AKSHITA PATNI 27593 Hrs 21 Min 50 Sec Name: Akshita Patni Enrollment number : JV-I/18/2390 Class : BA-LLB (Semester 7th) Jayoti Vidhyapeeth Womens University Multi-level and intersecting forms of discrimination have always existed, although they have been more broadly acknowledged only in recent decades. Age, socioeconomic status, racial or ethnic background, religion, national origin, citizenship, status, health, particularly HIV/AIDS and disability, as well as poverty and sexual orientation, are examplesof factors that can exacerbate or otherwise influence the nature of discrimination faced by women. At the Fourth World Conference on Women, States recognized that “many women face additional barriers to the enjoyment of their human rights because of such factors as their race, language, ethnicity, culture, religion, disability or socioeconomic class or because they are indigenous people, migrants, including women migrant workers, displaced women or refugees.” In the Durban Declaration, States declared that they were “convinced that racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance reveal themselves in a differentiated manner for women and girls, and can be among the factors leading to a deterioration in their living conditions, poverty, violence, multiple forms of discrimination, and the limitation or denial of their human rights.” They further recognized “the need to integrate a gender perspective into relevant policies, strategies and programmes of action against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in order to address multiple forms of discrimination.” The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination also addressed this in its general recommendation No. 25 (2000) on gender-related dimensions of racial discrimination, in which it noted that “racial discrimination does not always affect women and men equally or in the same way. There are circumstances in which racial discrimination only or primarily affects women, or affects women in a different way, or to a different degree than men. Such racial discrimination will often escape detection if there is no explicit recognition or acknowledgement of the different life experiences of women and men, in areas of both public and private life.”
AKSHITA PATNI 27593 Hrs 21 Min 53 Sec Name: Akshita Patni Enrollment number : JV-I/18/2390 Class : BA-LLB (Semester 7th) Jayoti Vidhyapeeth Womens University Multi-level and intersecting forms of discrimination have always existed, although they have been more broadly acknowledged only in recent decades. Age, socioeconomic status, racial or ethnic background, religion, national origin, citizenship, status, health, particularly HIV/AIDS and disability, as well as poverty and sexual orientation, are examplesof factors that can exacerbate or otherwise influence the nature of discrimination faced by women. At the Fourth World Conference on Women, States recognized that “many women face additional barriers to the enjoyment of their human rights because of such factors as their race, language, ethnicity, culture, religion, disability or socioeconomic class or because they are indigenous people, migrants, including women migrant workers, displaced women or refugees.” In the Durban Declaration, States declared that they were “convinced that racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance reveal themselves in a differentiated manner for women and girls, and can be among the factors leading to a deterioration in their living conditions, poverty, violence, multiple forms of discrimination, and the limitation or denial of their human rights.” They further recognized “the need to integrate a gender perspective into relevant policies, strategies and programmes of action against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in order to address multiple forms of discrimination.” The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination also addressed this in its general recommendation No. 25 (2000) on gender-related dimensions of racial discrimination, in which it noted that “racial discrimination does not always affect women and men equally or in the same way. There are circumstances in which racial discrimination only or primarily affects women, or affects women in a different way, or to a different degree than men. Such racial discrimination will often escape detection if there is no explicit recognition or acknowledgement of the different life experiences of women and men, in areas of both public and private life.”
BHANU CHOUDHARY 27611 Hrs 59 Min 28 Sec #BhanuChoudhary #B.A.LLB 7th sem #jvwu #Exclusive Right & Law for Women Leads to Equality, Economic & Social Freedom #In India, there is no paucity of laws for women. Our Constitution provides exclusive rights to women for their protection and development. Furthermore, IPC, CRPC and Evidence Act are also active when it comes to women and their protection. We have some special laws as well for effective implementation of the rights of women against abuse, Harassment, violence, inequality etc. against them such as the Protection of Women from Domestic violence Act, 2005; the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956, the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION and REDRESSAL) Act, 2013 etc. #There are some of exclusive rights are Right to maintenance Right to equal pay Right to dignity and decency Right against domestic violence Rights at workplace Right against dowry Right to free legal aid Right of private defense #Every woman has the right to live in dignity, free of fear, coercion, violence and discrimination. Law very well respects women’s dignity and modesty. The criminal law provides for the punishments for offences committed against women like Sexual Harassment (Sec. 354A), assault with intent to disrobe her (Sec. 354B) or to outrage her modesty (Sec. 354), Voyeurism (Sec. 354C), Stalking (354D) etc. and for the protection of the women at workplace the Supreme Court and the Govt. had put in to ensure the safety of women at workplaces. The Supreme Court in Vishakha v. State of Rajasthan, had laid down exclusive guidelines for protection of women from Sexual Harrasment at workplace.
MALVIKA CHAUDHARY 27613 Hrs 30 Min 08 Sec jv-i/17/1457 Malvika Chaudhary Exclusive rights and laws for womens lead to equality, economic and social freedom. We live in a world where goddesses are worshiped and women get tamed, harassed, abused, raped, and kidnapped every single day. Keeping a check on a number of women-related cases, the government of India provides crucial rights to Indian women. "Human rights are womens rights and womens rights are human rights, once and for all." - Hillary Clinton Unfortunately, many of the women do not know their rights. 1. Women have the right to equal pay According to the provisions listed under the Equal Remuneration Act, one cannot be discriminated on the basis of sex when it comes to salary, pay or wages. 2. Women have the right to dignity and decency In an event that the accused is a woman, any medical examination procedure on her must be performed by -- or in the presence of -- another woman. 3. Women have the right against workplace harassment The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act gives a female the right to file a complaint against any kind of sexual harassment at her place of work. 4. Women have a right against domestic violence Section 498 of the Indian Constitution looks to protect a wife, female live-in partner or a woman living in a household like a mother or a sister from 5. Female sexual assault victims have the right to keep their identity anonymou domestic violence a woman who has been sexually assaulted may record her statement alone before the district magistrate when the case is under trial, or in the presence of a female police officer. 6. Women have the right to get free legal aid Under the Legal Services Authorities Act, female rape victims have the right to get free legal aid or help from the Legal Services Authority who has to arrange a lawyer for her. 7. Women have right not to be arrested at night Unless there is an exceptional case on the orders of a first class magistrate, a woman cannot be arrested after sunset and before sunrise. 8. Women have the right to register virtual complaints The law gives women the provision for filing virtual complaints via e-mail, or writing her complaint and sending it to a police station from a registered postal address. 9. Women have the right against indecent representation Depiction of a womans figure (her form or any body part) in any manner that is indecent, derogatory, or is likely to deprave, corrupt or injure the public morality or morals, is a punishable offence. 10. Women have the right against being stalked Section 354D of the IPC makes way for legal action to be taken against an offender if he/she follows a woman, tries to contact her to foster personal interaction repeatedly despite a clear indication of disinterest; or monitor the use by a woman of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication. 11. Women have a right to Zero FIR An FIR that can be filed at any police station irrespective of the location where the incident occurred or a specific jurisdiction it comes under, the Zero FIR can later be moved to the Police Station in whose jurisdiction the case falls under.
KM AYUSHI SINGH 27613 Hrs 33 Min 15 Sec Ayushi Singh jv-i/17/1436 BA-LLB 9TH sem conomic and social freedom International human rights treaties require State parties to take proactive steps to ensure that women’s human rights are respected by law and to eliminate discrimination, inequalities, and practices that negatively affect women’s rights. Under international human rights law, women may also be entitled to specific additional rights such as those concerning reproductive healthcare.As a particularly vulnerable group, women have special status and protection within the United Nations and regional human rights systems. International human rights treaties prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender and also require States to ensure the protection and realization of women’s rights in all areas – from property ownership and freedom from violence, to equal access to education and participation in government. Violence against women has been defined to include “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women Freedom from violence and fear of violence is essential to the full enjoyment of all human rights. Under international human rights law, States have an obligation to refrain from committing acts of violence against women (for example, the State is responsible for ensuring that soldiers do not commit rape) and to put in place laws and policies to prevent others from doing the same (such as by criminalizing domestic violence.
REKHA CHOUDHARY 27614 Hrs 08 Min 09 Sec # REKHA CHOUDHARY # BALLB 5TH SEM # JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMENS UNIVERSITY #Exclusive Right & Law for Women Leads to Equality, Economic & Social Freedom. Women are entitled to enjoy the same human rights and fundamental freedoms as other individuals. International human rights treaties require State parties to take proactive steps to ensure that women’s human rights are respected by law and to eliminate discrimination, inequalities, and practices that negatively affect women’s rights. Under international human rights law, women may also be entitled to specific additional rights such as those concerning reproductive healthcare. As a particularly vulnerable group, women have special status and protection within the United Nations and regional human rights systems. International human rights treaties prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender and also require States to ensure the protection and realization of women’s rights in all areas – from property ownership and freedom from violence to equal access to education and participation in government. Violence against women has been defined to include “any act of gender-based violence that results in or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life. Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against WomenFreedom from violence and fear of violence is essential to the full enjoyment of all human rights. Under international human rights law, States have an obligation to refrain from committing acts of violence against women (for example, the State is responsible for ensuring that soldiers do not commit rape) and to put in place laws and policies to prevent others from doing the same (such as by criminalizing domestic violence.
ARTI GARG 27614 Hrs 12 Min 06 Sec #ARTI GARG # BALLB 5TH SEM # JV-I/19/3306/ # JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMENS UNIVERSITY #Exclusive Right & Law for Women Leads to Equality, Economic & Social Freedom. Womens Empowerment can be referred to as strengthening the social, economic, and educational status of women. It means creating an environment where there is no violence or gender discrimination and where women have equal rights in the community, society, and workplace. Today, there is a rape every 29 minutes, a case of molestation every 15 minutes, and a dowry death every 4 hours. This is, inhuman for a nation that prides itself on all the dignity it gives to its women as part of its culture and traditions. Every woman has a right to live, and the right to live with dignity and freely express herself! In the present times, various crimes against women are prevalent in India, including be it domestic violence, cruelty, desertion, or stalking, rape, harassment, extortion, or other crimes. Though we have laws protecting women in India yet, women both in Urban and Rural India face constant threats both online and offline and continue to face discrimination or other unfair acts and crimes whether at home or at their workplace. the awareness needs of every section of our society and state of art workshops, interaction modules, and e-learning programs, particularly for the protection of women and children. The Foundation has empowered, motivated counselling programs. A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.
PRACHI SINGH 27614 Hrs 53 Min 07 Sec PRACHI SINGH BBA LLB JV-I-17-1412 In India, there is no paucity of laws for women. Our Constitution provides exclusive rights to women for their protection and development. Furthermore, IPC, CrPC and Evidence Act are also active when it comes to women and their protection. We have some special laws as well for effective implementation of the rights of women against abuse, Harassment, violence, inequality etc. against them such as the Protection of Women from Domestic violence Act, 2005; the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956; the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961; the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986; the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION and REDRESSAL) Act, 2013; the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 etc. By the end of this article, you might feel empowered (of course “females”) by the protection and care that law has made available to them, So Come on! Let’s dive in. Here is a quick preface of the rights: Right to maintenance Right to equal pay Right to dignity and decency Right against domestic violence Rights at workplace Right against dowry Right to free legal aid Right of private defense Right to maintenance Maintenance includes the basic necessities of life like food, shelter, clothes, education, health care facilities etc. A married woman is entitled to get maintenance from her husband even after her divorce till she doesn’t remarry. Maintenance depends on the standard of living of the wife and circumstances and income of the husband. Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, puts an obligation on the husband to maintain her divorced wife except when the wife lives in adultery or refuses to live with her husband without reasonable cause or when both of them live separately by mutual consent. Under the aforesaid section, any Indian woman irrespective of her caste and religion can claim maintenance from her husband. The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 also facilities maintenance but to Hindu women only. Whereas, the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939 covers only Muslim woman. Right to equal pay We now have gender neutral laws. A male and a female is entitled to the same pay for the same work. The Equal Remuneration Act provides for the same. It ensures payment of equal remuneration to both men and women workers for the same work or work of a similar nature. In the context of recruitment and service conditions, there will be no discrimination on the basis of gender. Right to dignity and decency Dignity and decency are women’s personal jewels. Anybody who tries to snatch and disrobe her modesty is considered a sinner and law very well entails its punishment. Every woman has the right to live in dignity, free of fear, coercion, violence and discrimination. Law very well respects women’s dignity and modesty. The criminal law provides for the punishments for offences committed against women like Sexual Harassment (Sec. 354A), assault with intent to disrobe her (Sec. 354B) or to outrage her modesty (Sec. 354), Voyeurism (Sec. 354C), Stalking (354D) etc. In case the woman herself is accused of an offence and arrested, she is behaved and dealt with decency. Her arrest and search should be made with strict regard to decency by a woman police officer and her Medical examination should be carried out by a woman medical officer or in supervision of a woman medical officer. In rape cases, so far as practicable, a woman police officer should register the FIR. Furthermore, she cannot be arrested after sunset and before sunrise except for a special permission of the Magistrate by a woman police officer. Right against domestic violence Every woman is entitled to the right against Domestic Violence with her by virtue of the enactment of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act in 2005. Domestic Violence includes within its ambit not only Physical abuse but also mental, sexual and economic abuse. So, if you are a daughter or a wife or a live-in partner and is subjected to any of such abuses by your partner or husband or his relatives or by person related to you by blood or adoption who live or have lived with you in a shared household, then you are well covered under the provisions of Domestic Violence Act and may seek different remedies provided thereof. You may contact the women helpline no. “1091” and register your complaint. They will inform police about your case. You may also approach the women’s cell of your area which you can find with help of google. They provide special services to such women and help them lodge their cases before the Magistrate after drafting their complaints in a proper manner. You may also approach the police to register your case. Since the case of Domestic violence is cognizable in nature, police is bound to register FIR and investigate thereto, but in case, it refuses to do so then you may write a letter stating your case to Superintendent of police and post it, if SP feels that the information discloses a cognizable offence, then he may either himself investigate or direct his subordinate police officer to register the case and investigate it. In case, SP also denies you, you may directly approach the Magistrate having jurisdiction in your area, and move your application under sec. 12 of DV Act with the help of a lawyer for seeking desired relief(s) against Domestic Violence which include protection, custody and compensation orders. The Indian Penal code also provides protection to such women who are subjected to Domestic violence, under Sec 498A by punishing the husband or his relatives with the imprisonment which may extend to 3 years and fine. Rights at workplace You have a right to have a ladies toilet where you work. At places, with more than 30 female workers, providing facilities for care and feeding of children is mandatory. Further, the Supreme Court and the Govt. had put in to ensure the safety of women at workplaces. The Hon’ble Supreme Court in Vishakha v. State of Rajasthan, had laid down exclusive guidelines for protection of women from Sexual Harrasment at workplace, following which, the Govt. in 2013, has enacted an exclusive legislation- The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION and REDRESSAL) Act, 2013 for that end. So if any person at your workplace, asks you for sexual favors, or makes sexually colored remarks and whistles looking at you or sings obscene songs looking at you, touches you inappropriately, or shows pornography, then all that will constitute Sexual Harrassment and you may complain to the Internal complaints committee which is required to be constituted by the employer at each office or branch with 10 or more employees. The District Officer is also required to constitute a Local Complaints Committee at each district, and if required at the block level. Apart from this, IPC also, penalizes Sexual Harassment under 354A by providing an imprisonment of 1-3 years. Right against dowry Dowry system i.e. giving and taking of dowry by bride or bridegroom or by their parents at, before or after the marriage is penalized by Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961. The Act, defines “Dowry” as any property or valuable security given or agreed to be given either directly or indirectly by one party to the other but does not include dower or mahr in the case of persons to whom the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) applies. If you give, take or abet giving or taking of dowry, then you shall be punishable with a minimum imprisonment of 5 years and minimum fine of Rs. 15,000. “Say no to dowry, it breeds violence.” Right to free legal aid If you are an aggrieved woman, you are entitled to claim free legal services from the legal services authorities recognized under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 irrespective of whether you can afford legal services on your own. There are District, State, and National legal Services Authorities constituted at District, State and National level respectively. Legal services include assisting in the conduct of any case or other legal proceedings before any Court or tribunal or authority and advising on legal matters. Right of private defence/ self-defence It is a defensive right. You can cause hurt, grievous hurt or even death in protecting your body or another person’s body from the assailant. But you can kill the assailant without attracting liability and punishment only in certain circumstances like: When you feel that the assailant is about to cause your death or grievous hurt or commit rape, kidnapping or abduction or if he intends to lock you in a room or throws or attempts to throw acid at you, then you can kill that person and law will protect you.
KRISHNA GANDHI 27615 Hrs 40 Min 56 Sec #krishnagandhi#llb5thsem#jv-p/19/3022#jvwu,jaipur #topic-exclusive right & law for women leads to equility, economic & social freedom not only in our constitution but also in other laws like ipc, crpc rights for women protection are given.The criminal law provides punishment against those persons who has commited offence against women like sexual harrashment under (section 354A), stalking( section354D), voyrism(section 345C),etc, and for the protection of the women at work place. The supreme court and government had put into ensure the safety of women at work places. IN THIS 21 century also wpomen ARE facing ineuality. there are many laws made in indian law to protect their interest and rights for they enpowerted by law.Indian Constitution guarantees several rights such as the right to equality in Article 14, right to life and personal liberty under Article 21 of Constitution to all its citizens irrespective of gender . Gender equality means a society in wherein both women and men enjoy the same opportunities, rights and obligations in different spheres of life. Equality in decision making, economic and social freedom, equal access to education and right to practice an occupation of one’s choice.In order to promote gender equality , we need to the empowerment of women,and concentrate on areas which are most crucial to her well being.
KUSUM 27615 Hrs 43 Min 02 Sec #name-kusum,course-llb 5th sem, enrollment no-jv-p/19/3648,#jvwu,jaipur #topic-exclusive right & law for women leads to equility, economic & social freedom on the ground of general equility ,are 12 rights an indian woman holds in india. india ,1949 provides special provision for women in case of empowerment on in the cases of reservation . doctrine of intelligibl;e diffferenta also applicable on it. sce-46of crpc providers privilagefor the women that the will not be arrested after sunset and before the sunrise . IN ipc sec-376B. Whoever has sexual intercourse with his own wife, who is living separately, whether under a decree of separation or otherwise, without her consent, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than two years but which may extend to seven years, and shall also be liable to fine. under The constitution of India protects rights of women and all vulnerable sections of the society and also promotes equality of Status and opportunity for all. The Fundamental rights deal extensively with the issue of equality. Article 14 states that all citizens of the Country are equal before law and will have equal protection of Law.
MANJU CHOUDHARY 27615 Hrs 44 Min 30 Sec #ManjuChoudhary#Jv-i/19/3302#Jvwu#Exclusive rights and laws for women lead to equality, economic and social freedom. We live in a world where goddesses are worshiped and women get tamed, harassed, abused, raped, and kidnapped every single day. Women have a right against domestic violence Section 498 of the Indian Constitution looks to protect a wife, female live-in partner or a woman living in a household like a mother or a sister from Female sexual assault victims have the right to keep their identity anonymou domestic violence a woman who has been sexually assaulted may record her statement alone before the district magistrate when the case is under trial, or in the presence of a female police officer. Women have the right to get free legal aid Under the Legal Services Authorities Act, female rape victims have the right to get free legal aid or help from the Legal Services Authority who has to arrange a lawyer for her. Women have right not to be arrested at night Unless there is an exceptional case on the orders of a first class magistrate, a woman cannot be arrested after sunset and before sunrise.Women have the right to register virtual complaints The law gives women the provision for filing virtual complaints via e-mail, or writing her complaint and sending it to a police station from a registered postal address.Women have the right against indecent representation Depiction of a womans figure (her form or any body part) in any manner that is indecent, derogatory, or is likely to deprave, corrupt or injure the public morality or morals, is a punishable offence.
VANSHITA SINGH PARMAR 27615 Hrs 47 Min 47 Sec #VanshitaSinghParmar #jv-i/19/3246 #BBALLB5th sem #JVWU#Exclusive rights and laws for women lead to equality, economic and social freedom. In our Indian legal system the position of the women is consider as dominant and have special laws regarding the women. Women has responsibility of the so many things. In Indian Penal Code 304 B and 498 A protect her rights. She has also a right to maintain herself from the husband. The criminal law provides for the punishments for offences committed against women like Sexual Harassment (Sec. 354A), assault with intent to disrobe her (Sec. 354B) or to outrage her modesty (Sec. 354), Voyeurism (Sec. 354C), Stalking (354D) etc. and for the protection of the women at workplace the Supreme Court and the Govt. had put in to ensure the safety of women at workplaces. #Our Constitution, IPC, CRPC and Evidence Act are provides some rights to women and their protection. We have some special laws against them such as the Protection of Women from Domestic violence Act, 2005; the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961. Hence these are some of the rights for women for balancing equality and freedom.
SOMYA GUPTA 27615 Hrs 48 Min 51 Sec #VanshitaSinghParmar #jv-i/19/3246 #BBALLB5th sem #JVWU#Exclusive rights and laws for women lead to equality, economic and social freedom. In our Indian legal system the position of the women is consider as dominant and have special laws regarding the women. Women has responsibility of the so many things. In Indian Penal Code 304 B and 498 A protect her rights. She has also a right to maintain herself from the husband. The criminal law provides for the punishments for offences committed against women like Sexual Harassment (Sec. 354A), assault with intent to disrobe her (Sec. 354B) or to outrage her modesty (Sec. 354), Voyeurism (Sec. 354C), Stalking (354D) etc. and for the protection of the women at workplace the Supreme Court and the Govt. had put in to ensure the safety of women at workplaces. #Our Constitution, IPC, CRPC and Evidence Act are provides some rights to women and their protection. We have some special laws against them such as the Protection of Women from Domestic violence Act, 2005; the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961. Hence these are some of the rights for women for balancing equality and freedom.
NIKITA SHARMA 27615 Hrs 52 Min 01 Sec # NIKITA SHARMA # B.COM LLB 7 SEM # JV-I/18/2314 # exclusive right and law for women leads to equality economic and social freedoom # jvn mission.not only in our constitution but also in other laws like ipc, crpc rights for women protection are given.The criminal law provides punishment against those persons who has commited offence against women like sexual harrashment under (section 354A), stalking( section354D), voyrism(section 345C),etc, and for the protection of the women at work place. The supreme court and government had put into ensure the safety of women at work places. IN THIS 21 century also wpomen ARE facing ineuality. there are many laws made in indian law to protect their interest and rights for they enpowerted by law.Indian Constitution guarantees several rights such as the right to equality in Article 14, right to life and personal liberty under Article 21 of Constitution to all its citizens irrespective of gender . Gender equality means a society in wherein both women and men enjoy the same opportunities, rights and obligations in different spheres of life. Equality in decision making, economic and social freedom, equal access to education and right to practice an occupation of one’s choice.In order to promote gender equality , we need to the empowerment of women,and concentrate on areas which are most crucial to her well being.Women have the right against being stalked Section 354D of the IPC makes way for legal action to be taken against an offender if he/she follows a woman, tries to contact her to foster personal interaction repeatedly despite a clear indication of disinterest; or monitor the use by a woman of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication. 11. Women have a right to Zero FIR An FIR that can be filed at any police station irrespective of the location where the incident occurred or a specific jurisdiction it comes under, the Zero FIR can later be moved to the Police Station in whose jurisdiction the case falls under.thus,Exclusive Right & Law for Women Leads to Equlity, Economic & Social Freedom .
ANISHA SHARMA 27615 Hrs 54 Min 17 Sec #name- anisha sharma #course- bba-llb 7th sem. # enrollment no. jv-i/18/2872 jayoti vidhayapeeth womens university topic - exclusive right and law for women leads to equality economic and social freedom international human rights treaties requires state parties to take protective steps to ensure that human rights are respected law and to eliminate the discriminition , inequility , and practices that negatively affects women s right.Frequently women and girls bear a a disappropreate burden of negative , social, economic and environmental impacts while having less access to benefits such as job creation , supply contracts . or compensation which may be generated by private sector development. Negative gender stereotypes reinforce and perpetuate historical and structural pattern of discrimination, which undermines womens ability to enjoy improved social economic conditions. violence against women has been defined to include any act of gender based violence that result in, or is likely to result in , physical , sexual, or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such act, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty whether occuring in public or in private life. Declaration on the elimination of violence against women freedom from violence and fear of violence is essential to the full enjoyment of all human rights.The criminal law provides punishment against those persons who has commited offence against women like sexual harrashment under (section 354A), stalking( section354D), voyrism(section 345C),etc, and for the protection of the women at work place. The supreme court and government had put into ensure the safety of women at work places.
DIVYA SHARMA 27615 Hrs 56 Min 12 Sec #name- divya sharma #course- ba-llb 7th sem. # enrollment no. jv-i/18/2507 #jayoti vidhayapeeth womens university topic - exclusive right and law for women leads to equality economic and social freedom international human rights treaties requires state parties to take protective steps to ensure that human rights are respected law and to eliminate the discriminition , inequility , and practices that negatively affects women s right.Frequently women and girls bear a a disappropreate burden of negative , social, economic and environmental impacts while having less access to benefits such as job creation , supply contracts . or compensation which may be generated by private sector development. Negative gender stereotypes reinforce and perpetuate historical and structural pattern of discrimination, which undermines womens ability to enjoy improved social economic conditions. violence against women has been defined to include any act of gender based violence that result in, or is likely to result in , physical , sexual, or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such act, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty whether occuring in public or in private life. Declaration on the elimination of violence against women freedom from violence and fear of violence is essential to the full enjoyment of all human rights.The criminal law provides punishment against those persons who has commited offence against women like sexual harrashment under (section 354A), stalking( section354D), voyrism(section 345C),etc, and for the protection of the women at work place. The supreme court and government had put into ensure the safety of women at work places.
SOMYA GUPTA 27615 Hrs 56 Min 20 Sec #SomyaGupta #jv-i/19/3324 #BALLB 5th sem #JVWU #Exclusive rights and laws for women lead to equality, economic and social freedom. The Indian Judicial System provide so many laws relating to the women. In every law she has a privilege for her rights and freedoms. The Criminal Procedure Code has provided a provision of the arrest of the women. It has been given that if the women is accused of any offense and have to be arrested then she cannot be arrested after sunset and before sunrise. The arrest should be made by the female police officer. In the cases of the rape the evidence taken by the police shall be as per the wish of the women. Where she is comfortable shall be the first priority of the police officer. Section 498 A relates to cruelty done by the husband and relatives on the women. If a women is being tortured by her husband or in laws she can take protection against them by this provision. The women shall be protected by the law and order.
KUMARI NANDITA NANDINI 27615 Hrs 57 Min 39 Sec #kumari nandita nandini #jv-i/17/1799 #BBA LLB 9th sem #JVWU #Exclusive rights and laws for womens lead to equality, economic and social freedom. We live in a world where goddesses are worshiped and women get tamed, harassed, abused, raped, and kidnapped every single day. Keeping a check on a number of women-related cases, the government of India provides crucial rights to Indian women. "Human rights are womens rights and womens rights are human rights, once and for all." - Hillary Clinton Unfortunately, many of the women do not know their rights. 1. Women have the right to equal pay According to the provisions listed under the Equal Remuneration Act, one cannot be discriminated on the basis of sex when it comes to salary, pay or wages. 2. Women have the right to dignity and decency In an event that the accused is a woman, any medical examination procedure on her must be performed by -- or in the presence of -- another woman. 3. Women have the right against workplace harassment The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act gives a female the right to file a complaint against any kind of sexual harassment at her place of work. 4. Women have a right against domestic violence Section 498 of the Indian Constitution looks to protect a wife, female live-in partner or a woman living in a household like a mother or a sister from 5. Female sexual assault victims have the right to keep their identity anonymou domestic violence a woman who has been sexually assaulted may record her statement alone before the district magistrate when the case is under trial, or in the presence of a female police officer. 6. Women have the right to get free legal aid Under the Legal Services Authorities Act, female rape victims have the right to get free legal aid or help from the Legal Services Authority who has to arrange a lawyer for her. 7. Women have right not to be arrested at night Unless there is an exceptional case on the orders of a first class magistrate, a woman cannot be arrested after sunset and before sunrise. 8. Women have the right to register virtual complaints The law gives women the provision for filing virtual complaints via e-mail, or writing her complaint and sending it to a police station from a registered postal address. 9. Women have the right against indecent representation Depiction of a womans figure (her form or any body part) in any manner that is indecent, derogatory, or is likely to deprave, corrupt or injure the public morality or morals, is a punishable offence. 10. Women have the right against being stalked Section 354D of the IPC makes way for legal action to be taken against an offender if he/she follows a woman, tries to contact her to foster personal interaction repeatedly despite a clear indication of disinterest; or monitor the use by a woman of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication. 11. Women have a right to Zero FIR An FIR that can be filed at any police station irrespective of the location where the incident occurred or a specific jurisdiction it comes under, the Zero FIR can later be moved to the Police Station in whose jurisdiction the case falls under.
MS.TANU SHREE KUMAWAT 27615 Hrs 58 Min 43 Sec #name- tanushree kumawat #course- b.com-llb 7th sem. # enrollment no. jv-u/18/2619 jayoti vidhayapeeth womens university topic - exclusive right and law for women leads to equality economic and social freedom international human rights treaties requires state parties to take protective steps to ensure that human rights are respected law and to eliminate the discriminition , inequility , and practices that negatively affects women s right.Frequently women and girls bear a a disappropreate burden of negative , social, economic and environmental impacts while having less access to benefits such as job creation , supply contracts . or compensation which may be generated by private sector development. Negative gender stereotypes reinforce and perpetuate historical and structural pattern of discrimination, which undermines womens ability to enjoy improved social economic conditions. violence against women has been defined to include any act of gender based violence that result in, or is likely to result in , physical , sexual, or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such act, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty whether occuring in public or in private life. Declaration on the elimination of violence against women freedom from violence and fear of violence is essential to the full enjoyment of all human rights.The criminal law provides punishment against those persons who has commited offence against women like sexual harrashment under (section 354A), stalking( section354D), voyrism(section 345C),etc, and for the protection of the women at work place. The supreme court and government had put into ensure the safety of women at work places.
MS.TANU SHREE KUMAWAT 27615 Hrs 59 Min 30 Sec #name- tanushree kumawat #course- b.com-llb 4th sem. # enrollment no. jv-u/18/2619 jayoti vidhayapeeth womens university topic - exclusive right and law for women leads to equality economic and social freedom international human rights treaties requires state parties to take protective steps to ensure that human rights are respected law and to eliminate the discriminition , inequility , and practices that negatively affects women s right.Frequently women and girls bear a a disappropreate burden of negative , social, economic and environmental impacts while having less access to benefits such as job creation , supply contracts . or compensation which may be generated by private sector development. Negative gender stereotypes reinforce and perpetuate historical and structural pattern of discrimination, which undermines womens ability to enjoy improved social economic conditions. violence against women has been defined to include any act of gender based violence that result in, or is likely to result in , physical , sexual, or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such act, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty whether occuring in public or in private life. Declaration on the elimination of violence against women freedom from violence and fear of violence is essential to the full enjoyment of all human rights.The criminal law provides punishment against those persons who has commited offence against women like sexual harrashment under (section 354A), stalking( section354D), voyrism(section 345C),etc, and for the protection of the women at work place. The supreme court and government had put into ensure the safety of women at work places.
MS.MANISHA GUPTA 27616 Hrs 04 Min 52 Sec #MANISHA GUPTA #BBA LLB 7 SEM #JV-I/18/2573 # JAYOTI VIDHYAPEETH WOMENSA UNIVERSITY # EXCLUSIVE RIGHT AND LAW FOR WOMEN LKEADS TO EQUALITY . IN THIS 21 century also wpomen ARE facing ineuality. there are many laws made in indian law to protect their interest and rights for they enpowerted by law.Indian Constitution guarantees several rights such as the right to equality in Article 14, right to life and personal liberty under Article 21 of Constitution to all its citizens irrespective of gender . Gender equality means a society in wherein both women and men enjoy the same opportunities, rights and obligations in different spheres of life. Equality in decision making, economic and social freedom, equal access to education and right to practice an occupation of one’s choice.In order to promote gender equality , we need to the empowerment of women,and concentrate on areas which are most crucial to her well being.Women are entitled to enjoy the same human rights and fundamental freedoms as other individuals. International human rights treaties require State parties to take proactive steps to ensure that women’s human rights are respected by law and to eliminate discrimination, inequalities, and practices that negatively affect women’s rights.Every woman has the right to live in dignity, free of fear, coercion, violence and discrimination. Law very well respects women’s dignity and modesty. The criminal law provides for the punishments for offences committed against women like Sexual Harassment (Sec. 354A), assault with intent to disrobe her (Sec. 354B) or to outrage her modesty (Sec. 354), Voyeurism (Sec. 354C), Stalking (354D) etc. and for the protection of the women at workplace the Supreme Court and the Govt. had put in to ensure the safety of women at workplaces. The Supreme Court in Vishakha v. State of Rajasthan, had laid down exclusive guidelines for protection of women from Sexual Harrasment at workplace.
KUMARI NANDITA NANDINI 27616 Hrs 05 Min 01 Sec #kumari nandita nandini #jv-i/17/1799 #BBA LLB 9th sem #JVWU #Exclusive rights and laws for womens lead to equality, economic and social freedom. We live in a world where goddesses are worshiped and women get tamed, harassed, abused, raped, and kidnapped every single day. Keeping a check on a number of women-related cases, the government of India provides crucial rights to Indian women. "Human rights are womens rights and womens rights are human rights, once and for all." - Hillary Clinton Unfortunately, many of the women do not know their rights. 1. Women have the right to equal pay According to the provisions listed under the Equal Remuneration Act, one cannot be discriminated on the basis of sex when it comes to salary, pay or wages. 2. Women have the right to dignity and decency In an event that the accused is a woman, any medical examination procedure on her must be performed by -- or in the presence of -- another woman. 3. Women have the right against workplace harassment The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act gives a female the right to file a complaint against any kind of sexual harassment at her place of work. 4. Women have a right against domestic violence Section 498 of the Indian Constitution looks to protect a wife, female live-in partner or a woman living in a household like a mother or a sister from 5. Female sexual assault victims have the right to keep their identity anonymou domestic violence a woman who has been sexually assaulted may record her statement alone before the district magistrate when the case is under trial, or in the presence of a female police officer. 6. Women have the right to get free legal aid Under the Legal Services Authorities Act, female rape victims have the right to get free legal aid or help from the Legal Services Authority who has to arrange a lawyer for her. 7. Women have right not to be arrested at night Unless there is an exceptional case on the orders of a first class magistrate, a woman cannot be arrested after sunset and before sunrise. 8. Women have the right to register virtual complaints The law gives women the provision for filing virtual complaints via e-mail, or writing her complaint and sending it to a police station from a registered postal address. 9. Women have the right against indecent representation Depiction of a womans figure (her form or any body part) in any manner that is indecent, derogatory, or is likely to deprave, corrupt or injure the public morality or morals, is a punishable offence. 10. Women have the right against being stalked Section 354D of the IPC makes way for legal action to be taken against an offender if he/she follows a woman, tries to contact her to foster personal interaction repeatedly despite a clear indication of disinterest; or monitor the use by a woman of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication. 11. Women have a right to Zero FIR An FIR that can be filed at any police station irrespective of the location where the incident occurred or a specific jurisdiction it comes under, the Zero FIR can later be moved to the Police Station in whose jurisdiction the case falls under.
YASHASWANI LUWARIA 27616 Hrs 07 Min 40 Sec #Yashashwani luwaria #jv-i/17/1364 #BBA LLB 9th sem #JVWU #Exclusive rights and laws for womens lead to equality, economic and social freedom. We live in a world where goddesses are worshiped and women get tamed, harassed, abused, raped, and kidnapped every single day. Keeping a check on a number of women-related cases, the government of India provides crucial rights to Indian women. "Human rights are womens rights and womens rights are human rights, once and for all." - Hillary Clinton Unfortunately, many of the women do not know their rights. 1. Women have the right to equal pay According to the provisions listed under the Equal Remuneration Act, one cannot be discriminated on the basis of sex when it comes to salary, pay or wages. 2. Women have the right to dignity and decency In an event that the accused is a woman, any medical examination procedure on her must be performed by -- or in the presence of -- another woman. 3. Women have the right against workplace harassment The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act gives a female the right to file a complaint against any kind of sexual harassment at her place of work. 4. Women have a right against domestic violence Section 498 of the Indian Constitution looks to protect a wife, female live-in partner or a woman living in a household like a mother or a sister from 5. Female sexual assault victims have the right to keep their identity anonymou domestic violence a woman who has been sexually assaulted may record her statement alone before the district magistrate when the case is under trial, or in the presence of a female police officer. 6. Women have the right to get free legal aid Under the Legal Services Authorities Act, female rape victims have the right to get free legal aid or help from the Legal Services Authority who has to arrange a lawyer for her. 7. Women have right not to be arrested at night Unless there is an exceptional case on the orders of a first class magistrate, a woman cannot be arrested after sunset and before sunrise. 8. Women have the right to register virtual complaints The law gives women the provision for filing virtual complaints via e-mail, or writing her complaint and sending it to a police station from a registered postal address. 9. Women have the right against indecent representation Depiction of a womans figure (her form or any body part) in any manner that is indecent, derogatory, or is likely to deprave, corrupt or injure the public morality or morals, is a punishable offence. 10. Women have the right against being stalked Section 354D of the IPC makes way for legal action to be taken against an offender if he/she follows a woman, tries to contact her to foster personal interaction repeatedly despite a clear indication of disinterest; or monitor the use by a woman of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication. 11. Women have a right to Zero FIR An FIR that can be filed at any police station irrespective of the location where the incident occurred or a specific jurisdiction it comes under, the Zero FIR can later be moved to the Police Station in whose jurisdiction the case falls under.
VIDHI PAL 27616 Hrs 11 Min 39 Sec #VIDHI PAL #jv-i/17/1371 #BA LLB 9th sem #JVWU #Exclusive rights and laws for womens lead to equality, economic and social freedom. We live in a world where goddesses are worshiped and women get tamed, harassed, abused, raped, and kidnapped every single day. Keeping a check on a number of women-related cases, the government of India provides crucial rights to Indian women. "Human rights are womens rights and womens rights are human rights, once and for all." - Hillary Clinton Unfortunately, many of the women do not know their rights. 1. Women have the right to equal pay According to the provisions listed under the Equal Remuneration Act, one cannot be discriminated on the basis of sex when it comes to salary, pay or wages. 2. Women have the right to dignity and decency In an event that the accused is a woman, any medical examination procedure on her must be performed by -- or in the presence of -- another woman. 3. Women have the right against workplace harassment The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act gives a female the right to file a complaint against any kind of sexual harassment at her place of work. 4. Women have a right against domestic violence Section 498 of the Indian Constitution looks to protect a wife, female live-in partner or a woman living in a household like a mother or a sister from 5. Female sexual assault victims have the right to keep their identity anonymou domestic violence a woman who has been sexually assaulted may record her statement alone before the district magistrate when the case is under trial, or in the presence of a female police officer. 6. Women have the right to get free legal aid Under the Legal Services Authorities Act, female rape victims have the right to get free legal aid or help from the Legal Services Authority who has to arrange a lawyer for her. 7. Women have right not to be arrested at night Unless there is an exceptional case on the orders of a first class magistrate, a woman cannot be arrested after sunset and before sunrise. 8. Women have the right to register virtual complaints The law gives women the provision for filing virtual complaints via e-mail, or writing her complaint and sending it to a police station from a registered postal address. 9. Women have the right against indecent representation Depiction of a womans figure (her form or any body part) in any manner that is indecent, derogatory, or is likely to deprave, corrupt or injure the public morality or morals, is a punishable offence. 10. Women have the right against being stalked Section 354D of the IPC makes way for legal action to be taken against an offender if he/she follows a woman, tries to contact her to foster personal interaction repeatedly despite a clear indication of disinterest; or monitor the use by a woman of the internet, email or any other form of electronic communication. 11. Women have a right to Zero FIR An FIR that can be filed at any police station irrespective of the location where the incident occurred or a specific jurisdiction it comes under, the Zero FIR can later be moved to the Police Station in whose jurisdiction the case falls under.
SHAIWALINI PRITY 27616 Hrs 12 Min 15 Sec #SHAIWALINI PRITY #JV-I/19/3325 # BA LLB 5TH SEM # TOPIC topic exclusive right and law for women leads to equality economic and social freedom .Frequently, women and girls bear a disproportionate burden of negative social, economic, and environmental impacts while having less access to benefits such as job creation, supply contracts, or compensation, which may be generated by private sector development. Negative gender stereotypes reinforce and perpetuate historical and structural patterns of discrimination, which undermine women’s ability to enjoy improved socio-economic conditions. In 155 out of 173 economies, at least one gender-based legal restriction exists on women’s employment and entrepreneurship (World Bank). Globally, women only make 77 cents for everEquality and non-discrimination are core human rights concepts; everyone should be treated equally, regardless of their status. In addition, gender equality is essential to achieve peaceful societies, with full human potential and sustainable development. The attainment of equality amongst the sexes, and the elimination of all forms of gender-based discrimination are fundamental human rights and United Nations values as enshrined within several key human rights instruments. Notably, however, many human rights impacts stemming from business activities are ‘gendered’ in that they affect women disproportionately. There has arguably been too little attention to gender issues in most business and human rights frameworks and initiatives, including the UNGPs, which has been noted by several actors, including the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights which issued a Gender Guidance for states and businesses in 2019 y dollar men earn (UN Women). This has given rise to a ‘gender pay gap’ of 23% worldwide. One reason for this gap is occupational segregation .
POOJA 27616 Hrs 13 Min 29 Sec POOJA YADAV , BA LLB (5 SEM), JV-I/19/3375, TOPIC- EXCLUSIVE RIGHT AND LAW FOR WOMEN LEADS TO EQUALITY Women are entitled to enjoy the same human rights and fundamental freedoms as other individuals. International human rights treaties require State parties to take proactive steps to ensure that women’s human rights are respected by law and to eliminate discrimination, inequalities, and practices that negatively affect women’s rights. Under international human rights law, women may also be entitled to specific additional rights such as those concerning reproductive healthcare.As a particularly vulnerable group, women have special status and protection within the United Nations and regional human rights systems. International human rights treaties prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender and also require States to ensure the protection and realization of women’s rights in all areas – from property ownership and freedom from violence, to equal access to education and participation in government. Violence against women has been defined to include “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against WomenFreedom from violence and fear of violence is essential to the full enjoyment of all human rights. Under international human rights law, States have an obligation to refrain from committing acts of violence against women (for example, the State is responsible for ensuring that soldiers do not commit rape) and to put in place laws and policies to prevent others from doing the same (such as by criminalizing domestic violence.
NANDINI PAWAR 27616 Hrs 17 Min 19 Sec POOJA YADAV , BA LLB (5 SEM), JV-I/19/3375, TOPIC- EXCLUSIVE RIGHT AND LAW FOR WOMEN LEADS TO EQUALITYWomen are entitled to enjoy the same human rights and fundamental freedoms as other individuals. International human rights treaties require State parties to take proactive steps to ensure that women’s human rights are respected by law and to eliminate discrimination, inequalities, and practices that negatively affect women’s rights. Under international human rights law, women may also be entitled to specific additional rights such as those concerning reproductive healthcare.As a particularly vulnerable group, women have special status and protection within the United Nations and regional human rights systems. International human rights treaties prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender and also require States to ensure the protection and realization of women’s rights in all areas – from property ownership and freedom from violence, to equal access to education and participation in government. Violence against women has been defined to include “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against WomenFreedom from violence and fear of violence is essential to the full enjoyment of all human rights. Under international human rights law, States have an obligation to refrain from committing acts of violence against women (for example, the State is responsible for ensuring that soldiers do not commit rape) and to put in place laws and policies to prevent others from doing the same (such as by criminalizing domestic violence.
NANDINI SHARMA 27616 Hrs 18 Min 32 Sec #Nandini Sharma#JV-I/21/5196#BBA LLb 1st sem#Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womens University#Exclusive Right & Law for Women Leads to Equlity, Economic & Social Freedom# "Real change in India will come when women begin to affect the political deliberation of the nation." The women rights are nationally accepted and constitutionally guaranteed to uplift women through socio-economic and educational opportunities to satisfy the constitutional goals of equality and social justice for historical reasons. their development over the past decades is being pursued through positive discrimination in their favor in education, employment, governance and other areas. There have been a number of legal provisions made in the Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, Indian Evidence Act to give protection to women and to deal with offences committed against women. 3 major all-Indian Womens organisation which were firmly set in the year of 1927 are - WIA, NCWI, AIWC.
NANDINI PAWAR 27616 Hrs 20 Min 54 Sec #NANDINI PAWAR , #BBALLB(5 SEM) , JV-I/19/3478 #TOPIC - EXCLUSIVE RIGHT AND LAW FOR WOMEN LEADS TO EQUALITY women and girls bear a disproportionate burden of negative social, economic, and environmental impacts while having less access to benefits such as job creation, supply contracts, or compensation, which may be generated by private sector development. Negative gender stereotypes reinforce and perpetuate historical and structural patterns of discrimination, which undermine women’s ability to enjoy improved socio-economic conditions. In 155 out of 173 economies, at least one gender-based legal restriction exists on women’s employment and entrepreneurship (World Bank). Globally, women only make 77 cents for everEquality and non-discrimination are core human rights concepts; everyone should be treated equally, regardless of their status. In addition, gender equality is essential to achieve peaceful societies, with full human potential and sustainable development. The attainment of equality amongst the sexes, and the elimination of all forms of gender-based discrimination are fundamental human rights and United Nations values as enshrined within several key human rights instruments. Notably, however, many human rights impacts stemming from business activities are ‘gendered’ in that they affect women disproportionately. There has arguably been too little attention to gender issues in most business and human rights frameworks and initiatives, including the UNGPs, which has been noted by several actors, including the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights which issued a Gender Guidance for states and businesses in 2019 y dollar men earn (UN Women). This has given rise to a ‘gender pay gap’ of 23% worldwide. One reason for this gap is occupational segregation .
KIRAN SINGH 27616 Hrs 22 Min 34 Sec #KIRAN SINGH #JV-I/17/1489 #B.COM LLB 9th SEM # JAYOTI VIDYAPEETH WOMENS UNIVERSITY #EXCLUSIVE RIGHT AND LAW FOR WOMEN LEADS TO EQUALITY ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL FREEDOM Women are entitled to enjoy the same human rights and fundamental freedoms as other individuals. International human rights treaties require State parties to take proactive steps to ensure that women’s human rights are respected by law and to eliminate discrimination, inequalities, and practices that negatively affect women’s rights. Under international human rights law, women may also be entitled to specific additional rights such as those concerning reproductive healthcare.As a particularly vulnerable group, women have special status and protection within the United Nations and regional human rights systems. International human rights treaties prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender and also require States to ensure the protection and realization of women’s rights in all areas – from property ownership and freedom from violence, to equal access to education and participation in government. Violence against women has been defined to include “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against WomenFreedom from violence and fear of violence is essential to the full enjoyment of all human rights. Under international human rights law, States have an obligation to refrain from committing acts of violence against women (for example, the State is responsible for ensuring that soldiers do not commit rape) and to put in place laws and policies to prevent others from doing the same (such as by criminalizing domestic violence.
POOJA 27616 Hrs 23 Min 18 Sec #SHAIWALINI PRITY #JV-I/19/3325 # BA LLB 5TH SEM # TOPIC topic exclusive right and law for women leads to equality economic and social freedom .Frequently, women and girls bear a disproportionate burden of negative social, economic, and environmental impacts while having less access to benefits such as job creation, supply contracts, or compensation, which may be generated by private sector development. Negative gender stereotypes reinforce and perpetuate historical and structural patterns of discrimination, which undermine women’s ability to enjoy improved socio-economic conditions. In 155 out of 173 economies, at least one gender-based legal restriction exists on women’s employment and entrepreneurship (World Bank). Globally, women only make 77 cents for everEquality and non-discrimination are core human rights concepts; everyone should be treated equally, regardless of their status. In addition, gender equality is essential to achieve peaceful societies, with full human potential and sustainable development. The attainment of equality amongst the sexes, and the elimination of all forms of gender-based discrimination are fundamental human rights and United Nations values as enshrined within several key human rights instruments. Notably, however, many human rights impacts stemming from business activities are ‘gendered’ in that they affect women disproportionately. There has arguably been too little attention to gender issues in most business and human rights frameworks and initiatives, including the UNGPs, which has been noted by several actors, including the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights which issued a Gender Guidance for states and businesses in 2019 y dollar men earn (UN Women). This has given rise to a ‘gender pay gap’ of 23% worldwide. One reason for this gap is occupational segregation .
POOJA 27616 Hrs 24 Min 26 Sec #SHAIWALINI PRITY #JV-I/19/3325 # BA LLB 5TH SEM # TOPIC topic exclusive right and law for women leads to equality economic and social freedom .Frequently, women and girls bear a disproportionate burden of negative social, economic, and environmental impacts while having less access to benefits such as job creation, supply contracts, or compensation, which may be generated by private sector development. Negative gender stereotypes reinforce and perpetuate historical and structural patterns of discrimination, which undermine women’s ability to enjoy improved socio-economic conditions. In 155 out of 173 economies, at least one gender-based legal restriction exists on women’s employment and entrepreneurship (World Bank). Globally, women only make 77 cents for everEquality and non-discrimination are core human rights concepts; everyone should be treated equally, regardless of their status. In addition, gender equality is essential to achieve peaceful societies, with full human potential and sustainable development. The attainment of equality amongst the sexes, and the elimination of all forms of gender-based discrimination are fundamental human rights and United Nations values as enshrined within several key human rights instruments. Notably, however, many human rights impacts stemming from business activities are ‘gendered’ in that they affect women disproportionately. There has arguably been too little attention to gender issues in most business and human rights frameworks and initiatives, including the UNGPs, which has been noted by several actors, including the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights which issued a Gender Guidance for states and businesses in 2019 y dollar men earn (UN Women). This has given rise to a ‘gender pay gap’ of 23% worldwide. One reason for this gap is occupational segregation .
ROMIKA BHARTI 27616 Hrs 28 Min 00 Sec #ROMIKA BHARTI #JV-I/18/2512 #BA-LLB 7th sem # jayoti vidyapeeth womens university # topic exclusive right and law for women leads to equality economic and social freedom .Frequently, women and girls bear a disproportionate burden of negative social, economic, and environmental impacts while having less access to benefits such as job creation, supply contracts, or compensation, which may be generated by private sector development. Negative gender stereotypes reinforce and perpetuate historical and structural patterns of discrimination, which undermine women’s ability to enjoy improved socio-economic conditions. In 155 out of 173 economies, at least one gender-based legal restriction exists on women’s employment and entrepreneurship (World Bank). Globally, women only make 77 cents for everEquality and non-discrimination are core human rights concepts; everyone should be treated equally, regardless of their status. In addition, gender equality is essential to achieve peaceful societies, with full human potential and sustainable development. The attainment of equality amongst the sexes, and the elimination of all forms of gender-based discrimination are fundamental human rights and United Nations values as enshrined within several key human rights instruments. Notably, however, many human rights impacts stemming from business activities are ‘gendered’ in that they affect women disproportionately. There has arguably been too little attention to gender issues in most business and human rights frameworks and initiatives, including the UNGPs, which has been noted by several actors, including the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights which issued a Gender Guidance for states and businesses in 2019 y dollar men earn (UN Women). This has given rise to a ‘gender pay gap’ of 23% worldwide. One reason for this gap is occupational segregation .
KIRAN SHARMA 27616 Hrs 33 Min 27 Sec #KIRAN SHARMA #JV-I/17/1449 #BA LLB 9 SEM #jayoti vidyapeeth womens university # topic exclusive right and law for women leads to equality economic and social freedom International human rights treaties require State parties to take proactive steps to ensure that women’s human rights are respected by law and to eliminate discrimination, inequalities, and practices that negatively affect women’s rights. Under international human rights law, women may also be entitled to specific additional rights such as those concerning reproductive healthcare.As a particularly vulnerable group, women have special status and protection within the United Nations and regional human rights systems. International human rights treaties prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender and also require States to ensure the protection and realization of women’s rights in all areas – from property ownership and freedom from violence, to equal access to education and participation in government. Violence against women has been defined to include “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women Freedom from violence and fear of violence is essential to the full enjoyment of all human rights. Under international human rights law, States have an obligation to refrain from committing acts of violence against women (for example, the State is responsible for ensuring that soldiers do not commit rape) and to put in place laws and policies to prevent others from doing the same (such as by criminalizing domestic violence.
SAKSHI UPADHYAY 27616 Hrs 35 Min 15 Sec #Sakshi Upadhyay,#jv-i/18/2494,#BBA-LLB(7 SEM.) ,#Topic----exclusive rights and laws for women leads to equality,economic and social freedom . Frequently, women and girls bear a disproportionate burden of negative social, economic, and environmental impacts while having less access to benefits such as job creation, supply contracts, or compensation, which may be generated by private sector development. Negative gender stereotypes reinforce and perpetuate historical and structural patterns of discrimination, which undermine women’s ability to enjoy improved socio-economic conditions. In 155 out of 173 economies, at least one gender-based legal restriction exists on women’s employment and entrepreneurship (World Bank). Globally, women only make 77 cents for everEquality and non-discrimination are core human rights concepts; everyone should be treated equally, regardless of their status. In addition, gender equality is essential to achieve peaceful societies, with full human potential and sustainable development. The attainment of equality amongst the sexes, and the elimination of all forms of gender-based discrimination are fundamental human rights and United Nations values as enshrined within several key human rights instruments. Notably, however, many human rights impacts stemming from business activities are ‘gendered’ in that they affect women disproportionately. There has arguably been too little attention to gender issues in most business and human rights frameworks and initiatives, including the UNGPs, which has been noted by several actors, including the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights which issued a Gender Guidance for states and businesses in 2019 y dollar men earn (UN Women). This has given rise to a ‘gender pay gap’ of 23% worldwide. One reason for this gap is occupational segregation .
BHUMIKA SHARMA 1 27616 Hrs 58 Min 48 Sec #Bhumika Sharma,#jv-i/18/2703,#BBA-LLB(7 SEM) #Topic-- exclusive right and law for women leads to equality economic and social freedom Women are entitled to enjoy the same human rights and fundamental freedoms as other individuals. International human rights treaties require State parties to take proactive steps to ensure that women’s human rights are respected by law and to eliminate discrimination, inequalities, and practices that negatively affect women’s rights. Under international human rights law, women may also be entitled to specific additional rights such as those concerning reproductive healthcare.As a particularly vulnerable group, women have special status and protection within the United Nations and regional human rights systems. International human rights treaties prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender and also require States to ensure the protection and realization of women’s rights in all areas – from property ownership and freedom from violence, to equal access to education and participation in government. Violence against women has been defined to include “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against WomenFreedom from violence and fear of violence is essential to the full enjoyment of all human rights. Under international human rights law, States have an obligation to refrain from committing acts of violence against women (for example, the State is responsible for ensuring that soldiers do not commit rape) and to put in place laws and policies to prevent others from doing the same (such as by criminalizing domestic violence.
BHUMIKA SHARMA 1 27616 Hrs 59 Min 09 Sec #Bhumika Sharma,#jv-i/18/2703,#BBA-LLB(7 SEM) #Topic-- exclusive right and law for women leads to equality economic and social freedom Women are entitled to enjoy the same human rights and fundamental freedoms as other individuals. International human rights treaties require State parties to take proactive steps to ensure that women’s human rights are respected by law and to eliminate discrimination, inequalities, and practices that negatively affect women’s rights. Under international human rights law, women may also be entitled to specific additional rights such as those concerning reproductive healthcare.As a particularly vulnerable group, women have special status and protection within the United Nations and regional human rights systems. International human rights treaties prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender and also require States to ensure the protection and realization of women’s rights in all areas – from property ownership and freedom from violence, to equal access to education and participation in government. Violence against women has been defined to include “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against WomenFreedom from violence and fear of violence is essential to the full enjoyment of all human rights. Under international human rights law, States have an obligation to refrain from committing acts of violence against women (for example, the State is responsible for ensuring that soldiers do not commit rape) and to put in place laws and policies to prevent others from doing the same (such as by criminalizing domestic violence.
SHAILY VERMA 27617 Hrs 03 Min 27 Sec #Jvn shaily Verma Class BA LLB 7 semester #Jv-i/18/2462 Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens University # exclusive right and law for women leads to equality economic and social freedom Womens rights are the rights and entitlements claimed for women and girls worldwide. They formed the basis for the womens rights movement in the 19th century and the feminist movements during the 20th and 21st centuries. In some countries, these rights are institutionalized or supported by law, local custom, and behavior, whereas in others, they are ignored and suppressed. They differ from broader notions of human rights through claims of an inherent historical and traditional bias against the exercise of rights by women and girls, in favor of men and boys. Promoting and protecting the ESC rights of women provides a unique opportunity to link with strategies for defense of civil and political rights.It also challenges many existing assumptions regarding women’s role in society and can lead to substantive changes in the unequal power relations between men and women. One strategic area of work for the promotion of women’s economic and social rights is that of building alliances between women’s rights groups and human rights groups. In addition, it is important to support linkages between women’s groups and other social movements that work in the area of economic and social justice.Trade unions, farmers’ organizations, groups working for media and cultural freedom, environmental rights groups, groups workng for the rights of minority and indigenous communities should become natural allies in this work.Bringing a gender-sensitive approach to the work of these various groups, however, remains a major challenge.
VANDANA 1 27617 Hrs 04 Min 46 Sec #vandana#jv-i/18/2310#ba.llb#jvwu#Exclusive Right & Law for Women Leads to Equality, Economic & Social Freedom #In India, there is no paucity of laws for women. Our Constitution provides exclusive rights to women for their protection and development. Furthermore, IPC, CRPC and Evidence Act are also active when it comes to women and their protection. We have some special laws as well for effective implementation of the rights of women against abuse, Harassment, violence, inequality etc. against them such as the Protection of Women from Domestic violence Act, 2005; the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956, the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION and REDRESSAL) Act, 2013 etc. #There are some of exclusive rights are Right to maintenance Right to equal pay Right to dignity and decency Right against domestic violence Rights at workplace Right against dowry Right to free legal aid Right of private defense #Every woman has the right to live in dignity, free of fear, coercion, violence and discrimination. Law very well respects women’s dignity and modesty. The criminal law provides for the punishments for offences committed against women like Sexual Harassment (Sec. 354A), assault with intent to disrobe her (Sec. 354B) or to outrage her modesty (Sec. 354), Voyeurism (Sec. 354C), Stalking (354D) etc. and for the protection of the women at workplace the Supreme Court and the Govt. had put in to ensure the safety of women at workplaces. The Supreme Court in Vishakha v. State of Rajasthan, had laid down exclusive guidelines for protection of women from Sexual Harrasment at workplace.
AASHU GUPTA 27617 Hrs 06 Min 21 Sec #Aashugupta#jv-i/18/2513#ba.llb#jvwu#Exclusive Right & Law for Women Leads to Equality, Economic & Social Freedom #we live in a world where goddesses are worshiped and women get harassed, raped, and kidnapped every single day. Keeping a check on a number of women-related cases, the government of India provides crucial rights to Indian women. #Our Constitution, IPC, CRPC and Evidence Act are provides some rights to women and their protection. We have some special laws against them such as the Protection of Women from Domestic violence Act, 2005; the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 #Human rights are women rights and women rights are human rights, once and for all by Hillary Clinton. #There are some rights for women which lead to equality, economic, social freedom are #Women have the right to equal pay #Women have the right to dignity and decency #Women have the right against workplace harassment #Female sexual assault victims have the right to keep their identity anonymous #Women have the right to get free legal aid #Women have the right to register virtual complaints #Women have a right against domestic violence Section 498 of the Indian Constitution looks to protect a wife, female live-in partner or a woman living in a household like a mother or a sister from domestic violence including verbal, economic, emotional and sexual by the hands of a husband, male live-in partner or relatives, #Case law #it was upheld in Sushil Kumar Sharma v. Union of India 2005. The CRPC,1973 provides that for the prosecution of offences under Section 498A IPC, the courts can take cognizance only when it receives a report of the facts from the police or upon a complaint being made by the victim or her family.
UJJWALA KUMARI 27617 Hrs 31 Min 01 Sec #ujjwala kumari #enrollment no-jv-i/18/2323#Ba llb(7th semester)# jayoti Vidyapeeth womens University Jaipur# On the grounds of gender equality, here are 12 rights an Indian woman holds in India 1. Women have the right to equal pay According to the provisions listed under the Equal Remuneration Act, one cannot be discriminated on the basis of sex when it comes to salary, pay or wages. 2. Women have the right to dignity and decency In an event that the accused is a woman, any medical examination procedure on her must be performed by -- or in the presence of -- another woman. 3. Women have the right against workplace harassment The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act gives a female the right to file a complaint against any kind of sexual harassment at her place of work. 4. Women have a right against domestic violence Section 498 of the Indian Constitution looks to protect a wife, female live-in partner or a woman living in a household like a mother or a sister from domestic violence (including verbal, economic, emotional and sexual) by the hands of a husband, male live-in partner or relatives. 5. Female sexual assault victims have the right to keep their identity anonymous 6. Women have the right to get free legal aid Under the Legal Services Authorities Act, female rape victims have the right to get free legal aid or help from the Legal Services Authority who has to arrange a lawyer for her. 7. Women have right not to be arrested at night Unless there is an exceptional case on the orders of a first class magistrate, a woman cannot be arrested after sunset and before sunrise. 8. Women have the right to register virtual complaints The law gives women the provision for filing virtual complaints via e-mail, or writing her complaint and sending it to a police station from a registered postal address.
UJJWALA KUMARI 27639 Hrs 27 Min 01 Sec #ujjwala kumari #enrollment no-jv-i/18/2323#Ba llb(7th semester)# jayoti Vidyapeeth womens University Jaipur# On the grounds of gender equality, here are 12 rights an Indian woman holds in India 1. Women have the right to equal pay According to the provisions listed under the Equal Remuneration Act, one cannot be discriminated on the basis of sex when it comes to salary, pay or wages. 2. Women have the right to dignity and decency In an event that the accused is a woman, any medical examination procedure on her must be performed by -- or in the presence of -- another woman. 3. Women have the right against workplace harassment The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act gives a female the right to file a complaint against any kind of sexual harassment at her place of work. 4. Women have a right against domestic violence Section 498 of the Indian Constitution looks to protect a wife, female live-in partner or a woman living in a household like a mother or a sister from domestic violence (including verbal, economic, emotional and sexual) by the hands of a husband, male live-in partner or relatives. 5. Female sexual assault victims have the right to keep their identity anonymous 6. Women have the right to get free legal aid Under the Legal Services Authorities Act, female rape victims have the right to get free legal aid or help from the Legal Services Authority who has to arrange a lawyer for her. 7. Women have right not to be arrested at night Unless there is an exceptional case on the orders of a first class magistrate, a woman cannot be arrested after sunset and before sunrise. 8. Women have the right to register virtual complaints The law gives women the provision for filing virtual complaints via e-mail, or writing her complaint and sending it to a police station from a registered postal address.
KIRAN SHARMA 27639 Hrs 47 Min 41 Sec #kiran#jv-i/17/1449#BA LLB (9 SEM )#jayoti vidyapeeth womens university #topic #exclusive rights and laws for women leads to equality, economic and social freedom Women have the right to equal pay according to the provisions listed under the equal remuneration act one cannot be discriminated on the basis of sex when it comes to salary, pay or wages .women have the rights to dignity and decency in an event that the accused is a woman Amy medical examination procedure on her must be performed by or in the presence of another women women have the right against workplace harassment the sexual harassment of women at work place act gives a female the right to file a complaint against any kind of sexual harassment at her place of work women have a right against domestic violence section 498 of the Indian constitution looks to protect a wife female live in partner or a woman living in a household like a mother or a sister from domestic violence. Female sexual assault victims have the rights to keep their identity anonymous to ensure their privacy is protected a women who has been sexually assaulted may record her statement alone before the district magistrate when the case in under trial or in the presence of a female police officer. Women have the right to get free legal aid.women have right not to be arrested at night ,women have the right to register virtual complaints, women have the right against indecent representation, women have the right against being stalked.
PRACHI SINGH 27639 Hrs 54 Min 58 Sec PRACHI SINGH JV-I-17-1412 BBA LBB 9TH SEM The United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human rights on 10 December 1948 which proclaims that all human beings are born free and have equal right to dignity .Similarly Indian Constitution guarantees several rights such as the right to equality in Article 14, right to life and personal liberty under Article 21 of Constitution to all its citizens irrespective of gender . Gender equality means a society in wherein both women and men enjoy the same opportunities, rights and obligations in different spheres of life. Equality in decision making, economic and social freedom, equal access to education and right to practice an occupation of one’s choice.In order to promote gender equality , we need to the empowerment of women,and concentrate on areas which are most crucial to her well being. Women’s empowerment, economic, social, political, is vital to growth of any nation and to protect and nurture human rights. Constitutional rights available to women in India- Fundamental right to equality before Law that is, equal protection of laws in India- Article 14 Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.However art 15(3) empowers state to make any special provision for women and children -Article 15 Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment or opportunity to any office under state and prohibits discrimination on ground of sex- Article 16 Freedom of speech and expression and freedom to practice any profession or to carry out any occupation , trade or business – Article 19 Protection of life and personal liberty- Article 21 Right to Privacy- Article 21 Right to property- Art. 300-A Political rights- women reservation in for instance, panchayats. Art 15 of the Constitution allows special provisions for women and children to be made for their welfare. Under the Legal Services Authorities Act women and children are entitled to free legal aid . Under the Constitution of India , the Directive Principles of State Policy contain duties of the State to apply these principles while making laws.These principles state that state shall direct its policies to secure that citizens , men and women equally have the right to an adequate means of livelihood, that there is equal pay for both men and women, provide free and compulsory education for children and duty to improve public health.Whereasincase of violation of fundamental rights , these rights are enforceable , that is , a victim can seek legal redress through a court of law , the directive principles are only a guiding factor and its non observance is not actionable before court of law. The lack of legal knowledge among many women, especially in developing countries, is a major obstacle in the improvement of womens situation. International bodies, such as the United Nations, have stated that the obligation of states does not only consist in passing relevant laws, but also in informing women about the existence of such laws, in order to enable them to seek justice and realize in practice their rights. Therefore, states must popularize the laws, and explain them clearly to the public, in order to prevent ignorance, or misconceptions originating in popular myths, about the laws. The United Nations Development Programme states that, in order to advance gender justice, "Women must know their rights and be able to access legal systems",[180] and the 1993 UN Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women states at Art. 4 (d) [...] "States should also inform women of their rights in seeking redress through such mechanisms".
MANISHA 27640 Hrs 20 Min 08 Sec # Manisha Enroll - jv-i/17/1470 BA.LLB IXth sem #JayotiVidyapeethWomenUniveresityJaipur topic - #rights and law for women leads to equality, economic and social freedom in india. Equality between women and men in the world of work has seen some encouraging improvements, but progress on closing gender gaps has stalled.3 Persistent disparities remain between women and men, including in labour market participation, pay for work of equal value, representation of women in high-paying occupations and managerial positions, and the distribution of unpaid care work. Violence and harassment, including sexual harassment, also remains a reality for many women in the world of work.4 Achieving economic empowerment and gender equality for women will require proactive and transformative policies from a variety of global stakeholders, including governments, companies, employers’ and workers’ organizations, and civil society. Regarding access to medicines, WHO has included modern methods of contraception, including emergency contraception, in its Model List of Essential Medicines. Recognizing that access to medicines to ensure sexual and reproductive health can sometimes be restricted on political, cultural or legal rather than medical grounds, the Special Rapporteur on the right to health has called on States to “ensure that access to essential medicines for treating ... sexual and reproductive health ... is based purely on health needs and evidence and not restricted on account of extraneous non-health Women’s empowerment, economic, social, political, is vital to growth of any nation and to protect and nurture human rights. One of the most important economic impacts of women’s rights is increased labor force participation. Women remain a largely underutilized source of talent and labor. Within the developing world, women are often relegated to work on small farms and are more likely to be employed in informal and low-paid jobs than men are. When legal and social restrictions against working women are dismantled and pay is more equally distributed, participation of women in the workforce increases.
VANDANA SHARMA 27640 Hrs 31 Min 44 Sec #Soma Choudhary#jv-i/19/3821#BBa-LLB 5th semester#JayotiVidyapeethWomenUniveresityJaipur#Exclusive Right & Law for Women Leads to Equlity, Economic & Social Freedom#JVMission The principle of gender equality is enshrined in the Indian Constitution in its Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and Directive Principles. The Constitution not only grants equality to women,but also empowers the State to adopt measures of positive discrimination in favour of women.Rightly did Swami Vivekananda say, Just as a bird cannot fly with one wing only, a Nation cannot march forward if the women are left behind’. Men and women are the two holes of a perfect whole. Strength is borne of their union their separation results in weakness. Each has what the other does not have. Each completes the other, and is completed by other.There is no doubt that we are in the midst of a great revolution in the history of women. The evidence is everywhere; the voice of women is increasingly heard in Parliament, courts and in the streets. While women in the West had to fight for over a century to get some of their basic rights, like the right to vote, the Constitution of India gave women equal rights with men from the beginning. Unfortunately, women in this country are mostly unaware of their rights because of illiteracy and the oppressive tradition. Names like Kalpana Chawla: The Indian born, who fought her way up into NASA and was the first women in space, and Indira Gandhi: The Iron Woman of India was the Prime Minister of the Nation, Beauty Queens like Aishwarya Rai and Susmita Sen, and Mother Teresa are not representative of the condition of Indian women.
VANDANA SHARMA 27640 Hrs 32 Min 36 Sec #Soma Choudhary#jv-i/19/3821#BBa-LLB 5th semester#JayotiVidyapeethWomenUniveresityJaipur#Exclusive Right & Law for Women Leads to Equlity, Economic & Social Freedom#JVMission The principle of gender equality is enshrined in the Indian Constitution in its Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and Directive Principles. The Constitution not only grants equality to women,but also empowers the State to adopt measures of positive discrimination in favour of women.Rightly did Swami Vivekananda say, Just as a bird cannot fly with one wing only, a Nation cannot march forward if the women are left behind’. Men and women are the two holes of a perfect whole. Strength is borne of their union their separation results in weakness. Each has what the other does not have. Each completes the other, and is completed by other.There is no doubt that we are in the midst of a great revolution in the history of women. The evidence is everywhere; the voice of women is increasingly heard in Parliament, courts and in the streets. While women in the West had to fight for over a century to get some of their basic rights, like the right to vote, the Constitution of India gave women equal rights with men from the beginning. Unfortunately, women in this country are mostly unaware of their rights because of illiteracy and the oppressive tradition. Names like Kalpana Chawla: The Indian born, who fought her way up into NASA and was the first women in space, and Indira Gandhi: The Iron Woman of India was the Prime Minister of the Nation, Beauty Queens like Aishwarya Rai and Susmita Sen, and Mother Teresa are not representative of the condition of Indian women.
PRANALI KESHARWANI 27640 Hrs 34 Min 27 Sec #pranalikeshrawani#jv-i/18/2465#BA-LLB#jvmissin#jvwu#exclusibe right and law for women leads to equality economic and social freedom #One of the most important economic impacts of women’s rights is increased labor force participation. Women remain a largely underutilized source of talent and labor. Women currently comprise more than 40 percent of the world’s labor force, but are paid less than men and spend more of their time doing housework and caring for children than men do. Within the developing world, women are often relegated to work on small farms and are more likely to be employed in informal and low-paid jobs than men are. When legal and social restrictions against working women are dismantled and pay is more equally distributed, participation of women in the workforce increases. As more women enter the workforce, they work more productively, since unpaid labor like childcare and housework is split more evenly between sexes. Women’s participation is also an essential part of economic expansion, which leads to greater investment and job creation. Closing the labor force gap between men and women by just 25 percent would result in 100 million new jobs for women by 2025. In some nations, removing legal obstacles for women entering the workforce would raise economic output by 25 percent.
SHIPRA CHAUHAN 27640 Hrs 35 Min 15 Sec #Shipra Chauhan Enroll- jv-i/17/1379 BA.LLB IXth sem #Jayoti Vidhyapeeth Womens University Topic - Exclusive rights & laws for women leads to equality, economic & social freedom Attaining equality between women and men and eliminating all forms of discrimination against women are fundamental human rights and United Nations values. Women around the world nevertheless regularly suffer violations of their human rights throughout their lives, and realizing women’s human rights has not always been a priority. Achieving equality between women and men requires a comprehensive understanding of the ways in which women experience discrimination and are denied equality so as to develop appropriate strategies to eliminate such discrimination. “Inherent to the principle of equality between men and women, or gender equality, is the concept that all human beings, regardless of sex, are free to develop their personal abilities, pursue their professional careers and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender roles and prejudices.”a The concept of equality between men and women includes both formal and substantive equality .This social positioning of women and men is affected by political, economic, cultural, social, religious, ideological and environmental factors, and can be changed by culture, society and community. Regarding access to medicines, WHO has included modern methods of contraception, including emergency contraception, in its Model List of Essential Medicines. Recognizing that access to medicines to ensure sexual and reproductive health can sometimes be restricted on political, cultural or legal rather than medical grounds, the Special Rapporteur on the right to health has called on States to “ensure that access to essential medicines for treating ... sexual and reproductive health ... is based purely on health needs and evidence and not restricted on account of extraneous non-health considerations”
NIKITA SHEKHAWAT 27640 Hrs 36 Min 22 Sec #Nikita Shekhawat #jv-p/21/5103 #LLM 1semester #jvwu #topic - #rights and law for women leads to equality, economic and social freedom in india. The United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human rights on 10 December 1948 which proclaims that all human beings are born free and have equal right to dignity .Similarly Indian Constitution guarantees several rights such as the right to equality in Article 14, right to life and personal liberty under Article 21 of Constitution to all its citizens irrespective of gender . Gender equality means a society in wherein both women and men enjoy the same opportunities, rights and obligations in different spheres of life. Equality in decision making, economic and social freedom, equal access to education and right to practice an occupation of one’s choice.In order to promote gender equality , we need to the empowerment of women,and concentrate on areas which are most crucial to her well being. Women’s empowerment, economic, social, political, is vital to growth of any nation and to protect and nurture human rights. One of the most important economic impacts of women’s rights is increased labor force participation. Women remain a largely underutilized source of talent and labor. Within the developing world, women are often relegated to work on small farms and are more likely to be employed in informal and low-paid jobs than men are. When legal and social restrictions against working women are dismantled and pay is more equally distributed, participation of women in the workforce increases. As more women enter the workforce, they work more productively, since unpaid labor like childcare and housework is split more evenly between sexes. Women’s participation is also an essential part of economic expansion, which leads to greater investment and job creation. Closing the labor force gap between men and women by just 25 percent would result in 100 million new jobs for women by 2025. In some nations, removing legal obstacles for women entering the workforce would raise economic output by 25 percent.
NIKITA SHEKHAWAT 27640 Hrs 36 Min 37 Sec #Nikita Shekhawat #jv-p/21/5103 #LLM 1semester #jvwu #topic - #rights and law for women leads to equality, economic and social freedom in india. The United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human rights on 10 December 1948 which proclaims that all human beings are born free and have equal right to dignity .Similarly Indian Constitution guarantees several rights such as the right to equality in Article 14, right to life and personal liberty under Article 21 of Constitution to all its citizens irrespective of gender . Gender equality means a society in wherein both women and men enjoy the same opportunities, rights and obligations in different spheres of life. Equality in decision making, economic and social freedom, equal access to education and right to practice an occupation of one’s choice.In order to promote gender equality , we need to the empowerment of women,and concentrate on areas which are most crucial to her well being. Women’s empowerment, economic, social, political, is vital to growth of any nation and to protect and nurture human rights. One of the most important economic impacts of women’s rights is increased labor force participation. Women remain a largely underutilized source of talent and labor. Within the developing world, women are often relegated to work on small farms and are more likely to be employed in informal and low-paid jobs than men are. When legal and social restrictions against working women are dismantled and pay is more equally distributed, participation of women in the workforce increases. As more women enter the workforce, they work more productively, since unpaid labor like childcare and housework is split more evenly between sexes. Women’s participation is also an essential part of economic expansion, which leads to greater investment and job creation. Closing the labor force gap between men and women by just 25 percent would result in 100 million new jobs for women by 2025. In some nations, removing legal obstacles for women entering the workforce would raise economic output by 25 percent.
SALONI JAIN 27640 Hrs 37 Min 31 Sec #saloni jain#jv-i/18/2496#bba llb#jvwu#exclusibe right and law for women leads to equality economic and social freedom#When men leave their villages for better-paid jobs in cities or abroad, women get saddled with the farm work as well as their domestic chores. When bloated state enterprises “rationalise” their workforces, women get laid off before male “heads of household.” When sweatshops seek underpaid casual labour, women are the first to be recruited. When newly rich men dabble in vice, village girls get dragooned into prostitution and middle-aged matrons wind up divorced.Yet when fast-changing lifestyles provoke a traditionalist backlash, patriarchy reasserts itself with a vengeance. When inflation bids up dowries and social pressures depress birth rates, girl babies get aborted or murdered in their cribs to make way for male heirs. When the resulting skew in the sex ratio makes for a shortage of marriageable women, a black market arises for kidnapped brides. [1] This excerpt from the magazine Far Eastern Economic Review graphically captures the multifaceted discrimination and exploitation faced by women. Processes of political and economic transformation that have changed the face of the world over the past decades have had a profound impact on the lives of women. Many of these changes have been positive. Some, however, have strengthened the bonds of subordination and discrimination against women, restricting them from enjoyment of their economic and social rights.nternal conflicts and wars have led to displacement and destruction of property and livelihoods, which place women in an ever more vulnerable position. Military conflict also results in an increase in violence and crime, and women and girls become particular targets.Extremism and religious fundamentalism deny women’s autonomy and subject them to the most cruel and inhuman of punishments for “transgression” of norms laid out by those in power within the hierarchies that rule these movements. The rapid globalization of the world’s economies has brought in its wake not only structural adjustment programs that weaken national economies and nation-states, but also promotion of forms of industrialization and agriculture that are more exploitative of both human and natural resources. Statistics show that the female labor force is the most affected.n addition, as the poor of the world become poorer, women become the poorest of them all; the “feminization” of poverty is a reality in the contemporary world. A decrease in social spending—for example, on public health, education, transport, food and fertilizer subsidies—has been a critical part of the “structural adjustment programs” imposed on many countries by the international financial institutions. This decrease has had a disastrous impact on the quality of life of populations in general, and on disadvantaged communities, such as women, in particular. (See Module 26 for more on this issue.) The United Nations Development Programme’s Human Development Report 1993 highlighted various areas in which women fare worse than men in accessing as well as enjoying ESC entitlements: Literacy—Women are much less likely than men to be literate.n South Asia, female literacy rates are only around 50% those of males . . . in Nepal 35% . . . Sudan 27%. Women make up two-thirds of the world’s illiterates. Higher education—Women in developing countries lag far behind men. In Sub-Saharan Africa, their enrolment rates for tertiary education are only a third of those of men. Even in industrial countries, women are very poorly represented in scientific and technical study . . . Employment—In developing countries women have many fewer job opportunities, the employment participation rates of women are on average only 50% those of men (in South Asia 29% and in Arab States only 16%) . . . Wage discrimination is also a feature of industrial countries: in Japan, women receive only 51%.
NIKITA SHEKHAWAT 27640 Hrs 40 Min 34 Sec #Nikita Shekhawat #jv-p/21/5103 #LLM 1semester #jvwu #topic - #rights and law for women leads to equality, economic and social freedom in india. The United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human rights on 10 December 1948 which proclaims that all human beings are born free and have equal right to dignity .Similarly Indian Constitution guarantees several rights such as the right to equality in Article 14, right to life and personal liberty under Article 21 of Constitution to all its citizens irrespective of gender . Gender equality means a society in wherein both women and men enjoy the same opportunities, rights and obligations in different spheres of life. Equality in decision making, economic and social freedom, equal access to education and right to practice an occupation of one’s choice.In order to promote gender equality , we need to the empowerment of women,and concentrate on areas which are most crucial to her well being. Women’s empowerment, economic, social, political, is vital to growth of any nation and to protect and nurture human rights. One of the most important economic impacts of women’s rights is increased labor force participation. Women remain a largely underutilized source of talent and labor. Within the developing world, women are often relegated to work on small farms and are more likely to be employed in informal and low-paid jobs than men are. When legal and social restrictions against working women are dismantled and pay is more equally distributed, participation of women in the workforce increases. As more women enter the workforce, they work more productively, since unpaid labor like childcare and housework is split more evenly between sexes. Women’s participation is also an essential part of economic expansion, which leads to greater investment and job creation. Closing the labor force gap between men and women by just 25 percent would result in 100 million new jobs for women by 2025. In some nations, removing legal obstacles for women entering the workforce would raise economic output by 25 percent.
JYOTI GUSAIWAL 27640 Hrs 40 Min 59 Sec #Jvn shaily Verma Class BA LLB 7 semester #Jv-i/18/2462 Jayoti Vidyapeeth womens University # exclusive right and law for women leads to equality economic and social freedom Womens rights are the rights and entitlements claimed for women and girls worldwide. They formed the basis for the womens rights movement in the 19th century and the feminist movements during the 20th and 21st centuries. In some countries, these rights are institutionalized or supported by law, local custom, and behavior, whereas in others, they are ignored and suppressed. They differ from broader notions of human rights through claims of an inherent historical and traditional bias against the exercise of rights by women and girls, in favor of men and boys. Promoting and protecting the ESC rights of women provides a unique opportunity to link with strategies for defense of civil and political rights.It also challenges many existing assumptions regarding women’s role in society and can lead to substantive changes in the unequal power relations between men and women. One strategic area of work for the promotion of women’s economic and social rights is that of building alliances between women’s rights groups and human rights groups. In addition, it is important to support linkages between women’s groups and other social movements that work in the area of economic and social justice.Trade unions, farmers’ organizations, groups working for media and cultural freedom, environmental rights groups, groups workng for the rights of minority and indigenous communities should become natural allies in this work.Bringing a gender-sensitive approach to the work of these various groups, however, remains a major challenge.
AASHU GUPTA 27640 Hrs 44 Min 33 Sec #Aashugupta#jv-i/18/2513#ba.llb#jvwu#Exclusive Right & Law for Women Leads to Equality, Economic & Social Freedom #We live in a world where goddesses are worshiped and women get harassed, raped, and kidnapped every single day. Keeping a check on a number of women-related cases, the government of India provides crucial rights to Indian women. #Our Constitution, IPC, CRPC and Evidence Act are provides some rights to women and their protection. We have some special laws against them such as the Protection of Women from Domestic violence Act, 2005; the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION and REDRESSAL) Act, 2013. #Human rights are womens rights and womens rights are human rights, once and for all by Hillary Clinton. #There are some rights for women which lead to equality, economic, social freedom are #Women have the right to equal pay #Women have the right to dignity and decency #Women have the right against workplace harassment #Female sexual assault victims have the right to keep their identity anonymous #Women have the right to get free legal aid #Women have the right to register virtual complaints #Women have a right against domestic violence Section 498 of the Indian Constitution looks to protect a wife, female live-in partner or a woman living in a household like a mother or a sister from domestic violence including verbal, economic, emotional and sexual by the hands of a husband, male live-in partner or relatives, #Case law #it was upheld in Sushil Kumar Sharma v. Union of India 2005. The CRPC,1973 provides that for the prosecution of offences under Section 498A IPC, the courts can take cognizance only when it receives a report of the facts from the police or upon a complaint being made by the victim or her family.
VANDANA 1 27641 Hrs 09 Min 11 Sec #vandana#jv-i/18/2310#ba.llb#jvwu#Exclusive Right & Law for Women Leads to Equality, Economic & Social Freedom #In India, there is no paucity of laws for women. Our Constitution provides exclusive rights to women for their protection and development. Furthermore, IPC, CRPC and Evidence Act are also active when it comes to women and their protection. We have some special laws as well for effective implementation of the rights of women against abuse, Harassment, violence, inequality etc. against them such as the Protection of Women from Domestic violence Act, 2005; the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956, the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION and REDRESSAL) Act, 2013 etc. #There are some of exclusive rights are Right to maintenance Right to equal pay Right to dignity and decency Right against domestic violence Rights at workplace Right against dowry Right to free legal aid Right of private defense #Every woman has the right to live in dignity, free of fear, coercion, violence and discrimination. Law very well respects women’s dignity and modesty. The criminal law provides for the punishments for offences committed against women like Sexual Harassment (Sec. 354A), assault with intent to disrobe her (Sec. 354B) or to outrage her modesty (Sec. 354), Voyeurism (Sec. 354C), Stalking (354D) etc. and for the protection of the women at workplace the Supreme Court and the Govt. had put in to ensure the safety of women at workplaces. The Supreme Court in Vishakha v. State of Rajasthan, had laid down exclusive guidelines for protection of women from Sexual Harrasment at workplace.