SWAPNIL LAVANIYA 26783 Hrs 51 Min 14 Sec #Jvn swapnil lavaniya#scholar no 202529#BCA5th semester#jvwu Topic :Opportunities & Challenges for Digital Learning during the Third Wave of Corona Educational institutions. The World Health Organization has declared Covid-19 as a pandemic that has posed a contemporary threat to humanity. This pandemic has successfully forced global shutdown of several activities, including educational activities, and this has resulted in tremendous crisis-response migration of universities with online learning serving as the educational platform. The crisis-response migration methods of universities, faculty and students, challenges and opportunities were discussed and it is evident that online learning is different from emergency remote teaching, online learning will be more sustainable while instructional activities will become more hybrid provided the challenges experienced during this pandemic are well explored and transformed to opportunities.The COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all across the world. Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom.As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms .Research suggests that online learning has been shown to increase retention of information, and take less time, meaning the changes coronavirus have caused might be here to stay.
AMREEN KHAN 26940 Hrs 01 Min 19 Sec #Amreen Khan # Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Enrollment: JV-U/19/3119 Class: BTech (CSE) 5th sem Topic: The Opportunities & Challenges for Digital Learning during the Third Wave of Corona Educational institutions (schools, colleges, and universities) in India are currently based only on traditional methods of learning, that is, they follow the traditional set up of face-to-face lectures in a classroom. Although many academic units have also started blended learning, still a lot of them are stuck with old procedures. The sudden outbreak of a deadly disease called Covid-19 caused by a Corona Virus (SARS-CoV-2) shook the entire world. The World Health Organization declared it as a pandemic. The deadly and infectious disease Corona Virus also known as Covid-19 has deeply affected the global economy. This tragedy has also shaken up the education sector, and this fear is likely to resonate across the education sector globally. The Covid-19 pandemic outbreak forced many schools and colleges to remain closed temporarily. Several areas are affected worldwide and there is a fear of losing this whole ongoing semester or even more in the coming future. Various schools, colleges, and universities have discontinued in-person teaching. As per the assessment of the researchers, it is uncertain to get back to normal teaching anytime soon. As social distancing is preeminent at this stage, this will have negative effects on learning opportunities. Educational units are struggling to find options to deal with this challenging situation. These circumstances make us realize that scenario planning is an urgent need for academic institutions (Rieley, 2020). This is a situation that demands humanity and unity. There is an urgent need to protect and save our students, faculty, academic staff, communities, societies, and the nation as a whole.The major part of the world is on quarantine due to the serious outbreak of this global pandemic Covid-19 and therefore many cities have turned into phantom cities and its effects can be seen in schools, colleges, and universities too. Betwixt all this online teaching and online learning can be termed as the panacea for the crisis. The Corona Virus has made institutions to go from offline mode to online mode of pedagogy. This crisis will make the institutions, which were earlier reluctant to change, to accept modern technology. Advantages of Online Education: Convenience The first obvious advantage of online classes is the sheer convenience factor as it allows students/teachers to attend/take classes from any location of their choice. It saves hours as neither students nor teachers are required to travel to a physical location for the classes. Flexibility Another advantage of online education is that the students have greater flexibility in choosing when the best time to study is. Students can search for whatever video they might have missed and caught up on class later! All they need is an internet connection and a computer or a smartphone. Reduces costs: The major advantages of online education come down to economics. Online classes lower the tremendous amount of money for the learning institution and students. As institutes do not need to rely on reserving a physical location to teach courses, it ultimately translates to more cost-effective classes for the student. Disadvantages of Online Education: Lack of social interaction: In a traditional classroom, Some students find comfort in group studies, lively group discussion, and thus easy access to professors or their fellow students. However, these moments do not arise in online learning. For some, these face-to-face interactions are a must to bring the material to life. Technology Issues The classic disadvantages of online classes center around technical difficulties. While on one hand, online education boosts the technical skills of students/teachers, it has also emerged as another key challenge for them. Online classes are completely dependent on proper internet connectivity and functional systems(computers or smartphones). In smaller cities and towns, a consistent connection with decent speed is a problem. Without a consistent internet connection for students or teachers, there can be a lack of continuity in learning for the child.
AMREEN KHAN 26940 Hrs 02 Min 04 Sec #Amreen Khan # Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Enrollment: JV-U/19/3140 Class: BTech (CSE) 5th sem Topic: The Opportunities & Challenges for Digital Learning during the Third Wave of Corona Educational institutions (schools, colleges, and universities) in India are currently based only on traditional methods of learning, that is, they follow the traditional set up of face-to-face lectures in a classroom. Although many academic units have also started blended learning, still a lot of them are stuck with old procedures. The sudden outbreak of a deadly disease called Covid-19 caused by a Corona Virus (SARS-CoV-2) shook the entire world. The World Health Organization declared it as a pandemic. The deadly and infectious disease Corona Virus also known as Covid-19 has deeply affected the global economy. This tragedy has also shaken up the education sector, and this fear is likely to resonate across the education sector globally. The Covid-19 pandemic outbreak forced many schools and colleges to remain closed temporarily. Several areas are affected worldwide and there is a fear of losing this whole ongoing semester or even more in the coming future. Various schools, colleges, and universities have discontinued in-person teaching. As per the assessment of the researchers, it is uncertain to get back to normal teaching anytime soon. As social distancing is preeminent at this stage, this will have negative effects on learning opportunities. Educational units are struggling to find options to deal with this challenging situation. These circumstances make us realize that scenario planning is an urgent need for academic institutions (Rieley, 2020). This is a situation that demands humanity and unity. There is an urgent need to protect and save our students, faculty, academic staff, communities, societies, and the nation as a whole.The major part of the world is on quarantine due to the serious outbreak of this global pandemic Covid-19 and therefore many cities have turned into phantom cities and its effects can be seen in schools, colleges, and universities too. Betwixt all this online teaching and online learning can be termed as the panacea for the crisis. The Corona Virus has made institutions to go from offline mode to online mode of pedagogy. This crisis will make the institutions, which were earlier reluctant to change, to accept modern technology. Advantages of Online Education: Convenience The first obvious advantage of online classes is the sheer convenience factor as it allows students/teachers to attend/take classes from any location of their choice. It saves hours as neither students nor teachers are required to travel to a physical location for the classes. Flexibility Another advantage of online education is that the students have greater flexibility in choosing when the best time to study is. Students can search for whatever video they might have missed and caught up on class later! All they need is an internet connection and a computer or a smartphone. Reduces costs: The major advantages of online education come down to economics. Online classes lower the tremendous amount of money for the learning institution and students. As institutes do not need to rely on reserving a physical location to teach courses, it ultimately translates to more cost-effective classes for the student. Disadvantages of Online Education: Lack of social interaction: In a traditional classroom, Some students find comfort in group studies, lively group discussion, and thus easy access to professors or their fellow students. However, these moments do not arise in online learning. For some, these face-to-face interactions are a must to bring the material to life. Technology Issues The classic disadvantages of online classes center around technical difficulties. While on one hand, online education boosts the technical skills of students/teachers, it has also emerged as another key challenge for them. Online classes are completely dependent on proper internet connectivity and functional systems(computers or smartphones). In smaller cities and towns, a consistent connection with decent speed is a problem. Without a consistent internet connection for students or teachers, there can be a lack of continuity in learning for the child.
Simran Agarwal 26956 Hrs 37 Min 17 Sec #Simran Agrawal #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Enrollment: JV-U/19/3140 Class: BTech(CSE) 5th sem Topic: The Opportunities & Challenges for Digital Learning during the Third Wave of Corona. The COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all across the world. Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom. As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Research suggests that online learning has been shown to increase retention of information, and take less time, meaning the changes coronavirus have caused might be here to stay. Even before COVID-19, there was already high growth and adoption in education technology, with global edtech investments reaching US$18.66 billion in 2019 and the overall market for online education projected to reach $350 Billion by 2025. Whether it is language apps, virtual tutoring, video conferencing tools, or online learning software, there has been a significant surge in usage since COVID-19.n response to significant demand, many online learning platforms are offering free access to their services, including platforms like BYJU’S, a Bangalore-based educational technology and online tutoring firm founded in 2011, which is now the world’s most highly valued edtech company. Since announcing free live classes on its Think and Learn app, BYJU’s has seen a 200% increase in the number of new students using its product, according to Mrinal Mohit, the companys Chief Operating Officer. Tencent classroom, meanwhile, has been used extensively since mid-February after the Chinese government instructed a quarter of a billion full-time students to resume their studies through online platforms. This resulted in the largest “online movement” in the history of education with approximately 730,000, or 81% of K-12 students, attending classes via the Tencent K-12 Online School in Wuhan. Some school districts are forming unique partnerships, like the one between The Los Angeles Unified School District and PBS SoCal/KCET to offer local educational broadcasts, with separate channels focused on different ages, and a range of digital options. Media organizations such as the BBC are also powering virtual learning; Bitesize Daily, launched on 20 April, is offering 14 weeks of curriculum-based learning for kids across the UK with celebrities like Manchester City footballer Sergio Aguero teaching some of the content.There are, however, challenges to overcome. Some students without reliable internet access and/or technology struggle to participate in digital learning; this gap is seen across countries and between income brackets within countries. For example, whilst 95% of students in Switzerland, Norway, and Austria have a computer to use for their schoolwork, only 34% in Indonesia do, according to OECD data.Major world events are often an inflection point for rapid innovation – a clear example is the rise of e-commerce post-SARS. While we have yet to see whether this will apply to e-learning post-COVID-19, it is one of the few sectors where investment has not dried up. What has been made clear through this pandemic is the importance of disseminating knowledge across borders, companies, and all parts of society.
CHHAYA 26978 Hrs 53 Min 30 Sec #jvn chhaya #BCA 5th sem #jv-u/19/3181 #jvwu #We are living in the midst of what is possibly probably the best danger in the course of our life to worldwide schooling, an immense instructive emergency. As of March 28, 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic is making more than 1.6 billion kids and youth be out of school in 161 nations. This is near 80% of the worlds enlisted understudies. We were at that point encountering a worldwide inclining emergency, as numerous understudies were in school, yet were not mastering the principal abilities required forever. The World Banks "Learning Poverty" marker – the % of youngsters who cant peruse and comprehend at age 10 – remained at 53% of kids in low-and center pay nations – before the flare-up began. What would it be advisable for us to be stressed over in this period of the emergency that may quickly affect youngsters and youth? (1) Losses in learning (2) Increased dropout rates (3) Children missing their most significant feast of the day. Besides, most nations have exceptionally inconsistent training frameworks, and these adverse consequences will be felt excessively by helpless youngsters. Trouble usually rolls in by the truckload for them.
KRITIKA MISHRA 26983 Hrs 57 Min 36 Sec जेवीएन कृतिका मिश्रा #ज्योति विद्यापीठ महिला विश्वविद्यालय नामांकन: जेवी-यू/19/3148 कक्षा: बीटेक (सीएसई) 5वें सेमेस्टर का विषय: कोरोना की तीसरी लहर के दौरान डिजिटल सीखने के अवसर और चुनौतियां। कोविड-19 के कारण पिछले एक साल में ऑनलाइन लर्निंग का तेजी से विस्तार हुआ है। इस धक्का के बिना, भविष्य में एक पूर्ण बदलाव एक दूर की संभावना हो सकती है। भारत में इंटरनेट उपयोगकर्ताओं की संख्या में तेजी से वृद्धि के साथ, ऑनलाइन शिक्षा पारंपरिक शिक्षा के संभावित विकल्प के रूप में उभर सकती है, लेकिन केवल सरकार द्वारा उचित योजना और निष्पादन के माध्यम से। ऑनलाइन शिक्षा के साथ उपलब्ध कई अवसरों के साथ, कई शिक्षाविदों ने इसे भविष्य में सीखने का पसंदीदा तरीका माना है। वर्तमान महामारी की स्थिति में ऑनलाइन सीखने से सामने आए कुछ अवसरों में शामिल हैं: 1. छात्र दुनिया में कहीं से भी सीखने के संसाधनों का लाभ उठा सकते हैं। 2. वर्चुअल क्लासरूम कोविड -19 के प्रसार के जोखिम से बचते हुए गुणवत्तापूर्ण शिक्षा प्रदान कर सकते हैं, जो वर्तमान में अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है। 3. ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों के छात्रों को एक अच्छे संस्थान में अध्ययन करने के लिए देश या विदेश में लंबी दूरी की यात्रा करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है यदि वे ऑनलाइन सीखने के अवसरों का लाभ उठा सकते हैं, इस प्रकार लागत में कटौती कर सकते हैं। लेकिन, ऐसा करने के लिए, उन्हें एक अच्छे नेटवर्क कनेक्शन के साथ-साथ उचित शैक्षिक प्रौद्योगिकी तक पहुंच की आवश्यकता होगी। फिर भी, यह विश्वास करना अव्यावहारिक होगा कि ऑनलाइन शिक्षा में कोई चुनौती नहीं है। खराब इंटरनेट कनेक्टिविटी, मानव कनेक्शन का अभाव, सीखने में सहयोग के अवसरों की कमी, शिक्षकों की देखरेख, व्यावहारिक सीखने की गिरावट, और परीक्षाओं का खराब मूल्यांकन कुछ ऐसे परीक्षण और क्लेश हैं जिनका सामना ऑनलाइन शिक्षा प्लेटफॉर्म करते हैं। यह इस तथ्य को दूर नहीं करता है कि ऑनलाइन सीखने का त्वरित उत्तराधिकार एक तारणहार रहा है। जहां ऑनलाइन शिक्षण शिक्षा प्रदान करने के लिए कई नए अवसर खोलता है, वहीं यह चुनौतियों के अपने हिस्से के साथ भी आता है। इस संबंध में उचित विकास के माध्यम से देश के सभी छात्रों को ऑनलाइन शिक्षा उपलब्ध कराने के लिए भारत को अभी भी एक लंबा सफर तय करने की जरूरत है। भारत में वर्तमान में ऑनलाइन सीखने की कुछ चुनौतियों में शामिल हैं: 1. स्क्रीन पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने में असमर्थता 2. तकनीकी मुद्दे 3. अलगाव की भावना 4. शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण 5. स्क्रीन टाइम ऑनलाइन सीखना सबसे लोकप्रिय रुझानों में से एक है जो सामने आया है। महामारी की दुनिया में। हम सभी घर से काम कर रहे हैं या ऑनलाइन पढ़ाई कर रहे हैं, इस प्रकार किसी तरह से इंटरनेट का उपयोग उन कार्यों को करने के लिए करते हैं जो हम आम तौर पर महामारी के बिना दुनिया में करते हैं। ऑनलाइन लर्निंग उन छात्रों के लिए एक सच्चा तारणहार बन गया है जो स्कूलों या कॉलेजों में नियमित कक्षाओं में भाग लेने में असमर्थ हैं। हालाँकि, पारंपरिक कक्षाओं से जुड़े शिक्षकों के लिए, ऑनलाइन सीखना एक प्रारंभिक चुनौती थी, लेकिन जैसा कि उन्होंने इसके आवश्यक और कामकाज को सीखा, इसने हर शिक्षक को महामारी के दौरान अपने छात्रों के साथ बेहतर ढंग से जुड़ने में मदद की है।
TANYA AGRAWAL 26985 Hrs 58 Min 45 Sec #Tanya Agarwal #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Enrollment: JV-U/19/3561 Class: BTech(CSE) 5th sem Topic: The Opportunities & Challenges for Digital Learning during the Third Wave of Corona. The COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all across the world. Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom. As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Research suggests that online learning has been shown to increase retention of information, and take less time, meaning the changes coronavirus have caused might be here to stay. Even before COVID-19, there was already high growth and adoption in education technology, with global edtech investments reaching US$18.66 billion in 2019 and the overall market for online education projected to reach $350 Billion by 2025. Whether it is language apps, virtual tutoring, video conferencing tools, or online learning software, there has been a significant surge in usage since COVID-19.n response to significant demand, many online learning platforms are offering free access to their services, including platforms like BYJU’S, a Bangalore-based educational technology and online tutoring firm founded in 2011, which is now the world’s most highly valued edtech company. Since announcing free live classes on its Think and Learn app, BYJU’s has seen a 200% increase in the number of new students using its product, according to Mrinal Mohit, the companys Chief Operating Officer. Tencent classroom, meanwhile, has been used extensively since mid-February after the Chinese government instructed a quarter of a billion full-time students to resume their studies through online platforms. This resulted in the largest “online movement” in the history of education with approximately 730,000, or 81% of K-12 students, attending classes via the Tencent K-12 Online School in Wuhan. Some school districts are forming unique partnerships, like the one between The Los Angeles Unified School District and PBS SoCal/KCET to offer local educational broadcasts, with separate channels focused on different ages, and a range of digital options. Media organizations such as the BBC are also powering virtual learning; Bitesize Daily, launched on 20 April, is offering 14 weeks of curriculum-based learning for kids across the UK with celebrities like Manchester City footballer Sergio Aguero teaching some of the content.There are, however, challenges to overcome. Some students without reliable internet access and/or technology struggle to participate in digital learning; this gap is seen across countries and between income brackets within countries. For example, whilst 95% of students in Switzerland, Norway, and Austria have a computer to use for their schoolwork, only 34% in Indonesia do, according to OECD data.Major world events are often an inflection point for rapid innovation – a clear example is the rise of e-commerce post-SARS. While we have yet to see whether this will apply to e-learning post-COVID-19, it is one of the few sectors where investment has not dried up. What has been made clear through this pandemic is the importance of disseminating knowledge across borders, companies, and all parts of society. If online learning technology can play a role here, it is incumbent upon all of us to explore its full potential.
VANDANA VASWANI 26986 Hrs 01 Min 04 Sec #Vandana Vaswani #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Enrollment: JV-U/19/3145 Class: BTech(CSE) 5th sem Topic: The Opportunities & Challenges for Digital Learning during the Third Wave of Corona. Educational institutions (schools, colleges, and universities) in India are currently based only on traditional methods of learning, that is, they follow the traditional set up of face-to-face lectures in a classroom. Although many academic units have also started blended learning, still a lot of them are stuck with old procedures. The sudden outbreak of a deadly disease called Covid-19 caused by a Corona Virus (SARS-CoV-2) shook the entire world. The World Health Organization declared it as a pandemic. The deadly and infectious disease Corona Virus also known as Covid-19 has deeply affected the global economy. This tragedy has also shaken up the education sector, and this fear is likely to resonate across the education sector globally. The Covid-19 pandemic outbreak forced many schools and colleges to remain closed temporarily. Several areas are affected worldwide and there is a fear of losing this whole ongoing semester or even more in the coming future. Various schools, colleges, and universities have discontinued in-person teaching. As per the assessment of the researchers, it is uncertain to get back to normal teaching anytime soon. As social distancing is preeminent at this stage, this will have negative effects on learning opportunities. Educational units are struggling to find options to deal with this challenging situation. These circumstances make us realize that scenario planning is an urgent need for academic institutions (Rieley, 2020). This is a situation that demands humanity and unity. There is an urgent need to protect and save our students, faculty, academic staff, communities, societies, and the nation as a whole.The major part of the world is on quarantine due to the serious outbreak of this global pandemic Covid-19 and therefore many cities have turned into phantom cities and its effects can be seen in schools, colleges, and universities too. Betwixt all this online teaching and online learning can be termed as the panacea for the crisis. The Corona Virus has made institutions to go from offline mode to online mode of pedagogy. This crisis will make the institutions, which were earlier reluctant to change, to accept modern technology. This catastrophe will show us the lucrative side of online teaching and learning. With the help of online teaching modes, we can sermonize a large number of students at any time and in any part of the world. All institutions must scramble different options of online pedagogical approaches and try to use technology more aptly. A lot of issues are attached to online education but we cannot ignore the perks of it in times of such crisis. We can always have solutions to fix these difficulties. Technical difficulties can be solved through prerecording video lectures, testing the content, and always keeping Plan B ready so that the teaching–learning process cannot be hampered. Online courses should be made dynamic, interesting, and interactive. Teachers should set time limits and reminders for students to make them alert and attentive. Efforts should be made to humanize the learning process to the best extent possible. Personal attention should be provided to students so that they can easily adapt to this learning environment. Social media and various group forums can be used to communicate with students. Communication is the key when it gets difficult to try reaching out to students via texts, various messaging apps, video calls, and so on—content should be such that enable students for practice and also hone their skills. The quality of the courses should be improved continuously and teachers must try to give their best. Online programs should be designed in such a way that they are creative, interactive, relevant, student-centered, and group-based
SHIVANI SHARMA 26986 Hrs 15 Min 01 Sec #Shivani Sharma #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Enrollment: 202279 Class: BTech(CSE) 5th sem Topic: The Opportunities & Challenges for Digital Learning during the Third Wave of Corona. Coronavirus pandemic has triggered new ways of learning and has accelerated the process of adoption of ‘online’ as a viable model for learning in 2020. In the past few months, the demand for online learning has risen significantly, and it will continue to do so in the future. Along with parents and students, for many educational institutes, online learning is an entirely new way of education that they have had to adopt. Online education is inevitable and will be ubiquitous. Pressing issues such as accessibility and adaptability have to be fixed in order to make a big difference. As with most teaching methods, online learning also has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of Online Education: Convenience The first obvious advantage of online classes is the sheer convenience factor as it allows students/teachers to attend/take classes from any location of their choice. It saves hours as neither students nor teachers are required to travel to a physical location for the classes. Flexibility Another advantage of online education is that the students have greater flexibility in choosing when the best time to study is. Students can search for whatever video they might have missed and caught up on class later! All they need is an internet connection and a computer or a smartphone. Reduces costs: The major advantages of online education come down to economics. Online classes lower the tremendous amount of money for the learning institution and students. As institutes do not need to rely on reserving a physical location to teach courses, it ultimately translates to more cost-effective classes for the student. Disadvantages of Online Education: Lack of social interaction: In a traditional classroom, Some students find comfort in group studies, lively group discussion, and thus easy access to professors or their fellow students. However, these moments do not arise in online learning. For some, these face-to-face interactions are a must to bring the material to life. Technology Issues The classic disadvantages of online classes center around technical difficulties. While on one hand, online education boosts the technical skills of students/teachers, it has also emerged as another key challenge for them. Online classes are completely dependent on proper internet connectivity and functional systems(computers or smartphones). In smaller cities and towns, a consistent connection with decent speed is a problem. Without a consistent internet connection for students or teachers, there can be a lack of continuity in learning for the child.
SHIVANI SHARMA 26986 Hrs 18 Min 47 Sec #Shivani Sharma #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Enrollment: JV-U/19/3139 Class: BTech(CSE) 5th sem Topic: The Opportunities & Challenges for Digital Learning during the Third Wave of Corona. Coronavirus pandemic has triggered new ways of learning and has accelerated the process of adoption of ‘online’ as a viable model for learning in 2020. In the past few months, the demand for online learning has risen significantly, and it will continue to do so in the future. Along with parents and students, for many educational institutes, online learning is an entirely new way of education that they have had to adopt.Online education is inevitable and will be ubiquitous. Pressing issues such as accessibility and adaptability have to be fixed in order to make a big difference. As with most teaching methods, online learning also has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of Online Education: Convenience The first obvious advantage of online classes is the sheer convenience factor as it allows students/teachers to attend/take classes from any location of their choice. It saves hours as neither students nor teachers are required to travel to a physical location for the classes. Flexibility Another advantage of online education is that the students have greater flexibility in choosing when the best time to study is. Students can search for whatever video they might have missed and caught up on class later! All they need is an internet connection and a computer or a smartphone. Reduces costs: The major advantages of online education come down to economics. Online classes lower the tremendous amount of money for the learning institution and students. As institutes do not need to rely on reserving a physical location to teach courses, it ultimately translates to more cost-effective classes for the student. Disadvantages of Online Education: Lack of social interaction: In a traditional classroom, Some students find comfort in group studies, lively group discussion, and thus easy access to professors or their fellow students. However, these moments do not arise in online learning. For some, these face-to-face interactions are a must to bring the material to life. Technology Issues The classic disadvantages of online classes center around technical difficulties. While on one hand, online education boosts the technical skills of students/teachers, it has also emerged as another key challenge for them. Online classes are completely dependent on proper internet connectivity and functional systems(computers or smartphones). In smaller cities and towns, a consistent connection with decent speed is a problem. Without a consistent internet connection for students or teachers, there can be a lack of continuity in learning for the child.
JAYA MAHESHWARI 26986 Hrs 21 Min 05 Sec #Jaya Maheshwari #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Enrollment: JV-U/19/3138 Class: BTech(CSE) 5th sem Topic: The Opportunities & Challenges for Digital Learning during the Third Wave of Corona. A holistic approach to education – that addresses students’ learning, social and emotional needs – is crucial, especially in times of crisis. School closures related to the current COVID-19 pandemic mean that students from diverse backgrounds who are more at risk of increased vulnerability are less likely to receive the support and extra services they need, and the gap between students that experience additional barriers and that do not might widen. Closures can also have considerable effects on students’ sense of belonging to schools and their feelings of self-worth – these are key for inclusion in education. The current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is having a profound impact, not only on people’s health, but also on how they learn, work and live. Among the most important challenges created by COVID-19 is how to adapt a system of education built around physical schools. At its peak, more than 188 countries, encompassing around 91% of enrolled learners worldwide, closed their schools to try to contain the spread of the virus.1 School closures have a very real impact on all students, but especially on the most vulnerable ones who are more likely to face additional barriers.2 Children and youth from low-income and single-parent families; immigrant, refugee,3 ethnic minority4 and Indigenous5 backgrounds; with diverse gender6 identities and sexual orientations;7 and those with special education needs8 suffer by being deprived of physical learning opportunities, social and emotional support available in schools and extra services such as school meals.9 They risk falling further behind and becoming isolated with school doors closed. These students are likely to lose the most in terms of educational outcomes10 and the support provided by schools if countries take insufficient measures to promote educational equity and inclusion. An almost universal response to school closures has been the creation of online learning platforms to support teachers, students and their families. However, not all students have the same access to information and communication technologies (ICTs), which also varies greatly across countries (OECD, 2020[2]). While the most vulnerable students might not have access to digital learning resources, some governments and civil society organisations have provided them with computers or tablets as well as internet access, or have organised teaching through television, phones or radio. A number of countries offer useful insights into some of the most equitable and inclusive solutions to provide access to digital learning resources and effective distance education. In Austria, the Education Minister prepared a letter for parents in 12 languages to inform them about school closures during COVID-19;39 To reach non-native language speaking parents, the Oakland School District in the United States has provided flyers to families about school meals in five different languages.40 Likewise, the state of Iowa established a “Multi-lingual COVID-19 Phone Line” in partnership with several local associations;41 The Government of Sweden has offered online information in various languages on the country’s strategy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It also provides links to websites where recent events and measure related to the crisis are available in different languages, including in relation to education;42
SAKSHI LAKHOTIA 26986 Hrs 25 Min 01 Sec #Sakshi Lakhotia #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Enrollment: JV-U/19/3139 Class: BTech(CSE) 5th sem Topic: The Opportunities & Challenges for Digital Learning during the Third Wave of Corona. We are living amidst what is potentially one of the greatest threats in our lifetime to global education, a gigantic educational crisis. As of March 28, 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic is causing more than 1.6 billion children and youth to be out of school in 161 countries. This is close to 80% of the world’s enrolled students. We were already experiencing a global leaning crisis, as many students were in school, but were not learning the fundamental skills needed for life. The World Bank’s “Learning Poverty” indicator – the % of children who cannot read and understand at age 10 – stood at 53% of children in low- and middle-income countries – before the outbreak started. This pandemic has the potential to worsen these outcomes even more if we do not act fast. Starting the school year late or interrupting it (depending on if they live in the southern or northern hemisphere) completely disrupts the lives of many children, their parents, and teachers. A lot can be done to at least reduce the impact through remote learning strategies. Richer countries are better prepared to move to online learning strategies, although with a lot of effort and challenges for teachers and parents. In middle-income and poorer countries, the situation is very mixed and if we do not act appropriately, the vast inequality of opportunities that exists – egregious and unacceptable to start with – will be amplified. Many children do not have a desk, books, internet connectivity, a laptop at home, or supportive parents. Others do. What we need to avoid – or minimize as much as possible – is for those differences in opportunities to expand and cause the crisis to have an even larger negative effect on poor children’s learning. Maintaining the engagement of children, particularly young secondary school students is critical. Dropout rates are still very high in many countries, and a long period of disengagement can result in a further increase. Going to school is not only about learning math and science, but also about social relationships and peer-to-peer interactions. It is about learning to be a citizen and developing social skills. That is why it is important to stay connected with the school by any means necessary. For all students, this is also a time to develop socio-emotional skills and learn more about how to contribute to society as a citizen. The role of parents and family, which has always been extremely important, is critical in that task. So, a lot of the help that ministries of education provide, working through mass media, should also go to parents. Radio, TV, SMS messages can all be used to provide tips and advice to them on how to better support their children. Some countries will be able to increase their teachers’ digital skills. Radio and TV stations will recognize their key role in supporting national education goals – and hopefully, improve the quality of their programming understanding their immense social responsibility. Parents will be more involved in their children’s education process, and ministries of education will have a much clearer understanding of the gaps and challenges (in connectivity, hardware, integration of digital tools in the curriculum, teacher’s readiness) that exist in using technology effectively and act upon that. All of this can strengthen the future education system in a country. The mission of all education systems is the same. It is to overcome the learning crisis we were already living and respond to the pandemic we are all facing. The challenge today is to reduce as much as possible the negative impact this pandemic will have on learning and schooling and build on this experience to get back on a path of faster improvement in learning. As education systems cope with this crisis, they must also be thinking of how they can recover stronger, with a renewed sense of responsibility of all actors and with a better understanding and sense of urgency of the need to close the gap in opportunities and assuring that all children have the same chances for a quality education.
DRISHTI SARAF 26986 Hrs 27 Min 32 Sec # Drishti Saraf #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Enrollment: JV-U/19/3142 Class: BTech(CSE) 5th sem Topic: The Opportunities & Challenges for Digital Learning during the Third Wave of Corona The COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all across the world. Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom. As a result, education has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Research suggests that online learning has been shown to increase retention of information, and take less time, meaning the changes coronavirus have caused might be here to stay. Even before COVID-19, there was already high growth and adoption in education technology, with global edtech investments reaching US$18.66 billion in 2019 and the overall market for online education projected to reach $350 Billion by 2025. Whether it is language apps, virtual tutoring, video conferencing tools, or online learning software, there has been a significant surge in usage since COVID-19. In response to significant demand, many online learning platforms are offering free access to their services, including platforms like BYJU’S, a Bangalore-based educational technology and online tutoring firm founded in 2011, which is now the world’s most highly valued edtech company. Since announcing free live classes on its Think and Learn app, BYJU’s has seen a 200% increase in the number of new students using its product, according to Mrinal Mohit, the companys Chief Operating Officer. Tencent classroom, meanwhile, has been used extensively since mid-February after the Chinese government instructed a quarter of a billion full-time students to resume their studies through online platforms. This resulted in the largest “online movement” in the history of education with approximately 730,000, or 81% of K-12 students, attending classes via the Tencent K-12 Online School in Wuhan. While some believe that the unplanned and rapid move to online learning – with no training, insufficient bandwidth, and little preparation – will result in a poor user experience that is unconducive to sustained growth, others believe that a new hybrid model of education will emerge, with significant benefits. “I believe that the integration of information technology in education will be further accelerated and that online education will eventually become an integral component of school education,“ says Wang Tao, Vice President of Tencent Cloud and Vice President of Tencent Education. There are, however, challenges to overcome. Some students without reliable internet access and/or technology struggle to participate in digital learning; this gap is seen across countries and between income brackets within countries. For example, whilst 95% of students in Switzerland, Norway, and Austria have a computer to use for their schoolwork, only 34% in Indonesia do, according to OECD data. Since studies have shown that children extensively use their senses to learn, making learning fun and effective through use of technology is crucial, according to BYJUs Mrinal Mohit. “Over a period, we have observed that clever integration of games has demonstrated higher engagement and increased motivation towards learning especially among younger students, making them truly fall in love with learning”, he says. Major world events are often an inflection point for rapid innovation – a clear example is the rise of e-commerce post-SARS. While we have yet to see whether this will apply to e-learning post-COVID-19, it is one of the few sectors where investment has not dried up. What has been made clear through this pandemic is the importance of disseminating knowledge across borders, companies, and all parts of society. If online learning technology can play a role here, it is incumbent upon all of us to explore its full potential.
Pandy kritika Priya 26986 Hrs 38 Min 15 Sec # Pandey Kritika Priya #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Scholar 202711 Class: BTech(CSE) 5th sem Topic: The Opportunities & Challenges for Digital Learning during the Third Wave of Corona OPPORTUNITIES OF DIGITAL EDUCATION Research suggests that online learning has been shown to increase retention of information, and take less time, meaning the changes coronavirus have caused might be here to stay. In response to significant demand, many online learning platforms are offering free access to their services, including platforms like BYJU’S, a Bangalore-based educational technology and online tutoring firm founded in 2011, which is now the world’s most highly valued edtech company. Since announcing free live classes on its Think and Learn app, BYJU’s has seen a 200% increase in the number of new students using its product, according to Mrinal Mohit, the companys Chief Operating Officer. Tencent classroom, meanwhile, has been used extensively since mid-February after the Chinese government instructed a quarter of a billion full-time students to resume their studies through online platforms. This resulted in the largest “online movement” in the history of education with approximately 730,000, or 81% of K-12 students, attending classes via the Tencent K-12 Online School in Wuhan. Other companies are bolstering capabilities to provide a one-stop shop for teachers and students. For example, Lark, a Singapore-based collaboration suite initially developed by ByteDance as an internal tool to meet its own exponential growth, began offering teachers and students unlimited video conferencing time, auto-translation capabilities, real-time co-editing of project work, and smart calendar scheduling, amongst other features. To do so quickly and in a time of crisis, Lark ramped up its global server infrastructure and engineering capabilities to ensure reliable connectivity. Alibaba’s distance learning solution, DingTalk, had to prepare for a similar influx: “To support large-scale remote work, the platform tapped Alibaba Cloud to deploy more than 100,000 new cloud servers in just two hours last month – setting a new record for rapid capacity expansion,” according to DingTalk CEO, Chen Hang. Some school districts are forming unique partnerships, like the one between The Los Angeles Unified School District and PBS SoCal/KCET to offer local educational broadcasts, with separate channels focused on different ages, and a range of digital options. Media organizations such as the BBC are also powering virtual learning; Bitesize Daily, launched on 20 April, is offering 14 weeks of curriculum-based learning for kids across the UK with celebrities like Manchester City footballer Sergio Aguero teaching some of the content. Some of the opportunities brought forward by online learning in the present pandemic situation include: 1. Students can avail learning resources from anywhere in the world. 2. Virtual classrooms can impart quality education while avoiding the risk of the spread of Covid-19, which is of utmost importance in the present. 3. Students from rural areas do not need to travel long distances within the country or abroad in order to study in a good institution if they can avail online learning opportunities, thus cutting down costs. But, to do the same, they would require a good network connection as well as access to proper educational technology. The Covid-19 pandemic and the social distancing that followed have affected all walks of society, also education. In order to keep education running, educational institutions have had to quickly adapt to the situation. This has resulted in an unprecedented push to online learning. Many, including commercial digital learning platform providers, have rushed to provide their support and ‘solutions’, sometimes for free. The Covid-19 pandemic has therefore also created a sellers’ market in ed-tech. This paper employs a critical lens to reflect on the possible problems arising from hasty adoption of commercial digital learning solutions whose design might not always be driven by best pedagogical practices but their business model that leverages user data for profit-making. Moreover, already before Covid-19, there has been increasing critique of how ed-tech is redefining and reducing concepts of teaching and learning. The paper also challenges the narrative that claims, ‘education is broken, and it should and can be fixed with technology’. Such technologization, often seen as neutral, is closely related to educationalization, i.e. imposing growing societal problems for education to resolve.The Covid-19 pandemic raging around the globe has caused large-scale institutional and behavioural ‘shock effects’ in various areas of human activity including education. The impact on learners is unprecedented: on 9 April 2020, there are over 1,500,000,000 students worldwide from primary to tertiary level who cannot attend school (UNESCO 2020). Due to massive and unexpected closures, affected countries and communities have been forced to seek quick fixes in different digital learning platforms (Jandrić 2020a). These rapid moves from classroom to online teaching have set aside the more profound questions related to national educational policies and theoretical grounds and premises. Current conditions of formal educational systems can be described using Philip Strong’s (1990) model of epidemic psychology consisting of three consecutive and overlapping epidemics: those of fear, explanation, and action. Strong uses ‘epidemic’ as a metaphor representing collective psychological reactions to an epidemiological crisis.
JAYA KULSHRESTHA 26986 Hrs 39 Min 32 Sec # Jaya Kulshrestha #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Enrollment : JV-U/19/3143 Class: BTech(CSE) 5th sem Topic: The Opportunities & Challenges for Digital Learning during the Third Wave of Corona OPPORTUNITIES OF DIGITAL EDUCATION The COVID-19 has resulted in colleges shut all across the world. Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom. In response to significant demand, many online learning platforms are offering free access to their services, including platforms like BYJU’S, a Bangalore-based educational technology and online tutoring firm founded in 2011, which is now the world’s most highly valued edtech company. Since announcing free live classes on its Think and Learn app, BYJU’s has seen a 200% increase in the number of new students using its product, according to Mrinal Mohit, the companys Chief Operating Officer. Tencent classroom, meanwhile, has been used extensively since mid-February after the Chinese government instructed a quarter of a billion full-time students to resume their studies through online platforms. This resulted in the largest “online movement” in the history of education with approximately 730,000, or 81% of K-12 students, attending classes via the Tencent K-12 Online School in Wuhan. Other companies are bolstering capabilities to provide a one-stop shop for teachers and students. For example, Lark, a Singapore-based collaboration suite initially developed by ByteDance as an internal tool to meet its own exponential growth, began offering teachers and students unlimited video conferencing time, auto-translation capabilities, real-time co-editing of project work, and smart calendar scheduling, amongst other features. To do so quickly and in a time of crisis, Lark ramped up its global server infrastructure and engineering capabilities to ensure reliable connectivity. Alibaba’s distance learning solution, DingTalk, had to prepare for a similar influx: “To support large-scale remote work, the platform tapped Alibaba Cloud to deploy more than 100,000 new cloud servers in just two hours last month – setting a new record for rapid capacity expansion,” according to DingTalk CEO, Chen Hang. Some school districts are forming unique partnerships, like the one between The Los Angeles Unified School District and PBS SoCal/KCET to offer local educational broadcasts, with separate channels focused on different ages, and a range of digital options. Media organizations such as the BBC are also powering virtual learning; Bitesize Daily, launched on 20 April, is offering 14 weeks of curriculum-based learning for kids across the UK with celebrities like Manchester City footballer Sergio Aguero teaching some of the content. Some of the opportunities brought forward by online learning in the present pandemic situation include: 1. Students can avail learning resources from anywhere in the world. 2. Virtual classrooms can impart quality education while avoiding the risk of the spread of Covid-19, which is of utmost importance in the present. 3. Students from rural areas do not need to travel long distances within the country or abroad in order to study in a good institution if they can avail online learning opportunities, thus cutting down costs. But, to do the same, they would require a good network connection as well as access to proper educational technology. The Covid-19 pandemic and the social distancing that followed have affected all walks of society, also education. In order to keep education running, educational institutions have had to quickly adapt to the situation. This has resulted in an unprecedented push to online learning. Many, including commercial digital learning platform providers, have rushed to provide their support and ‘solutions’, sometimes for free. The Covid-19 pandemic has therefore also created a sellers’ market in ed-tech. This paper employs a critical lens to reflect on the possible problems arising from hasty adoption of commercial digital learning solutions whose design might not always be driven by best pedagogical practices but their business model that leverages user data for profit-making. Moreover, already before Covid-19, there has been increasing critique of how ed-tech is redefining and reducing concepts of teaching and learning. The paper also challenges the narrative that claims, ‘education is broken, and it should and can be fixed with technology’. Such technologization, often seen as neutral, is closely related to educationalization, i.e. imposing growing societal problems for education to resolve.The Covid-19 pandemic raging around the globe has caused large-scale institutional and behavioural ‘shock effects’ in various areas of human activity including education. The impact on learners is unprecedented: on 9 April 2020, there are over 1,500,000,000 students worldwide from primary to tertiary level who cannot attend school (UNESCO 2020). Due to massive and unexpected closures, affected countries and communities have been forced to seek quick fixes in different digital learning platforms (Jandrić 2020a). These rapid moves from classroom to online teaching have set aside the more profound questions related to national educational policies and theoretical grounds and premises. Current conditions of formal educational systems can be described using Philip Strong’s (1990) model of epidemic psychology consisting of three consecutive and overlapping epidemics: those of fear, explanation, and action. Strong uses ‘epidemic’ as a metaphor representing collective psychological reactions to an epidemiological crisis.
JAYA KULSHRESTHA 26986 Hrs 39 Min 36 Sec # Pandey Kritika Priya #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Scholar 202711 Class: BTech(CSE) 5th sem Topic: The Opportunities & Challenges for Digital Learning during the Third Wave of Corona OPPORTUNITIES OF DIGITAL EDUCATION Research suggests that online learning has been shown to increase retention of information, and take less time, meaning the changes coronavirus have caused might be here to stay. In response to significant demand, many online learning platforms are offering free access to their services, including platforms like BYJU’S, a Bangalore-based educational technology and online tutoring firm founded in 2011, which is now the world’s most highly valued edtech company. Since announcing free live classes on its Think and Learn app, BYJU’s has seen a 200% increase in the number of new students using its product, according to Mrinal Mohit, the companys Chief Operating Officer. Tencent classroom, meanwhile, has been used extensively since mid-February after the Chinese government instructed a quarter of a billion full-time students to resume their studies through online platforms. This resulted in the largest “online movement” in the history of education with approximately 730,000, or 81% of K-12 students, attending classes via the Tencent K-12 Online School in Wuhan. Other companies are bolstering capabilities to provide a one-stop shop for teachers and students. For example, Lark, a Singapore-based collaboration suite initially developed by ByteDance as an internal tool to meet its own exponential growth, began offering teachers and students unlimited video conferencing time, auto-translation capabilities, real-time co-editing of project work, and smart calendar scheduling, amongst other features. To do so quickly and in a time of crisis, Lark ramped up its global server infrastructure and engineering capabilities to ensure reliable connectivity. Alibaba’s distance learning solution, DingTalk, had to prepare for a similar influx: “To support large-scale remote work, the platform tapped Alibaba Cloud to deploy more than 100,000 new cloud servers in just two hours last month – setting a new record for rapid capacity expansion,” according to DingTalk CEO, Chen Hang. Some school districts are forming unique partnerships, like the one between The Los Angeles Unified School District and PBS SoCal/KCET to offer local educational broadcasts, with separate channels focused on different ages, and a range of digital options. Media organizations such as the BBC are also powering virtual learning; Bitesize Daily, launched on 20 April, is offering 14 weeks of curriculum-based learning for kids across the UK with celebrities like Manchester City footballer Sergio Aguero teaching some of the content. Some of the opportunities brought forward by online learning in the present pandemic situation include: 1. Students can avail learning resources from anywhere in the world. 2. Virtual classrooms can impart quality education while avoiding the risk of the spread of Covid-19, which is of utmost importance in the present. 3. Students from rural areas do not need to travel long distances within the country or abroad in order to study in a good institution if they can avail online learning opportunities, thus cutting down costs. But, to do the same, they would require a good network connection as well as access to proper educational technology. The Covid-19 pandemic and the social distancing that followed have affected all walks of society, also education. In order to keep education running, educational institutions have had to quickly adapt to the situation. This has resulted in an unprecedented push to online learning. Many, including commercial digital learning platform providers, have rushed to provide their support and ‘solutions’, sometimes for free. The Covid-19 pandemic has therefore also created a sellers’ market in ed-tech. This paper employs a critical lens to reflect on the possible problems arising from hasty adoption of commercial digital learning solutions whose design might not always be driven by best pedagogical practices but their business model that leverages user data for profit-making. Moreover, already before Covid-19, there has been increasing critique of how ed-tech is redefining and reducing concepts of teaching and learning. The paper also challenges the narrative that claims, ‘education is broken, and it should and can be fixed with technology’. Such technologization, often seen as neutral, is closely related to educationalization, i.e. imposing growing societal problems for education to resolve.The Covid-19 pandemic raging around the globe has caused large-scale institutional and behavioural ‘shock effects’ in various areas of human activity including education. The impact on learners is unprecedented: on 9 April 2020, there are over 1,500,000,000 students worldwide from primary to tertiary level who cannot attend school (UNESCO 2020). Due to massive and unexpected closures, affected countries and communities have been forced to seek quick fixes in different digital learning platforms (Jandrić 2020a). These rapid moves from classroom to online teaching have set aside the more profound questions related to national educational policies and theoretical grounds and premises. Current conditions of formal educational systems can be described using Philip Strong’s (1990) model of epidemic psychology consisting of three consecutive and overlapping epidemics: those of fear, explanation, and action. Strong uses ‘epidemic’ as a metaphor representing collective psychological reactions to an epidemiological crisis.
ANISHA KUMARI 27007 Hrs 21 Min 59 Sec # Anisha Kumari #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Enrollment : JV-UL/9/3150 Class: BTech(CSE) 7th sem Topic: The Opportunities & Challenges for Digital Learning during the Third Wave of Corona OPPORTUNITIES OF DIGITAL EDUCATION Digital Education has potential that can produce knowledge workers. As only that society can govern the universe that has ability to produce its knowledge workers. Digital Education can improve the standard of life of people living in villages or cities. Only 19% of students are enrolled educational institutions (MHRD, 2014). This enrollment is less in number as required according to National Knowledge Commission (2006). It has been analyzed by the government that ICT sector has important role in education due to that many programmes has been launched such as NEOR, NMEICT, NKN, Eklavya, NPTEL, and NROER etc. Therefore, there is large range of opportunities provided by OER to educational institutions. NMEICT It is a center Government imitative that provide interactive knowledge to the learners anywhere with the potential of ICT. Content generation and connectivity are its two main components. The objectives ofthe mission are: 1. admittance to learning; 2. linkingall Indian institutionswith speedy data networks; 3. Improving staff eminence by training methodology through ICT; 4. Providing education to all and even rural learners; and 5. Creationof e-content and learning videos by use of ICT. NATIONAL KNOWLEDGE NETWORK (NKN) Under NMEICT mostly universities are connected throughNational Knowledge Network. It provides anintegrated speedy network which is the backbone for all Indian educational organizations. Its main purpose is to carry out the research work and making the institutions best for education process. It will help scientists, scholars and learnersin moving forwardthe individual development in significant and promising areas. It has alreadyconnected many educational Organizations and Laboratories all over thecountryside(Home page of NKN, 2015). 1. Recorded lectures One of the big benefits of digital learning is that some of your classes will be recorded. This means that if you miss something, or realise later that you don’t quite understand a particular topic, you can go back and watch the class again to get the answers you need. You’ll always be able to ask your teacher if you’re struggling with anything, but solving a problem by yourself can be a great feeling! 2. 24-hour resources Perhaps you find it easier to focus in the evenings, or you just can’t sleep and want to get some extra study in after hours — with digital learning, you won’t have to worry about the library or the lab being closed. You’ll be able to access your learning materials online any time, and with advanced tools like lab simulations you can even carry out science experiments from the comfort of your own home! 3. Connected learning Another one of the benefits of digital learning is that you’ll be part of a connected community. If there’s something you need help with, tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams can connect you with your classmates so you can find the answers you need right away. And, although your teachers will still have a timetable of classes to teach throughout the day, instant messaging platforms and email mean you won’t have to wait until your next lesson with them to ask any questions you may have. Although they might not always be able to answer you right away, you’ll both have the freedom to communicate at times during in the day that suit you.4. Self-directed study Self-directed study is an important part of higher education. It refers to the time you spend learning away from your classes, when you’re not being directed by a teacher. This time is important because it helps you to identify the things you’re good at, and the areas where you might need to work a little harder. Although you will still have plenty of contact with your teachers while you’re studying online, there will also be times when you will have to make an active decision to study, and choose for yourself what to focus on. Taking charge of your own education like this can be very empowering, and can give you a sense of self-confidence that helps you to do even better. University-level study also involves a lot of self-directed learning, so it’s great preparation for your degree. 5. Flexible choices These days, we have a wealth of technology at our fingertips, and that’s especially true when it comes to digital learning — you’ll be able to mix and match the programs and software you use with different people, and for different activities. So, even if your teacher always uses Zoom to broadcast lectures, when you’re working on a group project with your classmates you’ll be able to play around and find the method of working together that works best for you, whether that’s Zoom, Slack, Microsoft Teams or even WhatsApp!
PRANJALI PAL 27007 Hrs 47 Min 35 Sec #JVn Pranjali pal #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University Enrollment: JV-U/18/2623 Class: BTech(CSE) 7th sem Topic: The Opportunities & Challenges for Digitial Learning during the Third Wave of Corona. Online learning has expanded exponentially in the last year due to Covid-19. Without this push, a complete shift might have been a far-off possibility in the future. With the number of internet users increasing rapidly in India, online learning can emerge as a potential alternative to traditional education but only through proper planning and execution by the government. With the numerous opportunities available with online education, many educationists have found it to become the preferred mode of learning in the future. Some of the opportunities brought forward by online learning in the present pandemic situation include: 1. Students can avail learning resources from anywhere in the world. 2. Virtual classrooms can impart quality education while avoiding the risk of the spread of Covid-19, which is of utmost importance in the present. 3. Students from rural areas do not need to travel long distances within the country or abroad in order to study in a good institution if they can avail online learning opportunities, thus cutting down costs. But, to do the same, they would require a good network connection as well as access to proper educational technology. Nevertheless, it would be imperceptive to believe that online education poses no challenges. Poor internet connectivity, absence of human connection, lack of opportunities for collaborating learning, supervision of teachers, a decline of hands-on learning, and poor assessment of examinations are some of the trials and tribulations online education platforms face. This does not take away the fact that the quick succession of online learning has been a savior. While online learning opens up a range of new opportunities for imparting education, it comes with its own share of challenges as well. India still needs to go a long way in order to make online learning available to all the students in the country through proper developments in this regard. Some of the challenges that online learning presently faces in India include: 1. Inability to Focus on Screens 2. Technical Issues 3. Sense of Isolation 4. Teacher Training 5. Manage Screen Time Online Learning is one of the most popular trends that have surfaced in the pandemic world. All of us are working from home or studying online, thus in some way using the internet to carry out the tasks we would normally do in a world without the pandemic. Online Learning has become a true savior for students who are unable to attend regular classes at schools or colleges. However, for teachers bound to traditional classrooms, online learning was an initial challenge but as they learned its essentials and workings, it has helped every teacher connect better with their students during the pandemic.
SUMAN KUMARI 34356 Hrs 33 Min 47 Sec NAME=Suman kumari ENROLL=JV-D/18/2287 SCHOLAR=18111 COURSE=DET/CS(3rd YEAR,Vth sem) How Online Quiz Works? Welcome Page Steps: 1.To login through this form You have to register first. If you are already registered please login.2.Registration: Fill all the detail and do login. On filling incorrect detail: On filling correct Detail: 3. Depending upon your category you can perform action accordingly. 4. When category as student: 1. can take quiz ,by browsing the quizs according to his interest,and click on take quiz. Now click on the quiz no. to start the quiz. Now choose your answer and click on next,10 questions will be appeared and after 10 question quiz is automatically submitted .and your result will be displayed as follows. Now you can view description about each question. 2. can ask question by clicking on the link Ask Ques. 3. can query to admin by contact us link. 4. if you click on make quiz link as an student , you can’t make it. 5. when category as Teacher: 1.You can perform all the student functions and can make quiz also. Enter the subject and click on create: Enter the required field and click on next. After 10 questions it will be submitted automatically. GOOD LUCK
SHREYASHI SINGH SENGAR 34356 Hrs 35 Min 07 Sec NAME=Shreyashi singh sengar ENROLL=JV-d/18/2741 SCHOLAR=18767 COURSE=DET/CS(3rd YEAR,Vth SEM) How Online Quiz Works? Welcome Page Steps: 1.To login through this form You have to register first. If you are already registered please login.2.Registration: Fill all the detail and do login. On filling incorrect detail: On filling correct Detail: 3. Depending upon your category you can perform action accordingly. 4. When category as student: 1. can take quiz ,by browsing the quizs according to his interest,and click on take quiz. Now click on the quiz no. to start the quiz. Now choose your answer and click on next,10 questions will be appeared and after 10 question quiz is automatically submitted .and your result will be displayed as follows. Now you can view description about each question. 2. can ask question by clicking on the link Ask Ques. 3. can query to admin by contact us link. 4. if you click on make quiz link as an student , you can’t make it. 5. when category as Teacher: 1.You can perform all the student functions and can make quiz also. Enter the subject and click on create: Enter the required field and click on next. After 10 questions it will be submitted automatically. GOOD LUCK
SAUMYA JHA 34356 Hrs 37 Min 38 Sec NAME=Shreyashi singh sengar ENROLL=JV-d/18/2741 SCHOLAR=18767 COURSE=Det/cs(3rd year,Vth sem) How Online Quiz Works? Welcome Page Steps: 1.To login through this form You have to register first. If you are already registered please login.2.Registration: Fill all the detail and do login. On filling incorrect detail: On filling correct Detail: 3. Depending upon your category you can perform action accordingly. 4. When category as student: 1. can take quiz ,by browsing the quizs according to his interest,and click on take quiz. Now click on the quiz no. to start the quiz. Now choose your answer and click on next,10 questions will be appeared and after 10 question quiz is automatically submitted .and your result will be displayed as follows. Now you can view description about each question. 2. can ask question by clicking on the link Ask Ques. 3. can query to admin by contact us link. 4. if you click on make quiz link as an student , you can’t make it. 5. when category as Teacher: 1.You can perform all the student functions and can make quiz also. Enter the subject and click on create: Enter the required field and click on next. After 10 questions it will be submitted automatically. GOOD LUCK
SAUMYA JHA 34356 Hrs 39 Min 08 Sec NAME=Saumya jha ENROLL=Jv-i/18/2304 COURSE=DET/CS(3rd year) SCHOLAR=18081 How Online Quiz Works? Welcome Page Steps: 1.To login through this form You have to register first. If you are already registered please login.2.Registration: Fill all the detail and do login. On filling incorrect detail: On filling correct Detail: 3. Depending upon your category you can perform action accordingly. 4. When category as student: 1. can take quiz ,by browsing the quizs according to his interest,and click on take quiz. Now click on the quiz no. to start the quiz. Now choose your answer and click on next,10 questions will be appeared and after 10 question quiz is automatically submitted .and your result will be displayed as follows. Now you can view description about each question. 2. can ask question by clicking on the link Ask Ques. 3. can query to admin by contact us link. 4. if you click on make quiz link as an student , you can’t make it. 5. when category as Teacher: 1.You can perform all the student functions and can make quiz also. Enter the subject and click on create: Enter the required field and click on next. After 10 questions it will be submitted automatically. GOOD LUCK
JASIKA KUMARI 34367 Hrs 06 Min 10 Sec name-jasika kumari class -det-cs 5th sem enrollment no- jv-d/18/2283 How Online Quiz Works? Welcome Page Steps: 1.To login through this form You have to register first. If you are already registered please login.2.Registration : Fill all the detail and do login. On filling incorrect detail: On filling correct Detail:3. Depending upon your category you can perform action accordingly. 4. When category as student: 1. can take quiz ,by browsing the quizs according to his interest,and click on take quiz. Now click on the quiz no. to start the quiz. Now choose your answer and click on next,10 questions will be appeared and after 10 question quiz is automatically submitted .and your result will be displayed as follows. Now you can view description about each question. 2. can ask question by clicking on the link Ask Ques. 3. can query to admin by contact us link. 4. if you click on make quiz link as an student , you can’t make it. 5. when category as Teacher: 1.You can perform all the student functions and can make quiz also. Enter the subject and click on create: Enter the required field and click on next. After 10 questions it will be submitted automatically. GOOD LUCK
AAYUSHI KUMARI 34713 Hrs 38 Min 07 Sec Name-Ayushi kumari class-DET-CS 5th sem enrollment no-jv-d/18/2283 How Online Quiz Works? welcome page steps:1.To login through this form You have to register first. If you are already registered please login.2.Registration:Fill all the detail and do login.On filling incorrect detail:On filling correct Detail:3. Depending upon your category you can perform action accordingly. 4. When category as student: 1. can take quiz ,by browsing the quizs according to his interest,and click on take quiz. Now click on the quiz no. to start the quiz. Now choose your answer and click on next,10 questions will be appeared and after 10 question quiz is automatically submitted .and your result will be displayed as follows. Now you can view description about each question. 2. can ask question by clicking on the link Ask Ques. 3.. can query to admin by contact us link. 4. if you click on make quiz link as an student , you can’t make it 5. when category as Teacher: 1.You can perform all the student functions and can make quiz also. Enter the subject and click on create: Enter the required field and click on next. After 10 questions it will be submitted automatically GOOD LUCK
SIMRAN RAJ 34788 Hrs 17 Min 38 Sec Name- Simran raj Class- DET-CSE 5th sem Enrollment- jv-d/18/2291 How Online Quiz Works? Welcome Page Steps: 1.To login through this form You have to register first. If you are already registered please login.2.Registration: Fill all the detail and do login. On filling incorrect detail: On filling correct Detail: 3. Depending upon your category you can perform action accordingly. 4. When category as student: 1. can take quiz ,by browsing the quizs according to his interest,and click on take quiz. Now click on the quiz no. to start the quiz. Now choose your answer and click on next,10 questions will be appeared and after 10 question quiz is automatically submitted .and your result will be displayed as follows. Now you can view description about each question. 2. can ask question by clicking on the link Ask Ques. 3. can query to admin by contact us link. 4. if you click on make quiz link as an student , you can’t make it. 5. when category as Teacher: 1.You can perform all the student functions and can make quiz also. Enter the subject and click on create: Enter the required field and click on next. After 10 questions it will be submitted automatically. GOOD LUCK
ANCHAL GUPTA 34902 Hrs 54 Min 31 Sec Jvn Anchal Gupta MCA (LE)1ST yr Enrollment No-Jv-pl/20/4411 #Jayoti Vidyapeeth women university #jvwu Topic- Face detection or face recognition One of the best ideas to start experimenting you hands-on computer science projects a for students is face recognition software. This project focuses on building a face detection software using the open CV library. Face recognition is one of the few bio metric methods that posses the merits of both high accuracy and low intrusiveness. It has the accuracy of physiological approach without being intrusive. Over past 30 years, many researches have proposed different face recognition techniques, motivated by the proposed different face recognition techniques, motivated by the increased number of real world applications requiring the recognition of human faces. The important of automatic face recognition is much be copy with numerous variations of images of the same face due to changes in the following parameters such as- 1- Pose 2- Illumination 3- Expression 4- Motion 5- Facial hair 6- Glasses 7- Background images
ANSHU SINGH PARIHAR 34906 Hrs 22 Min 44 Sec Name:Km. Anshu Singh Parihar enroll:jv-u/17/1156 Objective It provides a common platform to connect student and teacher online. The registered teacher can create Quiz and student can take quiz and can asses himself/herself Users of the System Teacher Student Functional Requirements 1. Teacher 1.1.Can create quiz after getting logged in! 1.2.Can enter subjects and enter question with it?s options and answer at the time of creating quiz. 10 Question for each quiz required to be completed. 2. Student 2.1.Can search quiz according to their interest. 2.2.Click on the id of quiz and ready to start it just clicking on a button. 2.3.After completing all questions, result will be diaplayed Automatically. 2.4.Can view the description about each and every question in the respective quiz. Non-Functional Requirements 1.Secure access of confidential data (user?s details). SSL can be used. 2.24 X 7 availability 3.Browser testing and support for IE, NN, Mozila, and Firefox 4.Reports exportable in .XLS, .PDF 5.Create a detailed UML diagram (Component, Sequence, Class) for the system and its sub-components User Interface Priorities 1.Professional look and feel 2.Use of AJAX atleast with all registration forms and with every search option and at the id of each searched result with onmouseover event. Tools to be used 1.Use any IDE to develop the project. It may be Myeclipse / Eclipse / Netbeanse. 2.Oracle 10g for the database. 3.Server: Apache Tomcat/JBoss/Glassfish/Weblogic/Websphere. Front End and Back End 1.Front End: JSP, JDBC, Javascript, AJAX 2.Back End: Oracle How project works? 1.To get detail explanation about project download the document file. It includes snapshots with explanation. Software Requirement to run this project 1.You need to install an IDE Eclipse / Myeclipse / Netbeans. 2.Oracle 10g database. Here, we are using system for the username and oracle for the password. How to run this project Import the project on the IDE and run it. All the tables will be created automatic
SWETA PANDEY 34906 Hrs 34 Min 33 Sec Objective/ Vision A fee management application where admin can add/edit/view/delete accountant and accountant can add/view/edit/delete student, check due fee and logout. Users of the System 1.Admin 2.Accountant Functional Requirements 1. Admin 1.1.Can login 1.2.Can add/view/edit/delete accountant 1.3Can logout 2. Accountant 2.1.Can login 2.2Can add/view/edit/delete students 2.3.Can check due fee 2.4.Can logout Tools to be used 1.Use any IDE to develop the project. It may be Eclipse /Myeclipse / Netbeans etc. 2.Oracle or MySQL for the database. Here we are using Oracle 10g database. Assuming that username is system and password is oracle. Front End and Back End 1.Front End: Servlet with HTML5, CSS and Bootstrap 2.Back End: Oracle 10g How project works? To get detail explanation about project, download the document file. It includes snapshots with explanation. How to run this project Create fee_accountant and fee_student tables in Oracle 10g database. Here id column for fee_accountant and rollno for fee_student must be generated using sequence. Import the project on the Eclipse IDE and run it.