Jv Mission CDA

Business Models on Rural Business Tourism

Business Models on Rural Business Tourism MBA I Sem, MBA II Sem , BBA, B.Com H V Sem, BBA, B.Com H VI Sem

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  • MAMTA KUMAWAT 36081 Hrs 50 Min 04 Sec

    Name#MAMTA KUMAWAT CLASS#MBA(HR)II YEAR ENROLLMENT NO#JV-P/19/3914 COLLEGE NAME#JYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMENS UNIVERSITY TOPIC# MODEL ON RURAL TOURISM BY rural tourism is one of most competitive industries, so it seems necessary to find possibilities for competitive advantage. One of the ways to achieve competitive advantages is implementation new business models into business activity. Nowadays innovations in business models become more interesting for the managers rather than innovations in products or the technologies. Therefore, this study is conducted to provide managers, who are engaged rural tourism industry, a comprehensive framework illustrating guidelines and steps for innovating the business and helping them to benefit from a competitive advantage. Hence, it is tried, first of all, to propose a business model framework which is suitable with rural tourism industry. As the components of this model are value proposition, target Customer, customer interface, Partnership network, cost structure, and finally revenue model. After that, it is tried to be provided a comprehensive framework for rural tourism business model innovation. This model consists of two parts. The first part presents steps for entrepreneurs are going to run businesses in rural tourism industry. And the second part provides steps should be taken in rural tourism business model innovation for an existence organization and an incumbent business model.

  • POOJA SAXENA 36487 Hrs 03 Min 42 Sec

    #Pooja Saxena 202281 b.com (hons) r#Jyoti Vidyapeeth womens University#JVWU#JV Mission# Business Model on Rural tourism is one of most competitive industries, so it seems necessary to find possibilities for competitive advantage. One of the ways to achieve competitive advantages is implementation new business models into business activity. Rural tourism by offering and keeping the natural and cultural heritage such as natural attractions, traditions, and customs not only is considered as a sustainable development activity, but also it has been counting as a reliable income source for the economy of many countries Nowadays innovations in business models become more interesting for the managers rather than innovations in products or the technologiesEventually, this study provides a framework for managers and decision makers in rural tourism industry who would like to innovate business model both for whom are interested in starting a business or forwhom are in charge of an existing business.

  • LAVISHA SINGH 36487 Hrs 10 Min 39 Sec

    #LAVISHA 202137(BBA 1SEM.) #JVWU Business Model on Rural tourism is one of most competitive industries, so it seems necessary to find possibilities for competitive advantage. One of the ways to achieve competitive advantages is implementation new business models into business activity. Nowadays innovations in business models become more interesting for the managers rather than innovations in products or the technologies. Therefore, this study is conducted to provide managers, who are engaged rural tourism industry, a comprehensive framework illustrating guidelines and steps for innovating the business and helping them to benefit from a competitive advantage. Hence, it is tried, first of all, to propose a business model framework which is suitable with rural tourism industry. As the components of this model are value proposition, target Customer, customer interface, Partnership network, cost structure, and finally revenue model. After that, it is tried to be provided a comprehensive framework for rural tourism business model innovation. This model consists of two parts. The first part presents steps for entrepreneurs are going to run businesses in rural tourism industry. And the second part provides steps should be taken in rural tourism business model innovation for an existence organization and an incumbent business model.

  • KHUSBOO 36487 Hrs 15 Min 25 Sec

    #KHUSHBOO# 202038 B.COM (HONS.) 1 SEMESTER #JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMEN[S UNIVERSITY; JAIPUR #Business Model on Rural Tourism . Family organization of labor in rural tourism and a relatively small volume of work enables local tourism to offer what is the key condition in experience economy, which is an authentic experience based on personal contact of rural hosts with tourists, as well as tourists with natural and social environment. If we accept the definition that rural tourism includes all those activities that take place in rural areas, which are based on specificities of rural lifestyle, and which are directed at its preservation, as well as which develop comparative advantages of rural communities, then it is clear that this form of tourism includes diverse activitiesAlthough there are numerous rural tourism research studies, there is no universal definition of this term in scientific literature. A suitable definition of rural tourism was formulated by “Тrav Info India”: “Rural tourism is “any form of tourism that showcases the rural life, art, culture and heritage at rural locations, thereby benefiting the local community economically and socially, as well as enabling interaction between the tourists and the local community for a more enriching tourism experienc

  • LAVISHA SINGH 36487 Hrs 17 Min 40 Sec

    #KHUSHBOO# 202038 B.COM (HONS.) 1 SEMESTER #JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMEN[S UNIVERSITY; JAIPUR #Business Model on Rural Tourism . Family organization of labor in rural tourism and a relatively small volume of work enables local tourism to offer what is the key condition in experience economy, which is an authentic experience based on personal contact of rural hosts with tourists, as well as tourists with natural and social environment. If we accept the definition that rural tourism includes all those activities that take place in rural areas, which are based on specificities of rural lifestyle, and which are directed at its preservation, as well as which develop comparative advantages of rural communities, then it is clear that this form of tourism includes diverse activitiesAlthough there are numerous rural tourism research studies, there is no universal definition of this term in scientific literature. A suitable definition of rural tourism was formulated by “Тrav Info India”: “Rural tourism is “any form of tourism that showcases the rural life, art, culture and heritage at rural locations, thereby benefiting the local community economically and socially, as well as enabling interaction between the tourists and the local community for a more enriching tourism experience.”

  • PARUL KANWAR 36604 Hrs 56 Min 28 Sec

    Parul kanwar # parul kanwar# JV-p/19/ 3005 mba HR in Jyoti Vidyapeeth womens University Jaipur Rajasthan In India present time 70% peoples involved in in agriculture. India has leading contribution in towards production of vegetables such as onion potato and cabbage there is is always demand for the same our neighbour countries. One can vegetable transportation business with small investment and longer run. Expecting decent investment return can be expected the climate condition of India its make easy e for the the India.

  • PUJA SINGH 36653 Hrs 34 Min 24 Sec

    #PUJA SINGH#JV-P/19/3020# MBA(HRM)2nd Year#Jyoti Vidyapeeth womens University#JVWU#JV Mission# Business Model on Rural tourism is one of most competitive industries, so it seems necessary to find possibilities for competitive advantage. One of the ways to achieve competitive advantages is implementation new business models into business activity. Nowadays innovations in business models become more interesting for the managers rather than innovations in products or the technologies. Therefore, this study is conducted to provide managers, who are engaged rural tourism industry, a comprehensive framework illustrating guidelines and steps for innovating the business and helping them to benefit from a competitive advantage. Hence, it is tried, first of all, to propose a business model framework which is suitable with rural tourism industry. As the components of this model are value proposition, target Customer, customer interface, Partnership network, cost structure, and finally revenue model. After that, it is tried to be provided a comprehensive framework for rural tourism business model innovation. This model consists of two parts. The first part presents steps for entrepreneurs are going to run businesses in rural tourism industry. And the second part provides steps should be taken in rural tourism business model innovation for an existence organization and an incumbent business model.