Jv Mission CDA

E Design (Structure)

E Design (Structure) Civil (B.Tech) VII Sem , Civil (B.Tech) VIII Sem

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    E Design (Structure) Civil (B.Tech) VII Sem , Civil (B.Tech) VIII Sem
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    Structural design plays an important role in construction projects. Structural design is conducted by a structural engineer whose role is to ensure the safety, stability and performance of the structure. Civil Engineers use structural analysis to assess the forces that could act on a structure and to choose materials and reinforcements that will effectively withstand those forces. Structural designing is fundamental to the civil engineering discipline as it deals directly with the structural strength and integrity of buildings or structures. It includes planning, designing, and structural analysis of large structures like skyscrapers, bridges, tunnels, towers, and even off-shore structures like oil rigs. Civil engineers are required to use structural design to ensure the safety and stability of the structure before they add in some creative designs into a structure for visual appeal. Structural designing provide all the crucial information about foundations, walls, floors, roof types, steep beams, material quality, and more to ensure that the structure is built to be safe and sound. Civil engineers are required to perform a thorough and detailed analysis of the structure with respect to the principles of the structural design. This helps to ensure that the new structure meets up all the necessary safety criteria and design codes.
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  • KM PROMISA CHAND 36371 Hrs 09 Min 19 Sec

    Promisa Chand #Promisa chand #Enroll =jv-i/17/1787 # course =B tech civil #jayoti vidhyapeeth womens university #jvwumission#jaipur #E deaign structure #Engineering design structure#The engineering design process is a common series of steps that engineers use in creating functional products and processes. The process is highly iterative - parts of the process often need to be repeated many times before another can be entered - though the part(s) that get iterated and the number of such cycles in any given project may vary. It is a decision making process (often iterative) in which the basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering sciences are applied to convert resources optimally to meet a stated objective. Among the fundamental elements of the design process are the establishment of objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis, construction, testing and evaluation. Thank you .