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Tips to Manage Finance During Lockdown (B.Com., BBA,MBA)

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    Tips to Manage Finance During Lockdown (B.Com., BBA,MBA)
  • Snow Click to open File(PDF/DOC/JPG/PNG)
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    #PRIYAPANDEY#2019807#B.COM(H)5SEM#JayotiVidyapeeth Womens University #TIPS TO MANAGE FINANACE DURING LOCKDOWN# 1.Check your direct debits to prevent unnecessary spending: Monitoring the money leaving your account each month is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce your spending. direct debits are leaving your account directly from your online banking. an app like smart-bill which will help you find and cancel unwanted subscriptions and track your monthly outgoings. This is especially useful if you have multiple bank accounts. You can sometimes freeze payments on services you aren’t currently using, such as your gym membership. This may cost you a monthly fee, but it will be lower than your regular monthly payment. You can then restart the payment when everything goes back to normal. If you’re missing your gym hit, take a look at how students are staying active in quarantine. 2.Use a money managing app: Online banking apps can be a major time saver when it comes to managing your money. They can help you budget, save and track your spending. 3.Pay your credit card on time: If you don’t repay your credit card in full by the end of the month, you will be charged interest on the value of purchases made on the card. You will also be charged a higher rate of interest if you withdraw cash on your credit card.If you decide to repay the minimum amount on your credit card repayments, you will still be charged compound interest on the remaining amount and it may negatively affect your credit score, making it harder to borrow money in the future. If you do need to borrow money, avoid credit cards. Zero percent interest overdrafts are the way to go. 4. Use your overdraft as a buffer: If you have a student discount, you will usually be offered an interest free overdraft. This can be useful as a quick buffer if needed. Make sure to check your overdraft limit and if you have zero percent interest repayment. If you go over your overdraft limit, you will be charged heavily. If you can’t repay your overdraft before graduation, many graduate accounts also offer zero percent overdrafts, so see if you can switch to a graduate account which offers one. 5. Save money on your entertainment: Long gone are the days where you could pop out to the cinema and end the night with a few drinks in your local bar. Coronavirus-friendly entertainment is generally focused around your favorite streaming service, which although is generally less exciting, can be a very effective way to save money. Recreating your restaurant food is a fun way to be creative and learn some new culinary skills. Although, if you do decide to give in and get the occasional takeaway, you will generally spend less than you would on a restaurant meal, as you can save money on drinks.
  • Snow Click to open File(PDF/DOC/JPG/PNG)
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    The shifting nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has left us praying for normalcy to return. Anxiety and fear have reached the recesses of our collective psyche. Even thinking about tomorrow seems futile in the face of contagion. And with the economic slowdown and the financial crisis testing our survival, the world paints a dismal picture today. However, this too shall pass! But until it does, how does one prepare for the future? The answer lies in the way we manage our finances – and availing a personal loan is one such solution.
  • Snow Click to open File(PDF/DOC/JPG/PNG)
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    1. Check your direct debits to prevent unnecessary spending 2.Use a money managing app 3.Pay your credit card on time 4. Use your overdraft as a buffer 5. Save money on your entertainment 6. Be smart with your supermarket shopping 7. Make an emergency budget 8. Check to see if you’re eligible for a larger student loan or a grant #sonaligaur #21222 #MBA(HRM)1STSEM #jayotividyapeethwomensuniversity #tipstomanagefinanceduringlockdown
  • Snow Click to open File(PDF/DOC/JPG/PNG)
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    The shifting nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has left us praying for normalcy to return. Anxiety and fear have reached the recesses of our collective psyche. Even thinking about tomorrow seems futile in the face of contagion. And with the economic slowdown and the financial crisis testing our survival, the world paints a dismal picture today.
  • Snow Click to open File(PDF/DOC/JPG/PNG)
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    #priyapandey#2019807#B.com(h)5sem#Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university#tips to manage finance during lockdown
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  • Snow Click to open File(PDF/DOC/JPG/PNG)
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    The shifting nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has left us praying for normalcy to return. Anxiety and fear have reached the recesses of our collective psyche. Even thinking about tomorrow seems futile in the face of contagion. And with the economic slowdown and the financial crisis testing our survival, the world paints a dismal picture today. However, this too shall pass! But until it does, how does one prepare for the future? The answer lies in the way we manage our finances – and availing a personal loan is one such solution.The shifting nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has left us praying for normalcy to return. Anxiety and fear have reached the recesses of our collective psyche. Even thinking about tomorrow seems futile in the face of contagion. And with the economic slowdown and the financial crisis testing our survival, the world paints a dismal picture today. However, this too shall pass! But until it does, how does one prepare for the future? The answer lies in the way we manage our finances – and availing a personal loan is one such solution.
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  • KIRAN GUPTA 26954 Hrs 07 Min 55 Sec

    #jayotividyapeethwomensuniversity #jvmission #KiranGupta #JVI171373 #MBAABM #Tips to Manage Finance During Lockdown Take care of your banking and your budgeting during lock down and beyond. As South Africa goes into lock down to help flatten the Covid19 curve, we all face several worries, including whether they will be able to pay expenses or debit orders and how they will access financial services. 1KNOW YOUR EXPENSES Now is the time to get a clear view of your monthly expenses and spending habits and how these may need to change. Create a new adjusted budget that factors in your current situation Previously you may have spent your earnings according to the 20 budgeting rule, where 50percentage of your monthly income went to car repayments, home loans or rent, and monthly groceries 30percentage to entertainment, trips to the salon and eating our while 20percentage of your salary may be spent on debt payments petrol and savings. But as all non essential shops close and your movement is restricted your spending habits will drastically change. You may need to factor in buying more groceries than you normally would for the week or month while the entire family is home based. 2COMMUNICATE WITH CREDITORS WHEN YOU CAN NOT PAY If the pandemic and resulting lockdown has had a drastic impact on your salary or resulted in a job loss, you may be worrying about how you can pay your bills including your home loan and credit card repayments. You may even have to priorities which bills you can pay and which obligations you may not be able to meet. Contact your creditors first to make a payment arrangement If you are worried that you may not be able to pay some bills like your credit card payment as an example then contact the provider instead of simply not paying Communicate with them to see if they can adjust your repayment plan. 3SAVE WHERE YOU CAN As your spending habits change during this time you will probably be cutting back in areas like entertainment for the kids clothes shopping or visiting the hair stylist. Take the amount that you would normally spend on these activities and place it in a savings account. This will not only provide you with a buffer during these uncertain times but can also help to build up emergency savings. 4CONTINUE BANKING WITH DIGITAL BANKING Although essential financial services will be open such as Standard Bank branches and ATMs it is best to limit your exposure to the Coronavirus. Instead of visiting a physical branch or an ATM you could access banking services via any of Standard Bans digital banking solutions Standard Banks self service banking offers three simple and convenient channels Cellphone banking Internet banking Banking app 5BE VIGILANT AT ALL TIMES During trying times criminals take advantage of the chaos and confusion often using scare tactics to fool you into sharing sensitive information Take action to protect your personal data and avoid becoming a victim of cyber attacks or phishing scams Here are some steps you can take to secure your personal bank accounts Never disclose security details Do not assume a text phone call or email claiming to be from your bank is genuine. If you re not sure, contact your Banker directly. Create secure passwords that contain a combination of letters numbers and characters Never give your PIN to anybody via telephone e-mail or messenger Dont use public computers to do your online banking Always make sure your anti-virus software is up-to-date.

  • NIKITA 26955 Hrs 27 Min 34 Sec

    #Nikita#202481#B.com(hons) 3rd sem# Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university , jaipur#Tips to manage finance during lockdown1) We try to manage daily household works own. 2) We prepare monthly budget for saving and expenses.. 3)We make investment in health insurance and life insurance. 4) Alternatively, try an app like smart-bill which will help you find and cancel unwanted subscriptions and track your monthly outgoings. This is especially useful if you have multiple bank accounts 5).Use a money managing app. 6)Monzo is a popular money managing app. Known for their fluorescent coral cards, the bank helps you easily split your money into bills, savings and spending money . 7). Save money on your entertainment 8)Save money on your entertainment. 9)Supermarkets tend to reduce items near the end of the day, and this can be a great way to save money. 10) Check to see if you’re eligible for a larger student loan or a grant. 11)f it has changed significantly, if you’re studying in the UK, you can apply for a Current Year Income Assessment. You will then able to claim the full amount you’re entitled to based on your household’s current income. 12)To make an emergency budget, you first need to make a note of any income you have coming in . Compare this with your actual bank statement to see what extra you’re spending your money on. 13)If you have a student discount, you will usually be offered an interest free overdraft. This can be useful as a quick buffer if needed. Make sure to check your overdraft limit and if you have zero percent interest repayment. If you go over your overdraft limit, you will be charged heavily. 14)If you decide to repay the minimum amount on your credit card repayments, you will still be charged compound interest on the remaining amount and it may negatively affect your credit score, making it harder to borrow money in the future.

  • KIRTI CHOUDHARY 26978 Hrs 37 Min 49 Sec

    #Kirti Choudhary#Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University,Jaipur#jvmission Avoid panic buying It is understandable why you would want to stock up on groceries. However, you must refrain from indulging in panic buying. Overspending simply because of the pandemic’s uncertain nature will affect your financial health adversely. Even worse, it will lead to a shortage of supplies for other people. And right now, it is just as important to think of the community as you think of yourself. Use e-wallets for making purchases From safety’s POV, it is better to use e-wallets for making purchases. With the mandated practice of social distancing, e-wallets are ideal modes of payment. Minimise visits to banks or ATMs as these locations are frequented by many people. Instead, make use of e-wallets, UPI, or online banking facilities to make financial transactions. There are also several benefits and rewards that you can reap by merely using these modes of payment. Keep an emergency fund The unpredictability of COVID-19 cannot be emphasised enough. It has led most of us to rethink our priorities and concerns when it comes to creating a household budget. Therefore, seeing as the impact of the pandemic will last long, having an emergency fund can come as a blessing. By simply cutting down on non-essential expenses and optimising alternate sources of income, you can save up money for future needs.

  • PRERNA SHREE 26978 Hrs 38 Min 14 Sec

    #Prerna shree #jv-i/17/1418 #Bsc Agriculture+ MBA (9TH SEMESTER) #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University # Jaipur #CDA #Tips to manage finance in lockdown . Financial emergencies can happen to anyone and come at any time. They can be the result of family illness, job loss, urgent home repairs, or a weather event like a major flood. Some events could even shut down your community for an extended period. We may be worried about the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic on your finances. Whatever the source, financial emergencies can be stressful and cause considerable hardships for you and your family. When sudden events occur, it may not always be immediately noticeable that you are heading towards financial hardship. A long-term assessment of your capacity to maintain your current lifestyle is important. Consider any impacts on your income, grocery bills, housing, utilities and other necessities that still need to be paid. Emotional situations can lead to poor financial decisions. Be sure to get the help you need with financial decisions during an emergency. Take the time to get advice and information on what you would like to do. The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) has many educational resources on budgeting, credit, savings, debt management and more. Interactive tools and calculators can also help you maintain good financial health during these challenging times. Online banking apps can be a major time saver when it comes to managing your money. They can help you budget, save and track your spending. 4 major steps to manage finance during lockdown: 1. Be intentional with your spending · 2. Prioritise your expenses · 3. Keep up-to-date with when repayments are due · 4. Free up extra money where you can.

  • POOJA KIRAN 26978 Hrs 55 Min 40 Sec

    #jayotividyapeethwomenssuniversity #poojakiran #MBA(ABM) #jv-i/17/1538 #9thsem #jvmission #howtomanagefinanaceduringlockdown #cdaactivity As the COVID-19 crisis forces your customers, employees, and supply chains into digital channels and new ways of working..... The coronavirus has caused 2020 to come to a crashing halt. As lockdown began, the economy took a massive hit, with the cancellation of festivals, the closing of non-essential stores and restaurants and the new social distancing requirements making public transport a no-go. Unfortunately for some students, this also meant that they lost their part-time jobs. Although student loans continue to go ahead as normal, without this extra income, students have been struggling financially. So, how can students best manage their money during this period? Here are eight top tips. 1. Check your direct debits to prevent unnecessary spending Monitoring the money leaving your account each month is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce your spending. 2.Use a money managing app Online banking apps can be a major time saver when it comes to managing your money. 3.Pay your credit card on time 4.Save money on your entertainment Long gone are the days where you could pop out to the cinema and end the night with a few drinks in your local bar. Coronavirus-friendly entertainment is generally focused around your favorite streaming service, which although is generally less exciting, can be a very effective way to save money. Recreating your restaurant food is a fun way to be creative and learn some new culinary skills. Although, if you do decide to give in and get the occasional takeaway, you will generally spend less than you would on a restaurant meal, as you can save money on drinks. 6. Be smart with your supermarket shopping Supermarket shopping on a budget is fairly easy to do. Make a list of essentials before you go to the shop and make sure you stick to it. Always remember to check the cupboards before you go to see what you already have and try to resist those extra items at the tills. 7. Make an emergency budget o make an emergency budget, you first need to make a note of any income you have coming in (including maintenance loans, grants and cash from parents) and then note everything you need to spend money on (such as rent, bills, travel etc.). Compare this with your actual bank statement to see what extra you’re spending your money on. If this seems too daunting, download one of the apps we mentioned earlier, which will do most of the hard work for you. 8. Check to see if you’re eligible for a larger student loan or a grant If your parents’ income has dropped by at least 15 percent since the coronavirus crisis began, you may be eligible for a larger student loan or grant.

  • VIDITA BARANWAL 26980 Hrs 29 Min 46 Sec

    #vidita baranwal #jv-u/19/3065 #b.com(hons)sem5#jayotividyapeethwomenuniversity#tips to manage finance during lockdown# We try to manage most of the to invest in basic needs(such as spending money on foods and necessity needs)rather than social needs. We invest fund in life insurance and health insurance in insurance company for future uncertainty .We try to manage daily household works on. We preparing monthly budget for saving and expenses. 1-Check your direct debits to prevent unnecessary spending. 2-Use your overdraft as a buffer. 3-Save money on your entertainment. 4-Be smart with your supermarket shopping 5-Make an emergency budget. 6-Check to see if your eligible for a larger student loan or a grant. However, this too shall pass! But until it does, how does one prepare for the future? The answer lies in the way we manage our finances – and availing a personal loan is one such solution. 1:Re-budget- Come up with a budget that cuts down on unnecessary expenses and focuses only on the essentials. Since the pandemic is still largely unpredictable, it is wise to control spending on luxury items. Any frivolous expenditure on entertainment or food items must be cut back. Allocate a budget for household needs that leaves enough money for the savings. 2:Keep an emergency fund- The unpredictability of COVID-19 cannot be emphasized enough. It has led most of us to rethink our priorities and concerns when it comes to creating a household budget. Therefore, seeing as the impact of the pandemic will last long, having an emergency fund can come as a blessing. By simply cutting down on non-essential expenses and optimizing alternate sources of income, you can save up money for future needs. The shifting nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has left us praying for normalcy to return. Anxiety and fear have reached the recesses of our collective psyche. Even thinking about tomorrow seems futile in the face of contagion. And with the economic slowdown and the financial crisis testing our survival, the world paints a dismal picture today. 3:Frugality for the win- In such a difficult financial crisis, being frugal can be a colossal aid. Start by identifying the household essentials and separate them from household items that you can do without. Doing this will help you in keeping a check on your expenses. For instance, you can begin by cancelling unnecessary subscriptions that might be racking up the bills. By cutting down on such non-essential items, you can also save more. 4:Use e-wallets for making purchases- From safety’s POV, it is better to use e-wallets for making purchases. With the mandated practice of social distancing, e-wallets are ideal modes of payment. Minimize visits to banks or ATMs as these locations are frequented by many people. Instead, make use of e-wallets, UPI, or online banking facilities to make financial transactions. There are also several benefits and rewards that you can reap by merely using these modes of payment. 5:Avoid panic buying- It is understandable why you would want to stock up on groceries. However, you must refrain from indulging in panic buying. Overspending simply because of the pandemic’s uncertain nature will affect your financial health adversely. Even worse, it will lead to a shortage of supplies for other people. And right now, it is just as important to think of the community as you think of yourself.

  • ALPANA CHOUDHARY 26982 Hrs 13 Min 04 Sec

    #Alpana Chaudhary # Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University,Jaipur# JVMission 1. Check your direct debits to prevent unnecessary spending-Monitoring the money leaving your account each month is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce your spending. Perhaps you’re still paying for that magazine subscription you never use. Maybe you planned to end your app payment after the free trial was over but forgot. Have you remembered to cancel or freeze your monthly gym membership? You can find out which direct debits are leaving your account directly from your online banking. Alternatively, try an app like smart-bill which will help you find and cancel unwanted subscriptions and track your monthly outgoings. This is especially useful if you have multiple bank accounts. 2.Use a money managing app-Monzo is a popular money managing app. Known for their fluorescent coral cards, the bank helps you easily split your money into bills, savings and spending money. You can easily open savings pots, where you can earn interest on your saved money. If needed, you can also set up an overdraft of up to £500 and loans up to £3,000. Snoop is a free app which identifies ways to save money based on what you’re already doing. It is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The app also takes note of the stores you shop in and will let you know if there are any voucher codes for next time. Yolt gathers information from your bank accounts and displays your spending history on charts so you can easily see what you’re spending. It allows you to earn rewards from various retailers and also compares your utility and insurance providers to help you save. 3.Pay your credit card on time-If you don’t repay your credit card in full by the end of the month, you will be charged interest on the value of purchases made on the card. You will also be charged a higher rate of interest if you withdraw cash on your credit card. 4. Use your overdraft as a buffer-If you have a student discount, you will usually be offered an interest free overdraft. This can be useful as a quick buffer if needed. Make sure to check your overdraft limit and if you have zero percent interest repayment. If you go over your overdraft limit, you will be charged heavily. 5. Save money on your entertainment-Long gone are the days where you could pop out to the cinema and end the night with a few drinks in your local bar. Coronavirus-friendly entertainment is generally focused around your favorite streaming service, which although is generally less exciting, can be a very effective way to save money. 6. Be smart with your supermarket shopping-Supermarket shopping on a budget is fairly easy to do. Make a list of essentials before you go to the shop and make sure you stick to it. Always remember to check the cupboards before you go to see what you already have and try to resist those extra items at the tills. 7. Make an emergency budget-To make an emergency budget, you first need to make a note of any income you have coming in (including maintenance loans, grants and cash from parents) and then note everything you need to spend money on (such as rent, bills, travel etc.). Compare this with your actual bank statement to see what extra you’re spending your money on. 8. Check to see if you’re eligible for a larger student loan or a grant-If your parents’ income has dropped by at least 15 percent since the corona virus crisis began, you may be eligible for a larger student loan or grant. Usually the amount you’re eligible for your student loan is assessed based on your parents’ household income from up to two years ago, depending on when you started university. If it has changed significantly, if you’re studying in the UK, you can apply for a Current Year Income Assessment. You will then able to claim the full amount you’re entitled to based on your household’s current income.

  • NISHA 26982 Hrs 23 Min 04 Sec

    #NISHA#19612#b.B.COM(HONS.)5thsem# #Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University , Jaipur #Tips to manage finance during lockdown# 1) We try to manage daily household works own. 2) We prepare monthly budget for saving and expenses.. 3)We make investment in health insurance and life insurance. 4) Alternatively, try an app like smart-bill which will help you find and cancel unwanted subscriptions and track your monthly outgoings. This is especially useful if you have multiple bank accounts 5).Use a money managing app. 6)Monzo is a popular money managing app. Known for their fluorescent coral cards, the bank helps you easily split your money into bills, savings and spending money . 7). Save money on your entertainment 8)Save money on your entertainment. 9)Supermarkets tend to reduce items near the end of the day, and this can be a great way to save money. 10) Check to see if you’re eligible for a larger student loan or a grant. 11)f it has changed significantly, if you’re studying in the UK, you can apply for a Current Year Income Assessment. You will then able to claim the full amount you’re entitled to based on your household’s current income. 12)To make an emergency budget, you first need to make a note of any income you have coming in . Compare this with your actual bank statement to see what extra you’re spending your money on. 13)If you have a student discount, you will usually be offered an interest free overdraft. This can be useful as a quick buffer if needed. Make sure to check your overdraft limit and if you have zero percent interest repayment. If you go over your overdraft limit, you will be charged heavily. 14)If you decide to repay the minimum amount on your credit card repayments, you will still be charged compound interest on the remaining amount and it may negatively affect your credit score, making it harder to borrow money in the future.

  • SAKSHI CHOUDHARY 26982 Hrs 25 Min 13 Sec

    #Sakshi Choudhary#21150#MBA(B&F)#JVWU#Tips to manage finance during lock down# Avoid storage use limited things recycle/reuse old clothes gives to others for maintaining the financial situation E-transaction(cash back) ignore primary requirements using farming (financial support) stitching mask for improving financial status or helping to others to away from the pandemic. minimization of wastage (save water/ save electricity) re-use of food Check your direct debits to prevent unnecessary spending Use your overdraft as a buffer Save money on your entertainment Be smart with your supermarket shopping Make an emergency budget Check to see if youre eligible for a larger student loan or a grant. Frugality for the win-In such a difficult financial crisis, being frugal can be a colossal aid. Start by identifying the household essentials and separate them from household items that you can do without. Doing this will help you in keeping a check on your expenses. Re-budget-Come up with a budget that cuts down on unnecessary expenses and focuses only on the essentials. Since the pandemic is still largely unpredictable, it is wise to control spending on luxury items. Any frivolous expenditure on entertainment or food items must be cut back.

  • SATAKSHI CHAUHAN 26982 Hrs 26 Min 32 Sec

    #shatakshi chauhan # scholar no 21285 # bba retail 1 sem #jayotividyapeethwomensuniversity Nowadays covid has made a very bad and crucial impact of its on our way of living. Even though we have to make sure to win over this situation with full effectiveness. According to the topic, of how to manage finance during lockdown :- 1.." one can avoid panic buying" . When we talk about panic buying the first thing that we need to concentrate over is to make sure to have total control over our so-called desires. If we avoid panic buying it will definitely help in managing our finance during lockdown. 2. " Carrying of credit cards " can also help in managing finance because if we carry cash in hand, it evokes to get invested, so its better to carry credit cards in order to have a proper management and control over our finance system .

  • GARIMA GOYAL 26982 Hrs 28 Min 05 Sec

    #shatakshi chauhan # scholar no 21285 # bba retail 1 sem #jayotividyapeethwomensuniversity Nowadays covid has made a very bad and crucial impact of its on our way of living. Even though we have to make sure to win over this situation with full effectiveness. According to the topic, of how to manage finance during lockdown :- 1.." one can avoid panic buying" . When we talk about panic buying the first thing that we need to concentrate over is to make sure to have total control over our so-called desires. If we avoid panic buying it will definitely help in managing our finance during lockdown. 2. " Carrying of credit cards " can also help in managing finance because if we carry cash in hand, it evokes to get invested, so its better to carry credit cards in order to have a proper management and control over our finance system .

  • PRIYA PANDEY 26982 Hrs 31 Min 32 Sec

    #priyapandey#2019807#B.com(h)5sem#Jayoti vidyapeeth womens university#tips to manage finance during lockdown# To make an emergency budget, you first need to make a note of any income you have coming in (including maintenance loans, grants and cash from parents) and then note everything you need to spend money on (such as rent, bills, travel etc.). Compare this with your actual bank statement to see what extra you’re spending your money on. If this seems too daunting, download one of the apps we mentioned earlier, which will do most of the hard work for you. Once you’ve identified what you’re spending on, you can start to compile an emergency monthly budget. Which of these things do you absolutely need to spend money on each month? What can you go without? Be brutal. Remember, this is your emergency budget, not a standard monthly budget.When you’ve done this, you have a plan to fall back on if you ever fall short on money. It will also make you aware of where you can cut down on spending

  • GARIMA GOYAL 26982 Hrs 31 Min 50 Sec

    #shatakshi chauhan #BBA retail 1st semester #21285 #jayoti vidhyapeeth womens university Create a flexible budget Initially, setting forth a personal budget may seem like a task, but it’s an essential discipline, especially if one has to reach those financial goals set for oneself. People who have the habit of budgeting are less likely to fall into debt or be caught off-guard by sudden expenses like medical emergencies. A budget includes a list of regular income, essential expenses and non-essential outgoings. Out of this, target the non-essential expenses to see what can be reduced or eliminated. Also, one must keep re-evaluating their budget to find new ways of saving cash.

  • DIVYA JAIN 26982 Hrs 32 Min 08 Sec

    # divya jain # bba retail 1 sem # scholar no 21166 # jayoti vidyapeeth women"s university tips to manage finance during lockdown Familiarise yourself with your rights Understanding what your rights are at work, whether youre self-employed or are worried you might lose your job, will help you know what youre entitled to. Make an emergency budget Take a look at how much you have at the moment, what income you might expect over the coming months and what youre spending Figure out how you can cut down essential spending There are some things that you have to spend money on, things like your electricity, rent, and food. But there are ways to cut some of these costs to make your money last longer. Reduce non-essential costs Review what subscriptions you have ongoing such as sports packages like BT/Sky Sports or beauty box subscriptions and think about how much you are using them. You may find youre paying for something that you dont use as much any more and could save money on.

  • KHUSHI PAREEK 26982 Hrs 32 Min 22 Sec

    #himadrimudhotiya#21111#bba 1st sem#jayotividyapeethwomensuniversity#tips to manage finance during lockdown# Monitoring the money leaving your account each month is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce your spending. Perhaps you’re still paying for that magazine subscription you never use. Maybe you planned to end your app payment after the free trial was over but forgot. Have you remembered to cancel or freeze your monthly gym membership? You can find out which direct debits are leaving your account directly from your online banking. Alternatively, try an app like smart-bill which will help you find and cancel unwanted subscriptions and track your monthly outgoings. This is especially useful if you have multiple bank accounts. You can sometimes freeze payments on services you aren’t currently using, such as your gym membership. This may cost you a monthly fee, but it will be lower than your regularmonthly payment. You can then restart the payment when everything goes back to normal. If you’re missing your gym hit, take a look at how students are staying active in quarantine. Online banking apps can be a major time saver when it comes to managing your money. They can help you budget, save and track your spending. Monzo is a popular money managing app. Known for their fluorescent coral cards, the bank helps you easily split your money into bills, savings and spending money. You can easily open savings pots, where you can earn interest on your saved money. If needed, you can also set up an overdraft of up to £500 and loans up to £3,000. Snoop is a free app which identifies ways to save money based on what you’re already doing. It is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The app also takes note of the stores you shop in and will let you know if there are any voucher codes for next time. Yolt gathers information from your bank accounts and displays your spending history on charts so you can easily see what you’re spending. It allows you to earn rewardIf you don’t repay your credit card in full by the end of the month, you will be charged interest on the value of purchases made on the card. You will also be charged a higher rate of interest if you withdraw cash on your credit card. If you decide to repay the minimum amount on your credit card repayments, you will still be charged compound interest on the remaining amount and it may negatively affect your credit score, making it harder to borrow money in the future. If you do need to borrow money, avoid credit cards. Zero percent interest overdrafts ares from various retailers and also compares the your utility and insurance providers to help you save.the way to go.

  • KHUSHI PAREEK 26982 Hrs 36 Min 49 Sec

    #khushipareek#jv-u/21/5075#jayotividyapeethwomensuniversity#tips to manage finance during lockdown# To make an emergency budget, you first need to make a note of any income you have coming in (including maintenance loans, grants and cash from parents) and then note everything you need to spend money on (such as rent, bills, travel etc.). Compare this with your actual bank statement to see what extra you’re spending your money on. If this seems too daunting, download one of the apps we mentioned earlier, which will do most of the hard work for you. Once you’ve identified what you’re spending on, you can start to compile an emergency monthly budget. Which of these things do you absolutely need to spend money on each month? What can you go without? Be brutal. Remember, this is your emergency budget, not a standard monthly budget.When you’ve done this, you have a plan to fall back on if you ever fall short on money. It will also make you aware of where you can cut down on spending.If your parents’ income has dropped by at least 15 percent since the coronavirus crisis began, you may be eligible for a larger student loan or grant. Usually the amount you’re eligible for your student loan is assessed based on your parents’ household income from up to two years ago, depending on when you started university. If it has changed significantly, if you’re studying in the UK, you can apply for a Current Year Income Assessment. You will then able to claim the full amount you’re entitled to based on your household’s current income.

  • LAXMI CHOUDAHRY 26982 Hrs 39 Min 03 Sec

    #laxmi chaudhary # bba retail 1 semester # scolar no 21080# jayoti vidyapeeth women"s university tips to manage finance during lockdown: Save money on your entertainment Be smart with your supermarket shopping Make an emergency budget Check to see if you’re eligible for a larger student loan or a grant Life and health insurance should also be your priority Try not to discontinue your essential investments Have a ‘bounce-back’ plan ready before taking a loan moratorium . Borrow with caution

  • GARIMA GOYAL 26982 Hrs 39 Min 43 Sec

    #GarimaGoyal #Bba[retail] #scholar-202170 #jayotividyapeethwomensuniversity 1. A great model for your monthly budget is the 50/30/20 rule. 50% of your salary should go toward things that you need (E.g. Food, rent, education, EMIs etc.), 30% on things that you want (E.g. Restaurants, movies, non-food shopping, travel etc.) and 20% allocated to safe investments like debt/equity mutual funds that can be used as a corpus to be used for large expenses (E.g. Health issues, College fees, Weddings etc.). The curfew has greatly limited our ability to go out of the house to spend money on we want. This extended homestay will help you analyze what you really NEED vs what you WANT. 2. Going out for a movie for a family of four gets quite expensive if you include the cost of multiplex tickets & overpriced theatre snacks. Many new movies are now being shown in OTT platforms; like Netflix, Amazon Prime & Hotstar; soon after their theatre release. Get the family to watch these films together with a bowl of homemade popcorn and other snacks. Post this lockdown, you can even invite your friends for a fun evening of movie watching. 3.If you own more than one car, consider selling the other one. You will be able to travel more conveniently in Ola/Uber in most cities. If you want to drive the car yourself, you can use a self-drive car rental service like Zoomcar to get around. Imagine how much you will save in car EMIs, maintenance, petrol and parking charges through this.

  • SONALI GAUR 26982 Hrs 40 Min 15 Sec

    #apoorva #21001 #MBA (HRM)1STSEM #JAYOTIVIDYPEETHWOMENSUNIVERSITY #tipstomanagefinanceduringlockdown # #stored limited items of riqurement #reuses of product #recycling of product #prepare mandatory budeget #in house farming #minimzing of wastage

  • ADITI SINGH RATHORE 26982 Hrs 42 Min 58 Sec

    #Reena Sharma#21227#MBA(BFM)#Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University#Tips to Manage Finance During Lockdown 1)Frugality for the win-Doing this will help you in keeping a check on your expenses. For instance, you can begin by cancelling unnecessary subscriptions that might be racking up the bills. By cutting down on such non-essential items, you can also save more.2)Re-budget-Come up with a budget that cuts down on unnecessary expenses and focuses only on the essentials. Since the pandemic is still largely unpredictable.3)Avoid panic buying-It is understandable why you would want to stock up on groceries. However, you must refrain from indulging in panic buying.4) Use e-wallets for making purchases-From safety’s POV, it is better to use e-wallets for making purchases. With the mandated practice of social distancing, e-wallets are ideal modes of payment.5)Keep an emergency fund-The unpredictability of COVID-19 cannot be emphasised enough. It has led most of us to rethink our priorities and concerns when it comes to creating a household budget. Therefore, seeing as the impact of the pandemic will last long, having an emergency fund can come as a blessing. 6) In summation-The tips mentioned above can assist you in managing your finances better. However, no matter what measures we take, some of us might be unable to come out of the crisis. In that case, taking a personal loan can help you meet your financial needs.

  • HIMADRI MUDHOTIYA 26982 Hrs 43 Min 21 Sec

    #vishakhadadhich#jv-u/21/5303#bba 1st sem#jayoti vidyapeeth womens university#tips to manage finance during lockdown# If you have a student discount, you will usually be offered an interest free overdraft. This can be useful as a quick buffer if needed. Make sure to check your overdraft limit and if you have zero percent interest repayment. If you go over your overdraft limit, you will be charged heavily. Although your overdraft can be incredibly useful in times like this, where you suddenly don’t have your usual income coming in, bear in mind that your overdraft is a loan and will have to be repaid. The overdraft’s interest rate will skyrocket after graduation, so make sure you pay it back before then if you can. If you can’t repay your overdraft before graduation, many graduate accounts also offer zero percent overdrafts, so see if you can switch to a graduate account which offers one.Long gone are the days where you could pop out to the cinema and end the night with a few drinks in your local bar. Coronavirus-friendly entertainment is generally focused around your favorite streaming service, which although is generally less exciting, can be a very effective way to save money. Recreating your restaurant food is a fun way to be creative and learn some new culinary skills. Although, if you do decide to give in and get the occasional takeaway, you will generally spend less than you would on a restaurant meal, as you can save money on drinks. If you’re on a budget, here are 25 productive things to do while social distancing. Supermarket shopping on a budget is fairly easy to do. Make a list of essentials before you go to the shop and make sure you stick to it. Always remember to check the cupboards before you go to see what you already have and try to resist those extra items at the tills. Make sure you eat before going to the shop. Going food shopping while hungry is a sure-fire way to go over your budget. You could also try going to a lower price supermarket, which offer similar products for less. When at the shop, check the reduced section for items that can be put in the freezer to eat later. Supermarkets tend to reduce items near the end of the day, and this can be a great way to save money. Try own brand products, as you often can’t tell the difference, and many are made in the same factories anyway.

  • SHALINI YADAV 26982 Hrs 43 Min 57 Sec

    #shaliniyadav#jv-u/19/3556#b.com( hons)v sem#jvwu#tips to manage finanace during lockdown# 1.check your direct debit o prevent un necessary expences 2.use money managing app that helps you to manage finanace 3.pay your credit card on time 4.try to invest most of our fund on essential needs of life rather than social needs 5.have to prepare monthly budget for saving and expence 6.use your overdraft as buffer 7.save money on your entertainment 8.be smart with your supermarket shopping 9.frugality for win 10.keep an emergeny fund 11.organise accounts 12.recognise reaction to financial stress 13.keep more liquidity these all points help anyone to manage their finanace during lockdown these tips are very relible for managing our fund that we have to reduce our expences which is unnessary like party .tour etc.these are extra expences we have to focus on daily needs expense like food clothing health etc . this help to save money .

  • ARTI TOMAR 26982 Hrs 44 Min 30 Sec

    #artitomar#9310#b.com(hons)sem5#jayotividyapeethwomenuniversity#tips to manage finance during lockdown# We try to manage most of the to invest in basic needs(such as spending money on foods and necessity neends)raher than social neds.We invest fund in life insurance and health isurance in insurance company for future uncerninty.We try to manage dily housejold works on.We preparing monthly budget for saving and expenses. 1-Check your direct debits to prevent unnecessary spending. 2-Use your overdraft as a buffer. 3-Save money on your entertainment. 4-Be smart with your supermarket shopping 5-Make an emergency budget. 6-Check to see if youre eligible for a larger student loan or a grant. However, this too shall pass! But until it does, how does one prepare for the future? The answer lies in the way we manage our finances – and availing a personal loan is one such solution. 1:Re-budget- Come up with a budget that cuts down on unnecessary expenses and focuses only on the essentials. Since the pandemic is still largely unpredictable, it is wise to control spending on luxury items. Any frivolous expenditure on entertainment or food items must be cut back. Allocate a budget for household needs that leaves enough money for the savings. 2:Keep an emergency fund- The unpredictability of COVID-19 cannot be emphasised enough. It has led most of us to rethink our priorities and concerns when it comes to creating a household budget. Therefore, seeing as the impact of the pandemic will last long, having an emergency fund can come as a blessing. By simply cutting down on non-essential expenses and optimising alternate sources of income, you can save up money for future needs. The shifting nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has left us praying for normalcy to return. Anxiety and fear have reached the recesses of our collective psyche. Even thinking about tomorrow seems futile in the face of contagion. And with the economic slowdown and the financial crisis testing our survival, the world paints a dismal picture today. 3:Frugality for the win- In such a difficult financial crisis, being frugal can be a colossal aid. Start by identifying the household essentials and separate them from household items that you can do without. Doing this will help you in keeping a check on your expenses. For instance, you can begin by cancelling unnecessary subscriptions that might be racking up the bills. By cutting down on such non-essential items, you can also save more. 4:Use e-wallets for making purchases- From safety’s POV, it is better to use e-wallets for making purchases. With the mandated practice of social distancing, e-wallets are ideal modes of payment. Minimise visits to banks or ATMs as these locations are frequented by many people. Instead, make use of e-wallets, UPI, or online banking facilities to make financial transactions. There are also several benefits and rewards that you can reap by merely using these modes of payment. 5:Avoid panic buying- It is understandable why you would want to stock up on groceries. However, you must refrain from indulging in panic buying. Overspending simply because of the pandemic’s uncertain nature will affect your financial health adversely. Even worse, it will lead to a shortage of supplies for other people. And right now, it is just as important to think of the community as you think of yourself.

  • MASUM KUMARI 26982 Hrs 50 Min 51 Sec

    #MASUMKUMARI#JV-i/17/1555#B.SS(Agriculture)+MBA(ABM)#Jayotividyapeethwomensuniversity 8 Top Tips To Help Students Manage Their Money During COVID-19 The coronavirus has caused 2020 to come to a crashing halt. As lockdown began, the economy took a massive hit, with the cancellation of festivals, the closing of non-essential stores and restaurants and the new social distancing requirements making public transport a no-go. 1. Check your direct debits to prevent unnecessary spending Monitoring the money leaving your account each month is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce your spending. Perhaps you’re still paying for that magazine subscription you never use. Maybe you planned to end your app payment after the free trial was over but forgot. Have you remembered to cancel or freeze your monthly gym membership? You can find out which direct debits are leaving your account directly from your online banking. Alternatively, try an app like smart-bill which will help you find and cancel unwanted subscriptions and track your monthly outgoings. This is especially useful if you have multiple bank accounts. 2.Use a money managing app Online banking apps can be a major time saver when it comes to managing your money. They can help you budget, save and track your spending. Monzo is a popular money managing app. Known for their fluorescent coral cards, the bank helps you easily split your money into bills, savings and spending money. You can easily open savings pots, where you can earn interest on your saved money. If needed, you can also set up an overdraft of up to £500 and loans up to £3,000. 3.Pay your credit card on time If you don’t repay your credit card in full by the end of the month, you will be charged interest on the value of purchases made on the card. You will also be charged a higher rate of interest if you withdraw cash on your credit card. 4. Use your overdraft as a buffer If you have a student discount, you will usually be offered an interest free overdraft. This can be useful as a quick buffer if needed. Make sure to check your overdraft limit and if you have zero percent interest repayment. If you go over your overdraft limit, you will be charged heavily. 5. Save money on your entertainment Long gone are the days where you could pop out to the cinema and end the night with a few drinks in your local bar. Coronavirus-friendly entertainment is generally focused around your favorite streaming service, which although is generally less exciting, can be a very effective way to save money. 6. Be smart with your supermarket shopping Supermarket shopping on a budget is fairly easy to do. Make a list of essentials before you go to the shop and make sure you stick to it. Always remember to check the cupboards before you go to see what you already have and try to resist those extra items at the tills. 7. Make an emergency budget To make an emergency budget, you first need to make a note of any income you have coming in (including maintenance loans, grants and cash from parents) and then note everything you need to spend money on (such as rent, bills, travel etc.). Compare this with your actual bank statement to see what extra you’re spending your money on. 8. Check to see if you’re eligible for a larger student loan or a grant If your parents’ income has dropped by at least 15 percent since the coronavirus crisis began, you may be eligible for a larger student loan or grant. Usually the amount you’re eligible for your student loan is assessed based on your parents’ household income from up to two years ago, depending on when you started university. If it has changed significantly, if you’re studying in the UK, you can apply for a Current Year Income Assessment. You will then able to claim the full amount you’re entitled to based on your household’s current income.

  • SHIWANGI PRIYA DARSHANI 26982 Hrs 51 Min 27 Sec

    #name- siwangi priyadarshini ,#BBA RETAIL 1 semester,#schollar no 21112, # jayoti vidyapeeth women"s university In lockdown manage to finance Monitoring the money leaving your account each month is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce your spending. Perhaps you’re still paying for that magazine subscription you never use. Maybe you planned to end your app payment after the free trial was over but forgot. Have you remembered to cancel or freeze your monthly gym membership? You can find out which direct debits are leaving your account directly from your online banking.2.Use a money managing app Use a money managing app Online banking apps can be a major time saver when it comes to managing your money.

  • ADITI SINGH RATHORE 26982 Hrs 52 Min 12 Sec

    #Aditi Singh Rathore#21056#Mba(HRM)#Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University#Tips to Manage Finance During Lockdown#1)Re-budget- Come up with a budget that cuts down on unnecessary expenses and focuses only on the essentials.2)Avoid panic buying -Overspending simply because of the pandemic’s uncertain nature will affect your financial health adversely. Even worse, it will lead to a shortage of supplies for other people.3)Use e-wallets for making purchases-Minimise visits to banks or ATMs as these locations are frequented by many people.4)Keep an emergency fund- By simply cutting down on non-essential expenses and optimising alternate sources of income, you can save up money for future needs.5)Frugality for the win-you can begin by cancelling unnecessary subscriptions that might be racking up the bills. By cutting down on such non-essential items, you can also save more.6)In summation-The tips mentioned above can assist you in managing your finances better. However, no matter what measures we take, some of us might be unable to come out of the crisis. In that case, taking a personal loan can help you meet your financial needs.

  • SONALI GAUR 26982 Hrs 52 Min 44 Sec

    #sonaligaur #21222 #MBA(HRM)1STSEM #jayotividyapeethwomensuniversity #tipstomanagefinanceduringlockdown # due to COVID-19 spreading faster it caused lockdown in whole world according to their loss. lockdown enforced great impact on the finance of an individual/nation. to manage these crisis /financial crisis following measurs can be taken under practice- #avoiding unnecessary expenses #utilising overdraft policy for required fund[if neccesary(short)] #proper utilization of savings (saved earnings) #purchasing required stuff(avoiding over purchasing) #maintaing budget #using e- wallet for discounts #minimizing usage of electricity,water etc re-using product

  • NISHA YADAV 26982 Hrs 58 Min 24 Sec

    #nishayadav #mba #21190#jayoti vidyapeeth womens university # Tips to manage finance duirng lockdown The important thing is to be prepared, remain positive, show empathy towards others especially people who cannot afford things and professionally remain active and alert. Things will change for sure and the good times are bound to come again. These are once in a lifetime situation and it’s a crisis for everyone since the complete global economic cycle is disrupted. We all need to manage this crisis with a positive mindset and attitude. there are certain ways from which we can manage our finance druing lockdown and they are 1. Re-evaluate your budget- Households need to re-evaluate their budgets and sort expenses as per relevanceIt will be ideal for households to toss out frivolous expenses and spend money only on essential items and services. unneccsary things can be avoided . 2 Do not ignore credit card payments -With most shops and businesses closed, it seems an odd time to worry about making credit card payments, but it is not. Do not delay your credit card payments even during an economic full stop. Credit cards charge a high rate of interest on pending payments and directly affect your credit score. 3 Avoid panic selling 4 make Short Term Operating Plan - Prepare a realistic cash flow plan for the next three months. It has to be practical and cash-based. If you can survive the next three months, it will be easy for you to stand firm. 5 Understand Government actions and initiatives- The government has announced various schemes which need to be validated and they are GST / TDS Postponement, refunds, msme loans , provident funds . 6 . Renegotiate Rent terms - Check if landlords are agreeing for waivers, discounts or deferrals of rent. . 7 Be careful on Shares/ stock markets 8 Eliminate discretionary spends 9 Review the P&Ls 10 Marketing re-thinking 11 INSURANCE - Insurance companies have been encouraging customers to use digital channels. Some insurers such as ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co. are also offering WhatsApp services. Keep emergency funds handy: It is times like these that emergency funds are built for. emergency funds are your investments which you don’t dig into unless a situation of emergency arises. It is advised that you should create an emergency fund of up to six months of expenses. You can create an emergency fund and park your money in liquid assets, which can be redeemed as per the need at any given point in time. Don’t hoard unnecessarily. thnku