Jv Mission CDA

Vradha Jan Adoption Health Yojna

Vradha Jan Adoption Health Yojna BPT/DPT/ B.Sc RT/B.Sc MLT III SEM , BPT/DPT/ B.Sc RT/B.Sc MLT IV Sem, BPT/DPT/ B.Sc RT/B.Sc MLT V Sem, BPT/DPT/ B.Sc RT/B.Sc MLT VI Sem , BPT/DPT/ B.Sc RT/B.Sc MLT VII Sem, BPT/DPT/ B.Sc RT/B.Sc MLT VIII Sem

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    Vradha Jan Adoption Health Yojna BPT/DPT/ B.Sc RT/B.Sc MLT III SEM , BPT/DPT/ B.Sc RT/B.Sc MLT IV Sem, BPT/DPT/ B.Sc RT/B.Sc MLT V Sem, BPT/DPT/ B.Sc RT/B.Sc MLT VI Sem , BPT/DPT/ B.Sc RT/B.Sc MLT VII Sem, BPT/DPT/ B.Sc RT/B.Sc MLT VIII Sem
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  • DIMPY 26958 Hrs 24 Min 21 Sec

    #DIMPY #JV-U/18/2176 #BPT-7TH SEM #JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMENS UNIVERSITY #JV MISSION #TOPIC- IMPORTANCE OF EXERCISE AT WORK PLACE We know regular exercise is really good for health, but even with the best of intentions, many workers do not exercise as much as they should. To get more workers in all types of workplaces to be active, public health messaging must move away from making it only an individual’s responsibility to be more active. Exercising between work time can reduce stress, increase energy, and improve overall mood. It makes you feel great after! Exercising gives your brain a break from something that was maybe blocking you and allows you to come back to your work with fresh ideas and pumped neurons It should instead recognize the important role employers can play in creating the conditions for workers to focus on exercise. The average person spends over 3,500 days at work during their lifetime, and although health and fitness are becoming increasingly important, many people are still not exercising enough. The most common excuse people make is that they’re busy and don’t have enough time to dedicate to fitness. We all know that: Keeping fit is essential for a healthy life .Bu over 80% of the world population do not take conscious efforts to keep fit. The situation has worsened in recent years with manual labour being eliminated by technology. Exercise alleviates chronic stress levels at work . Work can often be one of the greatest contributors to personal stress. Work stress affects both the physical and mental aspects of humans . it is exhausting and depletes you of energy. If the brain is suffering from chronic stress, there’s no way you can perform your job efficiently. Engaging in exercise while at work can reduce your stress level by releasing cortisol into the body. This hormone wards off stress and anxiety. One of the best ways to improve the overall health and well-being of your employees is to introduce different opportunities to exercise into the workplace. Exercise is one of life’s miracle cures, however as more people adopt a sedentary lifestyle, the culture of exercise is being lost along the side of the sofa with the remote control. It’s too bad that all employers haven’t yet embraced the exercise philosophy. We all know we should exercise, but time is scarce and exercise doesn’t often top the list of priorities. I’m sure the day will come when exercise is an encouraged activity across all industry’s, but until that day, we have the responsibility of motivating ourselves to exercise instead of our boss doing it for us. If you’ve always wanted to eat breakfast but never managed to find the time, exercising beforehand may be the best way to learn the breakfast habit. Before we get started on how they exercise let’s examine why establishing a culture of activity would be of benefit to both your employees and your company as a whole 1: Exercise controls weight Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. When you engage in physical activity, you burn calories. If you burn more calories than you consume your body will begin to burn fat, leaving you with a healthier, leaner physique. Not only will this improve health but it is also shown to improve confidence as, let’s be honest, everyone likes to look their best. 2: Exercise combats health conditions and diseases Exercise has long been known to combat health conditions and diseases. High blood pressure, heart disease and type 2 diabetes are just some of the conditions that can be prevented or managed by regular activity. Being active actually boosts “good” cholesterol and decreases unhealthy triglycerides. This keeps your blood running smoothly and decreases the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases. This is especially important when you consider workers who could already be battling with their health or might be at high risk for developing certain conditions. 3: Exercise improves mood We have all been there at work. Our bad mood etched across our face after a stressful day. Each cup of strong coffee further fueling our agitation; desperately searching for light at the end of the tunnel. Few like moody co-workers, but the solution to lifting the cloud probably doesn’t lie at the bottom of your coffee cup. The answer to improving how you feel could actually be a quick workout at the gym or a brisk 30-minute walk. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals such as serotonin that should leave even the grumpiest employees feeling happier and more relaxed. 4: Exercise boosts energy If you find the workplace a subdued, somber place perhaps you need to find a way to inject some energy back into your employees. Nothing drains energy quite like a Monday morning meeting or a day stuck behind a desk. Exercise can actually go a long way to boosting energy. Many entrepreneurs swear by their early morning exercise regime. Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance. Exercise and physical activity deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lungs work more efficiently, you have more energy to go about your daily chores. 5: Exercise promotes better sleep Another reason for low energy levels during the working day may be a terrible sleep the night before. We have all been there at times of high stress. A million tabs open in our brain as we will our weary mind to fall asleep. Regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep, leading to bright eyed and busy tailed workers. Working out or finding the time to work out is not easy. That’s why when a company offers on-site fitness classes led by certified coaches, it is a valuable opportunity. Promoting fitness is one of the most beneficial choices any employer can make to encourage their workers to reach their full potential. #reasons to have fitness in the workplace 1. Motivated employees After a workout, our employees feel motivated and are thus, more productive in their work and satisfied with their job. They also motivate one another to continue working out! 2.Teamwork Group exercise is all about teamwork and working together to complete a number of exercises. The same teamwork can reflect later in the workplace when we must collaborate with our fellow colleagues. 3. Communication skills Participating in fitness classes together gives employees the opportunity to talk to colleagues outside of their own team/services. They also must communicate when coordinating some of the exercises that require a partner. 4. Setting objectives and facing challenges Employees who work out together normally have different or common fitness goals that they work individually and collectively. This also reflects in the workplace for individual career goals and/or team goals. It teaches them to not give up and to push themselves. 5. Reduced stress Exercising between work time can reduce stress, increase energy, and improve overall mood. It makes you feel great after! 6. Increased brain power Exercising gives your brain a break from something that was maybe blocking you and allows you to come back to your work with fresh ideas and pumped neurons! 7. Better sleep After a good workday and workout, you’ll give your body and mind a good night of sleep. 8. Posture and Health We sit at our desks for a huge part of our day working with computer screens. Adding a workout to your workday allows you to move your body and get the blood flowing! Employees also tend to be less sick and are in good shape mentally and physically. 9. New friends Many friendships can grow over fitness. People who enjoy doing the same kind of classes with colleagues begin to take their bond outside the workplace. Whether it’s more exercise outside of work, going out for drinks or a restaurant, this is a great way to meet new people at work who share the same interests as you.

  • UMANG DHAMA 26958 Hrs 39 Min 30 Sec

    #UMANG DHAMA #JV-U/18/2627 #BPT-7 SEMESTER #JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMENS UNIVERSITY #JV MISSION TOPIC- IMPORTANCE OF EXERCISE AT WORKPLACE Some workplaces have already tapped into this knowledge and give their employees time to go to the gym in the middle of the day. If this is your case, take advantage of it! It will not only improve your overall health and help with weight management but it may set you ahead of the crowd at your worksite. If you are able to exercise in the middle of the day, bring plenty of water and a healthy snack to stay hydrated and well-nourished throughout the day. Your workout will not be as effective if you come back to work dehydrated and hungry. If it is not possible to take a 30-60 minute break to workout at work, there are some other things you can do to get the most out of your work day: 1.Leg lifts while checking e-mails 2.Stand or walk around during a conference call 3.Put your file cabinet across the room, making you get up when you need an item 4.Use the restroom that is farthest away from your desk 5.10 push-ups every hour 6.Walk around the building during your lunch break 7.Take the stairs instead of the elevator Working out at work is proven to increase energy, productivity and creativity while reducing stress. The workplace environment improves when employees take advantage of a middle-of-the-day workout by creating mood-boosted workers. If it is not yet possible to have an actual workout during the workday, small exercises also make a big difference in maintaining health. The main goal is to just get moving! Below, let’s look at the benefits of exercise at work: 1.HELPS TO MANAGE CHRONIC STRESS 2. IMPROVED PERFORMANCE AND PRODUCTIVITY 3. REDUCED SEDENTARY TIME 4. LESS ABSENTEEISM 5. BETTER SLEEP 6. SAVES TIME 7. IMPROVED MENTAL HEALTH AND MOOD 8. IMPROVED CREATIVITY 9. TEAM BUILDING 10. REDUCES RISK OF COGNITIVE DECLINE Health benefits of exercise are: 1.Help you control your weight. Along with diet, exercise plays an important role in controlling your weight and preventing obesity. To maintain your weight, the calories you eat and drink must equal the energy you burn. To lose weight, you must use more calories than you eat and drink. 2.Reduce your risk of heart diseases. Exercise strengthens your heart and improves your circulation. The increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels in your body. This helps lower your risk of heart diseases such as high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, and heart attack. Regular exercise can also lower your blood pressure and triglyceride levels. 3.Help your body manage blood sugar and insulin levels. Exercise can lower your blood sugar level and help your insulin work better. This can cut down your risk for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. And if you already have one of those diseases, exercise can help you to manage it. 4.Help you quit smoking. Exercise may make it easier to quit smoking by reducing your cravings and withdrawal symptoms. It can also help limit the weight you might gain when you stop smoking. 5.Improve your mental health and mood. During exercise, your body releases chemicals that can improve your mood and make you feel more relaxed. This can help you deal with stress and reduce your risk of depression. 6.Help keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as you age. Exercise stimulates your body to release proteins and other chemicals that improve the structure and function of your brain. 7.Strengthen your bones and muscles. Regular exercise can help kids and teens build strong bones. Later in life, it can also slow the loss of bone density that comes with age. Doing muscle-strengthening activities can help you increase or maintain your muscle mass and strength. 8.Reduce your risk of some cancers, including colon, breast , uterine, and lung cancer. 9.Reduce your risk of falls. For older adults, research shows that doing balance and muscle-strengthening activities in addition to moderate-intensity aerobic activity can help reduce your risk of falling. 10.Improve your sleep. Exercise can help you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. 11.Increase your chances of living longer. Studies show that physical activity can reduce your risk of dying early from the leading causes of death, like heart disease and some cancers. An article from the Huffington Post in 2013 named 13 benefits from working out. The highlights being: Reduced stress, improved brainpower, better memory, increased energy and improved creativity.

  • PALAK TYAGI 26958 Hrs 48 Min 34 Sec

    #palak tyagi #jv-u/18/2050 #jvwu #jaipur #bpt 7 sem #topic-importance of exercise at workplace Before we get begun on how they work out let’s look at why building up a culture of movement would be of advantage to both your workers and your company as a whole No. 1: Work out controls weight Exercise can offer assistance anticipate overabundance weight pick up or offer assistance keep up weight misfortune. Once you lock in in physical movement, you burn calories. In case you burn more calories than you expend your body will start to burn fat, clearing out you with a more beneficial, leaner physical make-up. Not as it were will this improve wellbeing but it is additionally appeared to move forward certainty as, let’s be fair, everybody likes to see their best! No. 2: Work out combats wellbeing conditions and diseases Exercise has long been known to combat wellbeing conditions and illnesses. Tall blood weight, heart infection and sort 2 diabetes are fair a few of the conditions that can be anticipated or overseen by standard movement. Being dynamic really boosts “good” cholesterol and diminishes unfortunate triglycerides. This keeps your blood running easily and diminishesAnalyses of general outcomes of the workers involve ample constructs, and are generally evaluated by questionnaires. In this way, they depend on the individual perception of each worker, which can overestimate the effects of the intervention to the detriment of permanence in the health promotion program of the company.(8,9) On the other hand, specific outcomes, such as strength, flexibility, and blood pressure may be quantified with measuring instruments, thus diminishing the bias of the workers perception subjectivity and contributing towards the true measure of the intervention.(10-14) Both types of outcomes are important and each one can be analyzed by different perspectives, whether quantitative (to measure the effect of the intervention, for example) or qualitative (to understand some aspects, such as barriers/facilitators, among others). The development of the study depends on what the research intends to investigate. Cochranes systematic reviews, which included controlled and randomized studies with exercises at the work place, observed the direction of the effect in favor of general outcomes, such as Quality of Life, but there were no significant effects in specific outcomes as to physical fitness.(15,16) It is important to explain that exercises at the worksite vary in intensity, frequency, and volume among countries; for example, in Japan, repetition exercises are applied before the beginning of work for periods of 10 to 15 minutes. Whereas randomized and controlled studies in the United States analyze exercises with greater intensity and longer duration, on average, for 30 minutes per session. In Brazil, WE can be applied during the beginning, middle, or end of the work shift, generally with light intensity and duration of 10 to 15 minutes. These particularities of countries make WE challenging to researchers.(17) The benefits of WE are not yet elucidated in the literature, and the methodological quality of the studies is still poor.(15,16) However, the importance of physical exercise is already well documented and has a positive impact on physical fitness related to health and on the metabolic profile.(18,19) In general, workers with a registered employment record card have a daily work load of 8 hours, that is, one third of the hours of a day, in which another third is spent sleeping, and the remaining third with transportation and daily activities, such as meals, leisure, and daily tasks.(20) Some factors, such as lack of time and the heavy daily work load, contribute towards sedentarism. Therefore,

  • SAMEEKSHA UPADHAYAY 26958 Hrs 56 Min 58 Sec

    #Sameeksha upadhyaya #jv-u/18/2228 #jvwu #jaipur #namaste #bpt 7 #TOPIC-IMPORTANCE OF EXERCISE AT WORKPLACE Working out or finding the time to work out isnt simple. That’s why when a company offers on-site wellness classes driven by certified coaches, it could be a profitable opportunity. Advancing wellness is one of the foremost advantageous choices any manager can make to empower their specialists to reach their full Propelled employees After a workout, our representatives feel persuaded and are hence, more profitable in their work and fulfilled with their work. They too persuade one another to proceed working out! 2.Teamwork Group work out is all approximately cooperation and working together to total a number of exercises.The same cooperation can reflect afterward within the work environment when we must collaborate with our individual colleagues. 3. Communication skills Participating in wellness classes together gives workers the opportunity to conversation to colleagues exterior of their claim team/services. They moreover must communicate when planning a few of the works out that require a partner. 4. Setting targets and confronting challenges Employees who work out together regularly have distinctive or common wellness objectives that they work independently and collectively. This moreover reflects within the working environment for person career objectives and/or group objectives. It educates them to not provide up and to thrust themselves. Delicate gather work out at the starting of the day may well be a extraordinary way for your company to progress social interaction and cultivate a culture of work out. On the off chance that input has appeared you that workers would be sharp to share in a few sort of work out activity, presenting a fun, moo concentrated group workout as portion of the working day may well be a phenomenal beginning point to moving forward the by and large wellbeing and well-being of your workers. Keep it fun and happy and see your laborers spirits rise and their cholesterol falls! If the thought of group exercise still sends a chill up your spine at that point don’t lose hope. Within the another web journal we are going look at a assortment of elective ways to present a culture of work out into your company.

  • DIKSHA YADAV 26959 Hrs 17 Min 19 Sec

    ##Diksha Yadav #jv-u/18/2077 #jvwu #jaipur# bpt 7 th sem # Namaste #topic The Importance Of Exercise At Work The average person spends over 3,500 days at work during their lifetime, and although health and fitness are becoming increasingly important, many people are still not exercising enough. The most common excuse people make is that they’re busy and don’t have enough time to dedicate to fitness. We all know that: Keeping fit is essential for a healthy life. But… over 80% of the world population do not take conscious efforts to keep fit. The situation has worsened in recent years with manual labour being eliminated by technology. People have become inactive, and this leaves them vulnerable to various health complications such as cardiovascular diseases. Recently, wellness-inclined people have started raising awareness of the benefits of keeping fit, especially for those working full time behind a desk. In this article, we’ll be exploring the benefits of exercise at work. Exercise alleviates chronic stress levels at work Work can often be one of the greatest contributors to personal stress. Work stress affects both the physical and mental aspects of humans — it is exhausting and depletes you of energy. If the brain is suffering from chronic stress, there’s no way you can perform your job efficiently. Engaging in exercise while at work can reduce your stress level by releasing cortisol into the body. This hormone wards off stress and anxiety. It also ensures you’re in a more relaxed mood to become more efficient. We also recommend that you take time off work regularly so you can stay refreshed and motivated. Exercise enhances your performance and productivity To excel at work, your performance level needs to be high throughout the day. People who exercise at work are able to maintain this high level and have enough energy to take on additional tasks and surpass targets. Yet people still find excuses for exercising. It is common to hear people say that they’ll exercise after work, but when they arrive home they feel too tired. The next day, their energy level is depleted, and their work performance drops. Studies done on the fitness industry always stress that personal trainer classes must teach clients about the importance of keeping active. This need to keep active and healthy applies to all ages and careers. When you exercise before and during work, it increases your alertness and you become more focused on what you are doing. Why? Proper exercise improves the flow of cerebral blood, and when there’s adequate blood flow to the brain, performance at work is improved. Exercise reduces your sitting time Top health practitioners advise that sitting for long periods is just as bad as smoking. Worse still, ill-health and sudden death have been linked to inactivity. Many office workers are guilty of sitting for long periods behind desks which is dangerous for their health. You do not have to engage in rigorous exercise — a 30-minute walk during your lunch break or a brisk walk up and down the stairs is better than nothing. You’ll be glad you did. There are certain instances when you do have to sit for long periods of time. During these times you could consider doing some exercises or using mini ellipticals, placed under your desk, in order to keep moving.Exercise makes you punctual Do you always feel very weak when you wake up? Do you feel like skipping work? Are you repeatedly showing up late? This might be due to a lack of physical activity. Physically active people tend to feel refreshed and energised in the mornings. They do not have to worry about tiredness when attending meetings or seminars. Someone who is feeling refreshed and energised is unlikely to hit the snooze button 4 times, resulting in them being on-time and ready to start work. Exercise makes you sleep better You might wonder how sleep is related to work, but here it is: getting quality sleep makes you feel much more refreshed during the day. You’ll have increased motivation to go to work and get things done efficiently. On the other hand, irregular sleeping patterns will leave you tired and unmotivated. When you exercise, you become tired, and your energy levels deplete. Sleep is a natural way of restoring lost energy. After a good night’s sleep, you’ll feel happier and more productive at work. Exercise reduces memory decline rate Here’s the truth — as we grow older, our memory rate suffers a decline. This is just one of those truths we need to accept. However, regular exercise can help your memory rate remains at the same level or even increases. Your memory is vital for good performance at work and for tackling tasks effectively. An alert and healthy memory will give you a longer attention span and faster and more retentive memory. Why? Exercise can increase the hippocampus: the brain part that aids learning and memory. In conclusion As a working professional, you need to be on top of your game at all times. This means making sure that both your mind and body are performing at their best. Exercise is one of the best ways to ensure peak performance both inside the workplace and outside of it. So, don’t hesitate to build exercise into your daily routines as part of a healthy lifestyle.

  • ANKITA KUMARI BHAMU 26959 Hrs 17 Min 49 Sec

    #Ankita Kumari Bhamu#Enrollment no-JV-U/18/2263 #BPT 7th semester 4th year #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university #jvwu Topic: Importance of Exercise at Workplace There are lots of blessings of doing exercising and people of all age businesses can take advantage of exercising. exercise helps in improving the electricity and efficiency of cardiovascular system in an effort to enhance the glide of oxygen and nutritions for your body. if your cardiovascular device is running excellent then you will locate the entirety clean and remaining happiness for your lives. workout every day will help you in enhancing your muscle strength. Your muscle groups gets stronger, tendons and ligaments becomes flexible with the intention to permit you to flow without difficulty and could defend you from surprising injuries. if you are having robust muscle mass and ligaments you are having very much less threat of joint and decrease returned ache as all of your joints are going to be in right alignment. The coordination and balance of your body will also get improved.workout enables human beings lose weight and lower the threat of some sicknesses. when you exercising each day, you lower the chance of developing some illnesses like weight problems, type 2 diabetes, excessive blood strain and greater. It additionally enables to keep your body at a healthy weight.workout is critical for students as it allows college students to decorate their cardiorespiratory health and build strong bones and muscle mass. further, it also controls weight and reduces the symptoms of hysteria and melancholy. in addition, it is able to also reduce the threat of fitness conditions like heart illnesses and more.workout has a variety of benefits in todays world. to begin with, it enables in maintaining your weight. furthermore, it also helps you lessen weight if you are overweight. it is because you burn energy whilst you exercising. in addition, it enables in growing your muscle tissues. as a result, the charge of your frame will will increase which facilitates to burn energy. furthermore, it additionally allows in improving the oxygen degree and blood glide of the frame. while you exercising every day, your brain cells will launch often. This enables in generating cells inside the hippocampus. moreover, its the a part of the mind which allows to learn and control memory. in case you are not wholesome, you can not lead a happy existence and gained be able to contribute to the growth of society. for this reason, one wishes to exercise to conquer most of these issues. but, it is not pretty much the teens but additionally about every member of the society. in recent times, physical activities take locations in faculties extra than often. The specialists are known as to the campus for organizing physical sporting events. for this reason, its a excellent possibility for everybody who desires to do it. similar to exercising is essential for college children, its also essential for workplace employees. The table job calls for the character to sit down at the desk for long hours with out breaks. This gives rise to a totally bad life-style. They get a confined amount of exercising as they just sit all day then come back domestic and sleep. therefore, its far crucial to exercising to undertake a healthful life-style that also can save you any detrimental illnesses. Thank you

  • DIKSHA YADAV 26959 Hrs 18 Min 05 Sec

    ##Diksha Yadav #jv-u/18/2077 #jvwu #jaipur# bpt 7 th sem # Namaste #topic The Importance Of Exercise At Work The average person spends over 3,500 days at work during their lifetime, and although health and fitness are becoming increasingly important, many people are still not exercising enough. The most common excuse people make is that they’re busy and don’t have enough time to dedicate to fitness. We all know that: Keeping fit is essential for a healthy life. But… over 80% of the world population do not take conscious efforts to keep fit. The situation has worsened in recent years with manual labour being eliminated by technology. People have become inactive, and this leaves them vulnerable to various health complications such as cardiovascular diseases. Recently, wellness-inclined people have started raising awareness of the benefits of keeping fit, especially for those working full time behind a desk. In this article, we’ll be exploring the benefits of exercise at work. Exercise alleviates chronic stress levels at work Work can often be one of the greatest contributors to personal stress. Work stress affects both the physical and mental aspects of humans — it is exhausting and depletes you of energy. If the brain is suffering from chronic stress, there’s no way you can perform your job efficiently. Engaging in exercise while at work can reduce your stress level by releasing cortisol into the body. This hormone wards off stress and anxiety. It also ensures you’re in a more relaxed mood to become more efficient. We also recommend that you take time off work regularly so you can stay refreshed and motivated. Exercise enhances your performance and productivity To excel at work, your performance level needs to be high throughout the day. People who exercise at work are able to maintain this high level and have enough energy to take on additional tasks and surpass targets. Yet people still find excuses for exercising. It is common to hear people say that they’ll exercise after work, but when they arrive home they feel too tired. The next day, their energy level is depleted, and their work performance drops. Studies done on the fitness industry always stress that personal trainer classes must teach clients about the importance of keeping active. This need to keep active and healthy applies to all ages and careers. When you exercise before and during work, it increases your alertness and you become more focused on what you are doing. Why? Proper exercise improves the flow of cerebral blood, and when there’s adequate blood flow to the brain, performance at work is improved. Exercise reduces your sitting time Top health practitioners advise that sitting for long periods is just as bad as smoking. Worse still, ill-health and sudden death have been linked to inactivity. Many office workers are guilty of sitting for long periods behind desks which is dangerous for their health. You do not have to engage in rigorous exercise — a 30-minute walk during your lunch break or a brisk walk up and down the stairs is better than nothing. You’ll be glad you did. There are certain instances when you do have to sit for long periods of time. During these times you could consider doing some exercises or using mini ellipticals, placed under your desk, in order to keep moving.Exercise makes you punctual Do you always feel very weak when you wake up? Do you feel like skipping work? Are you repeatedly showing up late? This might be due to a lack of physical activity. Physically active people tend to feel refreshed and energised in the mornings. They do not have to worry about tiredness when attending meetings or seminars. Someone who is feeling refreshed and energised is unlikely to hit the snooze button 4 times, resulting in them being on-time and ready to start work. Exercise makes you sleep better You might wonder how sleep is related to work, but here it is: getting quality sleep makes you feel much more refreshed during the day. You’ll have increased motivation to go to work and get things done efficiently. On the other hand, irregular sleeping patterns will leave you tired and unmotivated. When you exercise, you become tired, and your energy levels deplete. Sleep is a natural way of restoring lost energy. After a good night’s sleep, you’ll feel happier and more productive at work. Exercise reduces memory decline rate Here’s the truth — as we grow older, our memory rate suffers a decline. This is just one of those truths we need to accept. However, regular exercise can help your memory rate remains at the same level or even increases. Your memory is vital for good performance at work and for tackling tasks effectively. An alert and healthy memory will give you a longer attention span and faster and more retentive memory. Why? Exercise can increase the hippocampus: the brain part that aids learning and memory. In conclusion As a working professional, you need to be on top of your game at all times. This means making sure that both your mind and body are performing at their best. Exercise is one of the best ways to ensure peak performance both inside the workplace and outside of it. So, don’t hesitate to build exercise into your daily routines as part of a healthy lifestyle.

  • SANDHYA SHEKHAWAT 26959 Hrs 28 Min 50 Sec

    #Sandhya shekhawat #bpt 7th semester # JV-U/18/2280 #jvwu #jayoti vidhyapeeth womens university topic: importance of exercise at workplace.workout is most essential for proper fitness and fitness. moreover, its crucial for each sphere of existence. mainly nowadays adolescents need to workout more than ever. its because the junk meals they consume each day can abate their quality of existence. if you are not wholesome, you cant lead a glad existence and gained be capable of make a contribution to the expansion of society. therefore, one wishes to exercise to overcome some of these issues. however, it is not just about the kids but additionally approximately every member of the society. nowadays, bodily activities take locations in faculties greater than often. The specialists are called to the campus for organizing bodily sports. as a consequence, its a excellent possibility for anyone who desires to do it. just like exercising is vital for college youngsters, its critical for workplace employees. The desk task calls for the character to sit down at the desk for lengthy hours with out breaks. This gives rise to a very bad way of life. They get a restricted amount of exercising as they simply take a seat all day then come back domestic and sleep. consequently, its crucial to workout to adopt a healthy way of life that can also prevent any adverse illnesses. benefits of workout exercise has a lot of advantages in these days world. initially, it facilitates in keeping your weight. moreover, it also allows you reduce weight if you are obese. it is because you burn energy while you exercise. similarly, it helps in developing your muscular tissues. as a consequence, the charge of your frame will will increase which allows to burn energy. furthermore, it also allows in enhancing the oxygen stage and blood flow of the body. when you workout day by day, your mind cells will launch often. This facilitates in generating cells within the hippocampus. moreover, its miles the a part of the brain which enables to research and manipulate reminiscence. The attention stage on your frame will enhance that allows you to in the end lower the danger of sickness like Alzheimers. similarly, you could also lessen the stress to your heart thru exercise. eventually, it controls the blood sugar stages of your frame so it helps to prevent or postpone diabetes. A healthy lifestyle demands regular exercise, and it is an integral part of being fit. Study after study has shown us the various benefits it can have. Not only does regular exercise help you reduce your risk of developing diseases and manage your weight, but it can also help prevent and treat mental health problems. Exercise is a great way to unwind from the stresses of life and can boost your wellbeing and mood. No matter what one’s age, everyone gets benefitted from regular exercise. To instil healthy habits that may last a lifetime of children, one makes their kids active from an early age. Being active is a huge benefit for older people and seniors. Exercise helps in the stimulation muscles development, joints and bones, as well as the lungs and heart. It helps children maintain a constant healthy weight. Daily exercise also provides kids with the opportunity to make friends and interact with other people. Exercise helps young people manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. thank you.

  • MS.NEHA SHARMA 26959 Hrs 30 Min 24 Sec

    #namaste #JVWU #Name- Neha sharma #Enrol no-jv-u/18/2686 #bpt7th sem #Topic-importance of exercise at workplace. it is important to remember that our most important assets are our employees. We want our employees to enjoy their work environment, and to bring the best of themselves to their jobs every day. Encouraging our employees to embrace fitness as a lifestyle choice pays off in numerous ways Fit employees are less likely to get sick. A person who is physically fit is generally more resistant to the bug going around than a person who is not fit. Reduced absenteeism and reduced health care expenditures are the result of a fit employee base. Fit employees have more energy. One of the many benefits of regular exercise is increased and sustained energy throughout the day. This energy allows the employee to stay focused on the task at handing, bringing the best of themselves to each task. Fit employees have more self-confidence. A fit and healthy individual tends to have a high level of self-confidence, because they have proven to themselves that they can accomplish what it takes to obtain a level of physical fitness. This self-confidence empowers the employee to challenge themselves, and strive for higher levels of achievement in the workplace. Fit employees inspire confidence. Any person who maintains a high fitness level, tends to be a person in whom others have confidence. Fit employees tend to take on more leadership roles. Because of the many positive benefits of a healthy lifestyle, a fit individual tends to make a good leader Fit employees set and achieve goals. Extraordinary fitness often demands that an individual set and reach goals related to their fitness. Learning to stay true to your goals and see them through to completion is a skill that is naturally brought into the workplace. An employee with the proven ability to set aggressive goals, and then REALISE those goals, is a valuable asset to any organization. Fit employees tend to have better attitudes. Fit employees generally “feel good”. They tend to have a physical and mental “balance” that results in a more positive attitude in the workplace. Fit employees are less stressed. Regular exercise releases the physical AND emotional tensions that life brings our way, thus a fit employee tends to have lower overall stress levels than an employee who does not engage in regular exercise. A fit employee base presents excellent team building opportunities. Team building activities are wonderful ways for employees to take their professional relationships to new levels, and discover new ways of working together. Obviously employees that maintain a level of fitness are more likely to participate in these activities. Encouraging fitness demonstrates a concern for employees well-beingn when an employer shows concern for the health and well-being of their employee base through a variety of wellness programs. Further, it has been shown that employee turnover is significantly lower among employees that take advantage of a wellness program implemented by their employer.

  • PRIYANKA 26959 Hrs 32 Min 07 Sec

    #Priyanka #JV-U/18/2740 #BPT 7th sem #TOPIC- importance of exercise at work place The specialists agree there may be no “one size fits all” physical pastime program, but there are positive key components which can be part of most, if not all, a hit applications. One crucial step every day fulfillment is building a subculture of health. Dr. Nico Pronk describes a subculture of fitness as “the idea that human beings are supported [in their efforts daily be physically active] via an unwritten law.” this means fitting bodily activity right into a employee’s 66b34c3da3a0593bd135e66036f9aef3 workflow with out asking permission from a supervisor. This additionally implies having written and unwritten guidelines and unambiguous help from leadership every day encourage health advertising in the place of business. research shows that utilization fees for health centers are often low, and they regularly interact those who are already active, that means they do no longer account for the general public of a complete application’s fitness upgrades. as a substitute, packages create exchange and bring effect by way of influencing organizational culture and motivating personnel to enhance fitness, with help from peers and executives who additionally interact in wholesome behaviors. Dr. Steven Blair believes that organising a culture of health is so vital that organizations “day-to-day not begin a program with the aid of hiring exercising trainers and constructing a health club. instead, they every dayeveryday rent an organizational psychologist who can endorse leaders on daily create a fitness promoting way of life.” 2. Leaders daily offer strong, energetic, and seen aid. offering active leadership aid for applications is a vital detail every day building a tradition of fitness and a key everyday its achievement. its far important that leaders from all ranges of the business enterprise provide aid. in step with Dr. Qaiser Mukhtar, having excessive-stage leaders on board with a program is essential but now not sufficient; center managers direct day by day sports of employees and, except they support place of job well-being, they may erect limitations everyday achievement. while asked her opinion of the importance of management support, Dr. Miriam Nelson daily that leaders need day-to-day provide “greater than ‘passive permission’ (unofficial rules). personnel want to see leaders participate in programs and, thru modeling, be active supporters of this system.” three. broaden partnerships and social guide. “fitness promoting that is best determined at the place of job isnt always sufficient,” says Dr. Pronk. “Taking benefit of network sources and partnerships is key daily success.” employees stay in their groups, not their places of work, and agencies have an possibility every day leverage their relationships with network leaders everyday maximize messaging and social help for wholesome existence. Partnerships can be mainly useful for small businesses that lack the sources every day build their very own gyms or taking walks trails. working with community agencies can help enhance community walkability, inspire energetic transportation, and make stronger health messages through attractive kids and families thru college programs. Employers every dayeveryday additionally take benefit of possibilities day-to-day construct and make stronger help networks. Social assist applications help personnel build, reinforce, and maintain fitness-based dayeveryday social networks.12 Examples of support programs consist of strolling golf equipment, social contracts approximately physical activity, and group workout sports within the place of business. those programs assist individuals adhere daily day by day bodily hobby dreams and provide friendship and guide. administrative center guide networks result in increases in time spent being bodily active, increases in members’ health and understanding degrees, and decreases in body fat1. build a tradition of fitness. The professionals agree there is no “one size suits all” bodily hobby program, however there are positive key additives which might be a part of maximum, if no longer all, a success packages. One vital step daily achievement is building a culture of fitness. Dr. Nico Pronk describes a lifestyle of health as “the idea that humans are supported [in their efforts everyday be physically active] through an unwritten law.” this means becoming physical activity right into a worker’s 66b34c3da3a0593bd135e66036f9aef3 workflow without asking permission from a supervisor. This additionally implies having written and unwritten policies and unambiguous help from management daily encourage health merchandising within the workplace. studies indicates that usage charges for health centers are frequently low, and they regularly engage individuals who are already energetic, meaning they do no longer account for the general public of a complete program’s health improvements. as a substitute, applications create trade and bring impact by influencing organizational lifestyle and motivating personnel to improve fitness, with help from friends and executives who also interact in healthy behaviors. Dr. Steven Blair believes that establishing a tradition of fitness is so essential that businesses “have dayeveryday not start a application via hiring workout trainers and constructing a health club. as a substitute, they have dayeveryday rent an organizational psychologist who can advise leaders on daily create a fitness selling tradition.” 2. Leaders ought dayeveryday provide sturdy, lively, and seen assist. offering active leadership support for applications is a critical detail daily building a lifestyle of fitness and a key everyday its achievement. its miles essential that leaders from all degrees of the organization provide help. in step with Dr. Qaiser Mukhtar, having excessive-degree leaders on board with a software is essential however not sufficient; middle managers direct every day activities of personnel and, except they aid place of business well-being, theyll erect limitations everyday fulfillment. while requested her opinion of the importance of management support, Dr. Miriam Nelson day-to-day that leaders need daily provide “extra than ‘passive permission’ (unofficial rules). personnel want to look leaders take part in programs and, through modeling, be lively supporters of this system.” 3. expand partnerships and social support. “health promotion that is most effective found on the place of work isnt always enough,” says Dr. Pronk. “Taking gain of community resources and partnerships is fundamental everyday fulfillment.” employees live of their communities, no longer their offices, and companies have an possibility everyday leverage their relationships with community leaders everyday maximize messaging and social guide for healthy life. Partnerships may be mainly beneficial for small corporations that lack the assets day-to-day build their very own gyms or taking walks trails. working with community businesses can help enhance community walkability, encourage active transportation, and make stronger health messages through attractive children and families via school applications. Employers day-to-day also take benefit of possibilities everyday build and strengthen guide networks. Social help programs assist employees construct, beef up, and maintain health-based dayeveryday social networks.12 Examples of guide applications encompass taking walks clubs, social contracts approximately bodily pastime, and institution exercising activities in the place of business. those programs assist people adhere every day each day physical hobby desires and provide friendship and assist. place of business support networks lead to will increase in time spent being bodily lively, will increase in contributors’ health and understanding ranges, and decreases in body fats


    #vaghela priyankaben#jv-u/18/2816#BPT-7th sem#jvwu#namste#topic The Importance of exericse at work.The common man or woman spends over three,500 days at paintings throughout their lifetime, and even though fitness and fitness are getting increasingly more crucial, many human beings are still no longer exercise enough. The maximum not unusual excuse humans make is that they’re busy and don’t have sufficient time to devote to fitness. working out at work was once remarkable, but – that could be a aspect of the beyond. we all know that workout is right for us; aiding in preserving a healthy weight or weight reduction and improving moods. What can be information to a few is that small exercises at paintings or taking a exercising ruin inside the middle of the day provide infinite blessings. A exercise or quick workout at paintings may enhance process performance, productivity and the overall place of work surroundings. If it is not feasible to take a 30-60 minute destroy to exercising at work, there are some different matters you can do to get the maximum out of your paintings day. Michigan country university Extension recommends: Leg lifts whilst checking e-mails Park within the again of the car parking zone Stand or walk around at some stage in a convention call positioned your report cabinet across the room, making you arise when you want an object Use the restroom that is farthest far from your table 10 push-united stateseach hour stroll around the constructing all through your lunch damage Take the stairs rather than the elevator. The health advantages of bodily hobby the primary and maximum obvious advantage of bodily hobby is that it facilitates us to maintain a healthy weight. With weight problems now a main fitness problem inside the large majority of developed countries, which include Australia, this has never been more crucial. a number of the extreme ailments that 30 minutes of slight workout a day can offer safety in opposition to consist of: heart disorder Diabetes high blood stress Stroke numerous varieties of cancer preserving a healthful weight and getting sufficient cardiovascular exercising is vital in helping the body protect itself against these fitness troubles. exercising can alleviate the effects of intellectual health issues as our our bodies launch endorphins – aka. happy hormones – when we interact in bodily hobby. this can lessen emotions of pressure and anxiety, supporting us to sense extra high quality, energised and capable of coping with pressurised situations. this will lead to huge enhancements inside the mental health and wellbeing of people. What you may do to inspire exercising at paintings There are some of steps you may put in region to make sure your team are achieving their each day quota and get a few exercise at some stage in the day. these include: putting in an on-web site gymnasium or which includes gymnasium club as part of revenue packages setting up team walks at some point of lunch breaks or walking meetings inspire employees to get out of the office at lunch installation printers and other normally used workplace add-ons faraway from workstations to inspire people to arise and move. supplying information about nearby group sports and exercise training. THANKKK YOUUU

  • NEHA NAMA 26959 Hrs 36 Min 16 Sec

    #neha nama #jv-u/18/2186 #bpt #topic-importance of exercise at work place while we think about the price of exercising, we generally tend to recognition on the bodily benefits. lower blood strain, a more fit heart, a extra appealing body. however during the last decade, social scientists have quietly collected compelling proof suggesting that there is some other, greater instantaneous advantage of normal exercise: its impact on the manner we think. research suggest that our intellectual firepower is directly related to our bodily regimen. And nowhere are the implications greater relevant than to our performance at work. recollect the following cognitive benefits, all of which you can expect because of incorporating normal workout into your recurring: improved concentration Sharper memory quicker learning extended mental stamina improved creativity lower pressure As a end result, administrative center wellness programs are greater important than ever. So what precisely is place of job wellbeing and the way can it gain your enterprise? a piece of writing within the December 2010 difficulty of the Harvard enterprise evaluation defines place of work wellness as an prepared application that a employer initiates for their personnel -- and sometimes their employees circle of relatives individuals -- to help reduce fitness dangers, to beautify non-public effectiveness, to improve satisfactory of life and to benefit the agencys bottom line. fitness Creates less stress place of job health packages train employees on the way to sense better at the task, both mentally and bodily. With many workers nowadays spending a good deal of their workday sitting at a pc screen, neck, returned and wrist and arm fatigue are foremost individuals to administrative center strain and fatigue. similarly, many employees report eye strain from looking at a display for such a lot of hours. Twenty-first century company fitness packages offer sporting events for desk-certain workers and provide suggestions for proper ergonomics to lessen pressure and muscle stress while you are on the task. advice includes the whole lot from simple stretching physical games to scheduled exercises to break up the monotony. in keeping with the February 2011 difficulty of Harvard mens health Watch, exercising has the potential to both exhilarate and to relax and can serve to counter depression and to expend stress. scientific outcomes additionally have proven that workers sleep better after exercise and are able to lower both their ldl cholesterol and blood stress stages by using following a regular exercising plan. 1. suit employees are less possibly to get sick. a person whos physically in shape is usually more proof against the “malicious program going round” than someone who isnt fit. reduced absenteeism and reduced fitness care prices are the end result of a healthy worker base. 2. in shape employees have extra strength. one of the many advantages of normal exercise is improved and sustained energy in the course of the day. This energy lets in the worker to live targeted at the assignment at handing, bringing the satisfactory of themselves to each mission. three. fit employees have extra self-confidence. A in shape and healthy individual has a tendency to have a high stage of self-self assurance, due to the fact they have proven to themselves that they can accomplish what it takes to reap a degree of bodily health. This self-confidence empowers the employee to mission themselves, and try for higher degrees of success within the place of business. four. healthy employees inspire self belief. Any character who keeps a excessive health degree, tends to be a person in whom others believe. 5. match employees generally tend to tackle greater management roles. because of the many high quality blessings of a healthful way of life, a healthy man or woman has a tendency to make a great chief 6. match employees set and gain desires. super health often needs that an man or woman set and attain desires associated with their health. studying to stay actual for your dreams and spot them thru to final touch is a skill that is obviously brought into the workplace. An worker with the demonstrated potential to set aggressive goals, and then recognise the ones desires, is a precious asset to any enterprise. 7. suit personnel tend to have better attitudes. healthy personnel generally “feel properly”. They generally tend to have a physical and mental “stability” that outcomes in a greater nice attitude within the workplace. 8. suit employees are less burdened. ordinary exercising releases the bodily AND emotional tensions that lifestyles brings our manner, thus a suit employee has a tendency to have lower basic strain degrees than an employee who does no longer engage in normal exercising. 9. A in shape employee base gives great crew constructing possibilities. crew constructing activities are excellent approaches for employees to take their professional relationships to new stages, and find out new ways of working together. manifestly, employees that hold a level of fitness are more likely to take part in these sports. 10. Encouraging health demonstrates a subject for employee’s well-being, and pays off! employees note whilst an agency indicates challenge for the fitness and well-being of their employee base thru a spread of well being applications. further, its been shown that worker turnover is extensively lower amongst personnel that take advantage of a health application carried out with the aid of their organisation. put money into improving your performance. instead of settling for “getting some workout,” focus on mastering an interest instead. Mastery dreams, which psychologists define as goals that center on attaining new tiers of competence, have constantly been proven to expect endurance across a wide range of domain names. So lease a instruct, sign up in a class, and purchase yourself the proper apparel and device. the additional financial investment will boom your level of dedication, at the same time as the constant gains in overall performance will help preserve your interest over the long . end up a part of institution, no longer a collective. One advice aspiring fitness center-goers frequently acquire is to locate an workout routine that involves other people. It’s properly recommendation. Socializing makes workout extra amusing, which improves the probabilities that you’ll keep doing it. It’s additionally loads more difficult to again out on a pal or a instructor than to steer your self that just one night off couldn’t harm. thanking you.

  • NEHA NAMA 26959 Hrs 36 Min 44 Sec

    #neha nama #jv-u/18/2186 #bpt #topic-importance of exercise at work place while we think about the price of exercising, we generally tend to recognition on the bodily benefits. lower blood strain, a more fit heart, a extra appealing body. however during the last decade, social scientists have quietly collected compelling proof suggesting that there is some other, greater instantaneous advantage of normal exercise: its impact on the manner we think. research suggest that our intellectual firepower is directly related to our bodily regimen. And nowhere are the implications greater relevant than to our performance at work. recollect the following cognitive benefits, all of which you can expect because of incorporating normal workout into your recurring: improved concentration Sharper memory quicker learning extended mental stamina improved creativity lower pressure As a end result, administrative center wellness programs are greater important than ever. So what precisely is place of job wellbeing and the way can it gain your enterprise? a piece of writing within the December 2010 difficulty of the Harvard enterprise evaluation defines place of work wellness as an prepared application that a employer initiates for their personnel -- and sometimes their employees circle of relatives individuals -- to help reduce fitness dangers, to beautify non-public effectiveness, to improve satisfactory of life and to benefit the agencys bottom line. fitness Creates less stress place of job health packages train employees on the way to sense better at the task, both mentally and bodily. With many workers nowadays spending a good deal of their workday sitting at a pc screen, neck, returned and wrist and arm fatigue are foremost individuals to administrative center strain and fatigue. similarly, many employees report eye strain from looking at a display for such a lot of hours. Twenty-first century company fitness packages offer sporting events for desk-certain workers and provide suggestions for proper ergonomics to lessen pressure and muscle stress while you are on the task. advice includes the whole lot from simple stretching physical games to scheduled exercises to break up the monotony. in keeping with the February 2011 difficulty of Harvard mens health Watch, exercising has the potential to both exhilarate and to relax and can serve to counter depression and to expend stress. scientific outcomes additionally have proven that workers sleep better after exercise and are able to lower both their ldl cholesterol and blood stress stages by using following a regular exercising plan. 1. suit employees are less possibly to get sick. a person whos physically in shape is usually more proof against the “malicious program going round” than someone who isnt fit. reduced absenteeism and reduced fitness care prices are the end result of a healthy worker base. 2. in shape employees have extra strength. one of the many advantages of normal exercise is improved and sustained energy in the course of the day. This energy lets in the worker to live targeted at the assignment at handing, bringing the satisfactory of themselves to each mission. three. fit employees have extra self-confidence. A in shape and healthy individual has a tendency to have a high stage of self-self assurance, due to the fact they have proven to themselves that they can accomplish what it takes to reap a degree of bodily health. This self-confidence empowers the employee to mission themselves, and try for higher degrees of success within the place of business. four. healthy employees inspire self belief. Any character who keeps a excessive health degree, tends to be a person in whom others believe. 5. match employees generally tend to tackle greater management roles. because of the many high quality blessings of a healthful way of life, a healthy man or woman has a tendency to make a great chief 6. match employees set and gain desires. super health often needs that an man or woman set and attain desires associated with their health. studying to stay actual for your dreams and spot them thru to final touch is a skill that is obviously brought into the workplace. An worker with the demonstrated potential to set aggressive goals, and then recognise the ones desires, is a precious asset to any enterprise. 7. suit personnel tend to have better attitudes. healthy personnel generally “feel properly”. They generally tend to have a physical and mental “stability” that outcomes in a greater nice attitude within the workplace. 8. suit employees are less burdened. ordinary exercising releases the bodily AND emotional tensions that lifestyles brings our manner, thus a suit employee has a tendency to have lower basic strain degrees than an employee who does no longer engage in normal exercising. 9. A in shape employee base gives great crew constructing possibilities. crew constructing activities are excellent approaches for employees to take their professional relationships to new stages, and find out new ways of working together. manifestly, employees that hold a level of fitness are more likely to take part in these sports. 10. Encouraging health demonstrates a subject for employee’s well-being, and pays off! employees note whilst an agency indicates challenge for the fitness and well-being of their employee base thru a spread of well being applications. further, its been shown that worker turnover is extensively lower amongst personnel that take advantage of a health application carried out with the aid of their organisation. put money into improving your performance. instead of settling for “getting some workout,” focus on mastering an interest instead. Mastery dreams, which psychologists define as goals that center on attaining new tiers of competence, have constantly been proven to expect endurance across a wide range of domain names. So lease a instruct, sign up in a class, and purchase yourself the proper apparel and device. the additional financial investment will boom your level of dedication, at the same time as the constant gains in overall performance will help preserve your interest over the long . end up a part of institution, no longer a collective. One advice aspiring fitness center-goers frequently acquire is to locate an workout routine that involves other people. It’s properly recommendation. Socializing makes workout extra amusing, which improves the probabilities that you’ll keep doing it. It’s additionally loads more difficult to again out on a pal or a instructor than to steer your self that just one night off couldn’t harm. thanking you.

  • HARSHITA SHARMA 26959 Hrs 36 Min 49 Sec

    #Harshita Sharma #Enrollment no-JV-U/18/2177 #BPT 7th semester 4th year #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university #jvwu Topic: Importance of Exercise at Workplace There are lots of blessings of doing exercising and people of all age businesses can take advantage of exercising. exercise helps in improving the electricity and efficiency of cardiovascular system in an effort to enhance the glide of oxygen and nutritions for your body. if your cardiovascular device is running excellent then you will locate the entirety clean and remaining happiness for your lives. workout every day will help you in enhancing your muscle strength. Your muscle groups gets stronger, tendons and ligaments becomes flexible with the intention to permit you to flow without difficulty and could defend you from surprising injuries. if you are having robust muscle mass and ligaments you are having very much less threat of joint and decrease returned ache as all of your joints are going to be in right alignment. The coordination and balance of your body will also get improved.workout enables human beings lose weight and lower the threat of some sicknesses. when you exercising each day, you lower the chance of developing some illnesses like weight problems, type 2 diabetes, excessive blood strain and greater. It additionally enables to keep your body at a healthy weight.workout is critical for students as it allows college students to decorate their cardiorespiratory health and build strong bones and muscle mass. further, it also controls weight and reduces the symptoms of hysteria and melancholy. in addition, it is able to also reduce the threat of fitness conditions like heart illnesses and more.workout has a variety of benefits in todays world. to begin with, it enables in maintaining your weight. furthermore, it also helps you lessen weight if you are overweight. it is because you burn energy whilst you exercising. in addition, it enables in growing your muscle tissues. as a result, the charge of your frame will will increase which facilitates to burn energy. furthermore, it additionally allows in improving the oxygen degree and blood glide of the frame. while you exercising every day, your brain cells will launch often. This enables in generating cells inside the hippocampus. moreover, its the a part of the mind which allows to learn and control memory. in case you are not wholesome, you can not lead a happy existence and gained be able to contribute to the growth of society. for this reason, one wishes to exercise to conquer most of these issues. but, it is not pretty much the teens but additionally about every member of the society. in recent times, physical activities take locations in faculties extra than often. The specialists are known as to the campus for organizing physical sporting events. for this reason, its a excellent possibility for everybody who desires to do it. similar to exercising is essential for college children, its also essential for workplace employees. The table job calls for the character to sit down at the desk for long hours with out breaks. This gives rise to a totally bad life-style. They get a confined amount of exercising as they just sit all day then come back domestic and sleep. therefore, its far crucial to exercising to undertake a healthful life-style that also can save you any detrimental illnesses. Thank you

  • MUSKAN KHANDAL 26959 Hrs 37 Min 56 Sec

    #namaste #JVWU #Name-jvn Muskan khandal #Enrol no.jv-u/18/2119 #bpt7thsem #topic-Important of exercise at workplace. bodily pastime has a huge form of benefits for each the body and the thoughts. this is why more and more companies are encouraging man or woman and group-based exercising as part of the working day. better ergonomics accelerated productiveness and universal enhancements in place of job tradition are just a number of the blessings which are being visible. The arena fitness organization (WHO) recommends that adults aged 18 to 64 ought to participate in at the least one hundred fifty minutes of slight workout every week. this may be broken down into periods: for example half-hour an afternoon for five days per week. With paintings accounting for a big part part of our waking time, and home and circle of relatives commitments taking up tons of whats left, it’s easy to look why lots of us are failing to satisfy our weekly quota. One solution is for workplaces to make bodily interest a priority so that everyone has the possibility to reap at the least 30 minutes of exercise every day in the course of the running week. bodily hobby has a extensive variety of fitness benefits for all workers irrespective of whether or now not bodily health is a requirement for his or her jobs. This region is regularly overlooked for workplace people particularly, as their roles have a tendency to be sedentary through nature. The bad lengthy-term health consequences of this case are not always taken into consideration with the aid of employees or employers. but, a fit and healthy personnel is one of the most valuable assets a corporation may have. this is why employers want to make greater attempt to encourage bodily activity especially team primarily based exercising, all through the workday. There are a number of steps you can put in place to ensure your team are reaching their daily quota and get some exercise during the day. These include: Installing an on-site gym or including gym membership as part of salary packages Organising team walks during lunch breaks or walking meetings Encourage workers to get out of the office at lunch Set up printers and other commonly used office accessories away from workstations to encourage people to get up and move. Providing information about local team sports and exercise classes. it also controls weight and reduces the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Further it can also reduce the risk of health conditions like heart diseases and more.Exercise has a lot of benefits in todays world. First of all it helps in maintaining your weight. Moreover it also helps you reduce weight if you are overweight.

  • DHREETI JAIN 26959 Hrs 38 Min 34 Sec

    #dhreeti jain #jv-u/18/2130 #jvwu running out at work was once remarkable, but – that may be a issue of the past. all of us recognise that workout is good for us; aiding in keeping a wholesome weight or weight loss and enhancing moods. What may be information to some is that small workouts at paintings or taking a exercise spoil in the center of the day provide limitless benefits. A exercising or short exercising at paintings might also enhance process overall performance, productivity and the general place of business surroundings. an article from the Huffington publish in 2013 named thirteen advantages from running out. The highlights being: decreased stress, stepped forward brainpower, higher reminiscence, improved electricity and advanced creativity. All of these blessings could be tapped into on the place of business for stepped forward task performance. What company doesn’t need their personnel to have extra brainpower, much less strain, to be energized and creative with an exquisite reminiscence!? a few offices have already tapped into this understanding and deliver their employees time to go to the gymnasium in the middle of the day. If that is your case, take advantage of it! itll now not simplest enhance your standard health and assist with weight control however it may set you ahead of the group at your worksite. in case you are able to exercise within the middle of the day, bring plenty of water and a healthful snack to live hydrated and properly-nourished throughout the day. Your exercise will no longer be as powerful in case you come lower back to work dehydrated and hungry. If it isnt possible to take a 30-60 minute wreck to exercise at work, there are some other matters you may do to get the most out of your work day. Michigan state university Extension recommends: Leg lifts whilst checking e-mails Park inside the lower back of the automobile parking space Stand or stroll around all through a convention call positioned your document cupboard across the room, making you arise whilst you want an object Use the restroom that is farthest far from your table 10 push-u.s.every hour walk around the constructing all through your lunch damage Take the steps instead of the elevator feel like having some a laugh at your table? strive swapping out your everyday, uninteresting chair for a massive workout ball. It’s at ease and could keep you moving all day with out you even understanding. Sitting for long intervals of time with out shifting is not top for our brains, as transferring wakes our brains up and gets the ones innovative, efficient juices flowing again. Balancing your seat on an exercising ball is a splendid core exercising too! running out at paintings is demonstrated to increase energy, productivity and creativity at the same time as lowering stress. The place of job surroundings improves while personnel take benefit of a middle-of-the-day workout by developing mood-boosted people. If it isnt yet viable to have an actual workout at some stage in the workday, small sporting events also make a huge distinction in preserving health. the primary goal is to simply get moving

  • MS.ARTI GARG 26959 Hrs 38 Min 53 Sec

    #arti garg #jv-u/18/2808 3JVWU #JAIPUR #NAMASTE #TOPIC-importance of exercise at workplaceeople have come to be inactive, and this leaves them susceptible to numerous health complications along with cardiovascular illnesses. recently, wellness-willing human beings have commenced elevating awareness of the blessings of keeping fit, specially for the ones running complete time behind a table. In this newsletter, we’ll be exploring the benefits of exercising at paintings. exercising alleviates chronic strain stages at work paintings can often be one of the finest contributors to personal pressure. work stress impacts both the physical and mental elements of people — its far laborious and depletes you of electricity. If the brain is stricken by persistent stress, there’s no manner you may carry out your activity efficaciously. undertaking exercising at the same time as at paintings can reduce your strain degree through liberating cortisol into the body. This hormone wards off strain and tension.excel at work, your performance degree desires to be excessive in the course of the day. individuals who exercising at paintings are capable of keep this excessive level and have sufficient electricity to tackle extra obligations and surpass targets. but humans nonetheless locate excuses for workout. it is not unusual to hear humans say that they’ll workout after paintings, but whilst they arrive domestic they feel too worn-out. the next day, their power level is depleted, and their work overall performance drops. research accomplished on the health enterprise constantly pressure that personal trainer instructions have to educate customers approximately the significance of preserving energetic. This need to preserve active and wholesome applies to every age and careers. while you exercise before and at some point of paintings, it will increase your alertness and also you grow to be greater targeted on what you are doing.exercising can help save you extra weight advantage or assist maintain weight reduction. while you interact in physical activity, you burn energy. if you burn more calories than you consume your body will start to burn fat, leaving you with a healthier, leaner body. now not only will this enhance fitness however its also proven to enhance confidence as, permit’s be sincere, all people likes to look their satisfactory! No. 2: exercise combats health conditions and diseases exercise has lengthy been acknowledged to combat health conditions and diseases. excessive blood strain, coronary heart ailment and type 2 diabetes are simply some of the conditions that may be prevented or managed via regular activity. Being active actually boosts “appropriate” cholesterol and reduces dangerous triglycerides. This keeps your blood going for walks easily and decreases the risk of cardiovascular and different illnesses. this is particularly important when you remember workers who should already be fighting with their fitness or might be at high chance for growing sure situations. No. three: workout improves temper we have all been there at paintings. Our terrible mood etched across our face after a demanding day. every cup of robust espresso further fueling our agitation; desperately attempting to find mild on the quit of the tunnel. Few like moody co-people, but the way to lifting the cloud in all likelihood doesn’t lie at the lowest of your espresso cup. the answer to improving the way you sense could sincerely be a short exercising on the health club or a brisk 30-minute walk. physical hobby stimulates various mind chemical substances consisting of serotonin that should leave even the grumpiest personnel feeling happier and greater comfortable. No. four: exercising boosts energy if you locate the place of business a subdued, somber vicinity possibly you need to discover a way to inject a few strength lower back into your personnel. not anything drains power pretty like a Monday morning assembly or an afternoon stuck in the back of a table. exercising can clearly pass a long manner to boosting electricity. Many entrepreneurs swear by using their early morning exercising regime. normal bodily interest can enhance your muscle energy and enhance your persistence. exercising and bodily interest deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and assist your cardiovascular system work extra effectively. And whilst your coronary heart and lungs paintings greater correctly, you have got greater energy to move approximately your every day chores.

  • DHREETI JAIN 26959 Hrs 39 Min 32 Sec

    #dhreeti jaon #jv-u/18/2130 #jvwu running out at work was once remarkable, but – that may be a issue of the past. all of us recognise that workout is good for us; aiding in keeping a wholesome weight or weight loss and enhancing moods. What may be information to some is that small workouts at paintings or taking a exercise spoil in the center of the day provide limitless benefits. A exercising or short exercising at paintings might also enhance process overall performance, productivity and the general place of business surroundings. an article from the Huffington publish in 2013 named thirteen advantages from running out. The highlights being: decreased stress, stepped forward brainpower, higher reminiscence, improved electricity and advanced creativity. All of these blessings could be tapped into on the place of business for stepped forward task performance. What company doesn’t need their personnel to have extra brainpower, much less strain, to be energized and creative with an exquisite reminiscence!? a few offices have already tapped into this understanding and deliver their employees time to go to the gymnasium in the middle of the day. If that is your case, take advantage of it! itll now not simplest enhance your standard health and assist with weight control however it may set you ahead of the group at your worksite. in case you are able to exercise within the middle of the day, bring plenty of water and a healthful snack to live hydrated and properly-nourished throughout the day. Your exercise will no longer be as powerful in case you come lower back to work dehydrated and hungry. If it isnt possible to take a 30-60 minute wreck to exercise at work, there are some other matters you may do to get the most out of your work day. Michigan state university Extension recommends: Leg lifts whilst checking e-mails Park inside the lower back of the automobile parking space Stand or stroll around all through a convention call positioned your document cupboard across the room, making you arise whilst you want an object Use the restroom that is farthest far from your table 10 push-u.s.every hour walk around the constructing all through your lunch damage Take the steps instead of the elevator feel like having some a laugh at your table? strive swapping out your everyday, uninteresting chair for a massive workout ball. It’s at ease and could keep you moving all day with out you even understanding. Sitting for long intervals of time with out shifting is not top for our brains, as transferring wakes our brains up and gets the ones innovative, efficient juices flowing again. Balancing your seat on an exercising ball is a splendid core exercising too! running out at paintings is demonstrated to increase energy, productivity and creativity at the same time as lowering stress. The place of job surroundings improves while personnel take benefit of a middle-of-the-day workout by developing mood-boosted people. If it isnt yet viable to have an actual workout at some stage in the workday, small sporting events also make a huge distinction in preserving health. the primary goal is to simply get moving

  • MS.PALLAVI KANWAR 26959 Hrs 40 Min 57 Sec

    #PALLAVI KANWAR #BPT 7 SEM #JV-U/18/2622 #JVWU #NAMASTE #IMPORTANCE OF EXERCISE AT WORK PLACE There are quite a few blessings of doing exercise and people of all age groups can take benefit of workout. exercise allows in enhancing the electricity and efficiency of cardiovascular system so that it will enhance the flow of oxygen and nutritions for your frame. in case your cardiovascular gadget is running high-quality then youll locate the whole lot smooth and remaining happiness to your lives. exercising each day will assist you in enhancing your muscle strength. Your muscle tissue gets stronger, tendons and ligaments becomes flexible with the intention to will let you move easily and could defend you from surprising accidents. in case you are having sturdy muscle groups and ligaments youre having very much less chance of joint and lower lower back pain as all your joints are going to be in right alignment. The coordination and balance of your body will also get advanced.exercise allows human beings lose weight and lower the risk of some diseases. when you exercising each day, you decrease the chance of growing some illnesses like weight problems, type 2 diabetes, excessive blood strain and greater. It additionally helps to keep your body at a wholesome weight.workout is essential for students as it allows college students to enhance their cardiorespiratory health and construct robust bones and muscular tissues. similarly, it also controls weight and reduces the symptoms of tension and despair. in addition, it can additionally lessen the danger of fitness situations like heart sicknesses and extra.exercising has numerous advantages in todays international. initially, it allows in retaining your weight. moreover, it additionally helps you reduce weight in case you are overweight. its miles because you burn energy when you exercising. similarly, it facilitates in growing your muscle mass. as a result, the charge of your frame will increases which enables to burn energy. moreover, it additionally helps in enhancing the oxygen degree and blood go with the flow of the frame. whilst you exercising every day, your brain cells will release regularly. This facilitates in generating cells inside the hippocampus. furthermore, its far the a part of the brain which allows to research and control memory. in case you are not healthful, you cannot lead a happy existence and received’t be able to contribute to the enlargement of society. accordingly, one wishes to workout to overcome a majority of these troubles. but, it isnt just about the teenagers but additionally about every member of the society. nowadays, physical activities take places in schools more than regularly. The specialists are known as to the campus for organizing bodily exercises. consequently, it is a brilliant possibility for everyone who wishes to do it. much like exercising is important for university children, its also essential for workplace people. The table task requires the person to sit on the table for lengthy hours with out breaks. This gives upward thrust to a very dangerous life-style. They get a restrained amount of workout as they just sit all day then come again domestic and sleep. therefore, it is vital to exercising to adopt a wholesome lifestyle that can also prevent any destructive illnesses. THANK YOU

  • URMILA CHOUDHARY 26959 Hrs 41 Min 18 Sec

    # Urmila choudhary # bpt 7th sem #jv-u/18/2747 # Topic- role of exersise at work place 1. in shape employees are much less likely to get ill. a person who is bodily fit is normally more resistant to the “malicious program going round” than a person who isnt always match. decreased absenteeism and reduced fitness care prices are the end result of a healthy worker base. 2. fit employees have more electricity. one of the many benefits of everyday exercising is elevated and sustained energy during the day. This strength permits the worker to live centered at the challenge at handing, bringing the great of themselves to each challenge. 3. in shape personnel have more self-self belief. A fit and healthy person tends to have a high level of self-self belief, because they have demonstrated to themselves that they are able to accomplish what it takes to attain a stage of physical health. four. suit employees inspire confidence. Any person who continues a high health degree, tends to be someone in whom others believe. 5. suit employees have a tendency to take on extra management roles. due to the many positive benefits of a healthy life-style, a in shape person has a tendency to make an awesome chief 6. healthy employees set and obtain desires. extremely good health regularly demands that an man or woman set and attain dreams associated with their fitness. studying to live proper for your goals and spot them thru to final touch is a ability that is naturally added into the place of work. . 7. match employees tend to have better attitudes. in shape employees usually “sense good”. They tend to have a physical and mental “stability” that effects in a more superb attitude within the workplace. 8. fit employees are much less pressured. ordinary workout releases the bodily AND emotional tensions that life brings our way, therefore a match employee tends to have decrease average strain levels than an worker who does not interact in normal exercise. 9. A in shape employee base provides terrific crew constructing possibilities.. obviously, personnel that maintain a level of fitness are much more likely to take part in these activities. 10. Encouraging fitness demonstrates a subject for employee’s well-being, and will pay off! employees observe when an corporation indicates challenge for the fitness and well-being in their worker base via a spread of well-being applications.

  • PURNIMA RATHORE 26959 Hrs 44 Min 09 Sec

    #purnima rathore #jv-u/18/2204 #jvwu #importance of exercise at work place bodily activity has a extensive kind of advantages for both the body and the mind. that is why an increasing number of businesses are encouraging person and crew-based totally exercising as part of the working day. better ergonomics, extended productivity and average improvements in place of job lifestyle are just a number of the blessings which might be being seen. Why bodily activity at paintings matters the sector fitness corporation (WHO) recommends that adults aged 18 to sixty four have to take part in at the least a hundred and fifty minutes of slight exercise every week. this may be damaged down into sessions: for instance half-hour a day for 5 days every week. With paintings accounting for a big component portion of our waking time, and home and circle of relatives commitments taking over much of what is left, it’s smooth to look why lots of us are failing to satisfy our weekly quota. One answer is for offices to make physical activity a concern so that everybody has the opportunity to achieve, at least, 30 minutes of exercise every day all through the operating week. bodily activity has a huge variety of fitness blessings for all workers, irrespective of whether or now not physical fitness is a demand for their jobs. This area is regularly left out for workplace employees specifically, as their roles tend to be sedentary through nature. The bad long-term health results of this example are not continually taken into consideration by personnel or employers. however, a healthy and healthy team of workers is one of the maximum valuable assets a enterprise can have. this is why employers need to make greater effort to inspire bodily pastime, particularly crew based totally exercise, at some stage in the workday. The health advantages of bodily interest the first and most apparent benefit of bodily interest is that it facilitates us to hold a healthy weight. With obesity now a chief health hassle in the huge majority of evolved nations, which includes Australia, this has in no way been greater crucial. some of the severe ailments that 30 minutes of mild exercise an afternoon can offer safety against consist of: heart disease Diabetes excessive blood stress Stroke numerous kinds of most cancers keeping a healthful weight and getting sufficient cardiovascular workout is essential in supporting the frame guard itself in opposition to those health problems. exercising can alleviate the outcomes of mental fitness problems as our our bodies launch endorphins – aka. happy hormones – whilst we have interaction in physical hobby. this could lessen emotions of strain and anxiety, helping us to feel greater fantastic, energised and able to dealing with pressurised situations. this could cause massive upgrades within the intellectual fitness and well-being of people. The blessings of physical activity to your business some of the advantages of getting a match and healthy body of workers are apparent even as others are on occasion not noted. healthier workers are much less likely to take day without work sick, so this reduces the price of absenteeism to your business. they are also much more likely to experience influenced and productive even as at paintings, play an active function in growing a advantageous workplace way of life, make contributions and collaborate with co-workers and are much less probable to be concerned in place of work war. From the businesses attitude, providing possibilities for your employees to participate in exercise allows with staff retention, as displaying them you care about their health will cause them to sense valued. This encourages extra employer loyalty. Demonstrations of being concerned about an employee’s fitness and wellbeing consisting of this may additionally help you entice top talent in relation to recruitment – people whove a selection of job offers on the table will be much more likely to choose a corporation that could prove it values its people. crew based exercising especially are critical for constructing rapport and not unusual floor amongst colleagues. This interprets without delay into higher teamwork and a extra cohesive administrative center culture. What you may do to encourage exercising at paintings There are a number of steps you may put in location to make certain your crew are accomplishing their daily quota and get a few exercising for the duration of the day. those consist of: installing an on-site gymnasium or along with gymnasium membership as part of salary programs setting up crew walks in the course of lunch breaks or taking walks meetings encourage workers to get out of the office at lunch installation printers and different usually used workplace add-ons far from workstations to inspire humans to get up and flow. imparting information approximately local crew sports activities and exercising classesPhysical interest has a wide kind of blessings for each the frame and the mind. this is why an increasing number of organisations are encouraging character and crew-based totally exercising as part of the working day. higher ergonomics, improved productiveness and average enhancements in place of job subculture are just a number of the advantages which might be being visible. Why physical activity at paintings subjects the sector health agency (WHO) recommends that adults aged 18 to 64 have to take part in as a minimum a hundred and fifty mins of moderate workout every week. this will be broken down into classes: for example half-hour an afternoon for five days every week. With paintings accounting for a huge component part of our waking time, and home and circle of relatives commitments taking over a good deal of what is left, it’s smooth to look why a lot of us are failing to satisfy our weekly quota. One solution is for offices to make physical hobby a concern so that everyone has the opportunity to gain, as a minimum, half-hour of workout each day during the operating week. bodily hobby has a wide range of fitness blessings for all workers, irrespective of whether or not physical fitness is a demand for their jobs. This place is frequently not noted for workplace workers mainly, as their roles tend to be sedentary with the aid of nature. The terrible long-time period fitness outcomes of this example are not usually considered with the aid of employees or employers. however, a healthy and healthy team of workers is one of the most valuable belongings a employer could have. this is why employers want to make greater effort to encourage bodily pastime, especially team based totally workout, at some point of the workday. The fitness benefits of bodily interest the primary and maximum obvious advantage of physical activity is that it facilitates us to maintain a healthful weight. With weight problems now a main health problem in the tremendous majority of advanced international locations, including Australia, this has in no way been extra crucial. some of the extreme illnesses that half-hour of mild workout an afternoon can offer safety against encompass: coronary heart disorder Diabetes excessive blood pressure Stroke various forms of most cancers keeping a healthful weight and getting enough cardiovascular exercise is essential in assisting the frame protect itself towards these health issues. workout can alleviate the consequences of intellectual fitness problems as our our bodies launch endorphins – aka. happy hormones – while we interact in physical pastime. this could lessen feelings of strain and tension, helping us to sense more advantageous, energised and able to handling pressurised situations. this will lead to good sized upgrades inside the intellectual fitness and well being of workers. The blessings of physical hobby to your commercial enterprise some of the blessings of having a suit and healthy workforce are obvious whilst others are from time to time not noted. healthier employees are much less likely to take time off sick, so this reduces the price of absenteeism on your enterprise. they may be additionally more likely to feel inspired and productive at the same time as at work, play an lively position in developing a tremendous place of business tradition, contribute and collaborate with co-employees and are much less likely to be worried in place of job struggle. From the enterprises angle, providing opportunities for your employees to take part in workout helps with body of workers retention, as displaying them you care about their fitness will cause them to sense valued. This encourages more organization loyalty. Demonstrations of caring approximately an worker’s fitness and well-being which include this will also assist you entice top skills in terms of recruitment – people who have a diffusion of activity offers at the desk will be more likely to choose a corporation that may prove it values its workers. crew based totally workout specially are crucial for building rapport and common ground amongst colleagues. This interprets at once into better teamwork and a greater cohesive workplace subculture. What you can do to encourage exercise at work There are some of steps you could installed location to make sure your crew are reaching their daily quota and get some workout throughout the day. those encompass: installing an on-site health club or which includes gym membership as a part of earnings packages organising team walks at some stage in lunch breaks or on foot meetings inspire employees to get out of the office at lunch set up printers and other generally used workplace accessories faraway from workstations to encourage humans to stand up and pass. imparting statistics about nearby group sports activities and workout instructions

  • CHAROO SINGH 26982 Hrs 27 Min 15 Sec

    #CHAROO SINGH#jv-u/18/2551 #BSC-RT 7 SEM#jvwu # Namaste #topic The Importance Of Exercise At Work The average person spends over 3,500 days at work during their lifetime, and although health and fitness are becoming increasingly important, many people are still not exercising enough. The most common excuse people make is that they’re busy and don’t have enough time to dedicate to fitness. We all know that: Keeping fit is essential for a healthy life. But… over 80% of the world population do not take conscious efforts to keep fit. The situation has worsened in recent years with manual labour being eliminated by technology. People have become inactive, and this leaves them vulnerable to various health complications such as cardiovascular diseases. Recently, wellness-inclined people have started raising awareness of the benefits of keeping fit, especially for those working full time behind a desk. In this article, we’ll be exploring the benefits of exercise at work. Exercise alleviates chronic stress levels at work Work can often be one of the greatest contributors to personal stress. Work stress affects both the physical and mental aspects of humans — it is exhausting and depletes you of energy. If the brain is suffering from chronic stress, there’s no way you can perform your job efficiently. Engaging in exercise while at work can reduce your stress level by releasing cortisol into the body. This hormone wards off stress and anxiety. It also ensures you’re in a more relaxed mood to become more efficient. We also recommend that you take time off work regularly so you can stay refreshed and motivated. Exercise enhances your performance and productivity To excel at work, your performance level needs to be high throughout the day. People who exercise at work are able to maintain this high level and have enough energy to take on additional tasks and surpass targets. Yet people still find excuses for exercising. It is common to hear people say that they’ll exercise after work, but when they arrive home they feel too tired. The next day, their energy level is depleted, and their work performance drops. Studies done on the fitness industry always stress that personal trainer classes must teach clients about the importance of keeping active. This need to keep active and healthy applies to all ages and careers. When you exercise before and during work, it increases your alertness and you become more focused on what you are doing. Why? Proper exercise improves the flow of cerebral blood, and when there’s adequate blood flow to the brain, performance at work is improved. Exercise reduces your sitting time Top health practitioners advise that sitting for long periods is just as bad as smoking. Worse still, ill-health and sudden death have been linked to inactivity. Many office workers are guilty of sitting for long periods behind desks which is dangerous for their health. You do not have to engage in rigorous exercise — a 30-minute walk during your lunch break or a brisk walk up and down the stairs is better than nothing. You’ll be glad you did. There are certain instances when you do have to sit for long periods of time. During these times you could consider doing some exercises or using mini ellipticals, placed under your desk, in order to keep moving.Exercise makes you punctual Do you always feel very weak when you wake up? Do you feel like skipping work? Are you repeatedly showing up late? This might be due to a lack of physical activity. Physically active people tend to feel refreshed and energised in the mornings. They do not have to worry about tiredness when attending meetings or seminars. Someone who is feeling refreshed and energised is unlikely to hit the snooze button 4 times, resulting in them being on-time and ready to start work. Exercise makes you sleep better You might wonder how sleep is related to work, but here it is: getting quality sleep makes you feel much more refreshed during the day. You’ll have increased motivation to go to work and get things done efficiently. On the other hand, irregular sleeping patterns will leave you tired and unmotivated. When you exercise, you become tired, and your energy levels deplete. Sleep is a natural way of restoring lost energy. After a good night’s sleep, you’ll feel happier and more productive at work. Exercise reduces memory decline rate Here’s the truth — as we grow older, our memory rate suffers a decline. This is just one of those truths we need to accept. However, regular exercise can help your memory rate remains at the same level or even increases. Your memory is vital for good performance at work and for tackling tasks effectively. An alert and healthy memory will give you a longer attention span and faster and more retentive memory. Why? Exercise can increase the hippocampus: the brain part that aids learning and memory. In conclusion As a working professional, you need to be on top of your game at all times. This means making sure that both your mind and body are performing at their best. Exercise is one of the best ways to ensure peak performance both inside the workplace and outside of it. So, don’t hesitate to build exercise into your daily routines as part of a healthy lifestyle. THANK YOU...

  • HARSHITA SHARMA 26990 Hrs 54 Min 59 Sec

    #Harshita Sharma#BPT 7TH SEMESTER# JV-U/18/2177 #JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMENS UNIVERSITY#JVWU Topic-importance of exercise at workplace There are a lot of benefits of doing exercise and people of all age groups can take advantage of exercise. Exercise helps in improving the strength and efficiency of cardiovascular system which will improve the flow of oxygen and nutritions in your body. If your cardiovascular system is working fine then you will find everything easy and ultimate happiness in your lives. Exercising daily will help you in improving your muscle strength. Your muscles will get stronger, tendons and ligaments will become flexible which will allow you to move easily and will protect you from sudden injuries. If you are having strong muscles and ligaments you are having very less chance of joint and lower back pain as all your joints are going to be in proper alignment. The coordination and balance of your body will also get improved.Exercise helps people lose weight and lower the risk of some diseases. When you exercise daily, you lower the risk of developing some diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and more. It also helps to keep your body at a healthy weight.Exercising is important for students because it helps students to enhance their cardiorespiratory fitness and build strong bones and muscles. In addition, it also controls weight and reduces the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Further, it can also reduce the risk of health conditions like heart diseases and more.Exercise has a lot of benefits in todays world. First of all, it helps in maintaining your weight. Moreover, it also helps you reduce weight if you are overweight. It is because you burn calories when you exercise. Further, it helps in developing your muscles. Thus, the rate of your body will increases which helps to burn calories. Moreover, it also helps in improving the oxygen level and blood flow of the body. When you exercise daily, your brain cells will release frequently. This helps in producing cells in the hippocampus. Moreover, it is the part of the brain which helps to learn and control memory. If you are not healthy, you cannot lead a happy life and won’t be able to contribute to the expansion of society. Thus, one needs to exercise to beat all these problems. But, it is not just about the youth but also about every member of the society. These days, physical activities take places in colleges more than often. The professionals are called to the campus for organizing physical exercises. Thus, it is a great opportunity for everyone who wishes to do it. Just like exercise is important for college kids, it is also essential for office workers. The desk job requires the person to sit at the desk for long hours without breaks. This gives rise to a very unhealthy lifestyle. They get a limited amount of exercise as they just sit all day then come back home and sleep. Therefore, it is essential to exercise to adopt a healthy lifestyle that can also prevent any damaging diseases.

  • MANISHA1 27001 Hrs 31 Min 22 Sec

    ##i jvn MANISHA YADAV # Bsc rt 7th sem#jvwu #CDA enroll- jv-u/18/2107 Topic -Vradha Jan Adoption Health Yojna 1. Health and Wellness Centers In February 2018, the Government of India announced the creation of 1,50,000 Health and Wellness Centres by transforming the existing Sub Centres and Primary Health Centres.1) During this time when the world is working together to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Safe Kids Worldwide is committed to the safety and well-being of children and their families.2) As kids of all ages are spending more time at home, we have created several coronavirus resources and blogs on home, road and play safety to help educators and families protect children. 3) Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Avoid close contact with people outside your home. Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms length) from others. 5) 4)Wear a mask in public, even if you dont feel sick.5) What is the purpose of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic? The goal of social distancing is to limit exposure by reducing face-to-face contact and preventing spread among people in community settings. What these actions look like at the community level will vary depending on local conditions.6) during the COVID-19 pandemic? There are steps you can take to help protect yourself, grocery store workers and other shoppers, such as wearing a face covering, practicing social distancing, and using wipes on the handles of the shopping cart or basket.

  • MS. KAVITA SHARMA 27001 Hrs 53 Min 16 Sec

    #Kavita Sharma #jv-u/18/2705#jvwu #importance of exercise at work place . Fit employees are less likely to get sick. A person who is physically fit is generally more resistant to the “bug going around” than a person who is not fit. Reduced absenteeism and reduced health care expenditures are the result of a fit employee base. 2. Fit employees have more energy. One of the many benefits of regular exercise is increased and sustained energy throughout the day. This energy allows the employee to stay focused on the task at handing, bringing the best of themselves to each task. 3. Fit employees have more self-confidence. A fit and healthy individual tends to have a high level of self-confidence, because they have proven to themselves that they can accomplish what it takes to obtain a level of physical fitness. This self-confidence empowers the employee to challenge themselves, and strive for higher levels of achievement in the workplace. 4. Fit employees inspire confidence. Any person who maintains a high fitness level, tends to be a person in whom others have confidence. 5. Fit employees tend to take on more leadership roles. Because of the many positive benefits of a healthy lifestyle, a fit individual tends to make a good leader 6. Fit employees set and achieve goals. Extraordinary fitness often demands that an individual set and reach goals related to their fitness. Learning to stay true to your goals and see them through to completion is a skill that is naturally brought into the workplace. An employee with the proven ability to set aggressive goals, and then REALISE those goals, is a valuable asset to any organization. 7. Fit employees tend to have better attitudes. Fit employees generally “feel good”. They tend to have a physical and mental “balance” that results in a more positive attitude in the workplace. 8. Fit employees are less stressed. Regular exercise releases the physical AND emotional tensions that life brings our way, thus a fit employee tends to have lower overall stress levels than an employee who does not engage in regular exercise. 9. A fit employee base presents excellent team building opportunities. Team building activities are wonderful ways for employees to take their professional relationships to new levels, and discover new ways of working together. Obviously, employees that maintain a level of fitness are more likely to participate in these activities. 10. Encouraging fitness demonstrates a concern for employee’s well-being, and pays off! Employees NOTICE when an employer shows concern for the health and well-being of their employee base through a variety of wellness programs. Further, it has been shown that employee turnover is significantly lower among employees that take advantage of a wellness program implemented by their employer.

  • RASHMI KUMARI 27001 Hrs 57 Min 54 Sec

    #Rashmi kumari #202123 #jvwu #importance of exercise at work place . Fit employees are less likely to get sick. A person who is physically fit is generally more resistant to the “bug going around” than a person who is not fit. Reduced absenteeism and reduced health care expenditures are the result of a fit employee base. 2. Fit employees have more energy. One of the many benefits of regular exercise is increased and sustained energy throughout the day. This energy allows the employee to stay focused on the task at handing, bringing the best of themselves to each task. 3. Fit employees have more self-confidence. A fit and healthy individual tends to have a high level of self-confidence, because they have proven to themselves that they can accomplish what it takes to obtain a level of physical fitness. This self-confidence empowers the employee to challenge themselves, and strive for higher levels of achievement in the workplace. 4. Fit employees inspire confidence. Any person who maintains a high fitness level, tends to be a person in whom others have confidence. 5. Fit employees tend to take on more leadership roles. Because of the many positive benefits of a healthy lifestyle, a fit individual tends to make a good leader 6. Fit employees set and achieve goals. Extraordinary fitness often demands that an individual set and reach goals related to their fitness. Learning to stay true to your goals and see them through to completion is a skill that is naturally brought into the workplace. An employee with the proven ability to set aggressive goals, and then REALISE those goals, is a valuable asset to any organization. 7. Fit employees tend to have better attitudes. Fit employees generally “feel good”. They tend to have a physical and mental “balance” that results in a more positive attitude in the workplace. 8. Fit employees are less stressed. Regular exercise releases the physical AND emotional tensions that life brings our way, thus a fit employee tends to have lower overall stress levels than an employee who does not engage in regular exercise. 9. A fit employee base presents excellent team building opportunities. Team building activities are wonderful ways for employees to take their professional relationships to new levels, and discover new ways of working together. Obviously, employees that maintain a level of fitness are more likely to participate in these activities. 10. Encouraging fitness demonstrates a concern for employee’s well-being, and pays off! Employees NOTICE when an employer shows concern for the health and well-being of their employee base through a variety of wellness programs. Further, it has been shown that employee turnover is significantly lower among employees that take advantage of a wellness program implemented by their employer.

  • PURNIMA 2 27006 Hrs 22 Min 49 Sec

    #Purnima#JV-U/8/21118#JVWU#JAIPUR# Namaste #topic The Importance Of Exercise At Work The average person spends over 3,500 days at work during their lifetime, and although health and fitness are becoming increasingly important, many people are still not exercising enough. The most common excuse people make is that they’re busy and don’t have enough time to dedicate to fitness. We all know that: Keeping fit is essential for a healthy life. But… over 80% of the world population do not take conscious efforts to keep fit. The situation has worsened in recent years with manual labour being eliminated by technology. People have become inactive, and this leaves them vulnerable to various health complications such as cardiovascular diseases. Recently, wellness-inclined people have started raising awareness of the benefits of keeping fit, especially for those working full time behind a desk. In this article, we’ll be exploring the benefits of exercise at work. Exercise alleviates chronic stress levels at work Work can often be one of the greatest contributors to personal stress. Work stress affects both the physical and mental aspects of humans — it is exhausting and depletes you of energy. If the brain is suffering from chronic stress, there’s no way you can perform your job efficiently. Engaging in exercise while at work can reduce your stress level by releasing cortisol into the body. This hormone wards off stress and anxiety. It also ensures you’re in a more relaxed mood to become more efficient. We also recommend that you take time off work regularly so you can stay refreshed and motivated. Exercise enhances your performance and productivity To excel at work, your performance level needs to be high throughout the day. People who exercise at work are able to maintain this high level and have enough energy to take on additional tasks and surpass targets. Yet people still find excuses for exercising. It is common to hear people say that they’ll exercise after work, but when they arrive home they feel too tired. The next day, their energy level is depleted, and their work performance drops. Studies done on the fitness industry always stress that personal trainer classes must teach clients about the importance of keeping active. This need to keep active and healthy applies to all ages and careers. When you exercise before and during work, it increases your alertness and you become more focused on what you are doing. Why? Proper exercise improves the flow of cerebral blood, and when there’s adequate blood flow to the brain, performance at work is improved. Exercise reduces your sitting time Top health practitioners advise that sitting for long periods is just as bad as smoking. Worse still, ill-health and sudden death have been linked to inactivity. Many office workers are guilty of sitting for long periods behind desks which is dangerous for their health. You do not have to engage in rigorous exercise — a 30-minute walk during your lunch break or a brisk walk up and down the stairs is better than nothing. You’ll be glad you did. There are certain instances when you do have to sit for long periods of time. During these times you could consider doing some exercises or using mini ellipticals, placed under your desk, in order to keep moving.Exercise makes you punctual Do you always feel very weak when you wake up? Do you feel like skipping work? Are you repeatedly showing up late? This might be due to a lack of physical activity. Physically active people tend to feel refreshed and energised in the mornings. They do not have to worry about tiredness when attending meetings or seminars. Someone who is feeling refreshed and energised is unlikely to hit the snooze button 4 times, resulting in them being on-time and ready to start work. Exercise makes you sleep better You might wonder how sleep is related to work, but here it is: getting quality sleep makes you feel much more refreshed during the day. You’ll have increased motivation to go to work and get things done efficiently. On the other hand, irregular sleeping patterns will leave you tired and unmotivated. When you exercise, you become tired, and your energy levels deplete. Sleep is a natural way of restoring lost energy. After a good night’s sleep, you’ll feel happier and more productive at work. Exercise reduces memory decline rate Here’s the truth — as we grow older, our memory rate suffers a decline. This is just one of those truths we need to accept. However, regular exercise can help your memory rate remains at the same level or even increases. Your memory is vital for good performance at work and for tackling tasks effectively. An alert and healthy memory will give you a longer attention span and faster and more retentive memory. Why? Exercise can increase the hippocampus: the brain part that aids learning and memory. In conclusion As a working professional, you need to be on top of your game at all times. This means making sure that both your mind and body are performing at their best. Exercise is one of the best ways to ensure peak performance both inside the workplace and outside of it. So, don’t hesitate to build exercise into your daily routines as part of a healthy lifestyle.

  • PALAK TYAGI 27006 Hrs 25 Min 50 Sec

    ##Palak tyagi #jv-u/18/2808 #jvwu #jaipur# Namaste #topic The Importance Of Exercise At Work The average person spends over 3,500 days at work during their lifetime, and although health and fitness are becoming increasingly important, many people are still not exercising enough. The most common excuse people make is that they’re busy and don’t have enough time to dedicate to fitness. We all know that: Keeping fit is essential for a healthy life. But… over 80% of the world population do not take conscious efforts to keep fit. The situation has worsened in recent years with manual labour being eliminated by technology. People have become inactive, and this leaves them vulnerable to various health complications such as cardiovascular diseases. Recently, wellness-inclined people have started raising awareness of the benefits of keeping fit, especially for those working full time behind a desk. In this article, we’ll be exploring the benefits of exercise at work. Exercise alleviates chronic stress levels at work Work can often be one of the greatest contributors to personal stress. Work stress affects both the physical and mental aspects of humans — it is exhausting and depletes you of energy. If the brain is suffering from chronic stress, there’s no way you can perform your job efficiently. Engaging in exercise while at work can reduce your stress level by releasing cortisol into the body. This hormone wards off stress and anxiety. It also ensures you’re in a more relaxed mood to become more efficient. We also recommend that you take time off work regularly so you can stay refreshed and motivated. Exercise enhances your performance and productivity To excel at work, your performance level needs to be high throughout the day. People who exercise at work are able to maintain this high level and have enough energy to take on additional tasks and surpass targets. Yet people still find excuses for exercising. It is common to hear people say that they’ll exercise after work, but when they arrive home they feel too tired. The next day, their energy level is depleted, and their work performance drops. Studies done on the fitness industry always stress that personal trainer classes must teach clients about the importance of keeping active. This need to keep active and healthy applies to all ages and careers. When you exercise before and during work, it increases your alertness and you become more focused on what you are doing. Why? Proper exercise improves the flow of cerebral blood, and when there’s adequate blood flow to the brain, performance at work is improved. Exercise reduces your sitting time Top health practitioners advise that sitting for long periods is just as bad as smoking. Worse still, ill-health and sudden death have been linked to inactivity. Many office workers are guilty of sitting for long periods behind desks which is dangerous for their health. You do not have to engage in rigorous exercise — a 30-minute walk during your lunch break or a brisk walk up and down the stairs is better than nothing. You’ll be glad you did. There are certain instances when you do have to sit for long periods of time. During these times you could consider doing some exercises or using mini ellipticals, placed under your desk, in order to keep moving.Exercise makes you punctual Do you always feel very weak when you wake up? Do you feel like skipping work? Are you repeatedly showing up late? This might be due to a lack of physical activity. Physically active people tend to feel refreshed and energised in the mornings. They do not have to worry about tiredness when attending meetings or seminars. Someone who is feeling refreshed and energised is unlikely to hit the snooze button 4 times, resulting in them being on-time and ready to start work. Exercise makes you sleep better You might wonder how sleep is related to work, but here it is: getting quality sleep makes you feel much more refreshed during the day. You’ll have increased motivation to go to work and get things done efficiently. On the other hand, irregular sleeping patterns will leave you tired and unmotivated. When you exercise, you become tired, and your energy levels deplete. Sleep is a natural way of restoring lost energy. After a good night’s sleep, you’ll feel happier and more productive at work. Exercise reduces memory decline rate Here’s the truth — as we grow older, our memory rate suffers a decline. This is just one of those truths we need to accept. However, regular exercise can help your memory rate remains at the same level or even increases. Your memory is vital for good performance at work and for tackling tasks effectively. An alert and healthy memory will give you a longer attention span and faster and more retentive memory. Why? Exercise can increase the hippocampus: the brain part that aids learning and memory. In conclusion As a working professional, you need to be on top of your game at all times. This means making sure that both your mind and body are performing at their best. Exercise is one of the best ways to ensure peak performance both inside the workplace and outside of it. So, don’t hesitate to build exercise into your daily routines as part of a healthy lifestyle.

  • SAMEEKSHA UPADHAYAY 27006 Hrs 28 Min 06 Sec

    #Palak tyagi #jv-u/18/2808 #jvwu #jaipur# Namaste #topic The Importance Of Exercise At Work The average person spends over 3,500 days at work during their lifetime, and although health and fitness are becoming increasingly important, many people are still not exercising enough. The most common excuse people make is that they’re busy and don’t have enough time to dedicate to fitness. We all know that: Keeping fit is essential for a healthy life. But… over 80% of the world population do not take conscious efforts to keep fit. The situation has worsened in recent years with manual labour being eliminated by technology. People have become inactive, and this leaves them vulnerable to various health complications such as cardiovascular diseases. Recently, wellness-inclined people have started raising awareness of the benefits of keeping fit, especially for those working full time behind a desk. In this article, we’ll be exploring the benefits of exercise at work. Exercise alleviates chronic stress levels at work Work can often be one of the greatest contributors to personal stress. Work stress affects both the physical and mental aspects of humans — it is exhausting and depletes you of energy. If the brain is suffering from chronic stress, there’s no way you can perform your job efficiently. Engaging in exercise while at work can reduce your stress level by releasing cortisol into the body. This hormone wards off stress and anxiety. It also ensures you’re in a more relaxed mood to become more efficient. We also recommend that you take time off work regularly so you can stay refreshed and motivated. Exercise enhances your performance and productivity To excel at work, your performance level needs to be high throughout the day. People who exercise at work are able to maintain this high level and have enough energy to take on additional tasks and surpass targets. Yet people still find excuses for exercising. It is common to hear people say that they’ll exercise after work, but when they arrive home they feel too tired. The next day, their energy level is depleted, and their work performance drops. Studies done on the fitness industry always stress that personal trainer classes must teach clients about the importance of keeping active. This need to keep active and healthy applies to all ages and careers. When you exercise before and during work, it increases your alertness and you become more focused on what you are doing. Why? Proper exercise improves the flow of cerebral blood, and when there’s adequate blood flow to the brain, performance at work is improved. Exercise reduces your sitting time Top health practitioners advise that sitting for long periods is just as bad as smoking. Worse still, ill-health and sudden death have been linked to inactivity. Many office workers are guilty of sitting for long periods behind desks which is dangerous for their health. You do not have to engage in rigorous exercise — a 30-minute walk during your lunch break or a brisk walk up and down the stairs is better than nothing. You’ll be glad you did. There are certain instances when you do have to sit for long periods of time. During these times you could consider doing some exercises or using mini ellipticals, placed under your desk, in order to keep moving.Exercise makes you punctual Do you always feel very weak when you wake up? Do you feel like skipping work? Are you repeatedly showing up late? This might be due to a lack of physical activity. Physically active people tend to feel refreshed and energised in the mornings. They do not have to worry about tiredness when attending meetings or seminars. Someone who is feeling refreshed and energised is unlikely to hit the snooze button 4 times, resulting in them being on-time and ready to start work. Exercise makes you sleep better You might wonder how sleep is related to work, but here it is: getting quality sleep makes you feel much more refreshed during the day. You’ll have increased motivation to go to work and get things done efficiently. On the other hand, irregular sleeping patterns will leave you tired and unmotivated. When you exercise, you become tired, and your energy levels deplete. Sleep is a natural way of restoring lost energy. After a good night’s sleep, you’ll feel happier and more productive at work. Exercise reduces memory decline rate Here’s the truth — as we grow older, our memory rate suffers a decline. This is just one of those truths we need to accept. However, regular exercise can help your memory rate remains at the same level or even increases. Your memory is vital for good performance at work and for tackling tasks effectively. An alert and healthy memory will give you a longer attention span and faster and more retentive memory. Why? Exercise can increase the hippocampus: the brain part that aids learning and memory. In conclusion As a working professional, you need to be on top of your game at all times. This means making sure that both your mind and body are performing at their best. Exercise is one of the best ways to ensure peak performance both inside the workplace and outside of it. So, don’t hesitate to build exercise into your daily routines as part of a healthy lifestyle.

  • SWETA SINGH 27006 Hrs 29 Min 54 Sec

    #SWETA SINGH#jv-u/19/3208#BPT 5 SEM#jvwu # Namaste #topic The Importance Of Exercise At Work The average person spends over 3,500 days at work during their lifetime, and although health and fitness are becoming increasingly important, many people are still not exercising enough. The most common excuse people make is that they’re busy and don’t have enough time to dedicate to fitness. We all know that: Keeping fit is essential for a healthy life. But… over 80% of the world population do not take conscious efforts to keep fit. The situation has worsened in recent years with manual labour being eliminated by technology. People have become inactive, and this leaves them vulnerable to various health complications such as cardiovascular diseases. Recently, wellness-inclined people have started raising awareness of the benefits of keeping fit, especially for those working full time behind a desk. In this article, we’ll be exploring the benefits of exercise at work. Exercise alleviates chronic stress levels at work Work can often be one of the greatest contributors to personal stress. Work stress affects both the physical and mental aspects of humans — it is exhausting and depletes you of energy. If the brain is suffering from chronic stress, there’s no way you can perform your job efficiently. Engaging in exercise while at work can reduce your stress level by releasing cortisol into the body. This hormone wards off stress and anxiety. It also ensures you’re in a more relaxed mood to become more efficient. We also recommend that you take time off work regularly so you can stay refreshed and motivated. Exercise enhances your performance and productivity To excel at work, your performance level needs to be high throughout the day. People who exercise at work are able to maintain this high level and have enough energy to take on additional tasks and surpass targets. Yet people still find excuses for exercising. It is common to hear people say that they’ll exercise after work, but when they arrive home they feel too tired. The next day, their energy level is depleted, and their work performance drops. Studies done on the fitness industry always stress that personal trainer classes must teach clients about the importance of keeping active. This need to keep active and healthy applies to all ages and careers. When you exercise before and during work, it increases your alertness and you become more focused on what you are doing. Why? Proper exercise improves the flow of cerebral blood, and when there’s adequate blood flow to the brain, performance at work is improved. Exercise reduces your sitting time Top health practitioners advise that sitting for long periods is just as bad as smoking. Worse still, ill-health and sudden death have been linked to inactivity. Many office workers are guilty of sitting for long periods behind desks which is dangerous for their health. You do not have to engage in rigorous exercise — a 30-minute walk during your lunch break or a brisk walk up and down the stairs is better than nothing. You’ll be glad you did. There are certain instances when you do have to sit for long periods of time. During these times you could consider doing some exercises or using mini ellipticals, placed under your desk, in order to keep moving.Exercise makes you punctual Do you always feel very weak when you wake up? Do you feel like skipping work? Are you repeatedly showing up late? This might be due to a lack of physical activity. Physically active people tend to feel refreshed and energised in the mornings. They do not have to worry about tiredness when attending meetings or seminars. Someone who is feeling refreshed and energised is unlikely to hit the snooze button 4 times, resulting in them being on-time and ready to start work. Exercise makes you sleep better You might wonder how sleep is related to work, but here it is: getting quality sleep makes you feel much more refreshed during the day. You’ll have increased motivation to go to work and get things done efficiently. On the other hand, irregular sleeping patterns will leave you tired and unmotivated. When you exercise, you become tired, and your energy levels deplete. Sleep is a natural way of restoring lost energy. After a good night’s sleep, you’ll feel happier and more productive at work. Exercise reduces memory decline rate Here’s the truth — as we grow older, our memory rate suffers a decline. This is just one of those truths we need to accept. However, regular exercise can help your memory rate remains at the same level or even increases. Your memory is vital for good performance at work and for tackling tasks effectively. An alert and healthy memory will give you a longer attention span and faster and more retentive memory. Why? Exercise can increase the hippocampus: the brain part that aids learning and memory. In conclusion As a working professional, you need to be on top of your game at all times. This means making sure that both your mind and body are performing at their best. Exercise is one of the best ways to ensure peak performance both inside the workplace and outside of it. So, don’t hesitate to build exercise into your daily routines as part of a healthy lifestyle.

  • DIKSHA YADAV 27006 Hrs 30 Min 08 Sec

    i jvn #Diksha Yadav# BPT 7 sem#jvwu #cda enroll- jv-u/18/2077 Topic -Vradha Jan Adoption Health Yojna 1. Health and Wellness Centers In February 2018, the Government of India announced the creation of 1,50,000 Health and Wellness Centres by transforming the existing Sub Centres and Primary Health Centres. These centres are to deliver Comprehensive Primary Health Care bringing healthcare closer to the homes of people. They cover both, maternal and child health services and non-communicable diseases, including free essential drugs and diagnostic services. Health and Wellness Centers are envisaged to deliver an expanded range of services to address the primary health care needs of the entire population in their area, expanding access, universality and equity close to the community. The emphasis of health promotion and prevention is designed to bring focus on keeping people healthy by engaging and empowering individuals and communities to choose healthy behaviours and make changes that reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and morbidities. 2. Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana The second component under Ayushman Bharat is the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna or PM-JAY as it is popularly known. This scheme was launched on 23rd September, 2018 in Ranchi, Jharkhand by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi. Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY is the largest health assurance scheme in the world which aims at providing a health cover of Rs. 5 lakhs per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization to over 10.74 crores poor and vulnerable families that form the bottom 40percent of the Indian population. The households included are based on the deprivation and occupational criteria of Socio-Economic Caste Census 2011 for rural and urban areas respectively. PM-JAY was earlier known as the National Health Protection Scheme before being rechristened. It subsumed the then existing Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana which had been launched in 2008. The coverage mentioned under PM-JAY, therefore, also includes families that were covered in RSBY but are not present in the SECC 2011 database. PM-JAY is fully funded by the Government and cost of implementation is shared between the Central and State Governments. Key Features of PM-JAY PM-JAY is the worlds largest health insurance assurance scheme fully financed by the government. It provides a cover of Rs. 5 lakhs per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization across public and private empanelled hospitals in India. Over 10.74 crore poor and vulnerable entitled families are eligible for these benefits. PM-JAY provides cashless access to health care services for the beneficiary at the point of service, that is, the hospital. PM-JAY envisions to help mitigate catastrophic expenditure on medical treatment which pushes nearly 6 crore Indians into poverty each year. It covers up to 3 days of pre-hospitalization and 15 days post-hospitalization expenses such as diagnostics and medicines. There is no restriction on the family size, age or gender. All pre–existing conditions are covered from day one. Benefits of the scheme are portable across the country i.e. a beneficiary can visit any empanelled public or private hospital in India to avail cashless treatment. Services include approximately 1,393 procedures covering all the costs related to treatment, including but not limited to drugs, supplies, diagnostic services, physicians fees, room charges, surgeon charges, OT and ICU charges etc. Public hospitals are reimbursed for the healthcare services at par with the private hospitals. Benefit Cover Under PM-JAY Benefit cover under various Government-funded health insurance schemes in India have always been structured on an upper ceiling limit ranging from an annual cover of INR30,000 to INR3,00,000 per family across various States which created a fragmented system. PM-JAY provides cashless cover of up to INR5,00,000 to each eligible family per annum for listed secondary and tertiary care conditions. The cover under the scheme includes all expenses incurred on the following components of the treatment. Medical examination, treatment and consultation Pre-hospitalization Medicine and medical consumables Non-intensive and intensive care services Diagnostic and laboratory investigations Medical implantation services Accommodation benefits Food services Complications arising during treatment Post-hospitalization follow-up care up to 15 days T of the family. The RSBY had a family cap of five members. However, based on learnings from those schemes, PM-JAY has been designed in such a way that there is no cap on family size or age of members. In addition, pre-existing diseases are covered from the very first day. This means that any eligible person suffering from any medical condition before being covered by PM-JAY will now be able to get treatment for all those medical conditions as well under this scheme right from the day they are enrolled.Health and Wellness Centres Under this 1.5 lakh existing sub centres will bring health care system closer to the homes of people in the form of Health and wellness centres. These centres will provide comprehensive health care, including for non-communicable diseases and maternal and child health services. List of Services to be provided at Health & Wellness Centre Pregnancy care and maternal health services Neonatal and infant health services Child health Chronic communicable diseases Non-communicable diseases Management of mental illness Dental care Eye care Geriatric care Emergency medicine National Health Protection Mission Benefits AB-PMJAY provides a defined benefit cover of Rs. 5 lakh per family per year. This cover will take care of almost all secondary care and most of tertiary care procedures. To ensure that nobody is left out especially women, children and elderly there will be no cap on family size and age in the scheme. The benefit cover will also include pre and post-hospitalisation expenses. All pre-existing conditions will be covered from day one of the policy. A defined transport allowance per hospitalization will also be paid to the beneficiary. Benefits of the scheme are portable across the country and a beneficiary covered under the scheme will be allowed to take cashless benefits from any public-private empanelled hospitals across the country. The beneficiaries can avail benefits in both public and empanelled private facilities. All public hospitals in the States implementing AB-PMJAY, will be deemed empanelled for the Scheme. Hospitals belonging to Employee State Insurance Corporation may also be empanelled based on the bed occupancy ratio parameter. As for private hospitals, they will be empanelled online based on defined criteria. To control costs, the payments for treatment will be done on package rate basis. The package rates will include all the costs associated with treatment. For beneficiaries, it will be a cashless, paper less transaction. Keeping in view the State specific requirements, States UTs will have the flexibility to modify these rates within a limited bandwidth. Eligibility criteria AB-PMJAY is an entitlement based scheme with entitlement decided on the basis of deprivation criteria in the SECC database. The different categories in rural and urban areas include families having only one room with kucha walls and kucha roof families having no adult member between age 16 to 59 female headed households with no adult male member between age 16 to 59 disabled member and no able bodied adult member in the family SC/ST households landless households deriving major part of their income from manual casual labour, Families in rural areas having any one of the following- households without shelter, destitute, living on alms, manual scavenger families, primitive tribal groups, legally released bonded labour. For urban areas, 11 defined occupational categories are entitled under the scheme - Occupational Categories of Workers, Rag picker, Beggar, Domestic worker, Street vendor, Cobbler ,hawker , Other service provider working on streets, Construction worker Plumber, Mason, Labour, Painter, Welder, Security guard, Coolie and another head-load worker, Sweeper Sanitation worker ,Mali, Home-based worker ,Artisan Handicrafts worker , Tailor, Transport worker, Driver, Conductor, Helper to drivers and conductors, Cart puller, Rickshaw puller, Shop workerAssistant, Peon in small establishment, Helper, Delivery assistant ,Attendant, Waiter, Electrician, Mechanic, Assembler, Repair worker, Washerman, Chowkidar. As per the SECC 2011, the following beneficiaries are automatically excluded- Households having motorized 2 or3 or 4 wheeler fishing boat Households having mechanized 3 or 4 wheeler agricultural equipment Households having Kisan Credit Card with credit limit above Rs. 50,000 Household member is a government employee Households with non - agricultural enterprises registered with government Any member of household earning more than Rs. 10,000 per month Households paying income tax Households paying professional tax House with three or more rooms with pucca walls and roof Owns a refrigerator Owns a landline phone Owns more than 2.5 acres of irrigated land with 1 irrigation equipment Owns 5 acres or more of irrigated land for two or more crop season Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana is available to people between 18 and 70 years of age with bank accounts. It has an annual premium of exclusive of taxes. The GST is exempted on Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana. The amount is automatically debited from the account. This insurance scheme can have one year cover from 1 June to 31 May and would be offered through banks and administered through public sector general insurance companies. Thank you.

  • SAMEEKSHA UPADHAYAY 27006 Hrs 30 Min 11 Sec

    #Sameekshaupadhyay #Jv-u/18/2228#jvwu,jaipur IMPORTANCE OF EXERCISE AT WORK PLACE Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University #JVWU#CDA activity Namaste Topic -Vradha Jan Adoption Health Yojna 1. Health and Wellness Centers In February 2018, the Government of India announced the creation of 1,50,000 Health and Wellness Centres by transforming the existing Sub Centres and Primary Health Centres. These centres are to deliver Comprehensive Primary Health Care bringing healthcare closer to the homes of people. They cover both, maternal and child health services and non-communicable diseases, including free essential drugs and diagnostic services. Health and Wellness Centers are envisaged to deliver an expanded range of services to address the primary health care needs of the entire population in their area, expanding access, universality and equity close to the community. The emphasis of health promotion and prevention is designed to bring focus on keeping people healthy by engaging and empowering individuals and communities to choose healthy behaviours and make changes that reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and morbidities. 2. Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana The second component under Ayushman Bharat is the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna or PM-JAY as it is popularly known. This scheme was launched on 23rd September, 2018 in Ranchi, Jharkhand by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi. Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY is the largest health assurance scheme in the world which aims at providing a health cover of Rs. 5 lakhs per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization to over 10.74 crores poor and vulnerable families that form the bottom 40percent of the Indian population. The households included are based on the deprivation and occupational criteria of Socio-Economic Caste Census 2011 for rural and urban areas respectively. PM-JAY was earlier known as the National Health Protection Scheme before being rechristened. It subsumed the then existing Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana which had been launched in 2008. The coverage mentioned under PM-JAY, therefore, also includes families that were covered in RSBY but are not present in the SECC 2011 database. PM-JAY is fully funded by the Government and cost of implementation is shared between the Central and State Governments. Key Features of PM-JAY PM-JAY is the worlds largest health insurance assurance scheme fully financed by the government. It provides a cover of Rs. 5 lakhs per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization across public and private empanelled hospitals in India. Over 10.74 crore poor and vulnerable entitled families are eligible for these benefits. PM-JAY provides cashless access to health care services for the beneficiary at the point of service, that is, the hospital. PM-JAY envisions to help mitigate catastrophic expenditure on medical treatment which pushes nearly 6 crore Indians into poverty each year. It covers up to 3 days of pre-hospitalization and 15 days post-hospitalization expenses such as diagnostics and medicines. There is no restriction on the family size, age or gender. All pre–existing conditions are covered from day one. Benefits of the scheme are portable across the country i.e. a beneficiary can visit any empanelled public or private hospital in India to avail cashless treatment. Services include approximately 1,393 procedures covering all the costs related to treatment, including but not limited to drugs, supplies, diagnostic services, physicians fees, room charges, surgeon charges, OT and ICU charges etc. Public hospitals are reimbursed for the healthcare services at par with the private hospitals. Benefit Cover Under PM-JAY Benefit cover under various Government-funded health insurance schemes in India have always been structured on an upper ceiling limit ranging from an annual cover of INR30,000 to INR3,00,000 per family across various States which created a fragmented system. PM-JAY provides cashless cover of up to INR5,00,000 to each eligible family per annum for listed secondary and tertiary care conditions. The cover under the scheme includes all expenses incurred on the following components of the treatment. Medical examination, treatment and consultation Pre-hospitalization Medicine and medical consumables Non-intensive and intensive care services Diagnostic and laboratory investigations Medical implantation services Accommodation benefits Food services Complications arising during treatment Post-hospitalization follow-up care up to 15 days The benefits of INR 5,00,000 are on a family floater basis which means that it can be used by one or all members of the family. The RSBY had a family cap of five members. However, based on learnings from those schemes, PM-JAY has been designed in such a way that there is no cap on family size or age of members. In addition, pre-existing diseases are covered from the very first day. This means that any eligible person suffering from any medical condition before being covered by PM-JAY will now be able to get treatment for all those medical conditions as well under this scheme right from the day they are enrolled.Health and Wellness Centres Under this 1.5 lakh existing sub centres will bring health care system closer to the homes of people in the form of Health and wellness centres. These centres will provide comprehensive health care, including for non-communicable diseases and maternal and child health services. List of Services to be provided at Health & Wellness Centre Pregnancy care and maternal health services Neonatal and infant health services Child health Chronic communicable diseases Non-communicable diseases Management of mental illness Dental care Eye care Geriatric care Emergency medicine National Health Protection Mission Benefits AB-PMJAY provides a defined benefit cover of Rs. 5 lakh per family per year. This cover will take care of almost all secondary care and most of tertiary care procedures. To ensure that nobody is left out especially women, children and elderly there will be no cap on family size and age in the scheme. The benefit cover will also include pre and post-hospitalisation expenses. All pre-existing conditions will be covered from day one of the policy. A defined transport allowance per hospitalization will also be paid to the beneficiary. Benefits of the scheme are portable across the country and a beneficiary covered under the scheme will be allowed to take cashless benefits from any public-private empanelled hospitals across the country. The beneficiaries can avail benefits in both public and empanelled private facilities. All public hospitals in the States implementing AB-PMJAY, will be deemed empanelled for the Scheme. Hospitals belonging to Employee State Insurance Corporation may also be empanelled based on the bed occupancy ratio parameter. As for private hospitals, they will be empanelled online based on defined criteria. To control costs, the payments for treatment will be done on package rate basis. The package rates will include all the costs associated with treatment. For beneficiaries, it will be a cashless, paper less transaction. Keeping in view the State specific requirements, States UTs will have the flexibility to modify these rates within a limited bandwidth. Eligibility criteria AB-PMJAY is an entitlement based scheme with entitlement decided on the basis of deprivation criteria in the SECC database. The different categories in rural and urban areas include families having only one room with kucha walls and kucha roof families having no adult member between age 16 to 59 female headed households with no adult male member between age 16 to 59 disabled member and no able bodied adult member in the family SC/ST households landless households deriving major part of their income from manual casual labour, Families in rural areas having any one of the following- households without shelter, destitute, living on alms, manual scavenger families, primitive tribal groups, legally released bonded labour. For urban areas, 11 defined occupational categories are entitled under the scheme - Occupational Categories of Workers, Rag picker, Beggar, Domestic worker, Street vendor, Cobbler ,hawker , Other service provider working on streets, Construction worker Plumber, Mason, Labour, Painter, Welder, Security guard, Coolie and another head-load worker, Sweeper Sanitation worker ,Mali, Home-based worker ,Artisan Handicrafts worker , Tailor, Transport worker, Driver, Conductor, Helper to drivers and conductors, Cart puller, Rickshaw puller, Shop workerAssistant, Peon in small establishment, Helper, Delivery assistant ,Attendant, Waiter, Electrician, Mechanic, Assembler, Repair worker, Washerman, Chowkidar. As per the SECC 2011, the following beneficiaries are automatically excluded- Households having motorized 2 or3 or 4 wheeler fishing boat Households having mechanized 3 or 4 wheeler agricultural equipment Households having Kisan Credit Card with credit limit above Rs. 50,000 Household member is a government employee Households with non - agricultural enterprises registered with government Any member of household earning more than Rs. 10,000 per month Households paying income tax Households paying professional tax House with three or more rooms with pucca walls and roof Owns a refrigerator Owns a landline phone Owns more than 2.5 acres of irrigated land with 1 irrigation equipment Owns 5 acres or more of irrigated land for two or more crop season Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana is available to people between 18 and 70 years of age with bank accounts. It has an annual premium of exclusive of taxes. The GST is exempted on Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana. The amount is automatically debited from the account. This insurance scheme can have one year cover from 1 June to 31 May and would be offered through banks and administered through public sector general insurance companies. Thank you.

  • NIHARIKA CHOUDAHRY 27006 Hrs 30 Min 42 Sec

    i jvn #Niharika Chaudhary# BPT5 sem#jvwu #cda enroll- jv-u/19/3608Topic -Vradha Jan Adoption Health Yojna 1. Health and Wellness Centers In February 2018, the Government of India announced the creation of 1,50,000 Health and Wellness Centres by transforming the existing Sub Centres and Primary Health Centres. These centres are to deliver Comprehensive Primary Health Care bringing healthcare closer to the homes of people. They cover both, maternal and child health services and non-communicable diseases, including free essential drugs and diagnostic services. Health and Wellness Centers are envisaged to deliver an expanded range of services to address the primary health care needs of the entire population in their area, expanding access, universality and equity close to the community. The emphasis of health promotion and prevention is designed to bring focus on keeping people healthy by engaging and empowering individuals and communities to choose healthy behaviours and make changes that reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and morbidities. 2. Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana The second component under Ayushman Bharat is the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna or PM-JAY as it is popularly known. This scheme was launched on 23rd September, 2018 in Ranchi, Jharkhand by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi. Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY is the largest health assurance scheme in the world which aims at providing a health cover of Rs. 5 lakhs per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization to over 10.74 crores poor and vulnerable families that form the bottom 40percent of the Indian population. The households included are based on the deprivation and occupational criteria of Socio-Economic Caste Census 2011 for rural and urban areas respectively. PM-JAY was earlier known as the National Health Protection Scheme before being rechristened. It subsumed the then existing Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana which had been launched in 2008. The coverage mentioned under PM-JAY, therefore, also includes families that were covered in RSBY but are not present in the SECC 2011 database. PM-JAY is fully funded by the Government and cost of implementation is shared between the Central and State Governments. Key Features of PM-JAY PM-JAY is the worlds largest health insurance assurance scheme fully financed by the government. It provides a cover of Rs. 5 lakhs per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization across public and private empanelled hospitals in India. Over 10.74 crore poor and vulnerable entitled families are eligible for these benefits. PM-JAY provides cashless access to health care services for the beneficiary at the point of service, that is, the hospital. PM-JAY envisions to help mitigate catastrophic expenditure on medical treatment which pushes nearly 6 crore Indians into poverty each year. It covers up to 3 days of pre-hospitalization and 15 days post-hospitalization expenses such as diagnostics and medicines. There is no restriction on the family size, age or gender. All pre–existing conditions are covered from day one. Benefits of the scheme are portable across the country i.e. a beneficiary can visit any empanelled public or private hospital in India to avail cashless treatment. Services include approximately 1,393 procedures covering all the costs related to treatment, including but not limited to drugs, supplies, diagnostic services, physicians fees, room charges, surgeon charges, OT and ICU charges etc. Public hospitals are reimbursed for the healthcare services at par with the private hospitals. Benefit Cover Under PM-JAY Benefit cover under various Government-funded health insurance schemes in India have always been structured on an upper ceiling limit ranging from an annual cover of INR30,000 to INR3,00,000 per family across various States which created a fragmented system. PM-JAY provides cashless cover of up to INR5,00,000 to each eligible family per annum for listed secondary and tertiary care conditions. The cover under the scheme includes all expenses incurred on the following components of the treatment. Medical examination, treatment and consultation Pre-hospitalization Medicine and medical consumables Non-intensive and intensive care services Diagnostic and laboratory investigations Medical implantation services Accommodation benefits Food services Complications arising during treatment Post-hospitalization follow-up care up to 15 days T of the family. The RSBY had a family cap of five members. However, based on learnings from those schemes, PM-JAY has been designed in such a way that there is no cap on family size or age of members. In addition, pre-existing diseases are covered from the very first day. This means that any eligible person suffering from any medical condition before being covered by PM-JAY will now be able to get treatment for all those medical conditions as well under this scheme right from the day they are enrolled.Health and Wellness Centres Under this 1.5 lakh existing sub centres will bring health care system closer to the homes of people in the form of Health and wellness centres. These centres will provide comprehensive health care, including for non-communicable diseases and maternal and child health services. List of Services to be provided at Health & Wellness Centre Pregnancy care and maternal health services Neonatal and infant health services Child health Chronic communicable diseases Non-communicable diseases Management of mental illness Dental care Eye care Geriatric care Emergency medicine National Health Protection Mission Benefits AB-PMJAY provides a defined benefit cover of Rs. 5 lakh per family per year. This cover will take care of almost all secondary care and most of tertiary care procedures. To ensure that nobody is left out especially women, children and elderly there will be no cap on family size and age in the scheme. The benefit cover will also include pre and post-hospitalisation expenses. All pre-existing conditions will be covered from day one of the policy. A defined transport allowance per hospitalization will also be paid to the beneficiary. Benefits of the scheme are portable across the country and a beneficiary covered under the scheme will be allowed to take cashless benefits from any public-private empanelled hospitals across the count