited to the villages in my activities of the medical department and where i learn different language different food culture . and villagers also cooperate with us they comes to us and take the treatment if they have any diseases other wise they comes to us for the consultants or for the share their problems . i am happy because i provide medicine to them and take the case time to time and the best part after the treatment when they comes to us and told they are fit and fine now . in the duration of the pendemic i post a video on the plateform of the jayoti vidhyapeeth womens university in which i suggest the preventive methods for the corona virus is like how to wash their hand , taking warm water properly , maintain 2 feet distance from others , maintain hygiene , and most imp is about homoeopathic medicine which is used as preventive medicine etc .so i am glad because jvwu provide me a platform from where i complete all these type of activities . thankyou
JIGYASA PARASHAR 36673 Hrs 12 Min 50 Sec #jigyasa JV-I/19/3386 #bsc bed 4yr 2019 batch #jvwu #jayotividyapeeth #jvmission #dadi nani ke nushke in our india we have different kind of culture and tradition according to their respective palce or city in punjab hafyana we have dit kind of tradition in food and clothing in food people eat sarso ka sag and makhi ke roti or other thing in dress male wear turban and female wear punjabi suits and in up we have different cultures like in food and clothing in food ahar ki dal with rice is common or in dress male wear kurta pajama and female wear shalwar kameez different cultures in different palce but in home made remedy all the culture and tradition are the same tusli laung garlic cloves Ginger are the most popular and common remdy in nomoral symptoms. Kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons. That’s the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough. A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon, a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much-needed relief. #2nd all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored. Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever then my grandma tell me you can reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring the temperature of the body down, it also helps reduce any body aches that you have. #3 Almond oil is the best go-to fix for dark circles. Just put a few drops of almond oil under your eyes. Rub it for around 10 minutes in a circular motion, wash your face thereafter, and voila! Repeat for a couple of days for effective results. Thank yOU
NEELAM MAHARIYA 36673 Hrs 15 Min 58 Sec #Neelam Mahariya Jv-u/16/9236 BHMS ...my successful story during this pendemic and in this lockdown period. I used to make a habit to do hand wash in every one hour and I give advice to my parents and other people also. I decided to give mask and food to needy people in this lockdown period.
SNEHA 36674 Hrs 03 Min 29 Sec #snehagaur JV-U/16/9224 bhms 4 yr batch 2016 #jayotividypaeeth #jvwu #jvmission my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploaded on University youtube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash.
SNEHA 36674 Hrs 03 Min 42 Sec #snehagaur JV-U/16/9224 bhms 4 yr batch 2016 #jayotividypaeeth #jvwu #jvmission my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and became home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the video of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploaded on University youtube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash.
ANCHAL KUMARI 36674 Hrs 17 Min 38 Sec Anchal kumari #JV-d/19/3224 # DPT 2nd year jvwu #jayotividhyapeeth #jvmission No doubt Jyoti Vidyapeeth is the best university for girls .they provide a safe and friendly environment . The hostel in this college is very good. The rooms are cleaned every day.my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University youtube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash. thank you
NANDINI MAHAWAR 36674 Hrs 44 Min 07 Sec #NANDINI MAHAWAR #JV-U/16/9774 #BHMS 4th yr jvwu #jayotividhyapeeth #jvmission my successful story during this pandemic and in this lockdown period . I used to make a habit to do hand wash in every one hour .and i give advice to my parents and other people also . I decided to give mask and food to needy people in this lockdown period. #pandemic #lockdown I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on #University #youtubeportal which may people guide the rule of #handwash
NAINA SHARMA 36675 Hrs 12 Min 42 Sec #nainasharma #bhms4thyear #jv-u/16/9235 #jvwu #jayotividhyapeeth #jvmission my successful story during this pandemic and in this lockdown period . I used to make a habit to do hand wash in every one hour .and i give advice to my parents and other people also . I decided to give mask and food to needy people in this lockdown period. #pandemic #lockdown I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on #University #youtubeportal which may people guide the rule of #handwash
NAINA SHARMA 36675 Hrs 19 Min 36 Sec #nainasharma #bhms4thyear #jv-u/16/9235 #jvwu #jayotividhyapeeth #jvmission my successful story during this pandemic and in this lockdown period . I used to make a habit to do hand wash in every one hour .and i give advice to my parents and other people also . I decided to give mask and food to needy people in this lockdown period. #pandemic #lockdown I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on #University #youtubeportal which may people guide the rule of #handwash
SWETA JAIN 36675 Hrs 45 Min 51 Sec Name – Sweta Jain, Scholar No.- 202473, Class – B.ed 1st year, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens’ University. I am a teacher in a well-known school in Jaipur. My mentors in school wanted me to complete my B.ed as soon as possible. I was not beard when I joined. They recruited me on the basis of my knowledge and personality. In a few months the lockdown happened. I was trying my best to join the B.ed course somewhere but because of lockdown, no admissions were going on anywhere. I was scared that I would lose my job. In the places that admissions were open, my conditions were not met, then I found JVWU which was offering the course I wanted, on my conditions. So here I am defending my job and ready to learn something new. This degree will add a new feather to my hat.
KM AYUSHI SINGH 36676 Hrs 05 Min 18 Sec Aayushi Singh,jv-i/17/1436,BA-LLB(7th sem),Now-a-days, students think that student life is very easy and full of fun today especially college life of the students. But the future of students depend upon their achievements .I think it gives every single opportunity to proved your self.
KRATI SHARMA 36676 Hrs 12 Min 48 Sec #kratisharma #bhms4thyear #jv-u/16/9228 #jvwu #jayotividhyapeeth #jvmission my successful story during this pandemic and in this lockdown. I used to make a habit to do hand wash in every one hour .and i give advice to my parents and other people also . I decided to give mask and food to needy people in this lockdown period. #pandemic #lockdown
ARPAN KUMARI 36676 Hrs 35 Min 00 Sec #arpankumari #bnys4thyear #jv-u/17/1220 #jvwu photography I loved to capture photo i thought do something different i love the nature i planted beautiful plants so i have merged nature and photography as a started #nature-photography . Basically i am a #mobile-photographer i capture all the beauty of the nature like flower sunset leaf butterfly and many more. I love photography.
ADITI SHARMA 36676 Hrs 52 Min 52 Sec #aditisharma JV-U/16/9629 bhms 4 yr batch 2016 #jayotividypaeeth #jvwu #jvmission my success and contributed is that due to the pandemic most of the local work lost their job and beacme home less due which they do not have food to eat so I decided to feed most of the people and give mask and sanitation product with may help them and make the vedio of how to do hand wash with soap with and uploded on University youtube portal which may people guide the rule of hand wash
MS. AANCHAL SHARMA 36677 Hrs 01 Min 39 Sec Name - #Aanchal sharma enrollment no - jv-u/16/9788 , #jvwu . I loved to read the different book realete horror and superior nature power. so i have spend mostly time to read the book and listening the stories and watch movies during lockdown. #love horror movies # mobile , and i have spend the time with my family .
KUSUM 36677 Hrs 14 Min 01 Sec Name - #kusum Enrollment no-Jv-p /19 /3648 Topic - photography I loved to capture photo i thought do something different i love the nature so i have merged nature and photography as a started #nature-photography . Basically i am a #mobile-photographer i capture all the beauty of the nature like flower sunset leaf butterfly and many more. I love photography.
DISHI VIDYARTHI 36677 Hrs 52 Min 23 Sec Name- #dishividyarthi, #jv-i/16/9663, integrated MBA(bachelor of design), #jvwu Topic- Dadi nani k nuskhe. Kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons. That’s the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough. A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon, a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much-needed relief.
KAMINI GAUTAM 36677 Hrs 57 Min 43 Sec #kaminiGautam, #jv-u/18/2234,bba5thsem, #jvwu Home is where your heart soars. You are always successful when you can call a place home. Home doesn’t have to be a specific structure. It can be a country, a city, or even a person. If you have a place you feel comfortable and safe, you’re already achieving something great.
SAKSHI BHARTI 36701 Hrs 37 Min 17 Sec Name -#Sakshi Bharti En.-202253 Class-Bsc agric University-# Jyoti Vidhyapeeth WomensUniversity Topic -DO NOT LIE Once there was a boy he used to lie all time one day he screamed help me I am in trouble so his neighbours ran to help him but when they reached there they found that he was just lying .After some days hewas really in trouble and cried for help but all thougt that he was just lying noone went to help him Moral -Always speak truth
TRISHA SINGH 36701 Hrs 46 Min 32 Sec #jvwu ,#TrishaSingh jv-i/18/2325, BCA5th sem My success story during this lock down session as a #photographer . I loved to capture photo but during lock down i thought do something different i love the nature so i have merged nature and photography as a result i started doing #nature-photography . while doing this i get to know more detail about nature creation in the world . Basically i am a #mobile-photographer i capture all the beauty of the nature like flower sunset leaf and many more i have explored . i have started participate in photography i scored 2nd rank in it to. this is my small success story during lock down period . I will further cont. my passion in this field for success.