Jv Mission CDA

E Design (Software and App)

E Design (Software and App) B.Tech,BCA III Sem, B.Tech,BCA IV Sem

  • Snow Click to open File(PDF/DOC/JPG/PNG)
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    E Design (Software and App) B.Tech,BCA III Sem, B.Tech,BCA IV Sem
  • Snow Click to open File(PDF/DOC/JPG/PNG)
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    Myself Swapnil Lavaniya, pursuing BCA (3rd sem) from the faulty of education and methodology. I am creating a web site of containing notes of specific subjects. This site is made up of Hypertext Markup Language. This is a front end language, in this page I used many tags and casscading style sheet also, which makes this page more representative as well.
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Showing 13 Submission(s)
  • SAPNA YADAV 26982 Hrs 20 Min 37 Sec

    #sapna yadav#bca 3 semester#jv/20/4259E-design is exactly what it sounds like: interior design services offered entirely online (via video conferencing tools, phone calls and/or emails). It is a great way to give a personalized experience to your clients without even getting your boots on the ground! Without the challenges of travel, the hassles of scheduling in-person meetings, procurement, installation, and so on. So anyone, anywhere, even sitting halfway across the world can access your services as an e-designer without having to worry about location or safety.

  • RITIKA GUPTA 26982 Hrs 35 Min 06 Sec

    #Ritika Gupta #jv-u/20/4257 #BCA 3RD SEMESTER.The whole landscape and world of work have changed on account of the pandemic. Interior Designers today have completely pivoted to technology, started using a bunch of different software more heavily, and become more virtual than they were ever before. Now the only way to land a client or show a design is online. So there is no better time to embrace e-design; expand one’s virtual clientele, invite more opportunities and book more business. So whether it’s due to the pandemic or the coming-of-age of cutting-edge technology (or both), now you as a designer can complete your interior design service successfully without ever even having to set foot in your client’s home!

  • SAPNA YADAV 26982 Hrs 36 Min 37 Sec

    #sapna yadav#bca 3 semester#jv/20/4259The COVID-19 crisis has affected societies and economies around the globe and will permanently reshape our world as it continues to unfold. While the fallout from the crisis is both amplifying familiar risks and creating new ones, change at this scale also creates new openings for managing systemic challenges, and ways to build back better. This collection of essays draws on the diverse insights of the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report Advisory Board to look ahead and across a broad range of issues – trade, governance, health, labour, technology to name a few – and consider where the balance of risk and opportunity may come out. It offers decision-makers a comprehensive picture of expected long-term changes, and inspiration to leverage the opportunities this crisis offers to improve the state of the world.

  • JOLLY PAL 26982 Hrs 44 Min 25 Sec

    Name=Jolly Pal Singh enrollment=jv-u/20/4233 scholler=202474 Course=B.tech(cse)3rd sem.E-design is exactly what it sounds like: interior design services offered entirely online (via video conferencing tools, phone calls and/or emails). It is a great way to give a personalized experience to your clients without even getting your boots on the ground! Without the challenges of travel, the hassles of scheduling in-person meetings, procurement, installation, and so on. So anyone, anywhere, even sitting halfway across the world can access your services as an e-designer without having to worry about location or safety.

  • PRACHI DEVI 26982 Hrs 45 Min 18 Sec

    Name=Prachi Singh Enrollment=jv-u/20/4225 scholler=202108 Course=B.tech(cse)3rd sem eDesign Technologies The time has come to break away from the conventional ways of web designing. Your website is your signature in the cyber world. It should reflect your personality, identity and most importantly, convey a message. We have the proven skill and know-how in designing websites that ensure your identity, aim and reputation in this competitive world. It is a definite means to enhance sales and market awareness, something every corporate entity or individual needs to inculcate in their business. Thank you..

  • PRIYA SARAN 26982 Hrs 46 Min 08 Sec

    Name-Priya Saran ,scholler-202157,course-b.tech(cse)3rdsem, the whole landscape and world of work have changed on account of the pandemic. Interior Designers today have completely pivoted to technology, started using a bunch of different software more heavily, and become more virtual than they were ever before. Now the only way to land a client or show a design is online. So there is no better time to embrace e-design; expand one’s virtual clientele, invite more opportunities and book more business. So whether it’s due to the pandemic or the coming-of-age of cutting-edge technology (or both), now you as a designer can complete your interior design service successfully without ever even having to set foot in your client’s home!

  • BHAVANA SINGH 26982 Hrs 53 Min 59 Sec

    Name=Bhavana Singh enrollment=jv-u/20/4232 scholler=202471 Course=B.tech(cse)3rd sem What Exactly is E-Design? E-design, also known as electronic, remote or virtual design is an interior design service that is performed completely online. With traditional design services, your designer would visit your home, evaluate and measure your space and discuss your design needs with you in person. With E-design, collaboration between you and the designer is done virtually through email, photos, phone calls and/or video. It doesn’t matter where you live, as long as you have access to the internet, you can work with an E-designer on your home project! HOW DOES IT WORK? A good E-Designer will have a system set up to make the entire process easy and fun for you. At Birchleaf Interiors we use a private client portal system where you can view all the information about your project at any time that’s convenient for you. Below are the steps that take you through our E-Design process. Thank you..

  • PASHA 26982 Hrs 54 Min 34 Sec

    Name-jvn Pasha Chikara ,Enrollment NO -jv-u/20/4223,Scholler-202086,Course-b.tech(cse)3rd sem E-design is exactly what it sounds like: interior design services offered entirely online (via video conferencing tools, phone calls and/or emails). It is a great way to give a personalized experience to your clients without even getting your boots on the ground! Without the challenges of travel, the hassles of scheduling in-person meetings, procurement, installation, and so on. So anyone, anywhere, even sitting halfway across the world can access your services as an e-designer without having to worry about location or safety.

  • SURBHI GUPTA 26982 Hrs 57 Min 32 Sec

    Name=jvn Surbhi Gupta Enrollment=jv-u/20/4224 Scholler=202102 Course=B.tech (CSE) 3rd sem E-design, also known as electronic, remote or virtual design is an interior design service that is performed completely online. ... With E-design, collaboration between you and the designer is done virtually through email, photos, phone calls and/or video. The whole landscape and world of work have changed on account of the pandemic. Interior Designers today have completely pivoted to technology, started using a bunch of different software more heavily, and become more virtual than they were ever before. Now the only way to land a client or show a design is online. So there is no better time to embrace e-design; expand one’s virtual clientele, invite more opportunities and book more business. So whether it’s due to the pandemic or the coming-of-age of cutting-edge technology (or both), now you as a designer can complete your interior design service successfully without ever even having to set foot in your client’s home! Thank you !!!!

  • KIRTI SONI 26987 Hrs 16 Min 00 Sec

    Name=jvn kirtisoni Enrollment=jv-u/20/4529 Scholler=202140 Course=B.tech (CSE) 3rd sem How Online Quiz Works? Welcome Page Steps: 1.To login through this form You have to register first. If you are already registered please login. 2.Registration: Fill all the detail and do login. On filling incorrect detail: 3. Depending upon your category you can perform action accordingly. 4. When category as student: 1. can take quiz ,by browsing the quizs according to his interest,and click on take quiz. Now click on the quiz no. to start the quiz. Now choose your answer and click on next,10 questions will be appeared and after 10 question quiz is automatically submitted .and your result will be displayed as follows. Now you can view description about each question. 2. can ask question by clicking on the link Ask Ques. 3. can query to admin by contact us link. 4. if you click on make quiz link as an student , you can’t make it. 5. when category as Teacher: 1.You can perform all the student functions and can make quiz also. Enter the subject and click on create: Enter the required field and click on next. After 10 questions it will be submitted automatically. Thank you......

  • SHREYASHI SINGH SENGAR 34377 Hrs 33 Min 47 Sec

    NAME=Shreyashi Singh Sengar ENROLL=Jv-d/18/2741 SCHOLAR=18767 COURSE=DET/CS(3rd year,vth sem) How Online Quiz Works? Welcome Page Steps: 1.To login through this form You have to register first. If you are already registered please login.2.Registration: Fill all the detail and do login. On filling incorrect detail: On filling correct Detail: 3. Depending upon your category you can perform action accordingly. 4. When category as student: 1. can take quiz ,by browsing the quizs according to his interest,and click on take quiz. Now click on the quiz no. to start the quiz. Now choose your answer and click on next,10 questions will be appeared and after 10 question quiz is automatically submitted .and your result will be displayed as follows. Now you can view description about each question. 2. can ask question by clicking on the link Ask Ques. 3. can query to admin by contact us link. 4. if you click on make quiz link as an student , you can’t make it. 5. when category as Teacher: 1.You can perform all the student functions and can make quiz also. Enter the subject and click on create: Enter the required field and click on next. After 10 questions it will be submitted automatically. GOOD LUCK

  • SAUMYA JHA 34377 Hrs 37 Min 36 Sec

    NAME= Saumya jha ENROLL= Jv-i/18/2304 SCHOLAR= 18081 COURSE=Det /CS (3rd year) How Online Quiz Works? Welcome Page Steps: 1.To login through this form You have to register first. If you are already registered please login.2.Registration: Fill all the detail and do login. On filling incorrect detail: 3. Depending upon your category you can perform action accordingly. 4. When category as student: 1. can take quiz ,by browsing the quizs according to his interest,and click on take quiz. Now click on the quiz no. to start the quiz. Now choose your answer and click on next,10 questions will be appeared and after 10 question quiz is automatically submitted .and your result will be displayed as follows. Now you can view description about each question. 2. can ask question by clicking on the link Ask Ques. 3. can query to admin by contact us link. 4. if you click on make quiz link as an student , you can’t make it. 5. when category as Teacher: 1.You can perform all the student functions and can make quiz also. Enter the subject and click on create: Enter the required field and click on next. After 10 questions it will be submitted automatically. GOOD LUCK

  • RENU YADAV 36701 Hrs 31 Min 20 Sec
