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  • PRACHI MITTAL 26959 Hrs 46 Min 02 Sec

    #namste #prachi mittal # bams 3rd year student #jv-u/19/3675 #jayoti vidhyapeeth womens University, Jaipur, Rajasthan #jvmission Todays topic is … dadima k nushke.. In this. Covid19 pendemic we have to boost our immunity. To boost our immunity dadi ma said about giloy which is scientifically known as tinospora cordifolia of guduchi. In our ayurveda guduchi is a best immunity booster. Dadi ma said that use giloy kadha for one time in a day. Which is very useful and immunity booster for every one. Dadi ma said about tulsi.. tulsi is a warm satva material means its warm ess is useful to treat cold cough and tulsi water is also useful to treat bad stomach. Dadima said about haldi which is also a immunity booster as well as infection protective. Use haldi in boil milk for immunity booster and use haldi on any wound to protect from infection. Haldi also stop bleeding. It is very useful and safe. Adrak can help to get rid from headache and one glass of honey get help to fight against constipation. Fry adrak also useful in cold. Badam are also useful in cold. For cold and cough.. you can make warm tulsi tea and mix little ginger juice in it. Dadima said that .. boiled methidana water is very good and useful for sour throat. You can gargle with luke warm water with addition of some salt in it. This is best trick of dadima to traet any one by home redemies.

  • SHRADDHA NIMBARK 26979 Hrs 40 Min 33 Sec

    Shraddha Nimbark jv-u/17/1230 BNYS 4th year I heard a story from my grandparents, a story about a crow and a pot. In that story a clever crow was flying in the sky and he was quite thirsty so he saw across a pot with water. When the clever crow tries to drink the water from that pot, he was not able to reach there. He tried once, twice, thrice but failed to drink water from that pot as the level of water in that pot was quite low. He was very thirsty, was not in a mood to give up. He wanted that water by hook or by crook. Then suddenly he saw some stone lying on the ground. As soon as he saw the stones, something strikes in his mind and he started picking those stones by his beak and started throwing it into that pot. And slowly slowly the water level started increasing. After throwing some stones, the water level was enough for the crow to drink water. So he drank that water, and flew away. After this story, my grandparents told me the moral behind this story and the moral was where there is will there is a way.

  • MALVIKA CHAUDHARY 26981 Hrs 52 Min 52 Sec

    jv-i/17/1457 malvika chaudhary ,My granny is in her late 90s but is still healthy. When asked how, she simple replies " its all result of healthy diet and routine that we had followed throughout out lives". She has solution to every problem ranging from common cold to stomach problems to ear problems to insect bit bites, she always have a home remedy or dadi maa k nuskhe. For cold and cough- just mix some ginger juice with honey and drink it or you can make a nice tulsi tea and mix ginger juice and honey. She always say "eat in a cold and starve a fever". For sore throat just take some warm water, sprinkle salt and gargle for twice or thrice a day. Coming to food, my granny was a great cook. But due to some health issues she cant cook now. But I still remember how tasty dishes she used to make when I was in school. The yummy raw mango chutney, mouthwatering pickles she used to make every summer, tasty puddings, and much more. She also tells me how big her famile was and she had to prepare food for that joint family. In her time, she used to make food on choolha. We young generation is forgetting those customs, traditions, rituals, fodd, etc in the wake of urbanization. Those traditions were very energy consuming but was very good for health. If we start following those again, then there will be less people with.

  • PADHIYAR FENIBEN KANTI LAL 26982 Hrs 05 Min 40 Sec

    #FENALI PADHIYAR # JV-U/17/1209 # BAMS 5TH PROFF. # JVWU # jvmission Giloy was first introducedto me by my mother as an ingredient for kadha. Giloy is scientifically known as Tinospora cordifolia or Guduchi. The stem of Giloy is considered highly effective because of its high nutritional content and the alkaloids found in it but the root and leaves can be used too. These compounds present in Giloy have effective against various disorders, such as diabetes, cancer, neurological problems, fever, etc. As per Ayurveda, Giloy can be consumed in either a powdered form or can be in the form of kadha (decoction) or even juice. Giloy is a strong immunity booster, anti-toxic, antipyretic (that reduces fever), anti-inflammatory, antioxidant. This classical medicine is the ultimate answer to all health anomalies. Giloy can boost immunity hence it may be useful for various fevers specifically for viral fevers like corona infection. Though there is no evidence that Giloy can cure corona infection but it can raise your immunity to fight against it. According to some scientific studies, the results show promising results to control Corona infection. This herb activated the immune system of our body and increase vitality in a person. Include Giloy juice or kadha in your diet twice a day can improve your immunity. It is full of antioxidants and helps to release toxins from the body. Giloy juice also detoxifies your skin and improve your skin. Giloy is also used for liver diseases, urinary tract infections, and heart-related issues. Aamla works wonders to get rid of white hair. Add it to your diet or condition your hair with it, it is sure to help you get rid of that annoying strand of white hair. You can also add it in oil and put it on on your head before washing your hair. Almond oil is the best go to fix for dark circles. Just put a few drops of almond oil under eyes.Rub if for around 10 min.in a circular motion ,wash your face thereafter and voila Repeat for a couple of days for effective result. Curd mask helps get rid of acne. You read that right .make a paste out of a spoonful of curd and honey.keep it on for 20 min.and then clean with a wet towel. Lemon juice will help you gey rid of a dandruff and reduce hairfall. There are lots of remedies to get rid of dandruff, but the one involving lemon juice is one of the easiest. Add a few drops of lemon juice to warm.oil and massage it your head before washing. Adark can help get rid of a headacne. A glass of water with honey helps fight constipation. Drinking a glass of water with honey helps before foing off to sleep improves digestion and helps fight constipation. Every mother is doctor without any MBBS degree. Same applies to grandmother. My granny is in her late 70s but is still healthy. When asked how, she simple replies " its all result of healthy diet and routine that we had followed throughout out lives". She has solution to every problem ranging from common cold to stomach problems to ear problems to insect bit bites, she always have a home remedy or dadi maa k nuskhe. For cold and cough- just mix some ginger juice with honey and drink it or you can make a nice tulsi tea and mix ginger juice and honey. She always say "eat in a cold and starve a fever". For sore throat just take some warm water, sprinkle salt and gargle for twice or thrice a day. Coming to food, my granny was a great cook. But due to some health issues she cant cook now. But I still remember how tasty dishes she used to make when I was in school. The yummy raw mango chutney, mouthwatering pickles she used to make every summer, tasty puddings, and much more. She also tells me how big her famile was and she had to prepare food for that joint family. In her time, she used to make food on choolha. We young generation is forgetting those customs, traditions, rituals, fodd, etc in the wake of urbanization. Those traditions were very energy consuming but was very good for health. If we start following those again, then there will be less people with issues.

  • PADHIYAR FENIBEN KANTI LAL 26982 Hrs 08 Min 32 Sec

    # RENU SINGH # JV-U/17/1681 # BAMS 5TH PROFF. # JVWU # jvmission Giloy was first introducedto me by my mother as an ingredient for kadha. Giloy is scientifically known as Tinospora cordifolia or Guduchi. The stem of Giloy is considered highly effective because of its high nutritional content and the alkaloids found in it but the root and leaves can be used too. These compounds present in Giloy have effective against various disorders, such as diabetes, cancer, neurological problems, fever, etc. As per Ayurveda, Giloy can be consumed in either a powdered form or can be in the form of kadha (decoction) or even juice. Giloy is a strong immunity booster, anti-toxic, antipyretic (that reduces fever), anti-inflammatory, antioxidant. This classical medicine is the ultimate answer to all health anomalies. Giloy can boost immunity hence it may be useful for various fevers specifically for viral fevers like corona infection. Though there is no evidence that Giloy can cure corona infection but it can raise your immunity to fight against it. According to some scientific studies, the results show promising results to control Corona infection. This herb activated the immune system of our body and increase vitality in a person. Include Giloy juice or kadha in your diet twice a day can improve your immunity. It is full of antioxidants and helps to release toxins from the body. Giloy juice also detoxifies your skin and improve your skin. Giloy is also used for liver diseases, urinary tract infections, and heart-related issues. Aamla works wonders to get rid of white hair. Add it to your diet or condition your hair with it, it is sure to help you get rid of that annoying strand of white hair. You can also add it in oil and put it on on your head before washing your hair. Almond oil is the best go to fix for dark circles. Just put a few drops of almond oil under eyes.Rub if for around 10 min.in a circular motion ,wash your face thereafter and voila Repeat for a couple of days for effective result. Curd mask helps get rid of acne. You read that right .make a paste out of a spoonful of curd and honey.keep it on for 20 min.and then clean with a wet towel. Lemon juice will help you gey rid of a dandruff and reduce hairfall. There are lots of remedies to get rid of dandruff, but the one involving lemon juice is one of the easiest. Add a few drops of lemon juice to warm.oil and massage it your head before washing. Adark can help get rid of a headacne. A glass of water with honey helps fight constipation. Drinking a glass of water with honey helps before foing off to sleep improves digestion and helps fight constipation. Every mother is doctor without any MBBS degree. Same applies to grandmother. My granny is in her late 70s but is still healthy. When asked how, she simple replies " its all result of healthy diet and routine that we had followed throughout out lives". She has solution to every problem ranging from common cold to stomach problems to ear problems to insect bit bites, she always have a home remedy or dadi maa k nuskhe. For cold and cough- just mix some ginger juice with honey and drink it or you can make a nice tulsi tea and mix ginger juice and honey. She always say "eat in a cold and starve a fever". For sore throat just take some warm water, sprinkle salt and gargle for twice or thrice a day. Coming to food, my granny was a great cook. But due to some health issues she cant cook now. But I still remember how tasty dishes she used to make when I was in school. The yummy raw mango chutney, mouthwatering pickles she used to make every summer, tasty puddings, and much more. She also tells me how big her famile was and she had to prepare food for that joint family. In her time, she used to make food on choolha. We young generation is forgetting those customs, traditions, rituals, fodd, etc in the wake of urbanization. Those traditions were very energy consuming but was very good for health. If we start following those again, then there will be less people with issues.

  • PADHIYAR FENIBEN KANTI LAL 26982 Hrs 12 Min 14 Sec

    # RENU SINGH # JV-U/17/1681 # BAMS 5TH PROFF. # JVWU # jvmission Giloy was first introducedto me by my mother as an ingredient for kadha. Giloy is scientifically known as Tinospora cordifolia or Guduchi. The stem of Giloy is considered highly effective because of its high nutritional content and the alkaloids found in it but the root and leaves can be used too. These compounds present in Giloy have effective against various disorders, such as diabetes, cancer, neurological problems, fever, etc. As per Ayurveda, Giloy can be consumed in either a powdered form or can be in the form of kadha (decoction) or even juice. Giloy is a strong immunity booster, anti-toxic, antipyretic (that reduces fever), anti-inflammatory, antioxidant. This classical medicine is the ultimate answer to all health anomalies. Giloy can boost immunity hence it may be useful for various fevers specifically for viral fevers like corona infection. Though there is no evidence that Giloy can cure corona infection but it can raise your immunity to fight against it. According to some scientific studies, the results show promising results to control Corona infection. This herb activated the immune system of our body and increase vitality in a person. Include Giloy juice or kadha in your diet twice a day can improve your immunity. It is full of antioxidants and helps to release toxins from the body. Giloy juice also detoxifies your skin and improve your skin. Giloy is also used for liver diseases, urinary tract infections, and heart-related issues. Aamla works wonders to get rid of white hair. Add it to your diet or condition your hair with it, it is sure to help you get rid of that annoying strand of white hair. You can also add it in oil and put it on on your head before washing your hair. Almond oil is the best go to fix for dark circles. Just put a few drops of almond oil under eyes.Rub if for around 10 min.in a circular motion ,wash your face thereafter and voila Repeat for a couple of days for effective result. Curd mask helps get rid of acne. You read that right .make a paste out of a spoonful of curd and honey.keep it on for 20 min.and then clean with a wet towel. Lemon juice will help you gey rid of a dandruff and reduce hairfall. There are lots of remedies to get rid of dandruff, but the one involving lemon juice is one of the easiest. Add a few drops of lemon juice to warm.oil and massage it your head before washing. Adark can help get rid of a headacne. A glass of water with honey helps fight constipation. Drinking a glass of water with honey helps before foing off to sleep improves digestion and helps fight constipation. Every mother is doctor without any MBBS degree. Same applies to grandmother. My granny is in her late 70s but is still healthy. When asked how, she simple replies " its all result of healthy diet and routine that we had followed throughout out lives". She has solution to every problem ranging from common cold to stomach problems to ear problems to insect bit bites, she always have a home remedy or dadi maa k nuskhe. For cold and cough- just mix some ginger juice with honey and drink it or you can make a nice tulsi tea and mix ginger juice and honey. She always say "eat in a cold and starve a fever". For sore throat just take some warm water, sprinkle salt and gargle for twice or thrice a day. Coming to food, my granny was a great cook. But due to some health issues she cant cook now. But I still remember how tasty dishes she used to make when I was in school. The yummy raw mango chutney, mouthwatering pickles she used to make every summer, tasty puddings, and much more. She also tells me how big her famile was and she had to prepare food for that joint family. In her time, she used to make food on choolha. We young generation is forgetting those customs, traditions, rituals, fodd, etc in the wake of urbanization. Those traditions were very energy consuming but was very good for health. If we start following those again, then there will be less people with issues.

  • PADHIYAR FENIBEN KANTI LAL 26982 Hrs 13 Min 20 Sec

    # RENU SINGH # JV-U/17/1681 # BAMS 5TH PROFF. # JVWU # jvmission Giloy was first introducedto me by my mother as an ingredient for kadha. Giloy is scientifically known as Tinospora cordifolia or Guduchi. The stem of Giloy is considered highly effective because of its high nutritional content and the alkaloids found in it but the root and leaves can be used too. These compounds present in Giloy have effective against various disorders, such as diabetes, cancer, neurological problems, fever, etc. As per Ayurveda, Giloy can be consumed in either a powdered form or can be in the form of kadha (decoction) or even juice. Giloy is a strong immunity booster, anti-toxic, antipyretic (that reduces fever), anti-inflammatory, antioxidant. This classical medicine is the ultimate answer to all health anomalies. Giloy can boost immunity hence it may be useful for various fevers specifically for viral fevers like corona infection. Though there is no evidence that Giloy can cure corona infection but it can raise your immunity to fight against it. According to some scientific studies, the results show promising results to control Corona infection. This herb activated the immune system of our body and increase vitality in a person. Include Giloy juice or kadha in your diet twice a day can improve your immunity. It is full of antioxidants and helps to release toxins from the body. Giloy juice also detoxifies your skin and improve your skin. Giloy is also used for liver diseases, urinary tract infections, and heart-related issues. Aamla works wonders to get rid of white hair. Add it to your diet or condition your hair with it, it is sure to help you get rid of that annoying strand of white hair. You can also add it in oil and put it on on your head before washing your hair. Almond oil is the best go to fix for dark circles. Just put a few drops of almond oil under eyes.Rub if for around 10 min.in a circular motion ,wash your face thereafter and voila Repeat for a couple of days for effective result. Curd mask helps get rid of acne. You read that right .make a paste out of a spoonful of curd and honey.keep it on for 20 min.and then clean with a wet towel. Lemon juice will help you gey rid of a dandruff and reduce hairfall. There are lots of remedies to get rid of dandruff, but the one involving lemon juice is one of the easiest. Add a few drops of lemon juice to warm.oil and massage it your head before washing. Adark can help get rid of a headacne. A glass of water with honey helps fight constipation. Drinking a glass of water with honey helps before foing off to sleep improves digestion and helps fight constipation. Every mother is doctor without any MBBS degree. Same applies to grandmother. My granny is in her late 70s but is still healthy. When asked how, she simple replies " its all result of healthy diet and routine that we had followed throughout out lives". She has solution to every problem ranging from common cold to stomach problems to ear problems to insect bit bites, she always have a home remedy or dadi maa k nuskhe. For cold and cough- just mix some ginger juice with honey and drink it or you can make a nice tulsi tea and mix ginger juice and honey. She always say "eat in a cold and starve a fever". For sore throat just take some warm water, sprinkle salt and gargle for twice or thrice a day. Coming to food, my granny was a great cook. But due to some health issues she cant cook now. But I still remember how tasty dishes she used to make when I was in school. The yummy raw mango chutney, mouthwatering pickles she used to make every summer, tasty puddings, and much more. She also tells me how big her famile was and she had to prepare food for that joint family. In her time, she used to make food on choolha. We young generation is forgetting those customs, traditions, rituals, fodd, etc in the wake of urbanization. Those traditions were very energy consuming but was very good for health. If we start following those again, then there will be less people with issues.

  • OSHIKA TOMAR 26998 Hrs 05 Min 51 Sec

    Name- Jvn Oshika Tomar, Enrollment no. - jv-u/19/3654, Course - B.A. Journalism 5th semester, Jyoti Vidyapeeth Womens University, Jaipur... The first human cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus causing COVID-19, subsequently named SARS-CoV-2 were first reported by officials in Wuhan City, China, in December 2019. Retrospective investigations by Chinese authorities have identified human cases with onset of symptoms in early December 2019. While some of the earliest known cases had a link to a wholesale food market in Wuhan, some did not. Many of the initial patients were either stall owners, market employees, or regular visitors to this market. Environmental samples taken from this market in December 2019 tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, further suggesting that the market in Wuhan City was the source of this outbreak or played a role in the initial amplification of the outbreak. The market was closed on 1 January 2020. SARS-CoV-2 was identified in early January and its genetic sequence shared publicly on 11-12 January. The full genetic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 from the early human cases and the sequences of many other virus isolated from human cases from China and all over the world since then show that SARS-CoV-2 has an ecological origin in bat populations. All available evidence to date suggests that the virus has a natural animal origin and is not a manipulated or constructed virus. Many researchers have been able to look at the genomic features of SARS-CoV-2 and have found that evidence does not support that SARS-CoV-2 is a laboratory construct. If it were a constructed virus, its genomic sequence would show a mix of known elements. This is not the case. Another coronavirus, SARS-CoV-1, the cause of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2003, was also closely related to other coronaviruses isolated from bats. These close genetic relations of SARS-CoV-1, SARSCoV-2 and other coronaviruses, suggest that they all have their ecological origin in bat populations. Many of these coronaviruses can also infect several animal species. For example, SARS-CoV-1 infected civet cats and then humans, while the virus causing the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) is found in dromedary camels, and has continued to infect humans since 2012. All available evidence for COVID-19 suggests that SARS-CoV-2 has a zoonotic source. Since there is usually limited close contact between humans and bats, it is more likely that transmission of the virus to humans happened through another animal species, one that is more likely to be handled by humans. This intermediate animal host or zoonotic source could be a domestic animal, a wild animal, or a domesticated wild animal and, as of yet, has not been identified. All the published genetic sequences of SARS-CoV-2 isolated from human cases are very similar. This suggests that the start of the outbreak resulted from a single point introduction in the human population around the time that the virus was first reported in humans in Wuhan, China in December 2019. A number of investigations to better understand the source of the outbreak in China are currently underway or planned, including investigations of human cases with symptom onset in and around Wuhan in late 2019, environmental sampling from markets and farms in areas where the first human cases were identified, and detailed records on the source and type of wildlife species and farmed animals sold in these markets. Results from these studies are essential to preventing further zoonotic introductions of SARS-CoV-2 into the human population. WHO continues to collaborate with animal health and human health experts, Member States, and other partners to identify gaps and research priorities for the control of COVID-19, including the eventual identification of the source of the virus in China. #covid-19 #protocols #safety #covidvirus

  • NISHIKA KALAL 27004 Hrs 09 Min 10 Sec

    Name Nishika Kalal Enrollment jv-I/20/4037 Class BA BED 2 year Jyoti vidyapeeth women’s university Jaipur One of the best ways to maintain your health is by taking care of yourself. If you want to live a healthy lifestyle and enjoy your old age without being injected with several different kinds of shots, then change your daily lifestyle because even the simplest little healthy modification can cause great benefits. Though it is difficult to put health and fitness as a top priority in this rat race day and age, it’s best to start with baby steps will surely peak your health tremendously. Today, Dr.K.M. Sunesara – General Physician, Mumbai will help us to lead a disease free life, by providing a list of top 20 healthy habits. Follow these simple steps to stay away from the constant acchoos and germ attack. Healthy Habit to Avoid Disease 1: Wash your hands often 2 Avoid nose picking 3 Streching is important 4 Eat healthy breakfast 5 Bathing is good avoid many dieases 6 cut your nails regularly 7 Avoid sharing personal items 8 good sleep 9 drink lot of water 10 say no to junk food

  • MS.SANJANA CHOUDHARY 27006 Hrs 37 Min 41 Sec

    Santana Choudhary Jv-u/18/2738 # BSc. (Hons.)agri. 7th semester #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university # Dadi Nani ke nuskhe. kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can# kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you

  • AKANSHA ROY SHARMA 27006 Hrs 37 Min 58 Sec

    Akansha Roy Sharma #JV-I/18/2373 #jvwu #JayotiVidyapeethWomensUniversity #jvmission Giloy was first introducedto me by my mother as an ingredient for kadha. Giloy is scientifically known as Tinospora cordifolia or Guduchi. The stem of Giloy is considered highly effective because of its high nutritional content and the alkaloids found in it but the root and leaves can be used too. These compounds present in Giloy have effective against various disorders, such as diabetes, cancer, neurological problems, fever, etc. As per Ayurveda, Giloy can be consumed in either a powdered form or can be in the form of kadha (decoction) or even juice. Giloy is a strong immunity booster, anti-toxic, antipyretic (that reduces fever), anti-inflammatory, antioxidant. This classical medicine is the ultimate answer to all health anomalies. Giloy can boost immunity hence it may be useful for various fevers specifically for viral fevers like corona infection. Though there is no evidence that Giloy can cure corona infection but it can raise your immunity to fight against it. According to some scientific studies, the results show promising results to control Corona infection. This herb activated the immune system of our body and increase vitality in a person. Include Giloy juice or kadha in your diet twice a day can improve your immunity. It is full of antioxidants and helps to release toxins from the body. Giloy juice also detoxifies your skin and improve your skin. Giloy is also used for liver diseases, urinary tract infections, and heart-related issues.

  • MS. NIKITA KUMAWAT 27006 Hrs 41 Min 07 Sec

    # Nikita kumawat # jv-i/18/2571 # BSc. (Hons.)agri. 7th semester #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university # Dadi Nani ke nuskhe. kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can# kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you

  • MS. HEMLATA KUMAWAT 27006 Hrs 45 Min 05 Sec

    #Hemlata kumawat # jv-u/18/2775 # BSc.( hons.)agri.7th semester #Jayoti vidyapeeth womens universty # Dadi Nani ke nuskhe. kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can# kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you

  • KUMARI  PREETI  YADAV 27007 Hrs 01 Min 05 Sec

    #Kumari Preeti Yadav #jv-u/19/3109 #Bsc(hons)agriculture 3rd year #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Jaipur #JvMission .# Dadi Nani ke nuskhe. kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can# kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you

  • MANYA MENDIRATTA 35111 Hrs 13 Min 10 Sec

    #Manya Mendiratta #Jv-i/17/1529 #BscAgriculture(Hon.)4th year #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Jaipur #JvMission . Here comes another idea from dadi ji ka pitara of khazana . Some experts claim that Epsom salts are able to slow the buildup of lactic acids in your muscles, which keeps them from becoming too sore. While this may or may not be true, its definitely helpful to loosen your muscles by soaking in a bathtub of warm water, and, well, adding a half-cup of Epsom salts to the bathwater certainly wont hurt.

  • POOJA SHARMA 1 35430 Hrs 08 Min 42 Sec

    Pooja Sharma B.sc agriculture (Hons) 7th semester 4th year Aonla works wonders to get rid of white hair. Add it to your diet or condition your hair with it, it is sure to help you get rid of that annoying strand of white hair. You can also add it in oil and put it on on your head before washing your hair. Almond oil is the best go to fix for dark circles. Just put a few drops of almond oil under eyes.Rub if for around 10 min.in a circular motion ,wash your face thereafter and voila Repeat for a couple of days for effective result. Curd mask helps get rid of acne. You read that right .make a paste out of a spoonful of curd and honey.keep it on for 20 min.and then clean with a wet towel. Lemon juice will help you gey rid of a dandruff and reduce hairfall. There are lots of remedies to get rid of dandruff, but the one involving lemon juice is one of the easiest. Add a few drops of lemon juice to warm.oil and massage it your head before washing. Adark can help get rid of a headacne. A glass of water with honey helps fight constipation. Drinking a glass of water with honey helps before foing off to sleep improves digestion and helps fight constipation.

  • KIRTI CHOUDHARY 35528 Hrs 28 Min 42 Sec

    Kirti choudhary B.sc Agriculture (Hons)+MBA 7th semester 4th year Aamla works wonders to get rid of white hair. Add it to your diet or condition your hair with it, it is sure to help you get rid of that annoying strand of white hair. You can also add it in oil and put it on on your head before washing your hair. Almond oil is the best go to fix for dark circles. Just put a few drops of almond oil under eyes.Rub if for around 10 min.in a circular motion ,wash your face thereafter and voila Repeat for a couple of days for effective result. Curd mask helps get rid of acne. You read that right .make a paste out of a spoonful of curd and honey.keep it on for 20 min.and then clean with a wet towel. Lemon juice will help you gey rid of a dandruff and reduce hairfall. There are lots of remedies to get rid of dandruff, but the one involving lemon juice is one of the easiest. Add a few drops of lemon juice to warm.oil and massage it your head before washing. Adark can help get rid of a headacne. A glass of water with honey helps fight constipation. Drinking a glass of water with honey helps before foing off to sleep improves digestion and helps fight constipation.

  • PRIYANKA 35674 Hrs 07 Min 00 Sec

    #Namaste maam #Jvn Priyanka #BPT 5th sem,3rd year #jv-y/18/2740 #jvwu #jvmission ##jvwu Every mother is doctor without any MBBS degree. Same applies to grandmother. My granny is in her late 70s but is still healthy. When asked how, she simple replies " its all result of healthy diet and routine that we had followed throughout out lives". She has solution to every problem ranging from common cold to stomach problems to ear problems to insect bit bites, she always have a home remedy or dadi maa k nuskhe. For cold and cough- just mix some ginger juice with honey and drink it or you can make a nice tulsi tea and mix ginger juice and honey. She always say "eat in a cold and starve a fever". For sore throat just take some warm water, sprinkle salt and gargle for twice or thrice a day. Coming to food, my granny was a great cook. But due to some health issues she cant cook now. But I still remember how tasty dishes she used to make when I was in school. The yummy raw mango chutney, mouthwatering pickles she used to make every summer, tasty puddings, and much more. She also tells me how big her famile was and she had to prepare food for that joint family. In her time, she used to make food on choolha. We young generation is forgetting those customs, traditions, rituals, fodd, etc in the wake of urbanization. Those traditions were very energy consuming but was very good for health. If we start following those again, then there will be less people with issues.

  • MS.KHUSHI CHOUDHARY 35833 Hrs 23 Min 34 Sec

    Khushi Choudhary#b.pharm(3rd year),jyoati Vidyapeeth womens University. Use of traditional medicine.-1Ayurveda cough syrup at home. Peel and chop six medium onions. Put the pieces in a container and add four tablespoons of honey. Cover and leave them in a water bath over low heat for two hours. Strain and take one tablespoon every three hours2.Having pomegranate’s juice daily is good for the heart and useful for people suffering from low blood pressure.3One natural treatment for acidity is chewing a few Basil (tulsi) leaves after a meal. This not just works as an antacid as it helps the body absorb food but also prevents reflux and the formation of ulcers.4

  • PRIYA SINGH 35833 Hrs 42 Min 39 Sec

    Namste mem #i jvn priya singh #jv-u/18/2924#jyoti vidhyapeet womens university #jv mission # Dadi Nani ke nuskhe. kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can# kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you

  • PRIYA ROY 35856 Hrs 25 Min 01 Sec

    Priya Roy #b.pharm(3rd year),jyoati Vidyapeeth womens University. Use of traditional medicine.-1Ayurveda cough syrup at home. Peel and chop six medium onions. Put the pieces in a container and add four tablespoons of honey. Cover and leave them in a water bath over low heat for two hours. Strain and take one tablespoon every three hours2.Having pomegranate’s juice daily is good for the heart and useful for people suffering from low blood pressure.3One natural treatment for acidity is chewing a few Basil (tulsi) leaves after a meal. This not just works as an antacid as it helps the body absorb food but also prevents reflux and the formation of ulcers.4

  • PRIYANKA 35864 Hrs 57 Min 41 Sec

    #JVN PRIYANKA #BPT 5TH SEM,3RD YEAR #JV-U/18/2740 #JVWU # NO LOVE IS BETTER THAN MOTHERS LOVE..........#MY MOTHER MY LIFE The first word a child speaks is the mother. Mother has a position above God. For me, my mother is the most precious gift of my life. No combination of 26 letters can describe my mother. She is the sweetest, loveliest and strongest person I have ever met in my life. Life is not enough to define her love for me. She loves me a lot. She doesn’t speak this to me all day, but make me feel with her actions. There are times in my life when I felt weak or demotivated. When things were completely against me. In such tough times of my life, my mother was always there for me, supporting me and helping me to overcome the difficulties and challenges. When I failed in exams, she scolded me and then loved me as well. She helped me in studies like a friend. From her lectures to her scolding everything helped me in becoming a good person in life. Her support is like a strong pillar for me. I can never thank her for the work I have done for me. Throughout her life, she has done a lot of hard work for every member of the family. We have 6 members in our family. My mother is an early riser, she used to wake up at 5 in the morning and make breakfast for everyone. She then prepares lunch for all of us. After preparing the food for the whole family, she prepares herself for the job. Once returning from work at 6 pm, my mother again starts preparations for dinner. After that, my mother and father go shopping to purchase some items for us. Some days, she assists me in the study as well. She works all day and never asks for rest. My mother never demands herself anything, not even the rest. But I can see on her face the stress she has due to a hectic schedule. I want to make my mother happy and provide a life where she can remain without stress and enjoy everything. I will work hard to fulfil all her dreams. But, meanwhile, the best gift I can give her is a good performance in academics. She always wanted me to achieve high in life To conclude everything, I would just like to say that I love my mother a lot. She has been the reason for all my success and will always remain the most important woman in my life. She has done a lot for me. It is my time to help her and provide her with everything she wants from life. Moreover, she has taught me a lot about life and gave me the important lesson of life that is morality. She has always been an inspiration for me. I will try to become a good person in life to make her proud of me. In the end, I would pray to God to give her a healthiest and happiest life. THANK YOU..

  • PATEL FENIBEN RAKESHBHAI 35878 Hrs 31 Min 51 Sec

    # patel feni # BAMS 4 th year # enrollment no.Jv-u/16/9269 # Jyoti vidyapeeth womens University Jaipur # jv mission- DIABETES HOME REMEDIES - # changing environment and living conditions are increasing rapidly in the number of Diabetes patients in the city, control of food intake is also responsible for this diabetes patients always have problems like headache, fatigue and Diabetes. There is no permanent cure but it can be controlled completely by changing lifestyle, education and improving eating habits # DIABETES SYMPTOMS - (1) friquent urination (2) to much thirst (3) dry throat even after drinking a lot of water (4) hunger even after eating food (5) nausea and occasional vomiting (6) stiffness in the arm and legs (7) complaining of weakness and fatigue all the time (8) blurred eye (9) skin or urethra infections (10) dermatitis (11) irritability (12) headache (13) low body temperature (14) muscle aches (15) weight loss #(a )basil leaves contain antioxidants and essential oils that are helpful for insulin so to reduce sugar levels, take two to three basil leaves daily on an empty stomach or a tablespoon of basil leaf juice (b) mix 10 kg of gooseberry juice with 2 grams of turmeric powder,take this solution twice a day, it controls the amount of sugar in the blood ,it is considered a good medicine for the patients of black berries with Diabetes. jamun should be eaten ,it controls the amount of sugar in the blood. (c) use one gram of cinnamon in your daily diet for a month,this will also help to control weight to reduce blood sugar level. (d) bittergourd is used as a Diabetes agent. Its bitter juice reduces the amount of sugar,so its juice should be drunk. Boiled bittergourd water can be used to end diabetes permanently . (e) methidana is very important for the treatment of Diabetes, so that chronic diabetes also worsens. The powder of methidana should be taken every morning on an empty stomach with two teaspoon of water. (f) In a glass or sugar pot 5-6 cut the lady finger and put it at night,filter and drink this water in the morning .(g) diabetes patients should drink 2 teaspoon of neem and 4 banana leaf juice regularly (h) Green-tea is also considered very beneficial in Diabetes. Green tea contains polyphenols, which have a strong antioxidants and hypo-glycemic elements, the body is able to use insulin properly (I) drumsticks leaves are four times more calcium and double protein than milk. Consumption of these leaves in Diabetes. Helps to reduce digestion of food and lower blood pressure. Its regular intake also benefits (j) make a juice by mixing a tomato ,a cucumber and a bittergourd , take this juice every morning on an empty stomach this is very beneficial in Diabetes. THANK YOU

  • PARUL NAMDEV 35882 Hrs 39 Min 34 Sec

    Parul namdeo #bams2year#jayoti vidhyapeet womens university #Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery is a professional degree in medicine focused on Ayurveda offered in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and other South Asian countries. It is awarded after the study of five and a half years duration, including 1-year internship

  • JYOTI BHARGAV 35883 Hrs 44 Min 44 Sec

    MS. Jyoti bhargav #bams2year#jyoti vidhyapeet womens university #Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery is a professional degree in medicine focused on Ayurveda offered in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and other South Asian countries. It is awarded after the study of five and a half years duration, including 1-year internship

  • MS. MANISHA MEENA 35891 Hrs 08 Min 53 Sec

    ms.manisha meena # bpt7th sem...#jv mission#...jyoti vidhyapeet womens university#Physiotherapy can be defined as a treatment method that focuses on the science of movement and helps people to restore, maintain and maximize their physical strength, function, motion and overall well-being by addressing the underlying physical issues.

  • MS. MANISHA MEENA 35891 Hrs 08 Min 59 Sec

    ms.manisha meena # bpt7th sem...#jv mission#...jyoti vidhyapeet womens university#Physiotherapy can be defined as a treatment method that focuses on the science of movement and helps people to restore, maintain and maximize their physical strength, function, motion and overall well-being by addressing the underlying physical issues.

  • MS. REHANA PARVEEN ANSARI 35891 Hrs 14 Min 26 Sec

    REHANA Parveen Ansari #bpt 7th sem. ,,,,,,, #jvmission Physiotherapists in local Community Health Centers provide: ... health promotion education to community groups, schools and on the radio. participation in occupational health and safety projects

  • TANISHA CHAUDHARY 35907 Hrs 23 Min 47 Sec

    Tanisha Choudhary b.sc b.ed(ZBC)#1 semester #jayoti vidhypith whomen university #jv misson #Rajasthan culture and traditional medicine, I am from jaipur rajasthan. my grand parents usually tells me about rajasthan culture and traditional # Attithi devo bhavo means to treat guests like as you would treat God. this principle is a part of rajasthan culture. many traditional instruments are used by farmouse grounds of Benjaras and jogi thet including shenai, flute, dholak, nanada, bhai any, ek tarak, Janetr, sarangl change, etc.A popuser some pedhro mahara des literary means welcome to my country. some of the dances Chang, ghoomar, bhopal, teratale and kathputali.The most famous and traditional food is Dal-BATISTUTA-churma. the Guevara is the rajasthan seet.Here are various famous temples, like world famous brahma templ, Ranakpur jain temple and jagdish temple etc.Rajasthan is also famous for its handicrafts Like carpeted garments and jewellery they are attaeracts,everyone. Camels are commonly found in rajsthani camelfair takes place in bekaner, pushkar and other regions. the rajasthan Whoman wear ghagra, kanchli and odni over ther head as a sing of respect. the Men wear dhoti and kurta with a handgear called safa.The most spoken language in rajasthan is marwadi in lokel areas.

  • CHHAYA 35910 Hrs 49 Min 44 Sec

    # jvwu #chhaya #jv-u/19/3181 #BCA3rd sem STORY NARRATED BY MY GRAND MOTHER WHEN I GO TO BED FOR SLEEP WHILE LISTENING TO HER STORY I FALL ASLEEP SO LETS BEGIN WITH THE STORY -A slave, ill-treated by his master, runs away to the forest. There he comes across a lion in pain because of a thorn in his paw. The slave bravely goes forward and removes the thorn gently The lion without hurting him goes away.... Some days later, the slave’s master comes hunting to the forest and catches many animals and cages them. The slave is spotted by the masters’ men who catch him and bring him to the cruel master....The slave is awaiting his death in the cage when he realizes that it is the same lion that he had helped. The slave rescued the lion and all other caged animal Moral of the story: One should help others in need, we get the rewards of our helpful acts in return

  • LATA MAHESHWARI 35911 Hrs 00 Min 03 Sec

    #Lata maheshwari #b.pharm- 7th sem #jv-u/17/1073 #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university #jvwu.. dadi k nushkhy -kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can# kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you

  • RAKHI SHEORAN 35911 Hrs 08 Min 42 Sec

    #rakhisheoran #jv-u/18/2152#jvwu# I started to understand when I was about 13 years old. I began to see school as the place to get knowledge that my parents cant teach me at home. I also saw (and actually see) school as a place to play, have positive thoughts and enjoy life without forgetting about class and what society is expecting from us. School is also a good place to socialize and make good friends that care and have the same interest in success as I do. Now being 17 years old I know a lot more of myself. I can make and I have made decisions that really have a direct effect on me. Two years ago I decided to do my best at univ. to have a good high school education and make myself better every day. Due to my coming to the United States late, my English was poor. I spent time working hard on that even after ESL program. Although it ended up not having too much time for other classes such as math and science and in turn lowered my class scores and GPA rank in class, it was worth as I learned how to express my thoughts well in English. Ive long since learned to organize my time efficiently and now I can juggle schoolwork make time for many of my favorite activities. Since I am in love with my school I have accomplished many things like doing extracurricular activities and volunteering. I participated in a lot of activities throughout my high school career, including German club, tennis, marching band, project help, FBLA, and countless math contests. German club was very interesting for me because I got to learn more about the German culture. Tennis was a lot of fun, because I made a lot of new friends o ...

  • POOJA CHOUDHARY 35911 Hrs 13 Min 14 Sec

    #pooja chaudhary #jv-u/19/3605#jvwu#I decided to just go for it and I am so glad I did because I know now that I have overcome that fear and I feel as if I can accomplish anything and everything. I can also say that I have matured in many ways as a mother, first time college student, and being a single mother of five. My kids had to adjust to the new routine as well. They did not understand at first but eventually they came around and little by little they gave me the time I needed to study and do homework. I still have to overcome a few obstacles in order to complete my degree program, just like I had to overcome all the changes that come with me returning to school. One of the main obstacles I must achieve here at Ashford University is to listen, learn, and to be obedient in all the discussions and the assignments asked of me. Last but not least I have to say I have to overcome all negative feelings I get from time to time to complete all my educational goals. I need to be prepared mentally and physically for anything that is being asked of me from my instructors. I feel that I need to keep an open mind as well because I know all the feedback from classmates and instructors will be of great help in making me a better person and learner.

  • RIYA AGRHARI 35911 Hrs 17 Min 09 Sec

    #Riya Agrahari #b.pharm 7th semester #jv-u/17/1661 #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university #jvwu. dadi k nushkhy -kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can# kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you

  • MS.NEHA SHARMA 36003 Hrs 24 Min 54 Sec

    #Neha Sharma #BPT-5 Semester#JV-U/18/2686#Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University #jvwu. My grandmother usually tells me about our Indian and Rajasthani culture, as I belong from Indian subcontinent, Rajasthan. #History.Rajasthans Culture dates back to the years of Kings where it was previously called Rajputana. Over the years it has been ruled by various kings including the Rajput, Marathas and even Muslim rulers, which have resulted in the diverse culture of Rajasthan, bearing numerous beautiful forts with a wide variety in its architecture, language and customs of its people. Rajasthan, in spite of being a desert, has been endowed with such beautiful sites that include various palaces, forts and pilgrim centres that define what Rajasthan is. #Respect and Manners. Attithi Devo bhavo means to treat your guests like as you would treat God. This principle is a part of the Rajasthani Culture. They treat their guests well and make them want to visit again. Most of the people in Rajasthan are involved in tourism related jobs and hence take this principle very seriously as they earn their revenue due to the tourists and have pledged to serve them. A popular folk song Padharo Mhare Desh literary means Welcome to my country. #Traditional Food. Rajasthani food is known for its various spices and also its sweetness. Rajasthan is most famous for dalbati . A dish comprising of dal and wheat flour kneaded with yoghurt and dressed in ghee. It is also famous for kachori the kachori in Rajasthan are of two types sweet and spicy. The spicy kachori is called the pyaaz or onion kachori, and the sweet kachori called the mawa kachori. Both these kachoris are easily available in any food stalls in Rajasthan. Ghewar and gheriya are some delectable sweet dishes originating from Mewar, available in most restaurants at Rajasthan. Most of the Rajasthani dishes are made in ghee. #Skills.You will find beautiful carpets, garments, jewellery and more, that are all made by the local people. Any leather item is usually camel leather They use it making journals, shoes and bags. The carpets are made from the hand knitting techniques and much like Persian carpets, they have a geometric design and borders. There are also many miniature items made out of red sand or clay as toys for kids or decoration pieces with bells attached to it. You may also find safah or pagri in most of the shops that you may bring back as a memory from the place.#Cultural Tradition.Rajasthan has cultural traditions that reflect the ancient Indian way of life. Rajasthani society is a blend of predominantly Hindus with sizable minorities of Muslims and Jains. Jats are mostly Hindus and Sikhs. Meenas of Rajasthan to date strongly follow Vedic culture which usually includes worship of Shiva and Krishna as well as the Durga.#Traditional ornaments.Rajasthan is also famous for its amazing ornaments. From ancient times, Rajasthani people have been wearing jewelry of various metals and materials. Traditionally, women wore Gems studded gold and silver ornaments. #Traditional and local Home Medicines. One natural treatment for acidity is chewing a few Basil leaves after a meal. This not just works as an antacid as it helps the body absorb food but also prevents reflux and the formation of ulcers. Sucking a piece of Clove after a meal helps in reducing acidity problem. A flake of garlic swallowed with water taken empty stomach daily in the morning can be helpful in solving many stomach & gastric problems. A headache caused by summer heat is cured by consuming watermelon juice. Just one glass a day works wonders. Eating an apple on an empty stomach in the morning relieves one of migraine pain. This must be done for a few mornings. Open 6 dates and boil in half liter of milk for 25 minutes over low heat. Drink three cups a day. This is the ultimate dry cough remedy. Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with equal quantity of ginger juice. The concoction helps to expectorate mucus, providing relief for the common cold, coughs and sore throat. Eat, before breakfast, half a cup of cooked beets if you suffer from chronic constipation or indigestion. Ayurveda cough syrup at home. Peel and chop six medium onions. Put the pieces in a container and add four tablespoons of honey. Cover and leave them in a water bath over low heat for two hours. Strain and take one tablespoon every three hours. Grated cucumber applied over the face, eyes, and neck for fifteen minutes is very beneficial for acne and blackheads. #Thank You.

  • MS.NEHA SHARMA 36003 Hrs 28 Min 01 Sec

    #Neha Sharma #BPT-5 Semester #JV-U/18/2686#Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens University Jaipur BPT3rdyear# jv mission Dadi Nani ke nuskhe. kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can# kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you

  • MS.NEHA SHARMA 36003 Hrs 31 Min 20 Sec

    #Neha Sharma#BPT 5Semester #enroll-JV-U/18/2686#jvwu MY achievements: i have lots of prized possession in my by gods grace first of all i have got a wonderful parents who always look after me i am really blessed to have them in my life when i was in 1st standard i have received first position in sac race . when i was in 3rd standard i have received 6 position in school in science Olympiad examination and 11th position in Math Olympiad when i was in tenth class i was elected as cultural secretary of my school . when i was in 11th standard i was elected as vice captain of my school after that i represented my school in inter school sports competition and after leaving my school life i entered into my college where i got a alot of exposer in my first year on ozone day i participated in quiz competition an power point presentation i got 2nd and 1st position in my college respectively sometimes i feel lucky that i have participated in that competition otherwise i have loosed that position than my story of acheivements is not over yet in my 2nd year i have done a SURVEY work on DENTAL FLUOROSIS DISEASE AND SECURED A GRADE ON MY WORK AFTER THAT I HAVE DONE SCIENCE ROAD SHOW WHICH WAS HELD BY OHIO STATES UNIVERSITY , COLUMBUS IN MY STATE BIHAR i got a opportunity to meet with best professor of that university . i wish i would get a lot more chance like this in my future ..i am looking for more opportunity like this in my life

  • KOMAL MEGHWANSHI 36129 Hrs 27 Min 42 Sec

    # Komal Meghwanshi # BHMS 1 st semester # enrollment no. 202384 # Jyoti vidyapeeth womens University Jaipur # jv mission- DIABETES HOME REMEDIES - # changing environment and living conditions are increasing rapidly in the number of Diabetes patients in the city, control of food intake is also responsible for this diabetes patients always have problems like headache, fatigue and Diabetes. There is no permanent cure but it can be controlled completely by changing lifestyle, education and improving eating habits # DIABETES SYMPTOMS - (1) friquent urination (2) to much thirst (3) dry throat even after drinking a lot of water (4) hunger even after eating food (5) nausea and occasional vomiting (6) stiffness in the arm and legs (7) complaining of weakness and fatigue all the time (8) blurred eye (9) skin or urethra infections (10) dermatitis (11) irritability (12) headache (13) low body temperature (14) muscle aches (15) weight loss #(a )basil leaves contain antioxidants and essential oils that are helpful for insulin so to reduce sugar levels, take two to three basil leaves daily on an empty stomach or a tablespoon of basil leaf juice (b) mix 10 kg of gooseberry juice with 2 grams of turmeric powder,take this solution twice a day, it controls the amount of sugar in the blood ,it is considered a good medicine for the patients of black berries with Diabetes. jamun should be eaten ,it controls the amount of sugar in the blood. (c) use one gram of cinnamon in your daily diet for a month,this will also help to control weight to reduce blood sugar level. (d) bittergourd is used as a Diabetes agent. Its bitter juice reduces the amount of sugar,so its juice should be drunk. Boiled bittergourd water can be used to end diabetes permanently . (e) methidana is very important for the treatment of Diabetes, so that chronic diabetes also worsens. The powder of methidana should be taken every morning on an empty stomach with two teaspoon of water. (f) In a glass or sugar pot 5-6 cut the lady finger and put it at night,filter and drink this water in the morning .(g) diabetes patients should drink 2 teaspoon of neem and 4 banana leaf juice regularly (h) Green-tea is also considered very beneficial in Diabetes. Green tea contains polyphenols, which have a strong antioxidants and hypo-glycemic elements, the body is able to use insulin properly (I) drumsticks leaves are four times more calcium and double protein than milk. Consumption of these leaves in Diabetes. Helps to reduce digestion of food and lower blood pressure. Its regular intake also benefits (j) make a juice by mixing a tomato ,a cucumber and a bittergourd , take this juice every morning on an empty stomach this is very beneficial in Diabetes. THANK YOU

  • NIKITA PRAJAPAT 1 36193 Hrs 00 Min 07 Sec

    #Nikita Prajapat #Enrollment no. JV-U/18/2143 #BCA 5th Sem #JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMEN’S UNIVERSITY #JVWU #Customs & Traditional Food.My grandparents says that in earlier times people Attithi Devo bhavo means to treat your guests like as you would treat God. This principle is a part of the Rajasthani Culture. They treat their guests well and make them want to visit again. Rajasthans Culture dates back to the years of Kings where it was previously called Rajputana. Over the years it has been ruled by various kings including the Rajput, Marathas and even Muslim rulers, which have resulted in the diverse culture of Rajasthan, bearing numerous beautiful forts with a wide variety in its architecture, language and customs of its people. Rajasthan, in spite of being a desert, has been endowed with such beautiful sites that include various palaces, forts and pilgrim centres.And say that Rajasthani food is known for its various spices and also its sweetness. Rajasthan is most famous for dalbati churma.. A dish comprising of dal and wheat flour kneaded with yoghurt and dressed in ghee. It is also famous for kachori.. the kachori in Rajasthan are of two types - sweet and spicy. And say that There has been a strong influence of religion on Rajasthan. Most residents of Rajasthan are Hindus (mainly Vaishnavas), Jains and Muslims. There are various temples that are important pilgrim sites like the Lodrakar and Ranakpur Jain Temple etc. #THANK YOU…..

  • HARSHITA SHARMA 36199 Hrs 53 Min 00 Sec

    #Harshita Sharma #JV-U/18/2177 #Bachelor of Physiotherapy #BPT#5TH semester#3rd year #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University #jvwu. My grandmother usually tells me about our Indian and Rajasthani culture, as I belong from Indian subcontinent, Rajasthan. #History.Rajasthans Culture dates back to the years of Kings where it was previously called Rajputana. Over the years it has been ruled by various kings including the Rajput, Marathas and even Muslim rulers, which have resulted in the diverse culture of Rajasthan, bearing numerous beautiful forts with a wide variety in its architecture, language and customs of its people. Rajasthan, in spite of being a desert, has been endowed with such beautiful sites that include various palaces, forts and pilgrim centres that define what Rajasthan is. #Respect and Manners. Attithi Devo bhavo means to treat your guests like as you would treat God. This principle is a part of the Rajasthani Culture. They treat their guests well and make them want to visit again. Most of the people in Rajasthan are involved in tourism related jobs and hence take this principle very seriously as they earn their revenue due to the tourists and have pledged to serve them. A popular folk song Padharo Mhare Desh literary means Welcome to my country. #Traditional Food. Rajasthani food is known for its various spices and also its sweetness. Rajasthan is most famous for dalbati . A dish comprising of dal and wheat flour kneaded with yoghurt and dressed in ghee. It is also famous for kachori the kachori in Rajasthan are of two types sweet and spicy. The spicy kachori is called the pyaaz or onion kachori, and the sweet kachori called the mawa kachori. Both these kachoris are easily available in any food stalls in Rajasthan. Ghewar and gheriya are some delectable sweet dishes originating from Mewar, available in most restaurants at Rajasthan. Most of the Rajasthani dishes are made in ghee. #Skills.You will find beautiful carpets, garments, jewellery and more, that are all made by the local people. Any leather item is usually camel leather They use it making journals, shoes and bags. The carpets are made from the hand knitting techniques and much like Persian carpets, they have a geometric design and borders. There are also many miniature items made out of red sand or clay as toys for kids or decoration pieces with bells attached to it. You may also find safah or pagri in most of the shops that you may bring back as a memory from the place.#Cultural Tradition.Rajasthan has cultural traditions that reflect the ancient Indian way of life. Rajasthani society is a blend of predominantly Hindus with sizable minorities of Muslims and Jains. Jats are mostly Hindus and Sikhs. Meenas of Rajasthan to date strongly follow Vedic culture which usually includes worship of Shiva and Krishna as well as the Durga.#Traditional ornaments.Rajasthan is also famous for its amazing ornaments. From ancient times, Rajasthani people have been wearing jewelry of various metals and materials. Traditionally, women wore Gems studded gold and silver ornaments. #Traditional and local Home Medicines. One natural treatment for acidity is chewing a few Basil leaves after a meal. This not just works as an antacid as it helps the body absorb food but also prevents reflux and the formation of ulcers. Sucking a piece of Clove after a meal helps in reducing acidity problem. A flake of garlic swallowed with water taken empty stomach daily in the morning can be helpful in solving many stomach & gastric problems. A headache caused by summer heat is cured by consuming watermelon juice. Just one glass a day works wonders. Eating an apple on an empty stomach in the morning relieves one of migraine pain. This must be done for a few mornings. Open 6 dates and boil in half liter of milk for 25 minutes over low heat. Drink three cups a day. This is the ultimate dry cough remedy. Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with equal quantity of ginger juice. The concoction helps to expectorate mucus, providing relief for the common cold, coughs and sore throat. Eat, before breakfast, half a cup of cooked beets if you suffer from chronic constipation or indigestion. Ayurveda cough syrup at home. Peel and chop six medium onions. Put the pieces in a container and add four tablespoons of honey. Cover and leave them in a water bath over low heat for two hours. Strain and take one tablespoon every three hours. Grated cucumber applied over the face, eyes, and neck for fifteen minutes is very beneficial for acne and blackheads. #Thank You.

  • ANJALI 36226 Hrs 57 Min 23 Sec

    Traditional medicines have been used in many countries throughout the world over many centuries. Today, these medicines still represent an important part of healthcare in some countries. For example, more than 100 countries have regulations for herbal medicines, but practices of traditional medicine vary greatly from country to country and from region to region, as they are influenced by factors such as culture, history, personal attitudes, and philosophy.the use of traditional medicines worldwide, safety and efficacy as well as quality control of herbal medicines and traditional procedure-based therapies have become important concerns for many of these countries.Traditional medicine (TM) is the sum total of the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health, as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement, or treatment of physical and mental illnesses. The terms complementary/alternative/nonconventional medicine (CAM) are used interchangeably with traditional medicine in some countries.

  • SANJU YADAV 36244 Hrs 44 Min 54 Sec

    SANJU YADAV SANJU YADAV # sanju yadav#B.sc agriculture (hons.) #4th year 7th semester # jv-u/17/1306#Jyoti vidhyapeeth womens university in jaipur , today i am tell you home medicine home medicine is a good for health Lemon is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C on the planet and it also contains nutrients like Vitamin B, riboflavin, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. Lemon juice with warm water can also help eliminate waste in your system and serve as a Liver Tonic. Daily intake of lemon water has several health benefits: It keeps your stomach healthy; acts as a cure for nausea, heartburn, indigestion, high blood pressure, stress, and depression. When you suffer from a hangover, a banana milkshake with honey can give you immense relief. Cold milk soothes the stomach lining and bananas with honey build up depleted blood sugar levels. Home Remedies Treatment for a Cough – For a severe cough, mix tulsi juice with garlic juice and honey. A teaspoon of this mixture is taken once every three hours will treat excessive coughing....THANK YOU

  • SUMERA ALI 36259 Hrs 29 Min 50 Sec

    # Sumera Ali# Enrollment no jv-u /18/2167 # Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens University Jaipur BPT3rdyear# jv mission Dadi Nani ke nuskhe. kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can# kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you

  • SUMERA ALI 36259 Hrs 31 Min 54 Sec

    # Sumera Ali# Enrollment no jv-u /18/2167 # Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens University Jaipur BPT3rdyear# jv mission Dadi Nani ke nuskhe. kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can# kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you

  • MS. KRISHNA CHAHAR 36289 Hrs 05 Min 22 Sec

    SANJU YADAV SANJU YADAV#sanju yadav#B.sc agriculture(hons.) # 4th year #Jv-u/17/1306#Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens university , jaipur I want to share about my grandparents thoughts#so lets start... when I was excited about something I often want to tell my dearest grandfather my Baba sometimes I like something so much I feel like I could talk about it forever its so amazing grandparents are blessing which not everyone is lucky enough to have they always watch out for us and pray for us even then I do not know I was lucky enough to grow up in my grandparents house our family lived with my grandparents since I was little as my grandfather passed away when I was so young I only remember a few memories of him one think I surely remember is used to brush his teeth twice a daily without fail. I adopt this habit and ever since I had been doing the same my grandparents have been my true support I am lucky enough to have grown up around such inspirational people. my grandfather was professor of college so he always told about importance of education he helped us with our homework when my parents were not available I spent my vacations at their place as I enjoyed living with them. my grandmother made delicious pickles and she taught me few recipes too and tips and tricks that are very useful to me even today. Thus, we must value them and respect them for all they have done for us and our parents.THANK YOU

  • MS. KRISHNA CHAHAR 36289 Hrs 05 Min 44 Sec

    SANJU YADAV SANJU YADAV#sanju yadav#B.sc agriculture(hons.) # 4th year #Jv-u/17/1306#Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens university , jaipur I want to share about my grandparents thoughts#so lets start... when I was excited about something I often want to tell my dearest grandfather my Baba sometimes I like something so much I feel like I could talk about it forever its so amazing grandparents are blessing which not everyone is lucky enough to have they always watch out for us and pray for us even then I do not know I was lucky enough to grow up in my grandparents house our family lived with my grandparents since I was little as my grandfather passed away when I was so young I only remember a few memories of him one think I surely remember is used to brush his teeth twice a daily without fail. I adopt this habit and ever since I had been doing the same my grandparents have been my true support I am lucky enough to have grown up around such inspirational people. my grandfather was professor of college so he always told about importance of education he helped us with our homework when my parents were not available I spent my vacations at their place as I enjoyed living with them. my grandmother made delicious pickles and she taught me few recipes too and tips and tricks that are very useful to me even today. Thus, we must value them and respect them for all they have done for us and our parents.THANK YOU

  • MS. KRISHNA CHAHAR 36289 Hrs 19 Min 43 Sec

    KRISHNA CHAHAR KRISHNA CHAHAR #krishna chahar # Bsc agriculture (hons.) 4th year #jv-u/17/1120# Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university ,My granny is in her late 70s but is still healthy. When asked how, she simple replies " its all result of healthy diet and routine that we had followed throughout out lives". She has solution to every problem ranging from common cold to stomach problems to ear problems to insect bit bites, she always have a home remedy or dadi maa k nuskhe. For cold and cough- just mix some ginger juice with honey and drink it or you can make a nice tulsi tea and mix ginger juice and honey. She always say "eat in a cold and starve a fever". For sore throat just take some warm water, sprinkle salt and gargle for twice or thrice a day. Coming to food, my granny was a great cook. But due to some health issues she cant cook now. But I still remember how tasty dishes she used to make when I was in school. The yummy raw mango chutney, mouthwatering pickles she used to make every summer, tasty puddings, and much more. She also tells me how big her famile was and she had to prepare food for that joint family. In her time, she used to make food on choolha. We young generation is forgetting those customs, traditions, rituals, fodd, etc in the wake of urbanization. Those traditions were very energy consuming but was very good for health. If we start following those again, then there will be less people with issues. THANK YOU

  • MS. KOMAL PAREEK 36290 Hrs 06 Min 53 Sec

    Komal Pareek #Komalpareek #B.sc agriculture #7th semester #jv-u/17/1117 # Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Jaipur #jvMission lets talk about dadi ji ka pitaara of khajana:- we are in the generation that everything has become digital but still there are few things that cannot be changed which we get to know from our grandparents. My grandmother always give the one glass of turmeric milk every night. She says turmeric milk has lots of benefits like including better sleep to boosting immunity and aiding better recovery a cup of haldi dudh can take you a long way in terms of achieving good health. And the another one is a glass of warm water with a few drops of lemon a teaspoon of honey and A Pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much needed relief from cough.

  • MANISHA KANWAR 36298 Hrs 42 Min 23 Sec

    #manisha kanwar # b.ed 1st year # s.no.202464#jvwu Every mother is doctor without any MBBS degree. Same applies to grandmother. My granny is in her late 70s but is still healthy. When asked how, she simple replies " its all result of healthy diet and routine that we had followed throughout out lives". She has solution to every problem ranging from common cold to stomach problems to ear problems to insect bit bites, she always have a home remedy or dadi maa k nuskhe. For cold and cough- just mix some ginger juice with honey and drink it or you can make a nice tulsi tea and mix ginger juice and honey. She always say "eat in a cold and starve a fever". For sore throat just take some warm water, sprinkle salt and gargle for twice or thrice a day. Coming to food, my granny was a great cook. But due to some health issues she cant cook now. But I still remember how tasty dishes she used to make when I was in school. The yummy raw mango chutney, mouthwatering pickles she used to make every summer, tasty puddings, and much more. She also tells me how big her famile was and she had to prepare food for that joint family. In her time, she used to make food on choolha. We young generation is forgetting those customs, traditions, rituals, fodd, etc in the wake of urbanization. Those traditions were very energy consuming but was very good for health. If we start following those again, then there will be less people with issues.

  • SUMAN JANGID 36315 Hrs 30 Min 44 Sec

    suman jangid b.sc(fst)final year jv-u/18/2241 I want to share about my grandparents thoughts#so lets start... when I was excited about something I often want to tell my dearest grandfather my Dadaji sometimes I like something so much I feel like I could talk about it forever its so amazing grandparents are blessing which not everyone is lucky enough to have they always watch out for us and pray for us even then I do not know I was lucky enough to grow up in my grandparents house our family lived with my grandparents since I was little as my grandfather passed away when I was so young I only remember a few memories of him one think I surely remember is used to brush his teeth twice a daily without fail. I adopt this habit and ever since I had been doing the same my grandparents have been my true support I am lucky enough to have grown up around such inspirational people. my grandfather was professor of college so he always told about importance of education he helped us with our homework when my parents were not available I spent my vacations at their place as I enjoyed living with them. I want to share about my grandparents thoughts#so lets start... when I was excited about something I often want to tell my dearest grandfather my Baba sometimes I like something so much I feel like I could talk about it forever its so amazing grandparents are blessing which not everyone is lucky enough to have they always watch out for us and pray for us even then I do not know I was lucky enough to grow up in my grandparents house our family lived with my grandparents since I was little as my grandfather passed away when I was so young I only remember a few memories of him one think I surely remember is used to brush his teeth twice a daily without fail. grandfather always says" kbhi bhi jhuth nhi bolna chahiye". I adopt this habit and ever since I had been doing the same my grandparents have been my true support I am lucky enough to have grown up around such inspirational people. my grandfather was professor of college so he always told about importance of education he helped us with our homework when my parents were not available I spent my vacations at their place as I enjoyed living with them. my grandmother made delicious pickles and she taught me few recipes too and tips and tricks that are very useful to me even today. Thus, we must value them and respect them for all they have done for us and our parents. .

  • HIMANI KATARA 36323 Hrs 41 Min 26 Sec

    Namaste mam,I Jvn Himani katara,bsc(fst) final year enroll-jv-u/18/2100. I want to share about my grandparents thoughts#so lets start... when I was excited about something I often want to tell my dearest grandfather my Baba sometimes I like something so much I feel like I could talk about it forever its so amazing grandparents are blessing which not everyone is lucky enough to have they always watch out for us and pray for us even then I do not know I was lucky enough to grow up in my grandparents house our family lived with my grandparents since I was little as my grandfather passed away when I was so young I only remember a few memories of him one think I surely remember is used to brush his teeth twice a daily without fail. I adopt this habit and ever since I had been doing the same my grandparents have been my true support I am lucky enough to have grown up around such inspirational people. my grandfather was professor of college so he always told about importance of education he helped us with our homework when my parents were not available I spent my vacations at their place as I enjoyed living with them. my grandmother made delicious pickles and she taught me few recipes too and tips and tricks that are very useful to me even today. Thus, we must value them and respect them for all they have done for us and our parents.

  • HIMANI KATARA 36323 Hrs 42 Min 40 Sec

    Namaste mam,I Jvn Himani katara bsc(fst) final yea,MY achievements: i have lots of prized possession in my by gods grace first of all i have got a wonderful parents who always look after me i am really blessed to have them in my life when i was in 1st standard i have received first position in sac race . when i was in 3rd standard i have received 6 position in school in science Olympiad examination and 11th position in Math Olympiad when i was in tenth class i was elected as cultural secretary of my school . when i was in 11th standard i was elected as vice captain of my school after that i represented my school in inter school sports competition and after leaving my school life i entered into my college where i got a alot of exposer in my first year on ozone day i participated in quiz competition an power point presentation i got 2nd and 1st position in my college respectively sometimes i feel lucky that i have participated in that competition otherwise i have loosed that position than my story of acheivements is not over yet in my 2nd year i have done a SURVEY work on DENTAL FLUOROSIS DISEASE AND SECURED A GRADE ON MY WORK AFTER THAT I HAVE DONE SCIENCE ROAD SHOW WHICH WAS HELD BY OHIO STATES UNIVERSITY , COLUMBUS IN MY STATE BIHAR i got a opportunity to meet with best professor of that university . i wish i would get a lot more chance like this in my future ..i am looking for more opportunity like this in my life.

  • HIMANI KATARA 36323 Hrs 48 Min 28 Sec

    Namaste mam,I Jvn Himani katara,bsc(fst) final year. I want to share about my grandparents thoughts#so lets start... when I was excited about something I often want to tell my dearest grandfather my Baba sometimes I like something so much I feel like I could talk about it forever its so amazing grandparents are blessing which not everyone is lucky enough to have they always watch out for us and pray for us even then I do not know I was lucky enough to grow up in my grandparents house our family lived with my grandparents since I was little as my grandfather passed away when I was so young I only remember a few memories of him one think I surely remember is used to brush his teeth twice a daily without fail. I adopt this habit and ever since I had been doing the same my grandparents have been my true support I am lucky enough to have grown up around such inspirational people. my grandfather was professor of college so he always told about importance of education he helped us with our homework when my parents were not available I spent my vacations at their place as I enjoyed living with them. my grandmother made delicious pickles and she taught me few recipes too and tips and tricks that are very useful to me even today. Thus, we must value them and respect them for all they have done for us and our parents.

  • ANJALI CHAUHAN 36342 Hrs 51 Min 16 Sec

    Namaste maam, I jvnAnjali chauhan, BscRT 7th sem, jv-/17/1151A staple meal from UP, consisting of sabji, daal and rotis with mango pickle. Kachori sabji is a popular breakfast in Uttar Pradesh. Shahi Paneer and bread. Papdi-chaat has its roots in Uttar Pradesh. Imarti, made from lentil dough. Pedas from Mathura Vrindavan. Kaju KatliEverything about the colorful state of Uttar Pradesh is unique and mesmerizing. From the delicious food varieties to the age-old heritage this place offers you a plethora of options to explore. The people here are very deeply rooted and attached to their centuries-old background which makes them very interesting. A traveler can experience one of a kind traditions and beliefs through their art, handicrafts, cuisines, and culture.Traditional Women Clothing The clothing of women in UP differs from city and villages. There are many developed towns within the state where women go to work and wear formal wear. Casually women in towns wear jeans, trousers, t-shirts, shirts, dresses, and stylish tops and tunics. Women in villages choose to wear much more traditional and unfashionable clothes. Here is a list of clothing worn by the women of UP both in cities and village areas:THE VARIOUS RITUALS PERFORMED Like the greater part of the Indian weddings, weddings in Uttar Pradesh likewise contain numerous rituals which begin days before the wedding and continue work after thewedding day. A wedding in Uttar Pradesh is a period when the whole family, relatives and companions get together for a fun filled festival. The sustenance served in these weddings is normally immaculate veggie lover and for the most part overwhelming nourishment things are some piece of the wedding menu. The Uttar Pradesh weddings are a fantastic issue and the individuals leave no stone unturned to make it an essential day for the bride and the groom.

  • MASUM KUMARI 36342 Hrs 59 Min 46 Sec

    #masum kumari#jv-i/17/1555#B.scagri(hons)+MBA#7thsemester #jvwu MY achievements: i have lots of prized possession in my by gods grace first of all i have got a wonderful parents who always look after me i am really blessed to have them in my life when i was in 1st standard i have received first position in sac race . when i was in 3rd standard i have received 6 position in school in science Olympiad examination and 11th position in Math Olympiad when i was in tenth class i was elected as cultural secretary of my school . when i was in 11th standard i was elected as vice captain of my school after that i represented my school in inter school sports competition and after leaving my school life i entered into my college where i got a alot of exposer in my first year on ozone day i participated in quiz competition an power point presentation i got 2nd and 1st position in my college respectively sometimes i feel lucky that i have participated in that competition otherwise i have loosed that position than my story of acheivements is not over yet in my 2nd year i have done a SURVEY work on DENTAL FLUOROSIS DISEASE AND SECURED A GRADE ON MY WORK AFTER THAT I HAVE DONE SCIENCE ROAD SHOW WHICH WAS HELD BY OHIO STATES UNIVERSITY , COLUMBUS IN MY STATE BIHAR i got a opportunity to meet with best professor of that university . i wish i would get a lot more chance like this in my future ..i am looking for more opportunity like this in my life.

  • ARJITA KATIYAR 36343 Hrs 24 Min 40 Sec

    # JVN ARJITA KATIYAR#Enroll.202145#bsc fst 1st year#JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMEN’S UNIVERSITY# I want to share about my grandparents thoughts#so lets start... when I was excited about something I often want to tell my dearest grandfather my Baba sometimes I like something so much I feel like I could talk about it forever its so amazing grandparents are blessing which not everyone is lucky enough to have they always watch out for us and pray for us even then I do not know I was lucky enough to grow up in my grandparents house our family lived with my grandparents since I was little as my grandfather passed away when I was so young I only remember a few memories of him one think I surely remember is used to brush his teeth twice a daily without fail. I adopt this habit and ever since I had been doing the same my grandparents have been my true support I am lucky enough to have grown up around such inspirational people. my grandfather was professor of college so he always told about importance of education he helped us with our homework when my parents were not available I spent my vacations at their place as I enjoyed living with them. my grandmother made delicious pickles and she taught me few recipes too and tips and tricks that are very useful to me even today. Thus, we must value them and respect them for all they have done for us and our parents.

  • MINAL SHARMA 36344 Hrs 56 Min 39 Sec

    #MINAL SHARMA # Enroll:- JV-U/19/3197# CLASS:- BPT - 3rd SEMESTER # JAYOTIVIDYAPEETH WOMENSUNIVERSITYJAIPUR # JVMISSIONS#MYSUCCESSSTORIESWITHCONTRIBUTIONOFJAYOTIVIDYAPEETHWOMENSUNIVERSITY. My university is the state’s first private university. It is known for its best education system and secure environment for girls. During this pandemic . I have talked to my grandparents about rajasthani culture because originally I am from Rajasthan and I am very vurious to know about the ancient rajasthani culture, so they told me some of the ancient stories about Rajasthan. Rajasthan has artistic and cultural traditions which reflect the ancient Indian way of life. Rajasthan is also called "LAND OF KINGS". The Rajasthanis owns the pride of not only enriching the culture of Rajasthan but also the entire culture of India. The people of Rajasthan are known for their culture which is nearly 5000 years old and which is blend of tradition and history with the present contemporary lifestyle. There are lot of customs and traditions followed by the diverse population of the state and it adds to the emblishment of the culture of the people. The cultural heritage of Rajasthanis are influenced by various features like its folk music and dances , different languages and dialects, the majestic forts, palaces, mansions and devinely holy places of religious worship, its multihued fairs and festivals and its cuisine .Not only the people but also the commercial markets give a pictire of the vibrant culture of Rajasthanis. Various products of the people of Rajasthan which can reflect the culture of the state are tie and die textiles, intricately carved wooden furniture with alluring motifs, block print textiles, lavish Bandhej saris and kurtis, zari and embroidered saris, luxurious and royal hand knotted carpets and durries, astonishing blue pottery, captivating mojaris and jutis and so on.

  • MORI URVI  ABHAY SINGH 36346 Hrs 46 Min 29 Sec

    # URVI MORI # JV-D/19/3232 # DPT- 03 SEM ( 2 YEAR ) # JVWU, JAIPUR # JV MISSION CDA # I am from GUJARAT. # Gujarat is also called as “Jewel of Western India” is known for its unique and rich culture. It bordered by Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and the Arabian Sea and is home to Gujars, who ruled the area during the 700’s.# It was the main center of the Indus Valley Civilization and Harappan civilization. The Gujarati culture is a blend of there beliefs, customs, inventions, values, and technology.# Gujarat dates back to the Indus Valley Civilization time, it contains ancient cities from Indus valley Lothal, Dholavira, and Gola Dhoro. The history provides evidence of trade ties with Egypt, Bahrain, and Sumer in the Persian Gulf. # Chandragupta Maurya conquered a number of places now what form Gujarat. Emperor Ashoka, the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya order engraving of his edicts in Junagadh rock. After the Maurya Empire, the Sakas controlled the region. # There was The Kshatrapa dynasty from the start of the 1st century AD which was replaced by the Gupta empire. In the 900s the Solanki Dynasty came into power which made Gujarat reached its much greater extent. # Then came the Muslim Ruler Mahmud of Ghazni who invaded Gujarat, later Mughal emperor Akbar conquered it which was later acquired by Chhatrapati Shivaji. # During the Independence movement, Gujarat became a place of revolts as many freedom fighters like Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi hailed from Gujarat.#

  • MANISHA1 36350 Hrs 03 Min 53 Sec

    MANISHA#jv-u/18/2107#Bscrt 5th semester#jvwu#basically I belong from haryana .. here most commonly language is used haryanvi. Haryanas culture is reflective of its folklore. Submerged in the rich cultural heritage of the Vedic Period, the mystical state of Haryana stands out from the crowd. The rich Haryanvi culture is characterised by the hookahs and the charpoys, the vivid fairs and the swaying paddy fields; Haryana is one of the wealthiest states in India and is one of the most economically developed regions in South Asia. The people of Haryana strictly adhere to their customs and cultural traditions. Yoga and chanting of Vedic mantras have become an innate part of their lifestyle. The dialect of Haryana, popularly known as Haryanvi, Bangaru or Jatu; is known to be a bit crude but is full of earthy humour and straightforwardness. Most of the people of Haryana have more or less equal social status. The factor of age is a really dominating trait in Haryana, as all elders, whether rich or poor are treated with utmost respect and honour. Thus, it displays a very socialistic nature.People here tend to retain their racial purity by not allowing marriages in the same gotra. Haryana has gained a lot of fame for the lively fairs organised there like surajkund fair ,mango mela,baisaikhi mela and many more..festivals of haryana is Teej, Guga Navmi, Gita Jayanti, Kaartik Cultural Festival and a unique celebration known as Sohna Car Rally. The most famous festival of all times is Teej. It is usually celebrated on the third day of Shrawana month. About food is Haryana has a tradition of preparing and distributing goond ladoos, prepared in desi ghee, on the arrival of a new born. Churma is also popular among haryanvi people.. this is all about my haryana culture festive ..

  • SUMERA ALI 36353 Hrs 50 Min 17 Sec

    SUMERA ALI #sumeraAli#jv-u/18/2167#BPT #5thsemester #jvwu MY achievements: i have lots of prized possession in my by gods grace first of all i have got a wonderful parents who always look after me i am really blessed to have them in my life when i was in 1st standard i have received first position in sac race . when i was in 3rd standard i have received 6 position in school in science Olympiad examination and 11th position in Math Olympiad when i was in tenth class i was elected as cultural secretary of my school . when i was in 11th standard i was elected as vice captain of my school after that i represented my school in inter school sports competition and after leaving my school life i entered into my college where i got a alot of exposer in my first year on ozone day i participated in quiz competition an power point presentation i got 2nd and 1st position in my college respectively sometimes i feel lucky that i have participated in that competition otherwise i have loosed that position than my story of acheivements is not over yet in my 2nd year i have done a SURVEY work on DENTAL FLUOROSIS DISEASE AND SECURED A GRADE ON MY WORK AFTER THAT I HAVE DONE SCIENCE ROAD SHOW WHICH WAS HELD BY OHIO STATES UNIVERSITY , COLUMBUS IN MY STATE BIHAR i got a opportunity to meet with best professor of that university . i wish i would get a lot more chance like this in my future ..i am looking for more opportunity like this in my life

  • NIDHI VASHISHTH 36358 Hrs 36 Min 33 Sec

    #nidhivashishth #jv-u/18/2268 #BPT #5thsemester #jvwu MY achievements: i have lots of prized possession in my by gods grace first of all i have got a wonderful parents who always look after me i am really blessed to have them in my life when i was in 1st standard i have received first position in sac race . when i was in 3rd standard i have received 6 position in school in science Olympiad examination and 11th position in Math Olympiad when i was in tenth class i was elected as cultural secretary of my school . when i was in 11th standard i was elected as vice captain of my school after that i represented my school in inter school sports competition and after leaving my school life i entered into my college where i got a alot of exposer in my first year on ozone day i participated in quiz competition an power point presentation i got 2nd and 1st position in my college respectively sometimes i feel lucky that i have participated in that competition otherwise i have loosed that position than my story of acheivements is not over yet in my 2nd year i have done a SURVEY work on DENTAL FLUOROSIS DISEASE AND SECURED A GRADE ON MY WORK AFTER THAT I HAVE DONE SCIENCE ROAD SHOW WHICH WAS HELD BY OHIO STATES UNIVERSITY , COLUMBUS IN MY STATE BIHAR i got a opportunity to meet with best professor of that university . i wish i would get a lot more chance like this in my future ..i am looking for more opportunity like this in my life

  • NIDHI VASHISHTH 36358 Hrs 36 Min 53 Sec

    #nidhivashishth #jv-u/18/2268 #BPT #5thsemester #jvwu MY achievements: i have lots of prized possession in my by gods grace first of all i have got a wonderful parents who always look after me i am really blessed to have them in my life when i was in 1st standard i have received first position in sac race . when i was in 3rd standard i have received 6 position in school in science Olympiad examination and 11th position in Math Olympiad when i was in tenth class i was elected as cultural secretary of my school . when i was in 11th standard i was elected as vice captain of my school after that i represented my school in inter school sports competition and after leaving my school life i entered into my college where i got a alot of exposer in my first year on ozone day i participated in quiz competition an power point presentation i got 2nd and 1st position in my college respectively sometimes i feel lucky that i have participated in that competition otherwise i have loosed that position than my story of acheivements is not over yet in my 2nd year i have done a SURVEY work on DENTAL FLUOROSIS DISEASE AND SECURED A GRADE ON MY WORK AFTER THAT I HAVE DONE SCIENCE ROAD SHOW WHICH WAS HELD BY OHIO STATES UNIVERSITY , COLUMBUS IN MY STATE BIHAR i got a opportunity to meet with best professor of that university . i wish i would get a lot more chance like this in my future ..i am looking for more opportunity like this in my life

  • NIDHI VASHISHTH 36358 Hrs 37 Min 32 Sec

    #nidhivashishth #jv-u/18/2268 #BPT #5thsemester #jvwu MY achievements: i have lots of prized possession in my by gods grace first of all i have got a wonderful parents who always look after me i am really blessed to have them in my life when i was in 1st standard i have received first position in sac race . when i was in 3rd standard i have received 6 position in school in science Olympiad examination and 11th position in Math Olympiad when i was in tenth class i was elected as cultural secretary of my school . when i was in 11th standard i was elected as vice captain of my school after that i represented my school in inter school sports competition and after leaving my school life i entered into my college where i got a alot of exposer in my first year on ozone day i participated in quiz competition an power point presentation i got 2nd and 1st position in my college respectively sometimes i feel lucky that i have participated in that competition otherwise i have loosed that position than my story of acheivements is not over yet in my 2nd year i have done a SURVEY work on DENTAL FLUOROSIS DISEASE AND SECURED A GRADE ON MY WORK AFTER THAT I HAVE DONE SCIENCE ROAD SHOW WHICH WAS HELD BY OHIO STATES UNIVERSITY , COLUMBUS IN MY STATE BIHAR i got a opportunity to meet with best professor of that university . i wish i would get a lot more chance like this in my future ..i am looking for more opportunity like this in my life

  • MANYA MENDIRATTA 36365 Hrs 59 Min 34 Sec

    #Manya Mendiratta #Jv-i/17/1529 #BscAgriculture(Hon.)4th year #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Jaipur #JvMission . Here comes another idea from dadi ji ka pitara of khazana . If you find that, no matter how long you swill mouthwash in the morning, your breath is already stale a couple hours into your workday, you might want to opt for one of the most effective oral home remedies: lemon juice. First, gargle with a small cup of acidic lemon juice. (This will kill the bacteria that is causing your breath to stink.) Then, take a few bites of unsweetened yogurt to replace the bad bacteria with beneficial bacteria. This should keep your breath fresh for at least 12 hours.

  • MANYA MENDIRATTA 36366 Hrs 16 Min 15 Sec

    #Manya Mendiratta #Jv-i/17/1529 #BscAgriculture(Hon.) #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Jaipur #JvMission We are in the generation that every thing has become digital but still there are few things that can not be changd which we get to know from our grandparents . I am so privelaged that i am staying with my grandparents. There are so many home remedies which we dont even have any idea about but because of our grandparents we got to know about it . Once she gave an idea and said pick up a couple of black tea bags and dip them in a hot water for a few minutes. Pop them in the fridge to cool, then lay down and place the bags over your closed eyes for 10 minutes or so. Tannins in the tea helps to return the loose skin under your eyes to their former taut glory

  • MAHIM KHAN 36366 Hrs 25 Min 24 Sec

    MAHIM KHAN #202063 #B.ED[1 SEM] MY achievements: i have lots of prized possession in my by gods grace first of all i have got a wonderful parents who always look after me i am really blessed to have them in my life when i was in 1st standard i have received first position in sac race . when i was in 3rd standard i have received 6 position in school in science Olympiad examination and 11th position in Math Olympiad when i was in tenth class i was elected as cultural secretary of my school . when i was in 11th standard i was elected as vice captain of my school after that i represented my school in inter school sports competition and after leaving my school life i entered into my college where i got a alot of exposer in my first year on ozone day i participated in quiz competition an power point presentation i got 2nd and 1st position in my college respectively sometimes i feel lucky that i have participated in that competition otherwise i have loosed that position than my story of acheivements is not over yet in my 2nd year i have done a SURVEY work on DENTAL FLUOROSIS DISEASE AND SECURED A GRADE ON MY WORK AFTER THAT I HAVE DONE SCIENCE ROAD SHOW WHICH WAS HELD BY OHIO STATES UNIVERSITY , COLUMBUS IN MY STATE BIHAR i got a opportunity to meet with best professor of that university . i wish i would get a lot more chance like this in my future ..i am looking for more opportunity like this in my life

  • SHIVANI YADAV 36366 Hrs 31 Min 56 Sec

    #priya gautam #202035 #BSC RT 1st years # jyoti vidhyapeeth womens university in jaipur , today i am tell you home medicine home medicine is a good for health Lemon is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C on the planet and it also contains nutrients like Vitamin B, riboflavin, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. Lemon juice with warm water can also help eliminate waste in your system and serve as a Liver Tonic. Daily intake of lemon water has several health benefits: It keeps your stomach healthy; acts as a cure for nausea, heartburn, indigestion, high blood pressure, stress, and depression. When you suffer from a hangover, a banana milkshake with honey can give you immense relief. Cold milk soothes the stomach lining and bananas with honey build up depleted blood sugar levels. Home Remedies Treatment for a Cough – For a severe cough, mix tulsi juice with garlic juice and honey. A teaspoon of this mixture is taken once every three hours will treat excessive coughing.

  • DIKSHA YADAV 36366 Hrs 36 Min 59 Sec

    #diksha yadav#msc microbiology 1st semester#202457#jvwu# story Once, there was a boy who became bored when he watched over the village sheep grazing on the hillside. To entertain himself, he sang out, “Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!” When the villagers heard the cry, they came running up the hill to drive the wolf away. But, when they arrived, they saw no wolf. The boy was amused when seeing their angry faces. “Don’t scream wolf, boy,” warned the villagers, “when there is no wolf!” They angrily went back down the hill. Later, the shepherd boy cried out once again, “Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!” To his amusement, he looked on as the villagers came running up the hill to scare the wolf away. As they saw there was no wolf, they said strictly, “Save your frightened cry for when there really is a wolf! Don’t cry ‘wolf’ when there is no wolf!” But the boy grinned at their words while they walked grumbling down the hill once more. Later, the boy saw a real wolf sneaking around his flock. Alarmed, he jumped on his feet and cried out as loud as he could, “Wolf! Wolf!” But the villagers thought he was fooling them again, and so they didn’t come to help. At sunset, the villagers went looking for the boy who hadn’t returned with their sheep. When they went up the hill, they found him weeping. “There really was a wolf here! The flock is gone! I cried out, ‘Wolf!’ but you didn’t come,” he wailed.An old man went to comfort the boy. As he put his arm around him, he said, “Nobody believes a liar, even when he is telling the truth!”

  • Palak Jain 36366 Hrs 40 Min 27 Sec

    #palakjain #jv-i/17/1537 agriculture and vetinery science #b.scagriculture #7thsem #jvwu this is all about some change that my grand parents doing they go through me for higher studies and they teaches me many new lesson regarding carriar objective as all of them are used in my basic life that can futher change my Lifestyle some of my them is about their how everyone agree their children for higher study as they said in old time they faced so many problem. According to them we are middle class family consist brother and sisters, who took care of household chores, and also getting an education. .their is my small brother who goes to school regularly. As due to middle class family many of my relatives argument that why they spend me on that college . But my dad and mothers always support me make me capable for fight any situation and circumstances. “I always thought girls were different from boys and should be treated differently. That’s the reason they did not send my other daughters to school, but I deeply regret that now. They could have had better lives if I had let them study. I will make sure that about it. And it helps us for better future development in both cases it help my life to develop. Girls and women suffer most of the negative impact of rigid gender norms and roles - they are more likely to experience restrictions of their freedom and mobility, they experience epidemic levels of violence and harassment across the globe and have fewer opportunities to choose how to live their lives. It’s important to note that there are dangers associated with calling others out on their behaviour. People may not like to have their viewpoints challenged; they may react in a negative or aggressive way, so if your instincts tells you that a situation is too risky, your own safety is the priority. It is nessary first to change our thinking and which helps you To achieve your goals .

  • RAVINA PATIDAR 36367 Hrs 07 Min 10 Sec

    #ravinapatidar #b.tech fbt 1st semaster #jvwu #202292 story HomeStories Sailing Ships and Sinking Spoons ENGLISHLEVEL 3 Sailing Ships and Sinking Spoons Jamyang Gyaltsen Ngawang Dorjee RECOMMENDED Sailing Ships and Sinking Spoons 2378 34174 Sailing Ships and Sinking Spoons Written by Jamyang Gyaltsen Illustrated by Ngawang Dorjee Published By Pratham Books My Bookshelf Share More Tenzin and Tashi, two young Tibetan monks, and Genla, the beloved storyteller of the monastery, wonder why a small steel spoon sinks in water but a huge ship floats. Their science teacher Miss Sonam helps them experiment with an apple, a spoon and a tub-full of water to learn more about objects that float.

  • ANJU 36367 Hrs 11 Min 06 Sec

    #ANJU 202385 #JVWU #BA.BED (1st sem.) My achievement : When i am 16 years old in class 10th . My school held a drawing competition in near about september.I am interested in this competition also . And my drawing is good than my other classmates.This competition was very higher standard competition . In this there was included 9to12 classes .My seniors had also best in art . But i had a confidence to win this . The competition is held after the lunch time and my friends also support me for this .I made a drawing in topic of save environment .And i got first position in it .My principals Sir come on the stage and gave me 1st prize for it .My incharge teacher really very happy with me .He told every teacher that her student won this competition .Really , this is very big achievement for me because my seniors had also best drawing .At last ,my teacher gave chocolate to me and i gave party to my lovely friends . I won Drawing competition . Thankyou .

  • ANJALI CHAUHAN 36371 Hrs 33 Min 33 Sec

    #Anjali Chauhan #202235 #BSc BEd (PCM) 1st semester # Jyoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Jaipur #JV Mission # Today I am very glad to share my views about my grandmother. As she is not only my grandmother but also my best friend. And as a friend she always try to give me lifelong knowledge. She used to tell me about the Indian culture and tradition. She told that India has a diverse and distinct culture that has been developing for years having distinct religion,and we should respect each and every religion. She had also told that India is considered the birthplace of some of the worlds major religion - Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism. She said that there are some fascinating Indian culture, tradition and custom what she talked about the most. According to her Greetings done in India is one of such tradition, also always having festive season in India attracted her the most. I always listened and learned about our Indian culture and tradition from her only.

  • ANJALI CHAUHAN 36371 Hrs 35 Min 25 Sec

    #Anjali Chauhan #202235 #BSc BEd (PCM) 1st semester # Jyoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Jaipur #JV Mission # Today I am very glad to share my views about my grandmother. As she is not only my grandmother but also my best friend. And as a friend she always try to give me lifelong knowledge. She used to tell me about the Indian culture and tradition. She told that India has a diverse and distinct culture that has been developing for years having distinct religion,and we should respect each and every religion. She had also told that India is considered the birthplace of some of the worlds major religion - Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism. She said that there are some fascinating Indian culture, tradition and custom what she talked about the most. According to her Greetings done in India is one of such tradition, also always having festive season in India attracted her the most. I always listened and learned about our Indian culture and tradition from her only.

  • KM PROMISA CHAND 36372 Hrs 27 Min 37 Sec

    Promisa Chand #Promisa chand #Enroll =jv-i/17/1787 #course B tech civil (4th year ) #jvwu #jvwu misssion #Grand parent story-When I was a child my grandfather and I would walk through the forest, every morning and every night. He told me how walking through the forest would help me grow taller. I was a short child and that is why I would walk through the forest hoping one day I would be as tall as the trees. But now they are gone. I was still young when my grandfather started getting sick, too sick even to walk through the forest with me. I told him that if the trees could make me taller then maybe they could make him stronger. He would smile and give a half-hearted chuckle, but I knew he wouldn’t come. I continued my walks through the forest but it wasn’t the same. It was a sad and sorrowful walk now. As my grandfather’s health worsened I began to feel his pain too. The only reason I went on my walks was because, although it saddened me, it also reminded me of happier times. All life started to leave my grandfather’s sorrowful face; he became pale and his hands cold. My grandfather was slipping away. The days started to grow longer and my grandfather was not going to get better. I spent my days with him trying to grasp every last second I could with him. Except….except in the mornings and the evenings when I would go out and silently walk through the forests. I’m not a very observant person but through my long and lonely wanderings I realised something, something no one else had ever noticed. If I didn’t know any different I would have said that the trees were dying. At first it was just a hunch, but as the days went by I realised that they were in fact dying. Then I realised something, the worse my grandfather got the more the trees wilted. What would happen when my grandfather’s time came? What would happen to the trees? Then it happened. My grandfather left the earth. That day was a sad day for me, but a dreaded day for the world. Not only had I lost my grandfather but the trees had all died, not just the trees I walked among but all trees across the world. Now, for generations to come, no-one will ever know how and why the trees Thanks

  • KM PROMISA CHAND 36372 Hrs 31 Min 53 Sec

    Promosa Chand #Promisa chand #BAMS 2nd year #Enroll Jv-i/17/1787 #Course B tech Civil 4th year#Grand parent story-When I was a child my grandfather and I would walk through the forest, every morning and every night. He told me how walking through the forest would help me grow taller. I was a short child and that is why I would walk through the forest hoping one day I would be as tall as the trees. But now they are gone. I was still young when my grandfather started getting sick, too sick even to walk through the forest with me. I told him that if the trees could make me taller then maybe they could make him stronger. He would smile and give a half-hearted chuckle, but I knew he wouldn’t come. I continued my walks through the forest but it wasn’t the same. It was a sad and sorrowful walk now. As my grandfather’s health worsened I began to feel his pain too. The only reason I went on my walks was because, although it saddened me, it also reminded me of happier times. All life started to leave my grandfather’s sorrowful face; he became pale and his hands cold. My grandfather was slipping away. The days started to grow longer and my grandfather was not going to get better. I spent my days with him trying to grasp every last second I could with him. Except….except in the mornings and the evenings when I would go out and silently walk through the forests. I’m not a very observant person but through my long and lonely wanderings I realised something, something no one else had ever noticed. If I didn’t know any different I would have said that the trees were dying. At first it was just a hunch, but as the days went by I realised that they were in fact dying. Then I realised something, the worse my grandfather got the more the trees wilted. What would happen when my grandfather’s time came? What would happen to the trees? Then it happened. My grandfather left the earth. That day was a sad day for me, but a dreaded day for the world. Not only had I lost my grandfather but the trees had all died, not just the trees I walked among but all trees across the world. Now, for generations to come, no-one will ever know how and why the trees Thanks.

  • CHAROO SINGH 36389 Hrs 51 Min 02 Sec

    #charoo Singh Enrollment no. 18597#jayoti vidhyapeeth womens University Jaipur BSC rt 3rd year#jv mission.i am from uttar Pradesh,my grandfather usually tells me about our culture and tradition.it is home to Ayodhya and Mathura birthplace of Lord Rama and Krishna and Bhagwan Parshuram respectively. Taj Mahal one of the new seven wonders of the world in Agra is also located in uttar Pradesh. Papdi Chaat had its root in uttar Pradesh and some traditional food -pedas from mathura vrindavana . The people of uttar Pradesh wear a variety of native and Western style dress, traditional style of dress include colourful draped garments such as sari for womens and dhoti or lungi for men.

  • KEHKASHA KHAN 36390 Hrs 37 Min 33 Sec

    #Kehkasha khan# Enrollment no. 202379# Jayoti vidyapeeth womens University Jaipur# jv mission # Rajasthani culture and traditional medicine# I am from Ajmer rajasthan. Ajmer is a city in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan. South of the citys artificial Ana Sagar Lake is Ajmer Sharif Dargah, the domed shrine of the Muslim Sufi saint Garib Nawaz. Nearby, a 16th-century palace built by the Mughal emperor Akbar now houses the Ajmer Government Museum, displaying armor and stone sculptures. A museum at the Indo-Saracenic–style Mayo College exhibits art and taxidermied birds. The next Urs festival at Ajmer will be celebrated from 12 dayes, the first six days of the month of Rajab, 1441 AH. The Urs festival at Ajmer is celebrated for six consecutive days of the month of Rajab.Ajmer Tourist Places Dargah Shariff, Nasiyan Jain Temple, Ana Sagar Lake, Nareli Jain Temple, Adhai-Din Ka Jhonpra, Prithviraj Smarak, Akbars Palace & Museum, Maharana Pratap Smarak, Buland Darwaza, Baradari, Savitri Temple, Rangji Temple and many more. With their breathtaking beauty and historic relevance, these places to visit in Ajmer vouches to leave you spellbound and wanting for more. Known for its vibrant Mughal past and religious attractions, this city in Rajasthan attracts tourists from all over the world throughout the year. Whether you’re a history buff or a nature lover, you are bound to find a home in Ajmer. Whether it is the legendary charm of the Akbari Fort and the archaic Adhai Din Ka Jhopra, or the tranquility found at the Ana Sagar Lake and Durga Bag, these Ajmer tourist places promise a happening vacation to all those coming here. The Ajmer famous places also cater to those with a spiritual bent of mind. From the stunning marble complex of the Sai Baba Temple, to the world-renowned Dargah Sharif, or even the resplendent Ajmer Jain Temple- these religious attractions welcome tourists belonging to all faiths and practices. Here are some the best places to visit in Ajmer.my grandmother and maternal grandmother usually tells me about Rajasthani culture and traditions Rajasthan in spit of being a desert has been endowed with such beautiful sites अतिथि देवो भव: means to treat your guests like as you would treat God. This principale is a part of Rajasthani culture many traditional instruments are used by femous groups of Banjaras and jogi that include shehnai,flute,dholak, nagada,bhapang, shehnai,ek Tara ,jantar ,sarangi ,Chang ,mridang etc.A popular song पधारो म्हारे देश literary means welcome to my country.some of the dances chung ghoomar, bhopa ,teratali and kathputli. Ghoomar dance which organited in udaipur has gained international recognition and appreciation.The most femous and traditional food of Rajasthan is Dal-Bati-Churma. The Rajasthanies specialise in serving sweet and savoury dishes in combination that steal the heart and delight the taste buds. The Ghevar is the Rajasthani sweet. Rajasthan is also femous for spicy onion kachori and sweet mawa kachori. There has been a strong influence of religion on Rajasthan. Most residents of Rajasthan are Hindus,Muslim and jains. Here are various temples like Jagdish y, world femous Brahma temple, ranakpur Jain temple etc. Rajasthan is also femous for its handicrafts like carpets garments and jewellery etc. Made by local people. These handicrafts attracts everyone. Camels are commonly found animals in Rajasthan.camel fair take place every year in Bikaner,pushkar and other regions .It is a festival or celebration held for 2 days.the people of Rajasthan celebrate 16 sanskares . Another interesting costume in Rajasthan is mundan in which the hair of the child is shaved completely as it is belived that the hair carries nagativity from the childs past Life. The Rajasthani women wear ghagra( long skirt), kanchali( top )and odni over their head as a sign of respect. The men wear dhoti and kurta with a headgear colled safa (turban) the most spoken language in Rajasthan is marwadi in local areas.the State has been blessed with such historical and beautiful forts and other monuments.my grandmother always give the brew of giloy for immunity.In caugh advised me to take the paste of honey and ginger or milk of turmeric for the relief of fever she gives me the brew of laung,south, black pepper,peeplamool and crashed jaggery. In my cold she always gives me the brew of basil,laung, black pepper,lemon juice and sugar. My granny is a very caring person. These home remedies have been very beneficial for our body since ancient time.Thank you.

  • KOMAL MEGHWANSHI 36391 Hrs 32 Min 35 Sec

    #komal meghwanshi# Enrollment no. 202384# Jyoti vidyapeeth womens University Jaipur# jv mission # Rajasthani culture and traditional medicine# I am from Ajmer rajasthan.my grandmother usually tells me about Rajasthani culture and traditions Rajasthan in spit of being a desert has been endowed with such beautiful sites अतिथि देवो भव: means to treat your guests like as you would treat God. This principale is a part of Rajasthani culture many traditional instruments are used by femous groups of Banjaras and jogi that include shehnai,flute,dholak, nagada,bhapang, shehnai,ek Tara ,jantar ,sarangi ,Chang ,mridang etc.A popular song पधारो म्हारे देश literary means welcome to my country.some of the dances chung ghoomar, bhopa ,teratali and kathputli. Ghoomar dance which organited in udaipur has gained international recognition and appreciation.The most femous and traditional food of Rajasthan is Dal-Bati-Churma. The Rajasthanies specialise in serving sweet and savoury dishes in combination that steal the heart and delight the taste buds. The Ghevar is the Rajasthani sweet. Rajasthan is also femous for spicy onion kachori and sweet mawa kachori. There has been a strong influence of religion on Rajasthan. Most residents of Rajasthan are Hindus,Muslim and jains. Here are various temples like Jagdish y, world femous Brahma temple, ranakpur Jain temple etc. Rajasthan is also femous for its handicrafts like carpets garments and jewellery etc. Made by local people. These handicrafts attracts everyone. Camels are commonly found animals in Rajasthan.camel fair take place every year in Bikaner,pushkar and other regions .It is a festival or celebration held for 2 days.the people of Rajasthan celebrate 16 sanskares . Another interesting costume in Rajasthan is mundan in which the hair of the child is shaved completely as it is belived that the hair carries nagativity from the childs past Life. The Rajasthani women wear ghagra( long skirt), kanchali( top )and odni over their head as a sign of respect. The men wear dhoti and kurta with a headgear colled safa (turban) the most spoken language in Rajasthan is marwadi in local areas.the State has been blessed with such historical and beautiful forts and other monuments.my grandmother always give the brew of giloy for immunity.In caugh advised me to take the paste of honey and ginger or milk of turmeric for the relief of fever she gives me the brew of laung,south, black pepper,peeplamool and crashed jaggery. In my cold she always gives me the brew of basil,laung, black pepper,lemon juice and sugar. My granny is a very caring person. These home remedies have been very beneficial for our body since ancient time.Thank you.

  • MANISHA SHARMA 36410 Hrs 56 Min 41 Sec

    #Manisha Sharma#Scholar no.202273 , Bpt1st year, #Jyoti vidhyapeeth womens University jaipur. These are some home remedies which were used by my grandparents when we suffer from any problem. Even today also my grandparents force us to use natural home remedies for curing any dieses. We all use them with trust and also get relief . We all are facing the problem of Cough what may be the reason behind all these. There are some remedies to cure it out of it (1). Take 500ml. water and add 2tsp feenel seeds and boil it properly then sieve it and mix it well taking 3tsp daily at 4times cure quickly. (2). Add 15 mint leaves , 6 black peppers and salt as per taste to 1glass of water and boil it then sieve it when the water remain half. Drink it hot daily 3times a day it cure cough rapidly.

  • PASHA 36412 Hrs 01 Min 51 Sec

    Pasha # Pasha # course b. Tech 1 semester # enrollment no 202086 # jvwu . An old lady lived alone. She use to make a delicious food called vada everyday and sold it outside her house. One day a clever crow saw the plate full of vada. The old lady went inside her house to drink some water. The crow quickly picked up a vada from the plate and flew away fast. It went a long distance and reached a forest. The crow thought, " Old lady cannot follow me this far. I am very hungry. It smells too good. Let me eat" It sat down in a tree. A fox came that side smelled vada. Wow! . What is the yummy smell? I wanna eat ". It looked around and found no one nearer at sight. It wondered and then looked up to see the crow having the vada. For made a trick to eat that vada and said Hii beautiful you look awesome. Can you sing for me? " Crow was happy to hear it is beautiful. It opened the mouth and started singing " Ka ka kaa. Ka ka kaa..... " For the fox. The vada fell down from crow mouth and the fox take and run away. Never stole other property and some other will cheat you.

  • KEHKASHA KHAN 36414 Hrs 30 Min 41 Sec

    # Kehkssha Khan Enrollment no.202379 # Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens University Jaipur BHMS 1st year# jv mission Dadi Nani ke nuskhe. kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can# Kehkasha Khan Enrollment no.202379 # Jyoti vidyapeeth womens University Jaipur BHMS 1st year# jv mission Dadi Nani ke nuskhe. kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only

  • KEHKASHA KHAN 36414 Hrs 33 Min 11 Sec

    # Kehkssha Khan Enrollment no.202379 # Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens University Jaipur BHMS 1st year# jv mission Dadi Nani ke nuskhe. kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can# Komal Meghwans Enrollment no.202384 # Jyoti vidyapeeth womens University Jaipur BHMS 1st year# jv mission Dadi Nani ke nuskhe. kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you

  • SAUMYA PRABHAT 36415 Hrs 01 Min 59 Sec

    I Jvn saumeya parabhat bscrt 3sem 2nd year enrollment no..202274 traditional food..Dishes for which Bihar is famous include Bihari kebabs, litti chokha, Bihari boti, Bihari chicken masala, sattu paratha (parathas stuffed with roasted gram flour), chokha (spicy mashed eggplant and potatoes), fish curry and posta-dana ka halwa.The traditional dress of Bihari people consists of dhoti-kurta for men and saree for women. The effects of western culture have also affected the lives of the people of Bihar as western shirts and trousers are becoming popular among the both rural and urban male population and salwar kameez for women in Urban Bihar Building Materials The Mud House, kachcha, is a building made of natural materials such as mud, grass, bamboo, thatch or sticks ...

  • KOMAL MEGHWANSHI 36418 Hrs 14 Min 18 Sec

    # Komal Meghwans Enrollment no.202384 # Jyoti vidyapeeth womens University Jaipur BHMS 1st year# jv mission Dadi Nani ke nuskhe. kids are the most susceptible of all to catch cold and cough during changing seasons thats the reason why my grandmother was always ready with her homemade recipe to cure that harsh cough.A glass of warm water, with a few drops of lemon,a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon was all that was needed to provide us the much- needed relief.#2 bs ::: jvwu.in all India homes, the importance of onions cannot be ignored . Be it in cooking or in preparing home remedies, onions are a vital part of the Indian kitchen. if you have fever them my grandma tell me you can reduce it by simply rubbing some onion slices on the feet. Not only does onion bring down.It also helps reduce any body aches that you have.Thank you

  • DEEPLATA 36418 Hrs 37 Min 43 Sec

    Deeplata #Bsc.Bed[PCM] #1Semester #202324 #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University #JV Mission. We all are blessed with our grandparents 👵👴. However some of us are lucky to have spent more valuable times with them when compared to the others, for various reasons. Each and every moment that I spent with my grandmother, she had taught me lessons that have been and will be with me through my life. My grandmother was a strong woman with greatest qualities a woman can poses. She just passed away this year (2020), but she left a lot of good memories for us. She was my conscience. If she didnt think something was right, it wasnt. As I am from Bihar, my grandmother always told me about Bihari traditions, rituals, culture and also village life. She was very religious and spiritual person. The older I become, the more I understand the value of what she meant. She loved to cook. She makes the bestThekuaorKhajuriaortikrithat is the most famous Bihari sweet snack. This deep fried mixture of wheat flour and jaggery is a must preparation during "chhath puja". Rasiya, a special type of kheer too, is exclusive to traditional Chhath. It is famous for its festive touch and equally delicious taste. She always taught me its recipe but I never cooked better than her because I am not good at cooking. She always wore traditional dress that isSaree. My granny also told me about folk dances and songs of Bihar. The popular forms of folk dances areBidesia, jat-jatin, jumari, kajari, etc. One of them I remember i.e., BIDESIA which she always told me. The dance of Bhikhari Thakur, popularly known as Bidesia nach. Bidesia virtually gave voice to many social concerned topics like the cause of poor labourers and tried to create awareness about the poor status of women in the Bhojpuri society. She was very concerned to protect such dance forms from the influences of urbanization so that even in ages to come, people can still remember. My grandmother always recommended homemade remedies for healthy skin, hair, small diseases and fit body. For small diseases like cold, flue and fever she makes a worm drink of some Herbs 🌿 i.e., Tulsi, black pepper, ginger, turmeric powder and jaggery which was found so beneficial against such diseases. For healthy body and fresh mind she always told us to woke up early in the morning and do some yoga and meditation. Avoiding junk food she always provide fresh fruits, nuts, ghee, Honey and turmeric milk before going to bed. I am so grateful 🙏 to had such a caring and loving grandmother. Thank you!!!!!!

  • HARSHITA TYAGI 36431 Hrs 46 Min 32 Sec

    Harshita Tyagi #Harshita tyagi#Enrollment no. 202163#jvwu. There once lived a crow. One day he was very hungry. He had not been able to get any food the pervious day. "If I do not get anything to eat I will starve to death," he thought. As the crow was searching for food, his eyes fell on a piece of bread. He quickly swooped down, picked it up and flew off. Far away in a lonely place he sat on tree to enjoy the bread. Just then a hungry fox saw the crowd sitting on the tree holding the bread in his mouth. " Yummy! That bread," the fox thought. The fox decided to use all his cunning means to get the piece of bread from the mouth of crow. He sat under the tree. The crow saw him and thought, " I guess this fox wants to eat my bread. I shall hold it carefully." And he held on to the bread even more tightly. The clever fox spoke to the crow politely. He said, " Hello friend! How are you?" But the crow did not say anything. " Crows are such lovely birds. And you are very charming too", said the fox, flattering the crow. Then the fox said,"I have heard that besides being beautiful you also have a sweet voice. Please sing a song for me". By now the crow started to believe what the fox was saying. "The fox knows true beauty. I must be the most beautiful bird in this whole world. I will sing him a song," thought the crow. As soon as the foolish crow opened his mouth to sing the bread fell from its beak and into the ground. The clever fox, which had just been waiting for this very moment, caught the bread in his mouth and gulped it down his

  • MADHURIMA RAJE 36432 Hrs 34 Min 33 Sec

    #MADHURIMA RAJE #BA-BED IST SEMESTER 202095 #JYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMENS UNIVERSITY #LOCKDOWN LEARNING#SELF LEARNING For many of us in self isolation it can feel like the coronavirus has put the world in hold as we wait for release for our temporary imprisonment but increasing numbers of people are using the time to build their skillset we can utilise our time for learn some good skillls like personal developement ,social science, arts,cooking ,baking ,learning new language,to do projects about humanities. Devoting some of our quarantine time to self education makes sense.I spend time with my family and play old games together and read some books together and I to set up a daily routine and a schedule what things i do. I take opportunity to do things we dont usually have time for.I spend a while everyday developing our more creative side to do exercise at home to keep ourselves fit and healthy to stay in touch our friends family relatives and classmates.I stay positive always and learn and improve ourselves

  • KOMAL MEGHWANSHI 36436 Hrs 59 Min 11 Sec

    #j jvns komal meghwanshi# Enrollment no.202384#BHMS. 1st year#jyoti vidyapeeth womens University Jaipur, Important facts about University (1) mobile phone 📱 are restricted in University these is the plus point for students to utilise there maximum time in study (2) college is providing all the apportunity we deserve. We are getting a good platform to snow our talent # for example in sports. (3) Environment college is very good in terms of nature 👌👌 and people , greenery of college is good for fresh environment and freshness. (4) Teachers and students are cooperative .we can ask them every thing without any hesitation . (5) college removes great burden from parents by giving complete information about the student to their parents

  • PRACHI SRIVASTAVA 36441 Hrs 09 Min 08 Sec

    #Prachi Srivastava JV-I/17/1390 B. Sc. Agriculture 7th semester An old traditional way of medicine that my grandparents have discussed with me is the way to cure the fractures where modern day doctors put plasters on the fractured area and recommend bed rest depending on the severity of the fracture which can be extended up to a month on the other hand in olden days there were no such things as severity of the injury people use to take things very casually and they had a natural cure for anything and everything including fractures as they use to stretch the bone with a jerk and then wrap it with a banana leaf for support and that is it. This was the cure for fractured bones with no pain killers no high end medicines no bed rest required. Surprisingly the people in olden days were still more healthy and had much more strength in their body as compared to the modern day people so we can say that yes naturopathy is actually a better approach to any problem as it does not show any comfort in the instance but in the longer run it helps the body grow and heal itself unlike making it hollow and weak from inside like the modern day allopathic medicines. May be that was not the best cure for fractured bones to wrap them in a banana leaf but definitely allopath should go hand in hand with naturopath which could give people tremendous results as for instant comfort and long term benefits.

  • MS.NEHA SHARMA 36460 Hrs 23 Min 29 Sec

    #Priyanka Meena BPT-5 Sem #jvwuEvery mother is doctor without any MBBS degree. Same applies to grandmother. My granny is in her late 70s but is still healthy. When asked how, she simple replies " its all result of healthy diet and routine that we had followed throughout out lives". She has solution to every problem ranging from common cold to stomach problems to ear problems to insect bit bites, she always have a home remedy or dadi maa k nuskhe. For cold and cough- just mix some ginger juice with honey and drink it or you can make a nice tulsi tea and mix ginger juice and honey. She always say "eat in a cold and starve a fever". For sore throat just take some warm water, sprinkle salt and gargle for twice or thrice a day. Coming to food, my granny was a great cook. But due to some health issues she cant cook now. But I still remember how tasty dishes she used to make when I was in school. The yummy raw mango chutney, mouthwatering pickles she used to make every summer, tasty puddings, and much more. She also tells me how big her famile was and she had to prepare food for that joint family. In her time, she used to make food on choolha. We young generation is forgetting those customs, traditions, rituals, fodd, etc in the wake of urbanization. Those traditions were very energy consuming but was very good for health. If we start following those again, then there will be less people with issues.

  • MS.NEHA SHARMA 36460 Hrs 28 Min 29 Sec

    #Neha Sharma #BPT-5 Semester #JV-U/18/2686Today when I sat down with my grand parents,i came to know about a lot of customs or traditions follow back in there time such as custom which Rajasthani people follow, they believe their guest as Gods, they welcome and treat them as of a God. There is a famed folk song “Padharo Mhare Desh” which says that “Welcome to my Country”. In India, there is a slogan — “Atithi Devo Bhav” which means “Guests are God” and this principle is a part of Rajasthan custom and culture, their welcoming style will take your heart you, it will make you visit there again. Rajasthani people religiously follow the dictum of the Vedas from birth till death. They follow “Parda System”, females cover their face with ‘Chunni’ which is also called ‘ghoonghat’, this is done to give respect to adults, females don’t face unknown people in Rajasthan. There are many customs followed in Rajasthan such as Child-Marriage, widows have to follow strict rules, Nata Pratha (in this women marries with men but she doesn’t have any rights on her husband) and there are many other such customs which has been stopped up to a greater extent but still followed in some areas.

  • MS.NEHA SHARMA 36460 Hrs 38 Min 53 Sec

    #Neha Sharma #JV-U/18/2686,#BPT-5 Semester, Muskan khandal jv-u/18/2119 BPT5th sem. #jvwu The Inspiring Story Of My Grandmother I cannot remember passing through a single phase of my life without my granny. Right from the photos in the bedroom that we share, which show her feeding my toothless mouth when I was little, to the fact that she still braids my hair for school every day, reflect the tight bond between us. Though she may look old, fat or short, she is still beautiful. The number of decades she’s survived through this harsh world has filled her with so many memories that even after spending all my fifteen years with me, she still has new stories to share; several that she cherishes, and some that are indirectly meant to advise me as teaching lessons. Often, these recollections have to do with her beloved husband, a grandfather I’d never known by person, but always known by character and spirit. That was because of the profound portrait of his personality that my grandma drew in my head with her vibrant, meticulous recollections relating to him. Story of my grandmotherAnd sometimes, in the most thoughtful silence, she would reminisce those memories which are closest to her heart; many a time ending up weeping by the end of her narration. Because these weren’t just touching stories woven to entertain, they had been a range of concrete experiences, some nostalgic, some painful; and my brave Grandma, she’d courageously braved them all. She strengthens me with her strength, and reassures me with her love. I fight with her. I have a countless times spat, “What’s your stupid problem?” and such thoughtlessly cruel phrases, but the fact that no amount of my anger can hold up the yearning to apologize by planting a kiss on her cheek before bed, seems to repeatedly make an ultimate joke out of any grim argument between us. It’s remarkable to see her still alive, motile and breathing, after hearing about the number of family members she has lost – her siblings, her parents, her husband; they’re all gone, her only relatives now are those she has herself produced, while I cannot even imagine letting go of the tiniest bit of my family. But as I told you, I guess that’s just how resilient she is. When she was young, a photo shows me, my grandma used to be a petite, skinny figure (as she loves to recall) with flourishing, flowing crow-black hair as long as her short stature. And that skinny figure – oh, it had worked five times its size. Raising four kids in a patriarchal society some fifty years back in a developing country must have been no easy task. Even tougher than herding four mischievous little monsters, I’ve come to understand, was having to take care of my grandfather (her husband) who, as a very demanding ‘head of the family’ would expect her to randomly conjure up instantaneously just about anything he wished for. He’d just go, “Make me some sweets” and voila, it ought to be there in half an hour. But the tougher part of cooking must have been that water had to be drawn from a well not many taps , no electric-gas stove (firewood instead), no ready-made ingredients, no refrigerator, no grinder mortar and pestle in its place, and an enormous lot of manual cleaning, cutting, chopping, and cooking to do. Apart from all this my gran had also been a tailor-from-home, stitching up nearly forty tough uniforms for government schools every day, working from morning to night, for which she received a meager (albeit considered princely at that time) sum of five thousand rupees (equaling 90 dollars) or so every year, which was more than what my grandfather earned, the family being a lower middle-class one. Till today, of course, for all her hard work she has been only acknowledged as another ‘housewife’ and my grandfather as the ‘single head who supported a family of six’ According to me, she doesn’t need acknowledgement to be made worthy; she already is worth infinitely. As I have grown up to enter from my childhood to adolescence, I have begun to notice that time makes her older too. But both time and life are prejudiced meanies; while I now get to grow taller, stronger, and cleverer with years, my granny, I see is quite decelerating. She can no longer keep up with me during walks in the park, she can no longer hear as well as she used to, she had even to undergo an operation. No, none of these is fair. I know that, with old age often comes physical weakness, and with weakness would tag along pain. No, I don’t want my grandmother to go through any more pain; she’s been through enough in her life. Perhaps that’s why she’s been praying more and more recently, talking about heaven and such crazy stuff and visiting more temples than ever – though when I do algebra, she still tells me from heart (with her remarkable memory power) the formulae I have forgotten. Now, all I heartily wish and hope for is that I’d be able always see the silly one-tooth-missing-on-the-front grin that she gets on her face whenever someone speaks about any of her family – though I kno